Did Trump Use His Influence With Israel To Bar Two Congresspersons From Visit?

14,273 Views | 145 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Anarchistbear
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Anarchistbear said:

sycasey said:

Anarchistbear said:

Our government has little or nothing to do with individuals and their wants and needs.

I meant more an explanation of how you think it works and what you think should be done.

Obviously I do not agree with the above blanket assertion, so you'll have to work a bit harder.

The government works on behalf of their corporate benefactors. There is a total disconnect and distrust between the people and their government which is why Trump won. The people don't want endless wars with no adversaries, jobs disappearing overseas, no raises for working people in decades, looter bankers going free, and the benefits of the "recovery" going to a few.

Mass killings, alienation, suicides and drug overdoses are at historic highs. Why do you suppose that is? It's a society which has no faith in its institutions and no center.

We live in an authoritarian state ruled by two authoritarian parties- both peddling fear- one peddles the lie that socialists and migrant hordes of immigrants are going to invade us; one peddles xenophobic nonsense about Russia/ Trump conspiracy hoaxes and that we live in a fascist state. In truth they are the most enthusiastic and second most enthusiastic shills for corporations in the world.
Oh, this should get some interesting responses.
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The type of person that thought tRump was going to cure all those ills is the same type of person that thought enrolling in tRump University was a good idea. The tRump Crime Family and associates are literally looting the country...and they will get away with it.
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Anarchistbear said:

sycasey said:

Anarchistbear said:

Our government has little or nothing to do with individuals and their wants and needs.

I meant more an explanation of how you think it works and what you think should be done.

Obviously I do not agree with the above blanket assertion, so you'll have to work a bit harder.

The government works on behalf of their corporate benefactors. There is a total disconnect and distrust between the people and their government which is why Trump won. The people don't want endless wars with no adversaries, jobs disappearing overseas, no raises for working people in decades, looter bankers going free, and the benefits of the "recovery" going to a few.

Mass killings, alienation, suicides and drug overdoses are at historic highs. Why do you suppose that is? It's a society which has no faith in its institutions and no center.

We live in an authoritarian state ruled by two authoritarian parties- both peddling fear- one peddles the lie that socialists and migrant hordes of immigrants are going to invade us; one peddles xenophobic nonsense about Russia/ Trump conspiracy hoaxes and that we live in a fascist state. In truth they are the most enthusiastic and second most enthusiastic shills for corporations in the world.

I missed the part about what you think should be done. It's easy to just sit there and say everybody sucks.
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Work locally to create a community and organizations of like minded citizens and direct democracy. Try to spread ideas via grassroot democracy. Try to subvert American politics and corporatism.
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Anarchistbear said:

Work locally to create a community and organizations of like minded citizens and direct democracy. Try to spread ideas via grassroot democracy. Try to subvert American politics and corporatism.
That's all basically what I'm talking about in the grassroots Democratic base changing attitudes towards Israel.

I'm not saying it will happen quickly . . . again, it's a long-term thing.
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So now Israel is reversing their previous decision and is now advising Rep Tlaib that she can visit relatives based on humanitarian concerns. Humanitarian concerns or was it because of the backlash that they received from both sides in Congress and the fact that their decision may have put billions of dollars in foreign aid at perceived risk? Rep. Tlaib has declined their offer advising that placing restrictions on her visit is not what her sity or grandmother would want for her. The denial of entry for Rep. Omar remains at this time. Israel did not anticipate the repercussions of its actions and may have overplayed its hand by helping out the Idiot in Chief. Many including those on both side of the isle and even AIPAC have advised Israel to reverse its decision.
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The best thing that could happen now for "this story" is that Tlaib's grandmother croaks.

Another Bear
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Welp...Joe Lieberman is saying the ban by Israel was a major mistake. Bernie is saying, "If Israel Bans Members of Congress, It Shouldn't Receive US Aid".

Seems to be Israel reversing their ban on Rep. Talib has backfired in a big way. She said she's not going because Israel is treating her like a criminal, instead of a Congresswoman from the U.S. When you hear this and understand the Palestine's situation, it resonates. Israel looks bad. The oppression comes to the surface.

Israel also looks weak and namby pamby. Suddenly she is allowed to see her grandmother for humanitarian reasons. Humanitarian reasons = it's really fccked up. Like I said, lose-lose-lose-lose.

Another Bear
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Anarchistbear said:

The best thing that could happen now for "this story" is that Tlaib's grandmother croaks.

So Anarchistbear, are you also Oski003 or GBear4Life? You're trolling hard there laddie.
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Like the title of the book says, "Everything That Trump Touches Turns To ****".
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Another Bear said:

Anarchistbear said:

The best thing that could happen now for "this story" is that Tlaib's grandmother croaks.

So Anarchistbear, are you also Oski003 or GBear4Life? You're trolling hard there laddie.

