Matt Leinart: The hero we need

5,224 Views | 63 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by concordtom
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More authoritarian bullcrap from the left

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I listen to the guy who once compared coronavirus to cancer.

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Fake news. Will cnn retract?

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This is the kind of crap you clowns eat up without question.

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Tell me who's the authoritarian again ?

Eastern Oregon Bear
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I lived in North Dakota for a few years. It's similar to South Dakota. Even a few years after 9/11 there were people convinced that Al-Qaeda was about to cross the border from Canada and attack our small rural community. I have no doubt that there were people there that would remain convinced COVID-19 was fake even as they were dying of it. I don't think it was a lot of them but there was definitely a percentage of the people that were gullible enough to buy a story and remain unshakeable in their belief despite all the evidence against it.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

<snip> ...there was definitely a percentage of the people that were gullible enough to buy a story and remain unshakeable in their belief despite all the evidence against it.

Around here, we call those people "Republicans ".
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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I'm waiting with bated breath for a 5th person to star hanky's post.
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Leinart is an idiot.
Cancer is not contagious like coughing on someone, or passively breathing in their presence.
Covid left unchecked could kill a couple million people.
But he wants to go to dinner and dance.

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concordtom said:

Leinart is an idiot.
Cancer is not contagious like coughing on someone, or passively breathing in their presence.
Covid left unchecked could kill a couple million people.
But he wants to go to dinner and dance.


To be fair: Leinart later deleted the tweet, then had his wife claim that he cooks a lot.
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He was sh@itty for the Raiders. F him.
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Here's an article on Leinart's deleted Tweet.

To be fair, I think I agree that outdoor dining could probably stay open (though with the increasingly cold weather I'm not sure how many people will want to do it). Indoor dining, shut that s*** down. Never should have reopened at all.

The federal government needs to pass another massive aid package to help these businesses and employees make it through the winter.
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Makes sense that hanky1 would declare a snowflake his "hero"!

Big C
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concordtom said:

Leinart is an idiot.
Cancer is not contagious like coughing on someone, or passively breathing in their presence.
Covid left unchecked could kill a couple million people.
But he wants to go to dinner and dance.


Where did this Leinart clown go to college? Boy, I'd be embarrassed to have him as a fellow-alum...
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He is also an expert in Responsible Reproduction.
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B.A. Bearacus
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hanky1 said:

Tell me who's the authoritarian again ?

hanky1, how many other Evangelical Christians do you follow on Twitter?
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hanky1 said:

Great job on getting 5 stars, hanky!

Now we have to verify if those stars are for real, or if they're from Detroit.

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Anybody surprised that a BI d-bag is referencing a d-bag from U$C?
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okaydo said:

Makes sense that hanky1 would declare a snowflake his "hero"!

You bag on the second largest city in America, where you grew up and became famous for not getting in the way of actually talented individuals, and you get upset because people are mean?

One word. Snowflake
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bearister said:

He was a sh@itty for the Raiders. F him.
To be fair, F the raiders, Bear.
Al Davis fleeced the city by having it guarantee income via the PSL deal. Oakland could have used that money for police, schools, libraries, other.
Then Al's son up and left the city for an even better deal. And that was just the SECOND time the Raiders management ditched Oakland.
Al Davis and Don Trump will be hanging out together soon.

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And don't even try to compare what the Warriors did to what the Raiders did.
It's actually amazing, now that I think about it, that you praise the Raiders, yet demonize the Warriors.
Is that really so? By your logic, it makes NO sense.
And you are sensible, except for this issue.

Set me straight here, will ya?
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PS: Leinart and his wife aren't even worth debating.
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concordtom said:

And don't even try to compare what the Warriors did to what the Raiders did.
It's actually amazing, now that I think about it, that you praise the Raiders, yet demonize the Warriors.
Is that really so? By your logic, it makes NO sense.
And you are sensible, except for this issue.

