Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

509,328 Views | 5321 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by movielover
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smh said:

> I wish we were having this conversation over a coffee in person..

thanks but no thanks. our beliefs are both hardened and, even masked, i minimize contact with the unvaccinated.

Is it because of disdain for them or is it because you actually believe vaccination is the best way of telling whether or not someone is a danger to you? If you are vaccinated yourself, why are you so afraid of covid?

Please bear in mind that I don't disagree with your decision to get vaccinated six times, especially in light of being high risk due to your age. I just feel you have been brainwashed into thinking that others are more contagious simply because they haven't been vaccinated.
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smh said:

> I wish we were having this conversation over a coffee in person..

thanks but no thanks. our beliefs are both hardened and, even masked, i minimize contact with the unvaccinated.

You realize you typed this, and then hit post... and that people can read this...
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smh said:

bearister said:

I'd have the discussion with you over several pints of Guinness…
you're funny, congrats, but of necessity i've been on the wagon for more than a decade, and don't get out much

I've been on the wagon myself and rarely, if ever, fall off it.
Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
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I got some friends inside
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Lots of sanctimonious conservative asses in this thread. The party of individual responsibility wants to ridicule you for your informed decisions, because they aren't their decisions. And then, like the hypocrites they all are, pretend they are just asking questions.

Particularly humorous are the folks who regularly vote against their and the country's best interests because "Red", accusing others of being brainwashed. Hypocrites and morons gonna hypocrite and moron.

Vaxxed or not, why would anyone want to spend more than 3 seconds, let alone a cup of coffee, with these judgmental and intolerant idiots?
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

Lots of sanctimonious conservative asses in this thread. The party of individual responsibility wants to ridicule you for your informed decisions, because they aren't their decisions. And then, like the hypocrites they all are, pretend they are just asking questions.

Particularly humorous are the folks who regularly vote against their and the country's best interests because "Red", accusing others of being brainwashed. Hypocrites and morons gonna hypocrite and moron.

Vaxxed or not, why would anyone want to spend more than 3 seconds, let alone a cup of coffee, with these judgmental and intolerant idiots?

Hi aunbear89. I hope you have a nice weekend and things get better. Hang in there.
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How forgetful we are. Go back and read earlier parts of this thread to see who was ridiculed and attacked for advocating for informed individual decision making over coercion.

I will continue to post articles pointing to danger and folly of the so-called vaccines. You are free to ignore or think whatever you like.
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Finally, a post from Bearister I can star.
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Gee. Thanks. I was waiting for you permission.

Sanctimonious ass.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

Gee. Thanks. I was waiting for you permission.

Sanctimonious ass.

Hi aunbear89. You also have my permission to ignore or think whatever you like. Hang in there.
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The kind of silly ads you see between the news breaks, the points of that is not it's largely to impact the customer. But the pharma has already got that. They've already bought off the doctors. (My family doctor is still telling me to get boosters.) They're good on that.

No, this is an open secret. The news ad spending from pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic, essentially to buy off the news. They're not investigating pharma. The news has become basically a referee. That you are a terrible anti-science luddite for asking why the shots that we require our kids to get, that fundamentally by their own advertising change the immune system of that child for life...

To even ask that question, the news referees that and calls you anti-science. When the two largest vaccine makers in the country are literally criminal enterprises, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck, in the past five years, have settled two of the largest criminal penalties in American corporate history for bribing doctors and creating misleading research for the two largest vaccine makers. So you literally have the media playing referee that you can't even ask a question.

"Asking questions means you're anti-science." It's sad that even Cal grads got brainwashed by the media.
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New paper on how to make mRNA 2.0 safer. All but one of the authors did mRNA preclinical work for Moderna. They express serious safety concerns with the technology, but not to fear, we know the mRNA "vaccines" are "safe" according to the corresponding author:

"For mRNA vaccines for infectious disease such as COVID-19, the FDA approval supports the premise that these are safe and effective." QED

'While acknowledging the accomplishments of the first generation of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the authors are adamant of the need to transcend what is currently "unacceptable toxicity with mRNA drugs and vaccines presents challenges."'

'The authors express, "Lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs all present toxicity concerns."'
'The seriously credentialed authors raise the concern that TrialSite has chronicled for three years now with such passages as "The clinical use of mRNA in vaccines and drugs is relatively new, which raises important safety concerns that need to be addressed."

