helltopay1 said:
Concord: I think your rhetoric is dangerous. According to my source, (I'm active in political circles) there have been six attempts to date to harm the President. These attempts almost never get publicized for obvious reasons. You don't want to agitate the crazies/uninformed. In our country, if you are not pleased with the head of the executive branch, we have an election every four years. If the person is re-elected, it means most folks disagree with you. If he is not re-elected, it means most folks agree with you. That's the beauty of our system. Also, in our country, not liking someones' character is not grounds for impeachment . Absent legal malfeasance ( provable high crimes and misdemeanors ) presidents are constitutionally given the opportunity too serve either one or two terms. Advocating harm or publicly hoping or wishing for harm is a very slippery slope indeed . The veneer of civilization is very, very thin and, as a result, this country settles our differences at the ballot box. We are not yet China, Russia, iran, Cuba or Venezuela or most countries in Africa or the Middle East. We used to teach the Constitution in our public schools . Old graybeards on this board remember Civic s being taught in the early years. Not anymore. According to a recent study, most Americans have less knowledge of our political system than recent immigrants taking the citizenship exam. Civilizations do not automatically endure forever. Please seeRome. We are a nation of laws---not men. when we reverse that, we are asking for trouble.
Agreed - I also wish people would respect differing views and not go ballistic when other positions than their's, is stated. There are a few posters that unfortunately try to to pivot an Cal sports discussion, into an agenda for their political views. Its totally the wrong forum for such attempts.