White House has settled in

764,467 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by cbbass1
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The only thing I am interested in is a firm resolve to criminally indict tRump and every culpable member of his Crime Family, including associates, the day he leaves office. Although, as I have stated previously, any criminal trial against that group will result in a hung jury because jury nullification will come into play. However, because of the inherent cowardice of the tRump males, the possibility exists that they will cop a plea because going to trial takes a certain size of genitalia that none of them are possessed off.
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Another Bear
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Here's my take...

Before going for impeachment the Dems need to tighten up the House investigations, get a smoking gun and/or momentum, leverage. They also need a game plan with some options, looking for dirty tricks and the typical Trump diversion and chaos. I'd set a target and a time limit to move on this. Just set a time. I'd say end of July, early August when DC is asleep.

Mostly the Dems have to decide if they're going to impeach and not back down. Frankly at this point it seems like a question of WHEN, not if. They just have to tape their fcckin' balls back on and kick some butt and take names. Seriously, call out each GOP who is backing Trump and make it a campaign...a dirty one if need be.

It seems pretty clear to me Trump and company are typical bullies and the only way to fight a bully is call them out and punch until they're down or submit. Make it hurt or they'll ignore it.

Nancy Pelosi is famous for vote counting. Until now they didn't have the votes and it will go to the Senate who will sit on their hands unless their jobs are at stake or there's momentum. My guess is she's started counting impeachment votes and doing the calculus. Not sure it that will work or matters. Obviously you still do that but you start to build momentum or CRITICAL MASS amongst the public. Make it a campaign. Get staff and PR on it.

This can't be DC politics as usual and that's one of the big problems. Have to move the game OUTSIDE, street ball. Have to get the public involved...make this a MOVEMENT to save American democracy. Make it more than about Trump because it is.

The more I think about it...the Dems should do a little sandbagging and play dumb and say no impeachment. But of course hatch a plan for it. Drop the hammer in August when DC is dead and Trump is in Florida.

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OneKeg said:

GBear4Life said:

Why is pocket deuces always dismissed as a bad hand? It's a better hand than A/K when heads up....
I also like 2-2 late position, either limping in or being among multiple callers of a single raise when chip stacks are large compared to the blinds. If a 2 comes on the flop to give you a set, it's a great disguised/sleeper hand to win a big pot, possibly doubling up. If not, fold it for minimal loss (or as always, possibly bluff if you read weakness).
Exactly. It can be a great limping hand or small raised hand that you can walk away from if the flop is ugly. And best case scenario is what you describe.

What Geraldo should have said was it was like being handed a 2-7 off suit
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Define "support". Be specific. Like "still would vote for him" or like "fanboy denial about his flaws".
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How I interpreted geraldo's statement is that pocket 2's is neither a clearly great hand nor a clearly bad hand. It's basically a hand you would play under most circumstances but with measured expectation of success.

I think that pretty much sums up the position mueller has put congress in re whether to impeach
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GBear4Life said:

Define "support". Be specific. Like "still would vote for him" or like "fanboy denial about his flaws".

My definition of "support tRump":
1. You would vote for him again;
2. You approve of his offensive behavior;
3. You don't think his behavior is offensive;
4. You don't think his offensive behavior is relevant;
5. You believe he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;
6. You don't think it is relevant whether he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;
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An honor was conferred on me today. After a 9 1/2 year posting career at the Daily Mail and a 63% approval rating (up votes vs down votes) I received the following email notification this morning:


Your account has been permanently de- activated for going against the Community Guidelines.

You are no longer allowed to post on the Daily Mail or other Associated Newspapers Ltd sites using this or any other user.

Senior Community Editor
Daily Mail

The lifetime ban was in connection to my recent comments on stories relating to tRump. Yes, this pastey Mick has been BANNED IN THE UK!

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GBear4Life said:

OneKeg said:

GBear4Life said:

Why is pocket deuces always dismissed as a bad hand? It's a better hand than A/K when heads up....
I also like 2-2 late position, either limping in or being among multiple callers of a single raise when chip stacks are large compared to the blinds. If a 2 comes on the flop to give you a set, it's a great disguised/sleeper hand to win a big pot, possibly doubling up. If not, fold it for minimal loss (or as always, possibly bluff if you read weakness).
Exactly. It can be a great limping hand or small raised hand that you can walk away from if the flop is ugly. And best case scenario is what you describe.

What Geraldo should have said was it was like being handed a 2-7 off suit

2-7 on or off-suit is mostly an auto-fold (when not playing for free in the big blind), maybe with a hard bluff once in a blue moon against obvious weakness being the only other possibility.