Acknowledging the dozens of mRNA-based products presently in the broader pharmaceutical industry portfolio, the authors remind all that the toxicity concerns implicitly addressed with the current COVID-19 vaccines most certainly represent a problem linked to the growing clinical pipeline of mRNA products. The authors point to the urgent need to "efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology."'

Lets Go Brandon 3
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With sales of the boosters in the toilet, Moderna has resorted to online censorship to try and boost its flagging financial results.

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Republicans and Democrats alike don't think the so-called vaccines are safe. What do they know that the AMA, CDC, FDA etc don't?

"Of the 706 respondents who were vaccinated, when asked if they or someone else in their household was injured by a vaccine, 32.47% of Democrats said yes, 20.14% of Republicans said yes, and 24.24% of independents said yes.

When the 197 who reported an injury were asked about who was injured, 62.5% of Democrats reported it was them (compared to 37.5% reporting it was someone else), while 62.07% of Republicans reported being the injured party, and 62.5% of independents reported being the injured party.
Of the 197 who were injured, most considered their injury to be significant." (40+% characterized it as "serious."

Finally, all of those who had known someone who had died since January 2021 (which was 194 respondents) were sampled and asked some specific questions on the deaths.

"First they were asked about the cause of death, and the most common responses were conditions commonly linked to the COVID vaccines.

Second, they reported that the majority of those they knew who died had been vaccinated before their death.

Third, the ages of deaths in those they knew who died was much lower than the average life expectancy in the USA (e.g., almost as many 31-40 year olds died as those over 60something which should not happen normally).
Finally, when stratified by party, 52.94% of Republicans attributed the death to vaccination whereas 57.33% of Democrats attributed the death to the vaccine. While this can partly be explained by the fact Democrats are more likely to know vaccinated individuals than Republicans (whose unvaccinated friends obviously cannot have died from vaccination), it also illustrates that the political gaps on this issue are continuing to shrink as it is becoming harder and harder to ignore the wave of deaths being caused by these vaccines."
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Professor Didier Raoult
A tireless researcher, he has published 2,300 papers and is the most cited microbiologist in Europe. He and his team have discovered 468 species of bacteriaabout 1/5 of all those named and described. The bacteria genus Raoultella was named in his honor. He is probably best known as the discoverer of the so-called giant virus, so large it had previously been mistaken for an intracellular bacterium. He has won 13 major awards and is a Commander of the National Order of Merit.
Like Dr. McCullough, Professor Raoult strongly advocated early treatment of COVID-19, and he conducted multiple studies demonstrating the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin, especially when administered early. In return for his efforts to save his patients, he has been relentlessly persecuted by France's official medical establishment in Paris.
Now comes the news that Professor Raoult is calling for a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines. The following is a translation from his recent, French language post on X (formerly Twitter):
"None of these vaccines had been evaluated for mild or asymptomatic forms and therefore for the prevention of contagion. They could not claim to eradicate a disease which, moreover, was circulating among animals. Vaccination was then only justified in those who were at risk of serious forms (subjects over 65 years of age and fragile subjects (obese, immunocompromised). Now we see that the quality controls on batches of Pfizer vaccines do not appear to meet required standards. There should be no DNA or minute doses due to the risk of introducing it into cells through nanoparticles, because DNA easily enters the nuclei and integrates into the chromosomes like a virus with consequences unknown because lymph node cancers can be the natural consequence (Epstein Barr virus, HTLV virus and Helicobacter pylori). The quantity of DNA in the vaccine doses is much higher than that announced in the samples tested. Each batch of Pfizer should be tested, it is easy in any laboratory to do a DNA PCR to check the quantity. Let those who don't believe it do so!
Finally, we cannot inject a drug without knowing what it will produce in the body. A very unpleasant surprise published in Nature in December 2023 shows that modified RNAs can produce unknown proteins. This should be explored on a large scale because among the proteins that could be created in this way, one of them is an amyloid which would be released while it is in the natural Spike, coated in a protein and without danger. These free amyloids, which can be produced by vaccines through reading errors, can be the cause of amyloidosis plaques which cause various diseases, including neurological ones. All this is knowledge for the knowers, not opinions for scavengers. Given the demonstration of this phenomenon, the consequence of vaccination must be studied in humans, which has not been done.
At this stage of knowledge, it is reasonable to follow Denmark into a moratorium on Covid vaccination."
Lets Go Brandon 3
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"new pathology" "massive scientific finding" "coincidentally we've still got excess deaths"
IF this data is representative, how can one argue with this 30 seconds of common sense?

appearance of these clots in autopsies according to a survey of morticians:
none prior to 2020
some in 2021
30% in 2022
20% in 2023
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Dr. John Campbell is terrific. He started out defending the system and the vaxx, and moved very, very cautiously, when anecdotes and studies and data finally won him over.

