iwantwinners said:
B.A. Bearacus said:
Putting aside his beliefs on immigration, what are the specific qualities of Trump (other than that he represents the GOP) that you admire? This is a safe space so you will not be attacked.

It's okay, you're still in the BARGAINING phase.
And why putting aside immigration, that's one of his only sensible political policies.
Sensible? Based to a large extent, if not entirely on the racist lies handed to him, probably scrawled on a piece of toilet paper, by Ann Coulter, essentially scapegoating a (to his base) despised minority, by smearing tens of millions of people with examples of bad behavior of both a tiny percentage of the scapegoated minority, which percentage of course also includes representatives of other immigration groups not mentioned, essentially because they are not members of a racial group.
Also based on the racist fear of being overwhelmed and/or otherwise disadvantaged by probably all new immigrant groups, prevalent in our politics forever, including against, among others, the Swiss, Germans, Chinese and Irish (in the 19th Century), the Southern and Eastern Europeans, not to mention Cubans and Haitians (in the 20th Century), the special case of Japanese in WWI (which proved virtually 100% false, despite its obviousness to all, including the cowardly Supreme Court of the day), the Jews (always), etc.
Also based on the false idea, also bigoted, that TERRORISM can be stopped by blocking travel from some Muslim countries, when (a) the terrorism here by Muslims was by either (i) visitors from OTHER countries, or (ii) American residents and/or citizens, born and/or raised here; and (b) there has been as much terrorism here from white extremists.
Also based on the equally false (and racist) ideas that immigrants (and/or vaguely foreigners) are:
(a) stealing our jobs, when the thieves are overwhelmingly automation and other forms of technical (not to mention financial) advances making payment for THOSE jobs at the previous rates economically unthinkable; and/or
(b) overwhelming our population (when, in recent years preceding the current administration, immigration and migration from the racially despised countries has essentially equalized (i.e., with the same number exiting as entering).
Also based on the idea, discovered false hundreds of years ago by the Chinese, and obviously meaningless in the face of the zillions of alternatives in the modern world, that a physical wall could have meaningful practical effect.
Also based on the idea (as it has become painfully clear as the administration's thinking becomes more and more revealed) that immigration from "white" countries is preferable to immigration from "colored" countries.
Also fueled by idea, beloved by the base (so to speak), that deporting millions of productive people and their families, here because of loose immigration policies in the past (largely to the economic benefit of this country, where, as it turns out, places with more immigrants are more prosperous than places with fewer immigrants), and who are, for most intents and purposes, virtually Americans, is a lovely idea.
Also blind to the reality that at least a large percentage of the immigrants the administration wants to exclude are crucial to certain of our economic sectors, such that their absence will create real economic problems for the country at large, in, for example, raising the cost of American-grown agricultural products to the American public and commensurately making those products less competitive internationally.
This is a paradigm for how absolutely insane this administration is on maybe almost everything.