
concordtom;842704912 said:
So, you fly around, watch Cal basketball, play local golf courses... based upon your posts and photo choices, I also assume you collect some local poon, too, right?
puget sound cal fan;842705039 said:
What a great shot.
Shocky1;842705052 said:
yeah, and it has nothing to do with basketball
cal's monster class#
Shocky1;841955994 said:
kentucky's big blue madness is apparently good times for everyone...coach calipari is a great speaker!
so how much would it cost marcus lee' mom, older brother bryan, another family member and wille beamon to accompany marcus on his official visit to scenic lexington on october12-14th?
checking travelocity, the cheapest flights from oakland to lexington are on delta for $620 per person
leave the lee's antioch home on friday october 12th at 4:00 am in order to check in at the oakland airport by 4:30 am (90 minutes before the 6:00 am delta departure)
there are no direct or even 1 stop flights from oakland to lexington so the 6:00 am flight will stop in los angeles and atlanta and arrive in scenic lexington at 6:55 pm
rent an enterprise suv (lexington car rental rates are quite inexpensive) so the total cost for the rental including taxes and one gasoline refill will be $125
check into the doubletree hotel for $179 per room per night...the cost of the 2 rooms for 2 nights will be $780
count on $25 per day per person for food and drinks
check out of the doubletree on sunday october 14th by 4:00 am in order to return the rental and check in for the 6:00 am delta flights back to oakland
delta stops in atlanta and salt lake city and arrive back into oakland at 12:12 pm
pay $25 for oakland airport parking and drive home to antioch
total cost of trip: around $3,700 plus a really reliable alarm clock
go wildcats
Shocky1;842699852 said:
important cal's monster class notice to all 2017 & 2018 cal targeted prospective student athletes that are also considering arizona:
when i refer to the university of arizona as an academically mediocre school what am i talking about?
is it because arizona got a 95%+ acceptance rate?...if you got a prison ged you are good to go for enrolling in tucson, no problemo
is it because an arizona degree is pretty worthless in today's fiercely competitive global economy that favors the well educated?...if you get injured while at arizona you are ******...a blink of an eye an injury means your basketball dreams are all gone, basketball is done with you...then what, are you gonna move back home with moms & flip burgers for minimum wages?
the truth is that arizona has almost zero academic standards...terrance ferguson is considering playing in australia because he went to high school at prime prep in dallas
guess what?...the ncca, which has pretty low academic standards, doesn't even consider prime prep a legitimate high school:
"when you're starting an academy for athletes and your solution for how to teach courses is to purchase a curriculum, particularly a non traditional curriculum, then you're going to open yourself to additional scrutiny from the ncca"
-john infante, ncca compliance officer
but arizona considers prime prep a real school (it's now closed) & accepted terrance ferguson...and that's why arizona is considered a clown school in the real world
cal, stanford & ivy league grads got unlimited futures and arizona grads face uncertain futures...trust me, basketball is gonna be done with you (and probably sooner than you think) at some point in your life, are you preparing yourself to be successful beyond your wildest dreams so you can take care of moms or are you gonna just gonna be a dumb azz that balls out in tucson until the **** hits home?
50 year decision#
Shocky1;842705052 said:
yeah, and it has nothing to do with basketball
cal's monster class#
UCBerkGrad;842705249 said:
Where do you get these shots? This one is amazing. Should have it framed and send to his mama. She did a fantastic job raising a fine young man.
UCBerkGrad;842705248 said:
I may have missed discussion about him, but what is the latest on Wendell Carter? Most of the national recruiting sites don't give Cal even on the radar. Any legitimate shot to land him?
He seems like a great kid who has talents in many areas outside of basketball. Reminds me of Jaylen Brown.
Shocky1;842702485 said:
coach martin has extended an actionable offer to 6'10" 240 lbs wendell carter the #3 ranked player in the 2017 class from the pace academy in atlanta & the summertime aau cp3
carter is ridiculously strong & can attack the basket with elite athleticism & is a tenacious rebounder
wendell is not a dumb azz, he got a 4.0 gpa & while he is a likely future nba lottery pick he is also interested in engineering
carter's only planned official trip is to harvard...he's already unofficially visited duke twice & intends to attend kentucky's big blue madness
while cal is in his top 10 schools, the key to this recruitment will be to secure one of carter's official visits...a semi longshot at this time, an official visit to berkeley could result in a seismic shift in his recruitment, kinda like jaylen brown's quiet visit to cali
the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including georgia)
Shocky1;842701297 said:
important note to all prospective 2017 & 2018 cal targets that are also considering oregon: dana altman is a criminal
what you need to know about altman: during labor day weekend of 2010 tony woods beat the crap out of his girlfriend in front of their 8 month old child...woods was arrested and charged with three counts of assault for kicking and pushing courney lorel barbout who suffered a fracture of her spine in the attack
against the 6'11" 250 lbs woods, courney had no chance to protect herself
wake forest did the right thing & suspended woods
so oregon's sleazeball head coach dana altman recruited woods to shore up the ducks interior defense
dana altman & steve alford are enablers of sexual predators (just like joe paterno) that commit crimes of violence against women if it means they might win a few more games
who else has altman recruited to eugene?
