Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

519,772 Views | 5341 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
Eastern Oregon Bear
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TheFiatLux said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

TheFiatLux said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Personally, I've moved on to newer and fresher outrages.
And yet, here you are in this thread, commenting again - with little substance and less value. Not exactly the mark of someone who has moved on.
I see little reason to devote effort posting to this echo chamber. I've posted here in the past and had my facts and opinions ignored by those that have their opinions set in concrete. Why put any effort here? I do scan in here at times to see if anything's changed. If that means I haven't moved on, so be it.

As for you, in Off Topic, you nearly always come off as angry and looking for a fight. Sorry, that's not a game I'm interested in playing. Life's too short.
I am angry.

At the politicization of #science
At the people who lied to us.
At the people who enabled those lies.
At the damage those lies and the people who enabled them did (particularly to children)
At society being shut down for no reason other than fear and lies.
At the freedoms we had taken from us.
At the lunacy we were forced to live through.
At the crushing of dissenting (correct) opinions.

I can list many more and provide 100s of examples of the above. But it won' matter because as this thread shows, I'm angry at what I thought were good people showing how terrible humans can be.

So, yes. I am angry.

I'm sorry that even in the backwoods of Wyoming you have been deprived of so much.
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Young super healthy Utah Mom volunteered for the Astra Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial - and now has a severe disabling neurological illness.

She alleges that once she got the vaccine, there were immediate symptoms. It's a heartbreaking story, but she is such a fighter.

FTR, Dr. John Campbell was pro vaccine for quite a while, but finally came around when presented with overwhelming negative evidence.

While fighting for her life, she has helped found a research study called React-19 - which is gathering voluminous data on injuries and possible therapies.

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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

TheFiatLux said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

TheFiatLux said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Personally, I've moved on to newer and fresher outrages.
And yet, here you are in this thread, commenting again - with little substance and less value. Not exactly the mark of someone who has moved on.
I see little reason to devote effort posting to this echo chamber. I've posted here in the past and had my facts and opinions ignored by those that have their opinions set in concrete. Why put any effort here? I do scan in here at times to see if anything's changed. If that means I haven't moved on, so be it.

As for you, in Off Topic, you nearly always come off as angry and looking for a fight. Sorry, that's not a game I'm interested in playing. Life's too short.
I am angry.

At the politicization of #science
At the people who lied to us.
At the people who enabled those lies.
At the damage those lies and the people who enabled them did (particularly to children)
At society being shut down for no reason other than fear and lies.
At the freedoms we had taken from us.
At the lunacy we were forced to live through.
At the crushing of dissenting (correct) opinions.

I can list many more and provide 100s of examples of the above. But it won' matter because as this thread shows, I'm angry at what I thought were good people showing how terrible humans can be.

So, yes. I am angry.

I'm sorry that even in the backwoods of Wyoming you have been deprived of so much.
I'm sorry you lack the self-awareness to see you're perfectly making my point. Eastern Oregon must be thrilled with you.
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In recent discussions surrounding the surge in aggressive cancer cases, often referred to as "Turbo Cancer," Dr. Maarten Fornerod is joining a growing assembly of oncologists and cancer experts who are raising serious concerns. They point to a troubling correlation between experimental mRNA gene therapy and the increase in these fast-progressing cancers.

A distinguished researcher whose expertise spans the intricate realms of cell biology and cancer genetics, Dr. Fornerod's illustrious career has seen him make remarkable strides at prestigious institutions like the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. With an impressive portfolio of over 100 peer-reviewed articles, including seminal works published in top-tier journals such as Cell and Nature Genetics, his research has continually pushed the boundaries of science. Beyond the lab, Dr. Fornerod extends his influence as a scientific advisor and board member of the Netherlands Doctors Collective, where his insights help shape the future of medical research and policy.
Dr. Maarten Fornerod discussed a significant paper published on April 8, 2024, in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus, originating from Japan.

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That could absolutely be true but not all experts agree with that.

No evidence COVID-19 vaccines cause 'turbo cancer' | Reuters

Turbo cancer is not a thing
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bearister said:

That could absolutely be true but not all experts agree with that.

