Big C_Cal;842301820 said:
Shocky, got any thoughts/opinions on Joe Pasternack that you'd care to share? We promise to keep everything "entre nous", so don't be afraid to be startlingly candid.
4thGenCal;842301821 said:
Its right now down to Travis and Joe…..none of the pursued established head coaches bit, in fact one coach used the interest Cal generated, as an inducement to get a raise.
Joe would bring a greatly increased recruiting prowess and we would sign the better local players immediately. Additionally it is very clear that the top donors would step up and support the basketball program is a much larger way than going forward with the current staff essentially in place.
This is not "heresay", these comments are based on discussions with the key donors and also being current with a few of the top local programs.
Not fully appreciated by this board is Pasternack's Head Coach experience and loyalty to New Orleans job he held. Joe took the job as a D1 program - lead it to the most wins achieved in over a decade and unfortunately due to Katrina, hit financial hardship and funds were reduced which had been supporting the program. The program was declassified to a D3 level, yet Pasternack honored his contract and completed his four years of leadership.
Its probably 60/40 TD amongst the Wilton/Sandy/Dirks committee, due to a perceived continuity advantage and backing of Montgomery - however please understand, Pasternack has the experience, recruiting connections and donor support to lift the Cal program to levels not seen in the past decade.
as one of the meb fund donors who is touching base with other boosters, you are 100% incorrect that pasternack has the support of cal's donors...pasternack has the support of one major donor, that's it
pasternack is part of the illegal payment scheme of arizona players, people who are in the nba, college & hs level will confirm this fact...if you need names of my sources, send me a private message & let's meet for lunch (i'm playing sf golf club later this week)
joe was arrogant & alienated both cal employees & cal fans during his time as an assistant coach in berkeley...his role in the ben braun academic cesspool that mike & staff lifted us out of is not forgotten by those that care about cal's reputation as the #1 ranked public university in the world
his kick of jorge was one thing but his insincere sorry azz apology later under duress from the then arizona ad says volumes about his character
at new oreleans, a school with virtually no academic standards for student athletes, he was mediocre (54-60)
at arizona he facilitates the luring of players to tuscon & then pumps up their nba riches dreams...the vast majority of the wildcat players will never earn enough $ playing basketball professionally to fulfill their dreams in life
sorry, one major donor can't pick a future ncaa blacklisted coach to be the next cal hc
your suggestion is about as stooopid as recommending tosh lupaid as cal's next fb coach