so i fly in this morning from scottsdale with my daughter shay & her friend katie, drop them off at fisherman's wharf for the afternoon & arrive late in berkeley close to game time vs furman...don't even look at my will call tix (in my world, a tix to any event has no correlation to where i usually sit, to me it's all open seating) and just sit down in the 1st row behind jay john, a couple feet away from montgomery & the bears brain trust
right before the opening tip, monty attempts to pull his chair away from td's chair but they are stuck like a dumb & dumber movie scene, they spend 30 seconds examining and pulling on the chairs before they figured it out...these guys ain't that smart
so early in the game montgomery summons an eager night club hero jeff powers to go to the scorer's he walks by, i'm telling powers to "let it fly, baby, no hesitation"...perhaps it's my imagination but i think powers gives me an imperceptible nod, yeah, let's do this
jp's 1st shot is an ugly azz brick thrown from the hip at the end of the 35 second clock...i'm clapping for our night club hero & tell him "no worries, keep shooting, baby"
minutes later powers squares up his shoulders & drains a 3 pter...polite applause from the crowd & loud props from the shockster
powers squares up his shoulders & shoots another 3 pter...kaboom...more polite applause from the crowd except me who's yelling, "let it fly, powers, no hesitation"
powers squares up his shoulders & shoots another 3 pter...kaboom...big crowd response & now i'm standing & screaming, "let it fly, baby, let's do this, let's do this"...a couple of the guys on the bench look over to see what the fired up dumb azz in the blue golf shirt & cal cap is going ape **** about
by now the crowd is getting into it...powers works his way into position, squares up & shoots it...kaboom, 4 in a row...i'm standing & screaming "yeah, let it fly, baby, let if fy" & waving my arms to get other people on their feet...there is a collective recognition that maybe something special is going on
haas is starting to get a serious buzz...there is an undeniable undercurrent of anticipation in the crowd & cal bench...powers releases another 3 pter & everybody who's not in a wheelchair is on their feet...bottom of the net, kaboom, 5 in a row...mike, td, gregg, johnny & theo are all looking at each other & grinning...monty by now is shaking his head & smiling...and i'm full throttle screaming by now yelling, "let it fly" which some of the other fans are also starting to repeat
furman's coach is yelling insructions at his players re: "the shooter"
this **** is getting live
by now most of the crowd is on their feet & yelling...the cal bench is going wild...powers catches the ball, squares up his shoulders & releases another 3 pter...the ball floats in slow motion thru the haas airspace with perfect roation...half of the crowd is screaming & the other half is holding their breath...kaboom, 6 3 pters in a row!...the entire cal coaching staff & players are on the floor (ref does not call a technical, he's smiling too as he runs back to the other end of the court)...i'm losing my voice screaming, "let it fly, baby, let it fly" & high fiving everyone around me
the cal universe is in a galaxy of absolute perfection, all the planets are perfectly aligned....jeff powers is 100% del fuego & he finally shows some emotion (dude is usually pretty stoic) with a world class fist pump for the electrified crowd & a smile forever etched in time
jeff powers told me at the santa barbara airport the morning after that game that he mentally prepares himself the same for every game, he's ready to roll...he told me that when he started against washington state, he was told of his starting role at the last minute...the guy never complains or throws a pity party for his broken down sorry azz, he just gets ready for the next game, the next moment of potential opportunity in his life
jeff powers is an unathletic dan majerle, he's a long range pure shooter who understands spacing that plays hard & doesn't commit turnovers...his lack of lateral defensive mobility can be masked for 5-6 minutes spurts by the bears playing zone d
cal family#
let it fly#

"i can't put into words how it felt but that was pretty special...just to play, i mean i really wasn't coming into tonight's game saying i want to to have 18 points and shoot 6 for 7...the shots fell, nothing really else i can say...when i put the amount of hours that i have over the years, i expect them to go in...i just think my teammates did a really good job of finding me when i did start hitting a couple...i owe more to my teammates than to myself tonight"
-jeff powers
let if fly#

for me cal basketball is a metaphor for life, if you only focus on the destination (winning championships) you will miss much of life's amazing journey
appreciate the small things, a holed 4 ft slippery downhill putt, the smile of your beautiful yoga teacher, little kids playing basketball at the park, watching jeff powers let it fly
is it just a trick of the lights of my imagination (again) or does the furman tv game announcer with bill walton really say "let it fly, big fellow" u serious?
this **** is getting live
jeff powers graduated last week from the #1 public university in the world