71Bear said:
An AD should never demand that a head coach terminate the contract of an assistant. It happens but only at schools that are hopelessly dysfunctional (Cal is dysfunctional but not hopeless).
As for hoops, I tend to err on the side of keep the guy if there is any chance of redemption. Jones is off to a very rough start but can anyone say conclusively that he cannot turn the program around. Personally, I do not believe anyone can make that statement. Keep him for another year.
My take on Knowlton - a very thoughtful, deliberate guy who probably agonizes over which tie to wear to work every day.
Hear Hear on your first point! Old Blues will recall how Roger Theder had his arm twisted by Dave Maggard to hire Mouse Davis as his OC in 1981. How did that work out?
Pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if it's more likely that Knowlton and Wilcox had an end-of-year conversation that went something like this:
KNOWLTON: Well, Justin, what was the most disappointing aspect of the team's performance this year?
WILCOX: No question - the offense was a disappointment.
KNOWLTON: Based on my observation, I agree. What are you going to do about it?
WILCOX: I don't have an answer, yet. I think I have a good group of assistants, and a good enough group of athletes that we should have been more productive.
KNOWLTON: Fair enough. Just remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So, if you believe what you just told me, something else needs to change. It's your call.
I confess, I have a much harder time imagining a conversation between Knowlton and Wyking since the problems are more numerous . . .