For those who would personally vote for Trump again in 2020

23,854 Views | 205 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by iwantwinners
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AunBear89 said:

I know you are, but what am I?

(Just trying to keep the discourse on your level)

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Golden One
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Putting aside his beliefs on immigration, what are the specific qualities of Trump (other than that he represents the GOP) that you admire? This is a safe space so you will not be attacked.

Sorry, B.A, I tried to keep the discourse civil in my responses, but others in this thread chose to go into attack mode. I refuse to join them, so I done with this subject.
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Golden One said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Putting aside his beliefs on immigration, what are the specific qualities of Trump (other than that he represents the GOP) that you admire? This is a safe space so you will not be attacked.

Sorry, B.A, I tried to keep the discourse civil in my responses, but others in this thread chose to go into attack mode. I refuse to join them, so I done with this subject.

Interestingly enough I never personalized my attack on your positions, you, on the other hand, called me out by name and said my statements are not true, that I am arrogant and that I am a sore loser..... yet you are the one picking up your toys and going home.
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Trumpkin SOP.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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Listen, you butthurt Cultservative, you were the one to start name calling. The only thing that was called racist were your opinions. Get over it. If you spew racist nonsense you'll get called on it. "Intolerant lib" will be the next words from you. Damn right! I have ZERO tolerance for Republicans' intolerance.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Putting aside his beliefs on immigration, what are the specific qualities of Trump (other than that he represents the GOP) that you admire? This is a safe space so you will not be attacked.

It's okay, you're still in the BARGAINING phase.

And why putting aside immigration, that's one of his only sensible political policies.
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bearister said:

Speak for yourself. Anyone that would vote for him again is either a f#*ckng moron, a racist, a selfish rich person or a traitor (or a combination of two ore more of those traits. Members of the tRump Crime Family nail all four).

Your emotional diarrhea bereft of an actual point is understandable, you're still in Grief stage 3: Anger. I'd try to show more empathy towards your emotional state, but we all know that would just be a warm embrace of your prejudice masquerading as compassion.
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bearister said:

There should be a basic Civics test you have to pass before you are allowed to vote.

Imagine a society where much of the population cannot vote? Yes, I can. I thought we were trying to escape that era. So I assume you're joking. But maybe you're a fascist. (not that your proposal isn't practical and would be valuable, would banning half the country from procreating. Most of the country's problems would be fixed in one generation if people who couldn't take care of children stopped having them. But that's not a policy I'm proposing.)
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People here will call their spouse's hometown a sh*thole, they'll call their friend's place of work a ****hole, they'll call a neighboring town, state, or region of the country a sh*thole, but they cannot fathom -- and simultaneously lose their sh*t -- over a president in a private conversation calling a country with a majority illiterate population where over half don't attend any school, live in poverty, non-existent civil liberties and government infrastructure, etc etc etc a sh*thole. The selective outrage is truly amusing. No shame in just saying you hate Trump and his politics, and you can sidestep this side-show of feigned principled outrage.
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Golden One said:

mikecohen said:

Oh Boy: Racist on its face - despite its faux plea to poor schools, which rather are much more prevalent in Red States that voted Trump
Yeah, sure. Everything is racist to many libs. Give it a rest. Hate to break it to you, but many of the worst performing schools in the country are in big cities, most of which voted for Hillary and are run by libs.

By the way, by attacking me as a racist you have violated the OP's pledge that respondents in this thread wouldn't be attacked. Nice going.
Like L.A. county, one of the worst performing districts with one of the highest ratios of money spent per pupil. Why? 65% Hispanic, many of them ESL or from ESL families.
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bearister said:

I'm benefitting financially from tRump's polices so it was a no lose situation for me. I just happen to be altruistic and have always voted against my best financial interests. With regard to The Day of Reckoning, have you ever asked yourself why early last year tRump had his attorneys looking into the extent of his pardon power? I suppose your only response to that question is that it is Fake News that tRump ever made such an inquiry. You can be rest assured Mueller knows he did. Semper Fi! Oorah!
You're altruistic with other people's money, that's not altruistic. You're a fraud. When you're not working through your anger over 11/8/16, you're virtue signaling to rebuild your sense of self, disguised as compassion for others demonstrated by your actual behavior.

Your "altruism" (lol) is nothing more than the warm embrace of ideological bias and prejudice. On the surface, it reads to many as an empathetic, selfless gesture.

I'm sure you're very concerned about executive power right now, but acquiesced 8 years of executive power, including unconstitutional ones like DACA, which Obama admitted.
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iwantwinners said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Putting aside his beliefs on immigration, what are the specific qualities of Trump (other than that he represents the GOP) that you admire? This is a safe space so you will not be attacked.

