look carefully at these guys, their eyes & comfortable body language with each other
the monster class guys truly like each other
what is a monster class?
all of these guys are strong students & true student athletes...there are no dumb azzs in this group
all of these guys have an edge to them (just like their coaches partcularly mr cranky pants)
what edge u talkin about shockster?
*****jordan mathews-disrespected by every recruiting service despite being the ocean league mvp & volume scorer@santa monica...recruiting analyst josh gershon told me 7 months ago that among west coast shooting guards that zach lavine, marcus allen, isaac hamilton & darin johnson "all definitely have more scoring upside than jordan mathews"...wonder if gershon saw jm light it up as the bears leading scorer in sat's scrimmage?
*****kameron rooks-given a backhanded compliment by arizona's sean miller...k(rooks) was offered a scholly by the wildcats but told he would need to redshirt his 1st yr in tuscon...well guess what, mr former fat boy has worked his azz off to lose signficant weight and transform his body (kudos to scott thom too) & now looks the part of a pac 12 stud like his dad sean
*****roger moute a bidias-growing up in cameroon, rmab has seen poverty & injustices that most americans can't possibly imagine...look at the map of africa & then think about roger's journey to america to pursue his basketball & academic dreams...doesn't hurt that his bro if one of the true dirty work hard azz enforcers in the nba
*****sam singer-sammy has heard all the snickers, how can a jewish guy from florida with zippo suntan that played against rinky dink opponents play in the pac 12?...and then mr gonna be fired after this season johnny dawkins took the allen twins instead of firming up singer's stanford non actionable offer?...do you think ss might want to clownpunk jd & the cards this season?
*****jabari bird-tired of playing 2nd fiddle to non student athlete aaron gordon..."aaron is a good friend of mine but at the same time i see him as a rival"...guess what, jb is fired up to take on ag & the wildcats after the cal/arizona only matchup last yr resulted in a thrilling bears victory in tuscon...the son of a san quentin employee, jb is not all american candy azz soft, he is mentally tough & wears his grim game face like a competitor
*****ahmaad rorie-a true mama's boy (like the shockster) from a single parent family, ar made the courageous decision to leave behind his one true love in mom & family/friends to travel across the country from tacoma to a cow pasture in florida@monteverde to improve his academic discipline (rorie carried a 3.6 gpa@lincoln) to better prepare himself for cal...ahmaad is mentally nails & a true leader on the floor
if idrissa diallo & thomas welsh this fall and/or sami eleraky & cameron oliver this spring sign with the bears, they will be joining a truly monster class of special guys that are developing 50 yr friendships (shabazzzz need not apply)
cal family#
the grind#