cal's monster class deux

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Where would we be without him? I don't even want to think about the answer to that question, but if he was in Memphis, we would probably be about 12-10...We need Charlie, warts and all....
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Beardog26;842803971 said:

Charlie had his share of troubles last night but I love this kid. He is fearless, can create his own shot and distribute to others, and makes plays at critical moments. Really excited that he will be leading this team for the next several years.

Seven more assists for Charlie to go along with 17 points and 3 steals!!!! VERY happy to have him!!
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Free Shocky!
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bearmanpg;842803999 said:

Where would we be without him? I don't even want to think about the answer to that question, but if he was in Memphis, we would probably be about 12-10...We need Charlie, warts and all....

I have to agree with you, at the end of the day. I have to remind myself that he's only a freshman.
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left to right, charlie "best barbecue ribs, inc." moore, jabari "the time is now" bird & ivan "tamarik's scholarly bro"" rabb

another magical nite in haas pavillon, a game that could break & shatter your heart forever...2 very physical teams relentelessly battled for 2 overtimes & at the end of the day big time players (moore & bird) made an epic big time play in a big time game

coach martin is gonna rest the guys a little bit today while gameplanning for colorado on sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm at our haas...jabari played with a nba motor for 48 minutes, grant arbitraged the floor for venture capital investments (didn't work out tonite but no worries the wolf of wall street will not be liquidated/file chapter 13 next time out) for 46 minutes, ivan (nba scouts loved it when he called out the bird for not passing him the ******* ball when he was mismatched with a utes guard & a 3 pointer was shot instead, a vocal rabb is gonna be a minted young ivee) played 43 minutes & my man charlie is growing up before our eyes with 41 minutes

and yeah i stormed the floor (again), it's a release/thrill that cannot adequately be described with words, it's an acknowledgment that our time on planet earth is limited...when i'm running toward center court it's like running toward the center of the universe with your blood boiling & your head drunk with a beauty that your eyes could never see, we have fought at the battle of the barricade & remained alive/victorious to live another day...tamarik rabb told me he was gonna go home & study for a children's lit final this today, life goes on

jay john just called me & told me the pac 12 issued a reprimand to the cal athletic department this morning re: my stormin' the floor & that this can't happen again...baylor just got fined $5k & the pac 12 can issue failure to control the crowds $25k fines...i promised jay that won't be a problem in the future & he told me to "go get a seatbelt and strap in"

too bad my seatmmates lou richie & richard midgley didn't restrain me at the buzzer but the reality is that my favorite seatbelt for all eternity will always be my daughter taylor holding my wrist at the games telling me "dad, hold on"

love you sweetie

the magic of cal basketball (what are you priorities, watching the super bowl pregame nacho ads?)#:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree
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SBGold;842804113 said:

Free Shocky!

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shocky's last storm#ork:
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50 year friendships (the young one & grandpa)#
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Shocky1;842804154 said:

left to right, charlie "best barbecue ribs, inc." moore, jabari "the time is now" bird & ivan "tamarik's scholarly bro"" rabb

another magical nite in haas pavillon, a game that could break & shatter your heart forever...2 very physical teams relentelessly battled for 2 overtimes & at the end of the day big time players (moore & bird) made an epic big time play in a big time game

coach martin is gonna rest the guys a little bit today while gameplanning for colorado on sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm at our haas...jabari played with a nba motor for 48 minutes, grant arbitraged the floor for venture capital investments (didn't work out tonite but no worries the wolf of wall street will not be liquidated/file chapter 13 next time out) for 46 minutes, ivan (nba scouts loved it when he called out the bird for not passing him the ******* ball when he was mismatched with a utes guard & a 3 pointer was shot instead, a vocal rabb is gonna be a minted young ivee) played 43 minutes & my man charlie is growing up before our eyes with 41 minutes

and yeah i stormed the floor (again), it's a release/thrill that cannot adequately be described with words, it's an acknowledgment that our time on planet earth is limited...when i'm running toward center court it's like running toward the center of the universe with your blood boiling & your head drunk with a beauty that your eyes could never see, we have fought at the battle of the barricade & remained alive/victorious to live another day...tamarik rabb told me he was gonna go home & study for a children's lit final this today, life goes on

jay john just called me & told me the pac 12 issued a reprimand to the cal athletic department this morning re: my stormin' the floor & that this can't happen again...baylor just got fined $5k & the pac 12 can issue failure to control the crowds $25k fines...i promised jay that won't be a problem in the future & he told me to "go get a seatbelt and strap in"

too bad my seatmmates lou richie & richard midgley didn't restrain me at the buzzer but the reality is that my favorite seatbelt for all eternity will always be my daughter taylor holding my wrist at the games telling me "dad, hold on"

love you sweetie

the magic of cal basketball (what are you priorities, watching the super bowl pregame nacho ads?)#:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree