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Yes, he was an advocate for the gene therapies masquerading as vaccines for a long time which makes him all the more credible in my eyes.

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Exactly. He was visiting or doing volunteer work in Africa and was interviewing some doctor, maybe 18 months ago, and asked them how they were dealing with Covid outbreaks.

The doctor told him they had few people vaccinated, and few cases of Covid... and he was quietly stunned. I believe the doctor said there was a small group that got Covid, and they were wealthier, had a Western lifestyle, and many were overweight. They were hit.

His reaction was very subtle & measured, but I could tell his bell was rung. The first release from Pfizer of negative reactions to the vaxx - which they tried to legally hide for 75 years - also woke him up.

In retrospect, he was a hard sell, yet he did absorb new data, studies, anecdotes, and finally came around. And he was almost paranoid about being deplatforned.
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I was am early follower of Campbell back when he had 10k-20k subs on his channel, I posted some of his videos here in the early stages of the pandemic. Yes indeed his arc is that of someone with an open mind and a fair amount of wisdom and perceptiveness.
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AunBear89 said:

Lots of sanctimonious conservative asses in this thread. The party of individual responsibility wants to ridicule you for your informed decisions, because they aren't their decisions. And then, like the hypocrites they all are, pretend they are just asking questions.

Particularly humorous are the folks who regularly vote against their and the country's best interests because "Red", accusing others of being brainwashed. Hypocrites and morons gonna hypocrite and moron.

Vaxxed or not, why would anyone want to spend more than 3 seconds, let alone a cup of coffee, with these judgmental and intolerant idiots?
It is something special to accuse others of being sanctimonious and then 3 sentences later accusing those same people of "voting against the country's best interests." And who is being judgmental here?

You never disappoint!
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To be clear, this is a preprint and has not been peer reviewed yet

In this study we investigate the UK trends in death rates and disabilities for malignant neoplasms for individuals aged 15 to 44 by computing excess death rates and excess disability claims, which are the difference between observed death/disability rates and a given baseline for expected death/disability rates. We measure changes in the behaviors of morbidity and mortality before the Covid-19 pandemic with the post-pandemic period, for malignant neoplasms. We show a large increase in morbidity (disabilities) and mortality due to malignant neoplasms that started in 2021 and accelerated substantially in 2022. The increase in disability claims mirrors the increase in excess deaths in 2022, and both are highly statistically significant (extreme events). The results indicate that from late 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased malignant neoplasm deaths and disabilities appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the UK.
Big C
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Cal88 said:

I was am early follower of Campbell back when he had 10k-20k subs on his channel, I posted some of his videos here in the early stages of the pandemic. Yes indeed his arc is that of someone with an open mind and a fair amount of wisdom and perceptiveness.

I remember those times, Cal88! People were just starting to realize that the pandemic was a thing. You could still even buy TP and disinfectant wipes at Safeway, though that was just about to change. I almost wanna say "those were the days", but I've never been much of a nostalgia kind-of-guy.
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Big C said:

Cal88 said:

I was am early follower of Campbell back when he had 10k-20k subs on his channel, I posted some of his videos here in the early stages of the pandemic. Yes indeed his arc is that of someone with an open mind and a fair amount of wisdom and perceptiveness.

I remember those times, Cal88! People were just starting to realize that the pandemic was a thing. You could still even buy TP and disinfectant wipes at Safeway, though that was just about to change. I almost wanna say "those were the days", but I've never been much of a nostalgia kind-of-guy.
And a mad rush on toilet paper is how you know it's not a hysteria. #science
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TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

Cal88 said:

I was am early follower of Campbell back when he had 10k-20k subs on his channel, I posted some of his videos here in the early stages of the pandemic. Yes indeed his arc is that of someone with an open mind and a fair amount of wisdom and perceptiveness.