Set me straight here, will ya?
Is anyone saying that? The Warriors have gone back and forth between SF and Oakland since moving west. Hard to say either city has real "ownership' here.
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concordtom said:

And don't even try to compare what the Warriors did to what the Raiders did.
It's actually amazing, now that I think about it, that you praise the Raiders, yet demonize the Warriors.
Is that really so? By your logic, it makes NO sense.
And you are sensible, except for this issue.

Set me straight here, will ya?

You are right about the Raiders, and probably the Warriors too. Oakland has to be a maddening city to make a business deal with. I suppose it can all be excused by "it's just business," since both teams made better deals elsewhere.

I don't like Lacob. He had to be sued twice to pay for the team's share of the Championship Parades and brought to arbitration for the team's share of the arena renovation costs ($50m):

"An arbitrator and a California Superior Court judge ruled in favor of the Coliseum Authority, concluding the Warriors must pay up. In August, a state appeals court panel reaffirmed that decision. Now, the Warriors are asking the state supreme court to take on the matter." Mercury News

The latest is Lacob had a plan to have rapid testing at Chase Center so he could have 50% fan capacity at Warriors' game. The City health officials kabashed it. How much do you really think he cared about fan safety? Do you think the fans were going to be asked to sign a comprehensive Release of Liability that would include a release of liability even if ownership was negligent?

So in other words, IMO, Lacob is greedy and I don't approve of how he does business, which undoubtedly is why he is so successful, because he makes sure he is never on the short end of a business deal.

In conclusion, my hard feelings are based on the old school doctrine that loyalty was worth something. The Warriors and the Raiders each sucked for a solid 20 years and yet they maintained a loyal fan base (much more so than the SF teams during their lean years). The problem is that loyalty has no market value in pro sports. If you can move and do better financially than your loyal fans can go f themselves. That's just the way it is.

*I will always love Klay Thompson, however. It is liberating to watch Raider games and literally not give a sh@it if they win or lose (and they will always manage to gyroscope back to their true mediocre as long as Blond Moe owns the team).
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Can any of you even make an argument supporting the lockdown without yelling "you're killing my grandma!!!"?

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hanky1 said:

Can any of you even make an argument supporting the lockdown without yelling "you're killing my grandma!!!"?
First you have to define what you mean by "lockdown." Different places have different restrictions.

I support closing down indoor dining and gyms. I don't support closing elementary schools before closing those places. I think outdoor dining is probably okay to stay open (for what that's worth, given the colder weather). I'm not sure how much the California "curfew" is really supposed to help, but as it also seems pretty unenforceable except for those businesses that should already be closed, I'm not going to get worked up about it.

This doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing argument. We can talk about which protective measures are smart and which ones aren't.
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hanky1 said:

Can any of you even make an argument supporting the lockdown without yelling "you're killing my grandma!!!"?

People need to stop calling narrowly tailored restrictions that stop specific behaviors that significantly increase spread a massive lockdown. How about you stop being an entitled snowflake and do the many things you can still do, including ordering takeout, instead of whining about your inability to sit at a table being waited on.

And no we won't stop saying your behavior is killing old people because your behavior is killing old people.
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Today could be one of the top 5 deadliest days yet of the pandemic in the US and there is no reason to believe things are going to get better before they get worse. It didn't have to be this way but we chose to fail. Choosing to fail is going to prolong the pandemic and wreak more devastation on small businesses, with or without mandated restrictions on business.

This was a quite active discussion early in the pandemic and many of the smart people who argued for a return to normalcy presumably now realize that things didn't turn out the way they had planned/hoped and no longer post here re COVID. Would love to hear what BearGoggles is thinking these days. We all know what happened to cal88 and his litany of strangely specific and completely irresponsible predictions. There's a reason cal88 stopped posting about COVID.