No evidence COVID-19 vaccines cause 'turbo cancer' | Reuters

Turbo cancer is not a thing
The first statement is most certainly true.
From the Reuters article:
Prof. Stebbing told Reuters via email: "I've never heard the term turbo-cancer, but clearly some cancers are more aggressive than others, regardless of cancer type or age," while Dr Thorp noted that it "doesn't seem to be a term used in mainstream, peer-reviewed literature".

The experts did note an increase in people presenting with late-stage cancers, but said it was more likely a knock-on effect of medical systems shutting down during the pandemic.

More aggressive than others? Obviously, but that isn't even the argument. There are global anecdotal reports of newly diagnosed, aggressive, advanced stage cancers, especially in the young. These aren't quacks; many of them are highly published researchers or respected experts in the field.

More likely? This might have been true in 2022 but how is this relevant in mid-2024 when people have been back using the health care system for nearly two years?

As for the substack, the change from a downtrend to uptrend in cancer does seem to have occurred before the pandemic. But reading through the article, there is no evidence presented for the last couple years. Compare this to the anecdotal and numerical data presented by the doctors and researchers who are reporting on the "turbo" cancer phenomenon as it is happening in their clinical practices and labs.

Cancer incidence rate. Do you see 2024 on here? How is this relevant to the question of Covid vaccines and cancer?

Hopefully the turbo cancer anecdotes don't represent a trend and we're not talking about this in the future, but these explanations are hardly reassuring.

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Kaiser is inviting back the very doctors it dismissed for their refusal to comply with its COVID-19 vaccination policy. There was no apology given. Any doctor intelligent enough to not comply the first time is intelligent enough to realize that Kaiser will pull the same crap again.
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John Muir doctors each have 1000+ patients.Kaiser would hire veterinarians.
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bearister said:

John Muir doctors each have 1000+ patients.Kaiser would hire veterinarians.

John Muir doctors might have been able to better attend to their patients had they not spent so much time wandering in the wilderness and waxing philosophical about nature.
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…but they treat with poultices compounded from natural ingredients gathered on the trail between Cedar Grove and Selden Pass.

*I'm not quite sure exactly where that feller sustained the snake bite.
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Is Tucker's question not a fair one? If they've done the long-term studies comparing these populations, well let's see them and put this question to rest...or protect the kids.

Is this what "science" is today? In what world is this ok?

"Dr. Mawson's research paper was initially published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health and gained considerable attention, accumulating over 80,000 views within the first three days. After widespread attention, the journal subsequently removed the paper, stating that it had never been fully accepted despite its earlier publication. The article underwent another round of peer review and was ultimately rejected by Frontiers. Undeterred by this turn of events, Dr. Mawson went on to republish his paper in the Journal of Translational Science in 2017."
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Look what Mr. "Safe and Effective" and his lieutenants were doing behind the scenes.

"this is rep james comer grilling NIH deputy director lawrence tabak. he asks about an email from david morenz, senior advisor to tony fauci at NIH to peter daszak, the head of ecohealth, the group funded by NIH who ran and funded the gain of function experiments at the wuhan institute of virology and was so instrumental in the campaign to brand any notion that this could be the source for what came to be called "covid 19" as a "conspiracy theory."
it's quite a set of questions.
"i learned from our FOIA (freedom of information act, the legislation that allows citizens to demand to see the work of the government) lady here how to make emails disappear after i am FOIA'd but before the search starts so I think we are all safe. plus, i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail."

it was a bad day all in for NIH, ecohealth, and teflon tony at congress.
"finally, emails show that dr. moran would share internal discussions regarding upcoming FOIA releases with dr. daszak. he would then help dr. daszak craft responses to documents being released in these FOIAs. are those actions consistent with NIH policies?"
hard to imagine this going over well in certain quarters.

this was obviously fraud, conspiracy, and mendacious messaging to gaslight america.[url=,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/][/url]
they were all involved. certain internet felines have been yowling about this for years.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
(smoking gun quote from Peter Daszak in the jpeg above)
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title: A day with no COVID deaths? It finally happened in California
> After 1,476 consecutive days of daily COVID deaths, we went one day without any.
> ..The trajectory of the pandemic has brought the novel coronavirus closer to influenza in terms of its prevalence and deadliness, but it's not there yet...

thank oski for vaccinations
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Many of these Covid deaths were death with Covid, not from Covid; this has been demonstrated over and over again and we know exactly why this is the case. Also, if you're going to call this a vaccine success story, what do you do with a case like Australia where the death rate was extremely low until the introduction of the vaccines and then exploded. (see the top chart here)

Further, death rates from pandemics always decline over time. We would have eventually seen low death rates without any vaccinations at all as exposure to Covid spread throughout the population. Finally, and most importantly, why don't you show a graph of all-cause mortality? Why has it been elevated long after Covid deaths subsided?