You think that's the hand the Dems got from Mueller? It's that clear to you that pushing impeachment in the House (and of course being blocked in the Senate) will rally the Republican base more than it rallies the Democratic base?

You might be right but I don't think it's a sure thing. Nov. 2018, which was admittedly a mid-term election, showed what happens when both bases are highly activated (has the caravan destroyed America yet?), and it was mostly good for the Dems.

Of course, there's also the whole thing about him clearly deserving to be impeached in any sane world.
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bearister said:

GBear4Life said:

Define "support". Be specific. Like "still would vote for him" or like "fanboy denial about his flaws".
My definition of "support tRump":
1. You would vote for him again;
2. You approve of his offensive behavior;
3. You don't think his behavior is offensive;
4. You don't think his offensive behavior is relevant;
5. You believe he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;
6. You don't think it is relevant whether he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;

Bearister is not qualified for Prez either I guess, nor is he qualified to live up to the moral standards he demands of other humans. Does this mean that people who "support" your posts "are morally, intellectually, psychologically" unqualified (and an abject hypocrite) to post on BI?

"What I fail to understand is how any person of good will and conscience can support a man that conducts himself in the manner that Bearister does".

Denis Leary as Kellyanne Conway


Louie Anderson as Sarah Huckabee Sanders
This was just handy, it's not even your greatest hits, and pales in comparison to other posters who share your delusions. Your empty moralizing parameters are weak and, not surprisingly, ignores politics and policy. And you're a lawyer for christ sake.

Nobody buys the BI LWNJ sanctimony for anything other than it is: DTS sanctimony manifesting as moral posturing. It's so patently insincere, hypocritical, and laughable.
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My definition of "support tRump":
1. You would vote for him again
I don't vote in presidential elections, but if I did, I'd consider voting for him depending on the opposing candidate. Why wouldn't anybody NOT vote for Trump if they deem his political priorities better aligns with theirs than his opponent? Because he says dumb sh*t? Because he probably obstructed an investigation into him? Please.

I think the public conservatives who have argued rational, scathing criticisms of Trump (much of which I agree with) that believe another 4 years of Trump would be too damaging to the Republicans long term is sheer poppycock.

I think Maxine Waters is filthier garbage than Trump. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. But I'm not perplexed as to why a sincere, well-to-do liberal would vote for her. To NOT understand why is arrogant and self-serving.

I don't subscribe to the premise that "support" (i.e. voting) for a candidate signifies absolute support of everything that candidate says, thinks and feels.

2. You approve of his offensive behavior;
What's offensive to you? Or me? (my answer: nothing. There is behavior that is inappropriate; behavior being offensive is a weak argument IMO. Being offended by words is a personal issue). Are no Liberals "offensive"?

Some I love, some I'm ambivalent about, some I detest. His behavior I detest (e.g. mocking the re t arded kid) affects my view of his character, not my view of his policies. I like that he blasts CNN. I like that he calls out MSM (he's not always right), I like that he doesn't pay lip service to PC SJW identitarian culture. The tribalism of that culture is more divisive than anything Trump can say or do for the next 8 years, IMO.

I like that he doesn't act like a politician sometimes (but sometimes he should). I like that he's lowered taxes for the middle class and poor. I don't like that it was not enough. I like that he blasts people who have an agenda to destroy him (including republicans). I like that he ran on immigration, something more popular than MSM will admit (MSM won't cover immigration honestly).

I assumed he was a greasy SOB 10 years ago. I have zero issues accepting that Trump probably has broken the law as POTUS. All of this hysteria is just affirmation seeking. It's like wow, Trump is kind of a sleezebag. This is not new. Impeach him. Bill Clinton was too. And I liked him politically and personally, generally speaking.

3. You don't think his behavior is offensive;
Answered that

4. You don't think his offensive behavior is relevant;
Answered that

5. You believe he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;
Objection your Honor: leading the witness; vague and ambiguous.

But he certainly seems less qualified in those three aspects than many who've preceded him.


6. You don't think it is relevant whether he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;
It's not necessarily wholly irrelevant. But an assertion that your threshold for these traits ought to tip the scales for any other morally rational person or else it's something "you don't understand" is, well, a product of your deluded sanctimony.
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GBear4Life, I caught you engaging in a smidgen of Deep Fakery revisionist history: It was the brilliant artisan B.A. Bearacus that came up with the Louie Anderson casting as Sarah Huckandpee Sanders, not me. Not much harm done by you since I would have been proud to own that one.

Oh, and I consider this part of tRump's disqualifying Offensive Conduct:

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated


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bearister said:

Oh, and I consider this part of tRump's disqualifying Offensive Conduct:

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated


And the GOP Trumpistas like Kelly and GB4Life believed every one of those lies!