Nah, I just appreciate the rarely seen double bait and switch- this is a twitter deal not a real deal. Trump wins for more distraction of the pundit class.
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Another Bear said:

Welp...Joe Lieberman is saying the ban by Israel was a major mistake. Bernie is saying, "If Israel Bans Members of Congress, It Shouldn't Receive US Aid".

Seems to be Israel reversing their ban on Rep. Talib has backfired in a big way. She said she's not going because Israel is treating her like a criminal, instead of a Congresswoman from the U.S. When you hear this and understand the Palestine's situation, it resonates. Israel looks bad. The oppression comes to the surface.

Israel also looks weak and namby pamby. Suddenly she is allowed to see her grandmother for humanitarian reasons. Humanitarian reasons = it's really fccked up. Like I said, lose-lose-lose-lose.

I rest my case.
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Anarchistbear said:

sycasey said:

Anarchistbear said:

Our government has little or nothing to do with individuals and their wants and needs.

I meant more an explanation of how you think it works and what you think should be done.

Obviously I do not agree with the above blanket assertion, so you'll have to work a bit harder.

The government works on behalf of their corporate benefactors. There is a total disconnect and distrust between the people and their government which is why Trump won. The people don't want endless wars with no adversaries, jobs disappearing overseas, no raises for working people in decades, looter bankers going free, and the benefits of the "recovery" going to a few.

Mass killings, alienation, suicides and drug overdoses are at historic highs. Why do you suppose that is? It's a society which has no faith in its institutions and no center.

We live in an authoritarian state ruled by two authoritarian parties- both peddling fear- one peddles the lie that socialists and migrant hordes of immigrants are going to invade us; one peddles xenophobic nonsense about Russia/ Trump conspiracy hoaxes and that we live in a fascist state. In truth they are the most enthusiastic and second most enthusiastic shills for corporations in the world.
Okay, Unibomber.
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You need to change your name to antifatom!
Another Bear
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Anarchistbear said:

Another Bear said:

Anarchistbear said:

The best thing that could happen now for "this story" is that Tlaib's grandmother croaks.

So Anarchistbear, are you also Oski003 or GBear4Life? You're trolling hard there laddie.

Nah, I just appreciate the rarely seen double bait and switch- this is a twitter deal not a real deal. Trump wins for more distraction of the pundit class.
Double bait and switch...like asking the same questions about defining fascism, authoritarianism, and Nazis as a side distraction?

Okay then!
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Nice. Want an extra-judicial killing/murder of Trump but then call the GOP a terrorist. You're one sicko. Can you say red-flag? Will be sure to show your post to my Secret Service buddy and see what he says. Perhaps they'll be knocking on your door soon after serving a subpoena duces tecum to Bear Insider.

What a hoot to read yours and although the other posts! Fun to see heads exploding and rampant TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)! Can't wait until he wins a second term!
B.A. Bearacus
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bearnation93 said:

Will be sure to show your post to my Secret Service buddy and see what he says. Perhaps they'll be knocking on your door soon after serving a subpoena duces tecum to Bear Insider.
Dude, what an assshole thing to write.
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Wait, didn't antifatom demand an extra-judicial killing/murder of Trump? Or did I misread his post? Help me out, antifa b.a. bearacus.
B.A. Bearacus
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You are a straight-up newbie around here, having signed up just this month. CT's comments in that particular thread are typically beyond the pale, but threatening (or maybe you've already hit send on your email?) to have your secret service buddy jump into the fray -- gimme a break, man. Maybe try the mods first if you're really rattled by his dark humor posts in a politics sub-forum of a Cal football message board.

Bottom line: unlike you, who will possibly cry and experience pain when T passes, CT will instead rejoice and have happy feelings. Both reactions are fine, are legally protected, and are free to be expressed in this forum.

Your threat to have your real life Secret Service friend start an investigation based on your hot tip because you wanted to raise the ante in a conversation that you were not liking is weak.
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bearnation93 said:

Wait, didn't antifatom demand an extra-judicial killing/murder of Trump? Or did I misread his post? Help me out, antifa b.a. bearacus.

Another Bear
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Advisory Notice: put BearNation93 on IGNORE. His account is 13 days old...and notice all the RWNJ trolls have a number in their user name, and lots of "3"s. My guess,,,3's mean 3 K's...and in KKK.
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Yes, antifatom should be very concerned. There's no humor in wishing a sitting President, no matter the party, wanted dead. That's sick and demented. Glad to have a discussion that is civil but antifatom was beyond the pale and he anyone else will be called out every single time. Maybe you're protective of your little echo chamber but I voice my opposing opinion anytime I want and you'll take it like it. Find it ironic that for all the fraudulent props the University of California gets for supposedly being a place where "free speech" is cherished and valued, that people on this board are as intolerant of an opposing viewpoint as Mao, Hitler, Stalin, or Castro. Sick and sad.
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Cool. Welcome to the fray.
Let's get beyond the name calling and see how you do defending the positions, tweets, behavior of Trump and his Zombie followers?
Show us your intellect. If you can't, you will be ignored as a troll.