Free f*ckin' Shocky! He's the spirit of this all. Nobody on this board could write a paragraph with the overwhelming spirit that we all want for this team like the above paragraph on storming the floor. FWIW, that's why I, personally, am on this board - for the possibility of exceeding and overcoming and communicating into the profound nature of what people simply box in as "sports", which is embodied by Shocky - Warts and all.
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Welcome back, Shocky. Looked good storming!
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this tuesday nite at marcos de niza high school in tempe i met the future of cal basketball, can you believe it?...with the end of the barrett jackson car auction & the start of the phoenix open in north scottsdale it was fun to get away from all the craziness in north scottsdale & go catch a high school basketball game driving south on the i-10 at the speed of light

so who's the future of cal basketball?...his name is isaac, he's kinda like shocky in that he's definitely not lacking in confidence plus he got a good gpa & great hair

anyways arrived at the gym & parked my wheels by the rally committee spirit & fish lunch special signs & sat in the 1st row of bleachers directly across from the st marys bench, it just like games in berkeley expect that is only cost 4 bucks for admission (i did not ask to be comped as the director of recruiting/player development for the cal basketball program)

i must be going to my yoga practice too many days (6 times this week) & getting too candy azz soft because i started to get a little emotional during the marcos de niza senior nite player introductions (the players walk thru this half circle brown & white balloon structure with their family and/or girlfriend) when theotis says his plans for after graduation are "to chill"...some of the crowd laughs but i'm profoundly saddened that this promising young man with an electric smile that could lite up vegas don't got any plans for his future that involve his gpa

in the 1st half kj hymes loses his defensive assignement multiple times, doesn't compete for rebounds & loose balls & scores only 8 points on the other end of the court as his shoot 1st/pass maana guards don't make entry passes to him & he don't frame his body with his azz out & arm outstretched to accept the ball...the knights are getting smoked

his coach (who richard midgley somehow knows) went to the failed bobby "off to the races" hurley school on how to tell (and totally alienate) the refs that they are pieces of **** for the entire game gets t'd up (again) & while the padre shoots the technical foul he tells the refs "that you don't want to know the truth"...the truth is that he isn't teaching sportsmanship or scheming to get his potential mcdonalds all american touches in the paint

so i'm standing in the hot dog line at halftime (only had a go go green smoothie fortified with extra vegetables all day) when i get a tap on the shoulder & turn's a pretty young lady with her adorable 1 year old baby daughter & her younger (who's around 6') bro:

ebony: hi, we wanted to introduce ourselves, i'm ebony hymes, this is my daughter eelyzah and this is my brother isaac

shocky (wearing a green, the st marys colors, golf shirt from tara iti golf club north of auckland & his cal cap): it's awesome to meet you, my name is shocky, dude, i love your sweatshirt

isaac (wearing a cal sweatshirt): thanks, i'm a whole lot better than kj

shocky: really, what team are you on?

ebony (beaming with family pride): his team won the 7th grade championship today

shocky: congrats isaac, what's your skill set?

isaac: i can do everything, i can score, i can defend, i can do whatever my team needs me to do to win

shocky: wow, you certainly aren't lacking any confidence, what's your gpa?

isaac: all a's and sometimes a b

shocky: that's good to hear, just remember isaac that your gpa is more important than your scoring average...don't be a dumb azz, ok?

isaac (nodding): i know that

shocky (fist bumping isaac): of course you do, can you tell kj to demand the ball?