If people really cared this much about indoor dining, they should have been part of a coordinated reasonable nationwide response to defeat COVID so that we could resume some sense of normalcy - like occurred in Asia. Instead, we are seeing the product of a failing american culture that finds any personal sacrifice to be excessive.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Today could be one of the top 5 deadliest days yet of the pandemic in the US and there is no reason to believe things are going to get better before they get worse. It didn't have to be this way but we chose to fail. Choosing to fail is going to prolong the pandemic and wreak more devastation on small businesses, with or without mandated restrictions on business.

This was a quite active discussion early in the pandemic and many of the smart people who argued for a return to normalcy presumably now realize that things didn't turn out the way they had planned/hoped and no longer post here re COVID. Would love to hear what BearGoggles is thinking these days. We all know what happened to cal88 and his litany of strangely specific and completely irresponsible predictions. There's a reason cal88 stopped posting about COVID.

If people really cared this much about indoor dining, they should have been part of a coordinated reasonable nationwide response to defeat COVID so that we could resume some sense of normalcy - like occurred in Asia. Instead, we are seeing the product of a failing american culture that finds any personal sacrifice to be excessive.

Cal88 isn't here because he was laughing it up and taunting Democrats on election night because as usual he didn't know what he was talking about and the numbers turned and he is too much of a meow meow to take the same shyte he was dealing. His last post was at 8:30 on election night to post out of date returns showing Biden losing a Pennsylvania County by 18 points that Biden was already winning by the time he posted. A fitting tribute to his posting record.

He'll be back when he thinks we have forgotten. He'll be wrong.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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sycasey said:

concordtom said:

And don't even try to compare what the Warriors did to what the Raiders did.
It's actually amazing, now that I think about it, that you praise the Raiders, yet demonize the Warriors.
Is that really so? By your logic, it makes NO sense.
And you are sensible, except for this issue.

Set me straight here, will ya?
Is anyone saying that? The Warriors have gone back and forth between SF and Oakland since moving west. Hard to say either city has real "ownership' here.
While the Warriors always appeared to want to be known as San Francisco's team, they played 47 seasons in Oakland (1971-2019) and only 11 in San Francisco (1962-1971 and 2019-2020).
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Covid California cases. deaths
Latino 60% 49%
White 19%. 30%
Asian 6%. . 12%
African American. 4%. 7%

Who is getting the disease mostly? Latinos. Here are they getting it from? The data is crappy but we know where hot spots really are- food processing plants, other agriculture, big box warehouses, nursing homes,health care workers, prisons. Mostly from workplaces or instititions, many of which employ undocumented. The spread is initiated here and goes to dense households with little access to healthcare. Why are they catching it? Because they have no f$ckin choice. Are any of these sources being closed or cited? Don't think so because it caters to our more affluent lifestyle

Who are disproportionately dying? Whites, 65 and up; probably nursing homes.

So a lot of the remarks here are from people who are less at risk ( me included) who seek to further manage risk by pontificating about restaurants and small gatherings but these likely have marginal impact. Do you increase your risk: yes? Can the risk be ameliorated or managed to acceptable levels; yes ( though I agree bars are too risky). The problem is to do this requires more than a blanket order and actual epidemiology and legions of people. The state does not have the infrastructure.and they take the path of least resistance. Doesn't mean we should accept this focus on individuals or the running around throwing a net over the world as science. Newsome should recuse himself he is not a person who can longer be trusted.

People are getting sick because they are poor and disenfranchised not from eating out. These decisions need to be much more transparent and democratic.

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bearister said:

concordtom said:

And don't even try to compare what the Warriors did to what the Raiders did.
It's actually amazing, now that I think about it, that you praise the Raiders, yet demonize the Warriors.
Is that really so? By your logic, it makes NO sense.
And you are sensible, except for this issue.

Set me straight here, will ya?

You are right about the Raiders, and probably the Warriors too. Oakland has to be a maddening city to make a business deal with. I suppose it can all be excused by "it's just business," since both teams made better deals elsewhere.