It's okay, you're still in the BARGAINING phase.

And why putting aside immigration, that's one of his only sensible political policies.
Sensible? Based to a large extent, if not entirely on the racist lies handed to him, probably scrawled on a piece of toilet paper, by Ann Coulter, essentially scapegoating a (to his base) despised minority, by smearing tens of millions of people with examples of bad behavior of both a tiny percentage of the scapegoated minority, which percentage of course also includes representatives of other immigration groups not mentioned, essentially because they are not members of a racial group.

Also based on the racist fear of being overwhelmed and/or otherwise disadvantaged by probably all new immigrant groups, prevalent in our politics forever, including against, among others, the Swiss, Germans, Chinese and Irish (in the 19th Century), the Southern and Eastern Europeans, not to mention Cubans and Haitians (in the 20th Century), the special case of Japanese in WWI (which proved virtually 100% false, despite its obviousness to all, including the cowardly Supreme Court of the day), the Jews (always), etc.

Also based on the false idea, also bigoted, that TERRORISM can be stopped by blocking travel from some Muslim countries, when (a) the terrorism here by Muslims was by either (i) visitors from OTHER countries, or (ii) American residents and/or citizens, born and/or raised here; and (b) there has been as much terrorism here from white extremists.

Also based on the equally false (and racist) ideas that immigrants (and/or vaguely foreigners) are:
(a) stealing our jobs, when the thieves are overwhelmingly automation and other forms of technical (not to mention financial) advances making payment for THOSE jobs at the previous rates economically unthinkable; and/or
(b) overwhelming our population (when, in recent years preceding the current administration, immigration and migration from the racially despised countries has essentially equalized (i.e., with the same number exiting as entering).

Also based on the idea, discovered false hundreds of years ago by the Chinese, and obviously meaningless in the face of the zillions of alternatives in the modern world, that a physical wall could have meaningful practical effect.

Also based on the idea (as it has become painfully clear as the administration's thinking becomes more and more revealed) that immigration from "white" countries is preferable to immigration from "colored" countries.

Also fueled by idea, beloved by the base (so to speak), that deporting millions of productive people and their families, here because of loose immigration policies in the past (largely to the economic benefit of this country, where, as it turns out, places with more immigrants are more prosperous than places with fewer immigrants), and who are, for most intents and purposes, virtually Americans, is a lovely idea.

Also blind to the reality that at least a large percentage of the immigrants the administration wants to exclude are crucial to certain of our economic sectors, such that their absence will create real economic problems for the country at large, in, for example, raising the cost of American-grown agricultural products to the American public and commensurately making those products less competitive internationally.

This is a paradigm for how absolutely insane this administration is on maybe almost everything.
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iwantwinners said:

bearister said:

I'm benefitting financially from tRump's polices so it was a no lose situation for me. I just happen to be altruistic and have always voted against my best financial interests. With regard to The Day of Reckoning, have you ever asked yourself why early last year tRump had his attorneys looking into the extent of his pardon power? I suppose your only response to that question is that it is Fake News that tRump ever made such an inquiry. You can be rest assured Mueller knows he did. Semper Fi! Oorah!
You're altruistic with other people's money, that's not altruistic. You're a fraud. When you're not working through your anger over 11/8/16, you're virtue signaling to rebuild your sense of self, disguised as compassion for others demonstrated by your actual behavior.

Your "altruism" (lol) is nothing more than the warm embrace of ideological bias and prejudice. On the surface, it reads to many as an empathetic, selfless gesture.

I'm sure you're very concerned about executive power right now, but acquiesced 8 years of executive power, including unconstitutional ones like DACA, which Obama admitted.

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iwantwinners said:

bearister said:

Speak for yourself. Anyone that would vote for him again is either a f#*ckng moron, a racist, a selfish rich person or a traitor (or a combination of two ore more of those traits. Members of the tRump Crime Family nail all four).

Your emotional diarrhea bereft of an actual point is understandable, you're still in Grief stage 3: Anger. I'd try to show more empathy towards your emotional state, but we all know that would just be a warm embrace of your prejudice masquerading as compassion.
If you'd like to discuss policy, rather than just insult people, the "Most Financially Irresponsible Government We've Ever Had" thread is open for some Republican to come defend their party's current fiscal policies. None have yet.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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The more I hear the words "racist" and "misogynist" thrown around to describe anyone who might dare to agree with some of Trump's policies and deviate from the "liberal" talking points, the more I fear we will see a repeat of November 2016.

Echo-chamber agreements and "resist" chants alone may not result in votes.