They are like the captain who goes down with the ship. Honor.
Even though there's a dingy available for them to save themselves.

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GBear4Life said:

I don't vote in presidential elections

B.A. Bearacus
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DT would try to tell you that Russia prefers tequila over vodka. The Fox chyron would read: "President Trump: Russians prefer tequila over vodka."

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bearister said:

GBear4Life said:

Define "support". Be specific. Like "still would vote for him" or like "fanboy denial about his flaws".

My definition of "support tRump":
1. You would vote for him again;
2. You approve of his offensive behavior;
3. You don't think his behavior is offensive;
4. You don't think his offensive behavior is relevant;
5. You believe he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;
6. You don't think it is relevant whether he is morally, intellectually and psychologically qualified to be POTUS;

C'mon,man... you know the answer as well as I do. Say it with me now:

IOIYAR It's the best whitewash around!
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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I would like to add an additional reflection: Stormy flips the bird like a man. You kinda gotta respect that.

*R.I.P. Dennis Yost. You had a master set of pipes. Too bad you were not in a better band so that all would know your name.
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sycasey said:

GBear4Life said:

I don't vote in presidential elections

Isn't that somewhat unamerican?
B.A. Bearacus
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Turtle is lucky to have Deranged D in office to keep the laser beam focus away from how truly evil he himself is.
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concordtom said:

sycasey said:

GBear4Life said:

I don't vote in presidential elections

Isn't that somewhat unamerican?

42% of us are Unamerican
B.A. Bearacus
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Assessing the president's exposure to various investigations, many seeded by the special counsel Robert Mueller during his investigation of Russian election interference, Wolff writes: "Trump was vulnerable because for 40 years he had run what increasingly seemed to resemble a semi-criminal enterprise."

He then quotes Bannon as saying: "I think we can drop the 'semi' part."
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sycasey said:

GBear4Life said:

I don't vote in presidential elections

yeaaaaaaaahhhhhh....let's move this away from our tribemates being called out for abject hypocrisy
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Mueller's inaction over Trump has let the US down. Why is he holding back?

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GBear4Life said:

sycasey said:

GBear4Life said:

I don't vote in presidential elections

yeaaaaaaaahhhhhh....let's move this away from our tribemates being called out for abject hypocrisy
Sorry, it just always perks up my ears when someone who has been loudly holding forth on politics says they don't vote. Unless you live in Guam or something, I don't get it.

If you want to know what I think of your little back-and-forth with bearister and others: I think the regular anti-Trump gifs and memes posted here are mostly dumb. I also think complaining about them is kind of dumb, because this is the kind of crap that happens with every President. It's not special.
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The Patriot POTUS

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sycasey said:

...If you want to know what I think of your little back-and-forth with bearister and others: I think the regular anti-Trump gifs and memes posted here are mostly dumb...

Do you know why I spend so much time bashing tRump? It's because ...

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bearister said:

sycasey said:

...If you want to know what I think of your little back-and-forth with bearister and others: I think the regular anti-Trump gifs and memes posted here are mostly dumb...

Do you know why I spend so much time bashing tRump? It's because ...

I mean, I think they're harmlessly dumb for the most part (because as I said, every president gets it).
B.A. Bearacus
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sycasey said:

I mean, I think they're harmlessly dumb for the most part (because as I said, every president gets it).
This boy ain't like the other 44.
Another Bear
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Bottom line: Trump should NOT be POTUS. For god fccking sake. His tweet said, "because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected". Indirect admission Russia helped get him elected.

Mueller clearly states Russia interfered in the 2016 election. This isn't normal. It's fccking crazy if you think about it.

Crazier, Trump is so stupid he doesn't understand impeachment. He believe he can get out of it via court action, his usual Roy Cohen shake down.
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Another example of tRump's stupidity is that when he tried to deny having anything to do with the shenanigans involving the USS John McCain ( because he realized it was universally viewed as abhorrent conduct) he stated that the people from his end had good intentions. How do you have good intentions about horrible actions? It was tRump's stupid tell that he was all for it. He is basically the dumbest kid you knew in 5th grade.
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Hasn't been a candidate worth voting for in my adult life. Plus I live in California.

If you were paying attention, my post was about blow-hard hypocrisy, morally and politically, not about making fun of politicians.

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GBear4Life said:

Hasn't been a candidate worth voting for in my adult life. Plus I live in California.

If you were paying attention, my post was about blow-hard hypocrisy, morally and politically, not about making fun of politicians.

You sure hold forth on political matters in general, though.

And in every election there should be some candidate you like more than the other. No excuse.
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