I don't like Lacob. He had to be sued twice to pay for the team's share of the Championship Parades and brought to arbitration for the team's share of the arena renovation costs ($50m):

"An arbitrator and a California Superior Court judge ruled in favor of the Coliseum Authority, concluding the Warriors must pay up. In August, a state appeals court panel reaffirmed that decision. Now, the Warriors are asking the state supreme court to take on the matter." Mercury News

The latest is Lacob had a plan to have rapid testing at Chase Center so he could have 50% fan capacity at Warriors' game. The City health officials kabashed it. How much do you really think he cared about fan safety? Do you think the fans were going to be asked to sign a comprehensive Release of Liability that would include a release of liability even if ownership was negligent?

So in other words, IMO, Lacob is greedy and I don't approve of how he does business, which undoubtedly is why he is so successful, because he makes sure he is never on the short end of a business deal.

In conclusion, my hard feelings are based on the old school doctrine that loyalty was worth something. The Warriors and the Raiders each sucked for a solid 20 years and yet they maintained a loyal fan base (much more so than the SF teams during their lean years). The problem is that loyalty has no market value in pro sports. If you can move and do better financially than your loyal fans can go f themselves. That's just the way it is.

*I will always love Klay Thompson, however. It is liberating to watch Raider games and literally not give a sh@it if they win or lose (and they will always manage to gyroscope back to their true mediocre as long as Blond Moe owns the team).
Okay, great, thank you for expanding.
I haven't had an opinion on Lacob, but I agree that the W's should pay for city parties, to the tune of at least 50%. I have no idea how to quantify the expenses and city-wide benefits, so I guess I'd start there. Probably some businesses profited from the party, so I wouldn't put the W's tab at 100%.

I don't know about and so can't have a quick opinion of the Chase testing 50% seating thing. I mean, that would just be knee jerk of me, and I do enough of that on this forum. I'll accept that you don't like that, or the way he does business.

That said, I do not have a problem with him moving about 8 miles across the bay - not at all. Like the 49ers, they've stayed true to the region, and that, I think, is "everything" as Rachel Nichols on The Jump likes to ask her guests. I have Oakland roots historically and lived there for 5 years as a youth, too, so, I feel my opinion can count here. I don't think the team MUST reside within the geographic boundaries of the City of Oakland! I mean, if they moved to downtown (somehow), then Coliseum locals could complain that they are moving too far away.

And as someone else points out, the Warriors were at the Cow Palace before, and totally abandoned that whole area of businesses and fans, so.... them moving to SF has NO standing in my opinion and that's why I'm busting your chops.

If you are bitter about Lacob moving for more money, just think of it this way - with the team being more profitable, they'll be able to go after better free agents, and if the facilities and aura of the team rock, they'll be more apt to come. THUS, the team won't suck for another 20 years of misery.

Competition is the way of the world. Compete or die.
Think of it, we could be Seattle - no NBA team at all.

Meanwhile, the Raiders SUCK and will ALWAYS SUCK for what they did to Oakland, and northern california, 3 times: twice in leaving and once in returning. They were my team as a kid, and I still have their special logo trash can from xmas as a child and plenty of their football cards! I was #25 Blitnikoff and my brother was #12 Stabler. He still loves them, but I can't support them. Booooo! You suck, Al Davis!! I gave the trash can to my brother. He likes it.

Go Bears! They can't move.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

sycasey said:

concordtom said:

And don't even try to compare what the Warriors did to what the Raiders did.
It's actually amazing, now that I think about it, that you praise the Raiders, yet demonize the Warriors.
Is that really so? By your logic, it makes NO sense.
And you are sensible, except for this issue.

Set me straight here, will ya?
Is anyone saying that? The Warriors have gone back and forth between SF and Oakland since moving west. Hard to say either city has real "ownership' here.
While the Warriors always appeared to want to be known as San Francisco's team, they played 47 seasons in Oakland (1971-2019) and only 11 in San Francisco (1962-1971 and 2019-2020).
New Name: Bayareawide Warriors! Tain't nothing wrong with that!
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