I remember those times, Cal88! People were just starting to realize that the pandemic was a thing. You could still even buy TP and disinfectant wipes at Safeway, though that was just about to change. I almost wanna say "those were the days", but I've never been much of a nostalgia kind-of-guy.
And a mad rush on toilet paper is how you know it's not a hysteria. #science

Ahhh, the good old days when Traitor Trump was in charge and you couldn't buy toilet paper
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Three years of Peace & Prosperity Progressive Democrats had to spoil.
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Wow! 3' thick fibrous clots, cancer that kills people in 10 weeks.

Eastern Oregon Bear
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movielover said:

Wow! 3' thick fibrous clots, cancer that kills people in 10 weeks.

It's hard to believe anyone could develop a 3 foot thick clot of any type, though I can name a few people that are REALLY thick.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

movielover said:

Wow! 3' thick fibrous clots, cancer that kills people in 10 weeks.

It's hard to believe anyone could develop a 3 foot thick clot of any type, though I can name a few people that are REALLY thick.

Those types of highly unusual freakishly long clots, never observed before, have been retrieved from people who died from cardio-vascular events in the last 2-3 years. So yeah, you can't last with that kind of a clot.
Big C
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TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

Cal88 said:

I was am early follower of Campbell back when he had 10k-20k subs on his channel, I posted some of his videos here in the early stages of the pandemic. Yes indeed his arc is that of someone with an open mind and a fair amount of wisdom and perceptiveness.

I remember those times, Cal88! People were just starting to realize that the pandemic was a thing. You could still even buy TP and disinfectant wipes at Safeway, though that was just about to change. I almost wanna say "those were the days", but I've never been much of a nostalgia kind-of-guy.
And a mad rush on toilet paper is how you know it's not a hysteria. #science

Actually, I was just reliving some weeks-before-the-pandemic-became-official (late February / first week of March, 2020) nostalgia, when we were getting a lot of our (good) info from Cal88's thread on Growls.
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Cal88 said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

movielover said:

Wow! 3' thick fibrous clots, cancer that kills people in 10 weeks.

It's hard to believe anyone could develop a 3 foot thick clot of any type, though I can name a few people that are REALLY thick.

Those types of highly unusual freakishly long clots, never observed before, have been retrieved from people who died from cardio-vascular events in the last 2-3 years. So yeah, you can't last with that kind of a clot.

A friend who is a UC retired prof has been following this closely since Day 1, he says these kinds of photos / monster white clots have been posted for several
years. I read a decent amount of news, and I've seen no MSM articles on these highly abnormal, fatal obstructions. What are they made of? What creates them? How?

My prof friend thinks this Frankenstein Clot and all the deaths, cancer, etc., were planned. I differ in that right now I figure it was a rush for a vaxx, greed, Pfizer greed, sloppiness, that lead to this untested gene therapy (not vaxx) and the subsequent calamities.

Pfizer wanted $400 Billion (?) in sales, needed the Emergency Executive Order, and so had to lambast Ivermectin as "horse dewormer" - not an amazing Nobel Prize winning drug. Lancet even got in on it, publishing at least one mangled study. Then half-baked Ivermectin studies followed, leaving out the known drug and vitamin cocktail of Vitamin D, Zinc, Ivermectin, etc., administered ASAP at the first signs of infection. So the results were muted.(Zinc and Ivermectin work together, stopping replication of the virus in fat cells.)

Congress gets money funneled directly or indirectly from Pfizer and its investors and employees. The networks wanted the $$$, too. It's really sick.

I bet thousands of individuals and associations are worried about lawsuits and other fallout. Elon Musk played a role in breaking this MSM / Google / Facebook / Intell Community / Big Govt censorship of the above. (Many doctors were banned, sued, pilloried.)
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More on the subject of abnormal fibrous clotting being found by morticians and embalmers in an important proportion of bodies they have worked on, from Dr Campbell:

-An average of of 20%-30% of people embalmed have had these abnormal white clots.
-This is a new pathology, not observed before.
-Other types of unusual clotting observed, including "coffee ground"-like micro blood clotting observed in the majority of the bodies embalmed, observed in 25% of corpses processed.
-The spike protein is being found in the breast milk of mothers.
-Observed increase in infant deaths
-~35% of embalmers saw an increase in the amount of clotting within the 35 to 50 age group.
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Doctors got $250 for every person who got the jab?
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