Nice way to substantively address any part of my comment. Why bother to quote me?
I was addressing the commonly used phrase by arch Conservative Republicans (and their leader) that this person or that person either belongs in jail or is going to jail for some fantasy grievance that is based on nothing other than baseless allegations raised in your horsesh@it Right Wing echo chamber news sources.
A tRump presidency is in my best financial interests. I'll take the tax cuts.
…and it was your buddies that started the political bashing on the football board which most of the football boys are fine with until someone counters the b.s.
…and the only concern you should have is if tRump loses and starts an insurrection again because this time around the military is going to save the taxpayers a lot of money.
*And if, God forbid, we ever have another pandemic involving an even more lethal and highly contagious pathogen, the anti vaxxers will be lining up around the block waiting to get the spike like obedient little b@itches.
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I got some friends inside
“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.