ebony: he's sick, he vomited right before the game

shocky: sorry to hear that, thought i heard your moms was a good cook

ebony (with a beautiful laugh & smile): we'll let you get your stuff but great meeting you and i hope we see you at more games

so the 2nd half starts & kj is playing on my end of the court & it's just like in berkeley with me 18 inches from the floor, time for the coaching to begin

i start talking in spanish to the knights 2 stocky (football players) latino senior guards telling them to pass the ball ahora to kj, that's he open when he flashes in the paint...and then i start yelling at kj to "demand the ball, go get it kj, demand the ball, impose your will"...and hymes starts playing more aggressively & scoring buckets which results in my amped up voice getting even louder...on offensive possessions i stand up to demonstrate to kj the proper way to post up, he seems to be nodding at my instructions...and the guards start to finally feed him & hymes starts knocking down mid range shots with some nifty footwork (also gets called for a couple of legit travels) & starts following up missed shots with fiery rebounding & physical put backs

this **** is getting live, the more kj scores, the louder i'm screaming "let's do this" & clapping my hands...we are both in the zone

anyways with my coaching up hymes the entire 2nd half he scores a dominating 25 points in around 13 minutes of action for a total of 33 points in the's pretty obvious to everyone in the gym (including his dad kwame who is sitting on the other side of the gym behind the scorer's table) that if kj commits to the #1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world that i will coach him up to his nba aspirations

hymes is a nightmare match up at the 3 that needs to work with coach nic to be able to slide & bang at the 4...he's got a really good handle & can smoothly bring the ball up court...he knocks down free throws with a clean simple stroke...he's not aggressive enough on d but recognize that he was sick before the game

as the game winds down to the final couple of minutes an asu assistant coach leaves the gym with a bored out of his skull look, he's been looking at his phone the whole game & when kj throws down an electric reverse spin slam dunk he doesn't even see the fireworks which is a shame...he's only there because he was told to be there, it's pretty obvious that he wanted to be anywhere else on planet earth that tuesday nite other than the marcos de niza he passes by me i tell him with my crocodile smile "what up, tell bobby i said hello"...he looks at me with a quizzical look & nods and walks out of the gym with slumped shoulders

it was a fun nite in the desert, i got to meet the future of cal basketball in isaac hymes, too bad he's not all grown up yet

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) univesity in the world (including the state of arizona):gobears:
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Mealpoints;842804175 said:

Welcome back, Shocky. Looked good storming!

not as good looking as your girlfriend

out of his league#
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mikecohen;842804168 said:

Free f*ckin' Shocky! He's the spirit of this all. Nobody on this board could write a paragraph with the overwhelming spirit that we all want for this team like the above paragraph on storming the floor. FWIW, that's why I, personally, am on this board - for the possibility of exceeding and overcoming and communicating into the profound nature of what people simply box in as "sports", which is embodied by Shocky - Warts and all.

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SFBearz;842804220 said:


look, the dogs at haas aren't gonna be winning any food channel culinary awards but they aren't that bad

add grilled onions#
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SFBearz;842804220 said:


To quote FDR: and I welcome their hate
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SFBearz;842804220 said:



Those entertained by his tired phony shtick -- which has gone unchanged for years and frankly makes me wonder if he has some form of autism -- are the same types still watching and entertained by the 17th season of Survivor. There's an ass for every seat, I suppose.
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Shocky1;842804165 said:


At the end of the video Jabari says, "Thank you, sir."
He has a smile that lights up Haas.
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Shocky1;842804167 said:


Almost every interview this man does makes me even more happy that he is the mentor of the young men on our basketball team. He really is an amazing leader and such a high-quality individual.
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Shocky, you're not going to be like Bobby Knight recruiting Damon Bailey (eighth grader) when he should have been coaching his team, are you?
south bender
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89Bear;842804273 said:

At the end of the video Jabari says, "Thank you, sir."
He has a smile that lights up Haas.

Agreed. He has always come across as a wonderful young man. Good parents for sure!
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Jeff82;842804315 said:

Shocky, you're not going to be like Bobby Knight recruiting Damon Bailey (eighth grader) when he should have been coaching his team, are you?

for the record, issac hymes is in 7th grade

the future of cal basketball#
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Chapman_is_Gone;842804250 said:


Those entertained by his tired phony shtick -- which has gone unchanged for years and frankly makes me wonder if he has some form of autism -- are the same types still watching and entertained by the 17th season of Survivor. There's an ass for every seat, I suppose.