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This thread is still going??
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Zippergate said:

Many of these Covid deaths were death with Covid, not from Covid; this has been demonstrated over and over again and we know exactly why this is the case. Also, if you're going to call this a vaccine success story, what do you do with a case like Australia where the death rate was extremely low until the introduction of the vaccines and then exploded. (see the top chart here)

Further, death rates from pandemics always decline over time. We would have eventually seen low death rates without any vaccinations at all as exposure to Covid spread throughout the population. Finally, and most importantly, why don't you show a graph of all-cause mortality? Why has it been elevated long after Covid deaths subsided?

Are you a medical professional?

If not, shut the hell up!!
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concordtom said:

Zippergate said:

Many of these Covid deaths were death with Covid, not from Covid; this has been demonstrated over and over again and we know exactly why this is the case. Also, if you're going to call this a vaccine success story, what do you do with a case like Australia where the death rate was extremely low until the introduction of the vaccines and then exploded. (see the top chart here)

Further, death rates from pandemics always decline over time. We would have eventually seen low death rates without any vaccinations at all as exposure to Covid spread throughout the population. Finally, and most importantly, why don't you show a graph of all-cause mortality? Why has it been elevated long after Covid deaths subsided?

Are you a medical professional?

If not, shut the hell up!!

This recycled take is childish and adorable. Kudos.
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concordtom said:

Zippergate said:

Many of these Covid deaths were death with Covid, not from Covid; this has been demonstrated over and over again and we know exactly why this is the case. Also, if you're going to call this a vaccine success story, what do you do with a case like Australia where the death rate was extremely low until the introduction of the vaccines and then exploded. (see the top chart here)

Further, death rates from pandemics always decline over time. We would have eventually seen low death rates without any vaccinations at all as exposure to Covid spread throughout the population. Finally, and most importantly, why don't you show a graph of all-cause mortality? Why has it been elevated long after Covid deaths subsided?

Are you a medical professional?

If not, shut the hell up!!
Are you? I didn't think so.

(non)Physician, heal thyself.
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Zippergate said:

….Finally, and most importantly, why don't you show a graph of all-cause mortality? Why has it been elevated long after Covid deaths subsided?

I have no expertise to conclude who is right. I am simply pointing out that there is a split of opinion on the subject:

New Analysis Reveals Many Excess Deaths Attributed to Natural Causes Are Actually Uncounted COVID-19 Deaths | SPH

"Importantly, these findings also disprove political assertions or public beliefs that have attributed mortality during the pandemic to COVID-19 vaccinations or shelter-in-place policies."
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"Technically it's not FDA approved," Murray said. "Last time I checked it wasn't. I don't know what people's complications from it will be years from now. I'll do it when it's FDA approved. I've already had (COVID-19). I'm not going to die from it. If it makes my life easier out here I'm pretty much forced to do it. That's pretty much what the tour's doing, which I don't agree with. …
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bear2034 said:

"Technically it's not FDA approved," Murray said. "Last time I checked it wasn't. I don't know what people's complications from it will be years from now. I'll do it when it's FDA approved. I've already had (COVID-19). I'm not going to die from it. If it makes my life easier out here I'm pretty much forced to do it. That's pretty much what the tour's doing, which I don't agree with. …

Why don't you read about him. Severe depression, history of alcohol abuse, and played lit occasionally like John Daly, and recently said there are days he didn't want to get out of bed. Connect the dots.
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concordtom said:

This thread is still going??
"not dead yet" is much faded but still legible on back of my annual physical exam's sweat-shirt, honoring the classic Monty Python skit...
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bearister said:

bear2034 said:

"Technically it's not FDA approved," Murray said. "Last time I checked it wasn't. I don't know what people's complications from it will be years from now. I'll do it when it's FDA approved. I've already had (COVID-19). I'm not going to die from it. If it makes my life easier out here I'm pretty much forced to do it. That's pretty much what the tour's doing, which I don't agree with. …

Why don't you read about him. Severe depression, history of alcohol abuse, and played lit occasionally like John Daly, and recently said there are days he didn't want to get out of bed. Connect the dots.
So you're saying it was vaccines.
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bearister said:

bear2034 said:

"Technically it's not FDA approved," Murray said. "Last time I checked it wasn't. I don't know what people's complications from it will be years from now. I'll do it when it's FDA approved. I've already had (COVID-19). I'm not going to die from it. If it makes my life easier out here I'm pretty much forced to do it. That's pretty much what the tour's doing, which I don't agree with. …

Why don't you read about him. Severe depression, history of alcohol abuse, and played lit occasionally like John Daly, and recently said there are days he didn't want to get out of bed. Connect the dots.

Grayson Murray died by suicide, his parents reveal
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Eastern Oregon Bear
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bearister said:

bearister said:

bear2034 said:

"Technically it's not FDA approved," Murray said. "Last time I checked it wasn't. I don't know what people's complications from it will be years from now. I'll do it when it's FDA approved. I've already had (COVID-19). I'm not going to die from it. If it makes my life easier out here I'm pretty much forced to do it. That's pretty much what the tour's doing, which I don't agree with. …

Why don't you read about him. Severe depression, history of alcohol abuse, and played lit occasionally like John Daly, and recently said there are days he didn't want to get out of bed. Connect the dots.

Grayson Murray died by suicide, his parents reveal

"Vaccine related suicide" in 3... 2... 1...
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He committed suicide when he got the jab
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

bearister said:

bearister said:

bear2034 said:

"Technically it's not FDA approved," Murray said. "Last time I checked it wasn't. I don't know what people's complications from it will be years from now. I'll do it when it's FDA approved. I've already had (COVID-19). I'm not going to die from it. If it makes my life easier out here I'm pretty much forced to do it. That's pretty much what the tour's doing, which I don't agree with. …

Why don't you read about him. Severe depression, history of alcohol abuse, and played lit occasionally like John Daly, and recently said there are days he didn't want to get out of bed. Connect the dots.

Grayson Murray died by suicide, his parents reveal

"Vaccine related suicide" in 3... 2... 1...
Looks like we discovered a new side effect!
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dajo9 said:

He committed suicide when he got the jab

His parents work for Moderna.
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concordtom said:

Zippergate said:

Many of these Covid deaths were death with Covid, not from Covid; this has been demonstrated over and over again and we know exactly why this is the case. Also, if you're going to call this a vaccine success story, what do you do with a case like Australia where the death rate was extremely low until the introduction of the vaccines and then exploded. (see the top chart here)

Further, death rates from pandemics always decline over time. We would have eventually seen low death rates without any vaccinations at all as exposure to Covid spread throughout the population. Finally, and most importantly, why don't you show a graph of all-cause mortality? Why has it been elevated long after Covid deaths subsided?

Are you a medical professional?

If not, shut the hell up!!
Stockholm syndrome.

And no, it's not over. The jabs are still being administered to people that have no business receiving them And the Pharma Industrial Complex is already planning the next pandemic. Many were fooled the first time around and that is perfectly understandable given the widespread deceptive messaging by previously respected medical authorities. But there is no excuse for being deceived the next time around.
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Zippergate said:

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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grab from:
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smh said:


grab from:

Measles should visit Fauci, Bourla, Biden, and Bancel and thank them for increasing vaccine hesitancy 100 fold.
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Boy, you sure told CJ! I bet he's licking his wounds of that brilliant comeback of yours. You must be the life of the party.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

Boy, you sure told CJ! I bet he's licking his wounds of that brilliant comeback of yours. You must be the life of the party.

You must love comics and memes. They are posts with zero substance that reinforce your narrow point of view just like you do as the circle jerk cracker fed attack dog.
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oski003 said:

blah, blah, blah, projection, blah, blah, blah, lame ass insult, blah, blah, blah
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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