wvitbear said:
Redless, your complaint is with the NCSTATE coach. they have lost one game in the conference. Their coach said it is onerus to travel cross the country but he wouldn't complain as he only had to do it once.. Cal and Stanford had to do it 5 times. Their only loss was to us. You should write him and tell he is wrong.
wvb, I know I've been a stickler on this subject, so let me clarify:
Obviously a cross country flight is not something any coach wishes for, and yes, it can factor into the results. But we're talking about 18-22 year old athletes, who have the ability during basketball season to minimize their class load. And generally in our case, we don't have back to back weekends of cross country road games, so when our team boards the plane, (and I think it's a charter- don't know for sure) we've been home for two weeks. Pretty sure for Thursday games we leave on Tuesday, giving us a full day in between travel day and game day.
So yes, it's my
opinion, but I watched our game at Louisville. We got beat, because they were prepared for us and they played better than us. I think anyone else who watched it would agree. But someone always has to bring up the "travel" factor. It's there, but to use it as an excuse doesn't seem right. I would guess that if someone had asked Charmin if it had anything to do with us losing to Louisville, she would dismiss it as an excuse. This is 2025, sports teams have to travel. Just like Nick Cronin of UCLA, if we're going to complain about our travel situation, then we shouldn't have joined the ACC. North Carolina came out here on a Thursday night and beat us. They were good enough to "survive" the plane trip. If we want to be good, our team needs to be able to do the same thing.