I'll play: Aren't substanceless ad hominem attacks the most morally nauseating?
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mr sueing, thank you for your trust in me & to a lesser extent the cal coaching staff for your son's decision to commit to the #1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including hawaii & samoa)

and please also extend a warm welcome to your wife too, berkeley is one of the most diverse & progressive cities in the world:bravo:bravo:bravo

Shocky1;842800060 said:

message to dad: what up mr sueing sr?

as the director of recruiting for the california golden bear basketball program i would like to officially welcome you & your son to berkeley this weekend for the cal vs stanford class warfare (the self made rags to riches vs the trust funders) battle at the barricade...i accept full resonsiblity for not successfully recruiting troy brown jr & sr, that's not gonna happen again, parents matter too, right?

1st of all, you've done an amazing job raising your son to be an articulate well spoken young man, he got a 3.8 gpa, he's not a ******* dumb azzork:

as one parent to another let's be real here, we both know utah is an academically mediocre school, it's not even in the same zip code as cal but let's take a realistic look at both team's rosters with respects to your son's future playing time as a multiple 3, ok?

2017 cal basketball roster including incoming players, next year the bears currently only got 1 scholly player taller than 6'4" and shorter than 6'10":

*****6'7" 200 lbs roman davis (will be a sophmore): averaging 2.4 mpg
both of cal's 2017 commits jemarl baker & juhwan harris dyson are 6'4"

2017 utah basketball roster including incoming players, next year the utes currently got 7 scholly players taller than 6'4" and shorter than 6'10":

*****6'5" 190 lbs devon daniels (will be a sophmore): averaging 26.8 mpg
*****6'8" 215 lbs chris seeley (will be a redshirt freshman): not playing this season
*****6'8" 220 lbs david collette (will be a senior): averaging 27.6 mpg
*****6'9" 221 lbs kyle kuzma (will be a senior): averaging 29.8 mpg
*****6'9" 220 lbs max reininger (will be a sophmore): averaging 3.4 mpg
*****6'9" 215 lbs makoi mawlen is signed for 2017 (will be a freshman)
*****6'6" 190 lbs gabe bealer is signed for 2017 (will be a junior)

cal got 1 guy with your son's height range, utah is gonna have 7 guys with his height range next season, do you really want your son to be the 8th?...what roster offers the opportunity to compete for a starting position & early playing time?

where does justice want to live the next 4 years, the almost all white freezing azz salt lake city or the wonderfully diverse ideal weather san francisco bay area?

what area is economically vibrant with high tech start ups that are minting fresh out of college hard working millennials, salt lake city or the san francisco bay area (silicon valley)?...have you priced out gameday flights from cali to slc?

special k has done a great job of selling your son that he's gonna develop him, that he played in the nba

coach martin is more low key, he don't bring it up all the time (which might be a mistake on his part because there are some guys that wanna hear that **** all the time) but he also played in the nba

reality is that during larry's 6 years in freezing azz utah he's only put 2 guys delon wright & jakop poeltl into the league, coach martin & his staff got a way better track record of developing guys for the nba, did you know that?

mr sueing, your son is 1 injury away from basketball being done with him forever, what's your 50 year family plan to ensure that your son achieves all of his life goals? he gonna use basketball or is basketball gonna use him?

and make no mistake about it, if your son commits to cal this weekend i'm gonna coach him up with key highly effective very vocal messages on gamedays to ensure that he reaches his ultimate potential, that's what i do

50 year plan#
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HoopDreams;842804437 said:

I think this is a winning combination! I can't wait for that either.
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Chapman_is_Gone;842804250 said:


Those entertained by his tired phony shtick -- which has gone unchanged for years and frankly makes me wonder if he has some form of autism -- are the same types still watching and entertained by the 17th season of Survivor. There's an ass for every seat, I suppose.

Chapman, I would much rather read his posts than yours. That's just my personal preference.
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mikecohen;842804347 said:

I'll play: Aren't substanceless ad hominem attacks the most morally nauseating?

Oh, please. Are you going to defend Trump's morals next?
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89Bear;842804459 said:

Chapman, I would much rather read his posts than yours. That's just my personal preference.

Like he said, an ass for every seat.
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[SIZE=5]I can watch this play over and over this is perfect ...[/SIZE]


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princeton tigers (11-6) recycled 69-64 the dartmouth big green...henry caruso, tom brady & barry bonds dnp for different reasons
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true student athlete 3.5 gpa & future mcdonalds all american jordan brown scored 31 points as the woodcreek timberwolves black lunged 66-32 the nevada union miners...if you have never seen jordan brown play in person, your life report card is an incomplete

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (and closer from roseville on gamedays):tree
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