I'll start with an easy one:
How do you defend the $1T deficit Trump has ramped up and will be expanding for the rest of his term?

There is a subsequent list of about 1000 complaints, and I'd love to hear you or anyone else rationally defend him. I don't have to agree with you, but I would like to see that there is an ounce of intellect on the side of Trump. Are you up to the task?
B.A. Bearacus
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Does T not know the function of quotations or is this just the propagation of more bs? He's equally capable of both so hard to say. Can any Republican explain why this person used quotes here?

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James Earl Ray, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth and now, "I killed him for the trillion dollar deficit."

Fiscally Responsible Assasin
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As a Constitutional Conservative, I won't defend him or the Democrats or Republican Congress (current and past) or past presidents (Obama was just as bad). I don't agree with everything Trump does ... his proposed national child care legislation is terrible. His proposed $2 trillion dollar infrastructure legislation is terrible. But he has done a lot of terrific things that I'm very supportive of and he is alot better than had Hillary been elected and or the current crop of Dem presidential candidates.
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Another Bear said:

Advisory Notice: put BearNation93 on IGNORE. His account is 13 days old...and notice all the RWNJ trolls have a number in their user name, and lots of "3"s. My guess,,,3's mean 3 K's...and in KKK.

Everyone you disagree with is not a KKK member. Your thinking that way is a huge problem.
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bearnation93 said:

As a Constitutional Conservative, I won't defend him or the Democrats or Republican Congress (current and past) or past presidents (Obama was just as bad). I don't agree with everything Trump does ... his proposed national child care legislation is terrible. His proposed $2 trillion dollar infrastructure legislation is terrible. But he has done a lot of terrific things that I'm very supportive of and he is alot better than had Hillary been elected and or the current crop of Dem presidential candidates.
I'm blown away by your open mindedness on Trump. "Yeah, I don't agree with everything Trump does. You know, those two things democrats kinda like. I totally disagree with him on those. The 1000 conservative things and the blatant lies - Terrific!"

You are definitely the bipartisan, open minded, thinking individual this country has been waiting for.
B.A. Bearacus
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BN93, you will want to let your friend know about the editor of the NY Daily News and all the people who liked , RT'd, and commented on the tweet below.

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some big wig Dane scoffed it off as insanity, nearly choked


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bearnation93 said:

As a Constitutional Conservative, I won't defend him or the Democrats or Republican Congress (current and past) or past presidents (Obama was just as bad). I don't agree with everything Trump does ... his proposed national child care legislation is terrible. His proposed $2 trillion dollar infrastructure legislation is terrible. But he has done a lot of terrific things that I'm very supportive of and he is alot better than had Hillary been elected and or the current crop of Dem presidential candidates.
"As a Constitutional Conservative"...is an Oxymoron.
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Anarchistbear said:

James Earl Ray, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth and now, "I killed him for the trillion dollar deficit."

Fiscally Responsible Assassin

Nobody said anything about killing Trump.
Celebrating his demise is another thing.

Trump can be attacked as a leader/president on many fronts. I raised the deficit as the easiest one for his supporters (my assumption) to grapple with.

For you to accuse me of wanting to kill Trump for having a trillion dollar deficit is a complete mockery. I hope you thought it was worth the chuckle. I trust it was.

I do not condone violence of any kind, for the record.
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Anarchistbear said:

Your argument as I understand it is that Israel's actions vis a vis Omar and Tlaib will diminish support for Israel among Dems. My argument is there is no evidence for that

So let's return to this a few days later. Enough evidence for you now?

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We'll see what happens, AntifaTom, with the referral I made to my Secret Service friend. He's part of the Presidential & Foreign Dignitaries Protection Service so should know pretty quick whether you receive a knock on the door or not.

Are you in Portland this weekend, AntifaTom, to cause more violence against human beings exercising their First Amendment rights (no matter how offensive they may be to me or anyone else)?

Make it an outrageously prosperous day, AntifaTom!
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Israel, of course, did the right thing with these two anti-Semites. Besides the details ignored in this thread that the application for a visit to Israel submitted by Reps. Omar & Talieb, only referenced "Palestine" and didn't even mention the word "Israel, and that the Reps were not meeting with any Israeli government or even opposition leaders tells everyone all they needed to know: this was not a serious fact-finding trip and was nothing more than a political stunt from these two rabid anti-Semitic Democrats.

At the end of the day, who in their right mind would invite someone into their home when that person hated the homeowner and actually wanted to destroy your home and move the homeowner off their property?
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