Let's hope that I'm wrong.
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I ageee with Cupcakes

If Little Marco or Lying Ted was President we would have the same policies as Trump- expansion of military, more endless wars, tax cuts, cutting of social nets, cutting of regulations - but with more "Presidential" qualities, which means more bulls$it. Trump is an establishment Republican in the mainstream of his party. If you want to beat him, focus on his policies and find a leader; don't focus on his tweets or personality because that didn't work in 2016.
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If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and implements/supports racist and misogynistic policies like a duck...
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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Anarchistbear said:

I ageee with Cupcakes

If Little Marco or Lying Ted was President we would have the same policies as Trump- expansion of military, more endless wars, tax cuts, cutting of social nets, cutting of regulations - but with more "Presidential" qualities, which means more bulls$it. Trump is an establishment Republican in the mainstream of his party. If you want to beat him, focus on his policies and find a leader; don't focus on his tweets or personality because that didn't work in 2016.
I don't know. I'm a white guy. As a white guy it sounds easy to say, just focus on his policies. If I were a women or a minority, maybe I'd be offended at people saying, just focus on his policies. Easy for a white guy to say. White guys aren't being devalued by his rhetoric.

I hope I don't get a timeout for my comment here. The one timeout I've received on this site was for calling Trump a racist - which he obviously is.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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iwantwinners said:

People here will call their spouse's hometown a sh*thole, they'll call their friend's place of work a ****hole, they'll call a neighboring town, state, or region of the country a sh*thole, but they cannot fathom -- and simultaneously lose their sh*t -- over a president in a private conversation calling a country with a majority illiterate population where over half don't attend any school, live in poverty, non-existent civil liberties and government infrastructure, etc etc etc a sh*thole.
Sounds like Trump's constituents.

"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." - DJT
B.A. Bearacus
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Anarchistbear said:

I ageee with Cupcakes

If Little Marco or Lying Ted was President we would have the same policies as Trump- expansion of military, more endless wars, tax cuts, cutting of social nets, cutting of regulations - but with more "Presidential" qualities, which means more bulls$it. Trump is an establishment Republican in the mainstream of his party. If you want to beat him, focus on his policies and find a leader; don't focus on his tweets or personality because that didn't work in 2016.

I don't think constantly lying and having a blatant disregard for truth should be trivialized as just a "presidential" quality. The fact that some conservatives have built up their gag reflexes to the most openly dishonest ***** of a president in all our lifetimes is something of a non-starter for having constructive discussions with those who think presidents should be held accountable for their lies.

Maybe we should just change "let there be light" to "let there be whatever serves power" or "let there be lying because if you can get away with it you're winning."
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Because the policies towards minorities and women aren't exclusive to Trump
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There are links to Parts 1 and 2. Well worth reading for anyone interested in what to do about Trump
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Anarchistbear said:

I ageee with Cupcakes

If Little Marco or Lying Ted was President we would have the same policies as Trump- expansion of military, more endless wars, tax cuts, cutting of social nets, cutting of regulations - but with more "Presidential" qualities, which means more bulls$it. Trump is an establishment Republican in the mainstream of his party. If you want to beat him, focus on his policies and find a leader; don't focus on his tweets or personality because that didn't work in 2016.

I don't think constantly lying and having a blatant disregard for truth should be trivialized as just a "presidential" quality. The fact that some conservatives have built up their gag reflexes to the most openly dishonest ***** of a president in all our lifetimes is something of a non-starter for having constructive discussions with those who think presidents should be held accountable for their lies.

Maybe we should just change "let there be light" to "let there be whatever serves power" or "let there be lying because if you can get away with it you're winning."

So what are you saying- this whole thread is a joke?
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Anarchistbear said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Anarchistbear said:

I ageee with Cupcakes

If Little Marco or Lying Ted was President we would have the same policies as Trump- expansion of military, more endless wars, tax cuts, cutting of social nets, cutting of regulations - but with more "Presidential" qualities, which means more bulls$it. Trump is an establishment Republican in the mainstream of his party. If you want to beat him, focus on his policies and find a leader; don't focus on his tweets or personality because that didn't work in 2016.

I don't think constantly lying and having a blatant disregard for truth should be trivialized as just a "presidential" quality. The fact that some conservatives have built up their gag reflexes to the most openly dishonest ***** of a president in all our lifetimes is something of a non-starter for having constructive discussions with those who think presidents should be held accountable for their lies.

Maybe we should just change "let there be light" to "let there be whatever serves power" or "let there be lying because if you can get away with it you're winning."

So what are you saying- this whole thread is a joke?
Anarchistbear, are you really an anarchist? If so, I'd like to hear more about those views. Anarchy sounds awful to me, but maybe I don't understand it.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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I always just assumed that he'd misspelled AntiChrist during the registration process
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Anarchistbear said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Anarchistbear said:

I ageee with Cupcakes

If Little Marco or Lying Ted was President we would have the same policies as Trump- expansion of military, more endless wars, tax cuts, cutting of social nets, cutting of regulations - but with more "Presidential" qualities, which means more bulls$it. Trump is an establishment Republican in the mainstream of his party. If you want to beat him, focus on his policies and find a leader; don't focus on his tweets or personality because that didn't work in 2016.

