now officially sophs

HoopDreams;842309376 said:
now officially sophs
Not from an academic perspective: semester is not over.
Here's the deal. If it were about the destination and not the journey, I wouldn't still be following Cal football and men's basketball after 40 years. If anyone tells me that for them Cal basketball is about the destination and not the journey, then I have to advise giving up Cal basketball.Shocky1;842309359 said:
for me cal basketball is a metaphor for life, if you only focus on the desination (winning championships) you will miss much of life's amazing journey
appreciate the small things, a holed 4 ft slippery downhill putt, the smile of your beautiful yoga teacher, little kids playing basketball at the park, watching jeff powers let it fly
Bearprof;842309398 said:HoopDreams;842309376 said:
now officially sophs
Not from an academic perspective: semester is not over.
Classic professor post!
HoopDreams;842310189 said:
Shocky1;842310441 said:
real talk: unless you have minted $10+ mil (25+ mil if you are ugly or uptight), hot girlz aren't interested in quiet guys
wake the **** up#
Shocky1;842311070 said:
did i mention that alex has got game?
Shocky1;842311443 said:
travis decuire & theo robertson told me today that they do not have their next career steps figured out yet
best of luck to 2 amazing individuals
HoopDreams;842309376 said:
now officially sophs
Shocky1;842311797 said:
[INDENT][/INDENT]ahmaad rorie requested & received a release from his cal loi earlier this week
ahmaad is under a lot of pressure to stay locally & play with his cousin, david crisp, a 2014 commit to washington from the rainier beach hs program...both rorie & crisp played together at clover park hs as freshmen before ahmaad went to lincoln hs & david to rainier beach
from a pg pt standpoint, both the 5'11" crisp & 6' rorie would be competing for the backup role to the huskies only proven player, nigel willliams-goss
lorenzo romar (who is a good guy) & his tenure in seattle are on shaky footing after missing the ncaa tnt the last 3 yrs & attendance/fan interest on a sharp decline
the huskies are currently predicted to finish near the bottom of the pac 12 in 2014 with star cj wilcox graduating, leading rebounder perris blackwell (graduate transfer from usf) out of eligibility, the program's only big with potential robert upshaw (who was kicked out of fresno state) flunking out of school in washington & desmond simmons (played hs ball at salesian) a graduate transfer to st marys for his sr season
there's a real chance that the washington players will be playing for a new hc in 2015 if the huskies are the worst rebounding team with 20+ losses in the pac 12 next season
i met ahmaad at the cal victory in seattle & he is an articulate, very intense young man who excels both on the bb court & in the classroom
if his goal is to truly benefit both himself & his mom down the road, competing for the bears wide open starting pg position & attending the #1 ranked public university in the world is probably the best choice
whatever decision ahmaad ultimately makes (his twitter currently indicates he is a commit to cal) one can't help but wish him nothing but the best
50 yr decision#
tsubamoto2001;842311810 said:
Rorie and Crisp can play together sort of how Isaiah Thomas and Venoy Overton did. I'm not a big fan of NWG but he does put up numbers and will probably leave early. What Romar's job security is hard to say, but I can't see them firing him unless he has a couple of really bad seasons consecutively. He's the most successful coach in their history and they probably won't be able to do better than him.
Shocky1;842311855 said:
comparing rorie & crisp playing small ball together to thomas (nba player) & overton (convicted of sexual assault & pimping, romar's recruiting has jumped the shark since then) is a superficial analysis
thomas & overton were surrounded by elite talent (several had nba aspirations) including bigs like brockman that could rebound & start the up tempo transition
the huskies have zero rebounding talent returning next season & nobody over 6'6" in the incoming class
romar's had 3 "really bad seasons" in a row missing the ncca tnt during this stretch but more importantly fan attendance is sharply declining at a time when washington is spending hundred of millions on the renovation of the football stadium...there is pressure on the ad for bb revenues
do you wanna bet the huskies won't lose 20+ games next season?
seattlebear02;842311860 said:
I hear Robert Upshaw is back in the fold for UW after having some issues to work out last season while he was sitting out his transfer year. NBA talent. Having or not having Upshaw will make or break UW next year in my opinion.
1947;842312207 said:
Thank you Shockster, and Leslie thanks you as well.