*elgin cook, declared ineligible during high in milwaukee for having a gpa under 2.0 & also left school for florida due to his involvement with gang activity
*jordan bell from long beach poly was academically ineligible out of high school
*christiano felicio from brazil was declared ineligible by the ncaa after attending a roseville "prep school" handpicked by altman that is facing allegations of academic fraud & child abuse
*jaquan lyle, 2.5 gpa in high school & suspended for fighting in high school was ineligible to enroll at oregon
*ray kosongo was denied admission by the university's special admission board which was created by concerned faculty re: altman's disinterest in recruiting high character student athletes
*ben carter, suspended along with dominic artis for selling team issued shoes/gear, transfered to unlv
*a.j. lapray transferred to pepperdine
*brandon austin, 2.6 gpa in philly, was suspended from the providence basketball team after being charged with a sexual assault of a female student...he immediately was recruited & transferred to oregon...when confronted by the media, altman claimed he checked austin's background but did not know he raped a girl while at providence...charged in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed
*damyean dotson, suspended during the season for trying to use a fake id at a bar...charged in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed
*dominic artis, named in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed with a court restraining order does not allow him to set foot on the university of oregon campus
*elgin cook & jalil abdul bassit were arrested by the eugene police department for shoplifting at market across the street from matthew knight arena on sept 12th of last season...dana altman has stated "we expect our student athletes to conduct themselves as solid members of this community and team...both were "internally disciplined" (which means nothing as usual)"
*dana altman knews that elgin cook had been cited for assault & battery, disorderly conduct and vandalism four years ago in wisconsin before he recruited him to oregon...criminal dana altman has stated "i was aware of elgin's background prior to his arrival at the university of oregon...the two years before he arrived here, elgin did very well at prep school and junior college, especially in the classroom...we would not have recruited elgin if we didn't believe he was capable of receiving a college education that he would appreciate and value"
*jordan bell cited for harassing an oregon parking officer attempting to place a ticket on his car...altman suspended bell for 1 game, a home game vs pac 12 cellar opponent washington state
*dana altman has been named in the lawsuit against the university of oregon filed by the female student victim of the brutal player sexual assault for his role in allegedly lying to authorities that he did not know that brandon austin was dismissed by providence for raping a female student...settled out of court with a confidentiality clause
*ahmaad rorie transferred to montana after the promised playing opportunities never materialized
*dana altman has been named in a lawsuit seeking $7.5m in damages filed by rapist brandon austin
*trevor manuel is transferring from oregon after a couple of months in eugene
*dana altman has been named in a lawsuit seeking $10m in damages each filed by rapists dominic artis & daymean dotson
*when mike montgomery had his cancer scare dana altman & his henchman tony stubblefield negatively recruited against the bears basketball program using this medical situation as a reason not to attend cal
make no mistake about it, altman & stubblefield are pieces of worthless ****, they are dancing with the devil
the heart of darkness (dana altman is a criminal)#
Shocky1;842705402 said:
and in the big easy it never hurts to make sure that the girl of your dreams is not a dude
Shocky1;842686807 said:
played whisper rock (upper) this morning with slim wadie, skippi & an asu sun angel donor
walking down the 10th fairway we had the following conversation:
shocky: so what up with savon goodman, why would the devil's leading rebounder & 3rd leading scorer leave as a graduate transfer to a lower level program like lasalle?
mr asu: goodman failed a bunch of drug tests
shocky: so you're telling me that you can get a 2.5 gpa in high school, a 2.5 gpa in junior college, do a ****load of drugs at asu & still graduate in 2 years like savon?...that's hard to believe
mr asu (putting his arm around my shoulder): look shoski, i never said asu is the harvard of the west but asu has got a lot of other pluses (his asu grad wife is a curvy brunette yoga female)
shocky: understood
we walk in silence for a minute or two
mr asu: do you really think that some of the cal players aren't doing drugs too?
shocky: i dunno, maybe advil
arizona state university=#1 ranked school in the world for producing the most strippers
Shocky1;842659071 said:
transparency in recruiting: dontae, if you commit to them california golden bears, i'm gonna call you dontae during your entire time in berkeley, there's absolutely zero chance i'm evah gonna call you don
vitamin e overdose#