OsoDorado said:
I'm just so happy Trump won't be able to manipulate or bully Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.
First, because she's a physicist whose IQ is way higher than Trump's feeble mind.
And second, because she's never going to bow down to a bully. You want tariffs Trump? See what happens ....
I'm especially proud that Sheinbaum did some of her PhD research at Cal. 
What has IQ got to do with being a successful leader of a large world country?
IQ is worthless. What you do with this IQ is what is important. You can use it for good, or you can use it for evil, or you can just plain waste it. What is far more important for a president is character, and common sense. Most of our great presidents had these two qualities. IQ doesn't mean squat in the world in which Ms. Pardo lives, or in the world in which Trump lives. Remember, the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was a man of high IQ. Charles Manson was also a man of high IQ.
So Ms Pardo got a PhD in physics. How does the study of physics prepare you to govern a large country with a population of many millions? Absolutely nothing. Physics in the advanced stages involves thinking in the abstract, not in the practical. I majored in physics at Cal. After two years, I was introduced to quantum mechanics, where I could not grasp the concept of the probability that an electron or any particle would be in a particular space at a particular time. It was just too abstract for me. It had no meaning. I changed my major to Mechanical Engineering, where I was taught how to think and create and control machines. Nuts, bolts, steam, gas turbine engines. A couple of years ago, I had lunch with a young man who was a grad student in physics at Stanford, about a year away from getting his PhD. I told him why I quit studying physics, especially quantum physics, and he told me, "Don't worry. None of us physicists understand quantum physics either".
The real question about Pardo is what did she do to prepare her to be president of Mexico? Obrador was in the pocket of the Cartels. I know Mexicans who tell me that the Cartels are not all evil, that they have done things like provide free medical care in many villages and areas in Mexico. But they still did tremendous damage to the United States, with encouraging and aiding illegal drugs, criminals, and terrorists into the USA. Will Pardo also allow the Cartels to continue to operate as they have? Pardo has more recently been head of the government of Mexico City, and before that, she was the Mayor of a large borough of Mexico City, which was 80% undeveloped forest, as I understand. Forget the physics and the IQ for a moment. What do you see on her employment resume that suggests she is ready to take on Donald Trump and the vengeful electorate who elected him? America is pissed at the moment.
Trump was and will be a successful President. He is a lot sharper than you think. He is a property developer, essentially a building contractor on a massive scale. He needs to be able to work with, control, and persuade all manner of people from many walks of life, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, architects, engineers, landscapers, realtors, lawyers, bureaucrats, bankers and more, all in order to complete a project on time and within budget. Common sense is what is needed, and Trump has a good amount of that. You don't need to be a physicist for this, you just need to be someone who can get things done, and know how to get things done. In his first term as president, so many powerful people strongly opposed him, all the Democrat party, and most of the Republican party, so many special interest groups, and yet he still got things done as president. He will do it again. He has better people now to run the bureaucracy, and the opposition at home is a little weaker.