I don't think constantly lying and having a blatant disregard for truth should be trivialized as just a "presidential" quality. The fact that some conservatives have built up their gag reflexes to the most openly dishonest ***** of a president in all our lifetimes is something of a non-starter for having constructive discussions with those who think presidents should be held accountable for their lies.

Maybe we should just change "let there be light" to "let there be whatever serves power" or "let there be lying because if you can get away with it you're winning."

So what are you saying- this whole thread is a joke?
Thus far, most of it has been.
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The Tiki Torch Brigade is up voting all of their posts so they turn blue although they have lobbied the Mods for red shading.
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The literal definition is "without rulers." But there are many branches of anarchy ranging from libertarian to communitarian. Most support resisting the hierarchy and authority of the state; others focus on the destruction of the corporate state and capitalism; others to forming local socialist collectives or worker movements ; yet others worship the individualist, Thoreau/Nietzsche.
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"Stephen Bannon, President Trump's chief political strategist and, after Trump, the most powerful man in Washington, once declared proudly: "I am a Leninist." He was talking to a New York university academic who had written extensively on communism and the former Soviet Union. "What on earth do you mean?" the professor asked him. "Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that's my goal too," replied Bannon. "I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today's establishment." The Guardian (One of Bannon's favorite news sources).
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B.A. Bearacus
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Anarchistbear said:

So what are you saying- this whole thread is a joke?

Saying this thread was a "safe space" was a joke because this isn't a dictatorship (well, maybe Bear Greg) and I can't enforce rules like that. I really just wanted to know what, if anything, conservatives on BI (who presumably went to that echo chamber of knowledge-seeking called Cal and signal that virtue on their sleeves on Saturdays and sometimes other days) find redeeming in a man who is so intellectually bankrupt and repugnant on so many levels. Are there some traits that they actually admire in this duplicitous buffoon that allow them not to recoil when hearing him speak or reading his tweets? Is it enough that he is on the right side of enough policy issues that it really doesn't matter that he is diminishing the Office of the Presidency and our country's standing and is someone they are actually disgusted by?

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Lenin destroyed a state and built a new one. Bannon is a lightweight. He did sh$t. Bannon is to Lenin as Trump is to George Washington.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Anarchistbear said:

So what are you saying- this whole thread is a joke?

Saying this thread was a "safe space" was a joke because this isn't a dictatorship (well, maybe Bear Greg) and I can't enforce rules like that. I really just wanted to know what, if anything, conservatives on BI (who presumably went to that echo chamber of knowledge-seeking called Cal and signal that virtue on their sleeves on Saturdays and sometimes other days) find redeeming in a man who is so intellectually bankrupt and repugnant on so many levels. Are there some traits that they actually admire in this duplicitous buffoon that allow them not to recoil when hearing him speak or reading his tweets? Is it enough that he is on the right side of enough policy issues that it really doesn't matter that he is diminishing the Office of the Presidency and our country's standing and is someone they are actually disgusted by?

Us older guys have a burning question: When was the cross over point when The Finest Public University in the World started churning out the Richard Spencer-esq wankers that have been stalking this forum?
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B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

Us older guys have a burning question: When was the cross over point when The Finest Public University in the World started churning out the Richard Spencer-esq wankers that have been stalking this forum?
Maybe around the time we earned our new designation as the "Second Best Public University in California"?

Knowledge is overrated -- even sissy and weak, possibly gay -- at this point. Should we just say fucuck it and give Trump an honorary Cal degree?

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B.A. Bearacus said:

bearister said:

Us older guys have a burning question: When was the cross over point when The Finest Public University in the World started churning out the Richard Spencer-esq wankers that have been stalking this forum?
Maybe around the time we earned our new designation as the "Second Best Public University in California"?

Knowledge is overrated -- even sissy and weak, possibly gay -- at this point. Should we just say fucuck it and give Trump an honorary Cal degree?

I would only agree to conferring a steaming hot pile of Furd degree on him.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Putting aside his beliefs on immigration, what are the specific qualities of Trump (other than that he represents the GOP) that you admire? This is a safe space so you will not be attacked.

i have all sorts of problems with Trump, more with his divisive (if not offensive) style, than his policies (though I'm not crazy about some of them either). But that misses the points of elections. In particular, the propensity of both parties to nominate flawed candidates. So my question is who is Trump running against? If its Clinton again, yes, I vote for Trump holding my nose.
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