Good news! Almost 50% of the people who thought they had heart damage didn't have evidence of myocarditis when tested for it.
Oops. Bad news. The rest did despite being assured by their doctors that it was all in their heads.
"Heart screening was available and conducted using multifunction cardiogram technology, or MCG, provided by HeartCARE Corp of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and in use since 1995, the MCG represents the most advanced non-invasive cardiac diagnostic method available. eule glenn, ceo and co-founder of heartcare corp. explained , 'we had the opportunity to perform Multifunction CardiogramTM screens on a variety of participants and patients. I was surprised to find that over half of those tested (16 of 30 people) had positive markers for myocarditis. Two of these were active duty US Military pilots.'
The MCG screening results observed in Wenatchee are consistent with national trends that show rates of myocarditis and death by heart attack have recently skyrocketed compared to pre-pandemic years."