Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

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Zippergate said:

One wonders if the medical centers at UCLA, Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, Mayo Clinc, Toronto General, John's Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the major medical clinics around the world will have anything to say about this. Not holding my breath.

When they do, if doesn't support your position in the matter, you will discount the findings as being tainted by Big Pharma……so I'm thinking you won't be holding your breath.

….and fresh in from the Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other Department:

COVID-19 linked to a greater risk of Alzheimer's, other disorders | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis
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bearister said:

Zippergate said:

One wonders if the medical centers at UCLA, Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, Mayo Clinc, Toronto General, John's Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the major medical clinics around the world will have anything to say about this. Not holding my breath.

When they do, if doesn't support your position in the matter, you will discount the findings as being tainted by Big Pharma……so I'm thinking you won't be holding your breath.

….and fresh in from the Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other Department:

COVID-19 linked to a greater risk of Alzheimer's, other disorders | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis
Pot, kettle and all that. Perhaps if your preferred institutions would publish studies refuting the many studies posted here, you would have an argument.

As for the dementia question, assuming both articles are an accurate reflection of reality, what conclusions can we draw? The Lancet study, at least what is presented in the article, does not differentiate based on vaccination status. All it says is that Covid infection causes cognitive impairment. Then there's the Korean study which shows that the Covid vaccines are associated with elevated risk for cognitive impairment irrespective of Covid status. Combining the two studies, we're left with the conclusion that the only people without elevated risk of cognitive impairment are those individuals who have neither had Covid nor been vaccinated. Perhaps the problem is not the virus itself but the spike protein as many Covid skeptics have argued. If so, injecting a gene therapy repeatedly to program the body to produce mass quantities of spike protein might not be such a good idea. In any case, the Lancet study does nothing to dispel the concerns raised by the Korean study.

One more thing. The article states that persistent infection is the likely culprit. If this is the case, having multiple vaccinations likely increases the risk. Repeated exposure to spike protein trains the immune system to produce IgG4 antibodies which cause the immune system to ignore spike, not eliminate it. Result? Persistent, repeated infections which we've all seen. Yikes.
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Interesting points. Also interesting that a motivated billionaire can't find a credible, independent group to conduct an investigation.

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Mizaru Kikazaru Iwazaru
You don't find what you don't look for.
The Lancet is the gold standard and can't be credibly ignored.
Note that while not all of the deaths reported to VAERS will be a result of the Covid gene therapy "vaccines" (that's not the purpose of the system), the VAERS underreporting factor is well-understood to be 20x-50x. To estimate the actual number of deaths from the "vaccines", cut the VAERS number and then multiply it by at least 10. The result is a horrifically large number.

A previously censored paper from The Lancet has now undergone peer review and is available online.
The study, titled "A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination," analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination.
The paper's lead author, Dr. Nicolas Hulscher, faced significant opposition in bringing these findings to light. After initially being downloaded over 100,000 times, The Lancet removed the paper within 24 hours, according to Dr. William Makis.
According to The Daily Sceptic, the reason given at the time was, "This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology."
The news outlet added:


"Without further detail from the Preprints with the Lancet staff who removed the paper it is hard to know what substance the claim that the conclusions are not supported by the methodology really has. A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line. Keep in mind that the CDC has not yet acknowledged a single death being caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines. Autopsy evidence demonstrating otherwise is clearly not what the U.S. public health establishment wants to hear."
In a post on X Friday, Dr. William Makis shared the exciting news.
"BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online!" Makis wrote on X.
"Incredible perseverence [sic] by first author Nicolas Hulscher who didn't give up after LANCET pulled our paper within 24 hours after 100,000s of downloads for no legitimate reason. Big pharma put the squeeze on The Lancet but has failed to stop us."
"Our paper was delayed by one year, and those actions of CENSORSHIP and CANCELLATION led to many deaths that could have been prevented. This paper could be a game changer," Makis added.
According to the study:

We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included.
Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.
We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. The mean age of death was 70.4 years.
The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.
The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.
A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, of which the primary causes of death include sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).
According to the VAERS COVID Adverse Event Reports that track all of the COVID-reported vaccine deaths and complications, 37,647 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccine as of May 31, 2024.
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"The Biden administration is seeking to delay the release of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine safety data until at least 2026."

"In a motion filed with a district court, the Department of Justice (DOH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reportedly requested for an 18-month stay with regard to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lodged by America First Legal (AFL) and Just The News. The FOIA request sought to obtain data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
"The public-facing [VAERS] database contains only initial reports while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections such as formal diagnosis, recovery or death," the lawsuit noted. It also cited examples of vaccine-induced deaths not recorded in VAERS, but present in the private database. "
"You just need to wait until 18 months from now, and maybe you'll get to see it. Maybe you won't," said AFL lawyer Gene Hamilton, who represents Just The News, when asked about the government's position on vaccination records. "What they're hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it."
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Zippergate said:

"The Biden administration is seeking to delay the release of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine safety data until at least 2026."

"In a motion filed with a district court, the Department of Justice (DOH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reportedly requested for an 18-month stay with regard to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lodged by America First Legal (AFL) and Just The News. The FOIA request sought to obtain data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
"The public-facing [VAERS] database contains only initial reports while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections such as formal diagnosis, recovery or death," the lawsuit noted. It also cited examples of vaccine-induced deaths not recorded in VAERS, but present in the private database. "
"You just need to wait until 18 months from now, and maybe you'll get to see it. Maybe you won't," said AFL lawyer Gene Hamilton, who represents Just The News, when asked about the government's position on vaccination records. "What they're hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it."

Another reason not to vote for the Easter Bunny.
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Why should we be surprised by this? In Pfizer's phase III trial at the six month point, there were more deaths in the vaccinated arm than the control arm (21 vs 17).

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Consistent reports around the world, but mRNA is still planned to be the launch mechanism for other quickly derived drugs?
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As long as the medical centers at UCLA, Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, Mayo Clinc, Toronto General, John's Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the major medical clinics around the world look the other way, why wouldn't they use the mRNA technology? It's fast, cheap and very, very profitable.

When crime pays you get more of it.
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Zippergate said:

As long as the medical centers at UCLA, Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, Mayo Clinc, Toronto General, John's Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the major medical clinics around the world look the other way, why wouldn't they use the mRNA technology? It's fast, cheap and very, very profitable.

When crime pays you get more of it.

I've previously had faith in our medical community. Given recent events, including in my non-scientific mind two rigged studies published by Lancet (HCQ / Ivermectin), that faith is gone.

I also believe now that we need a full vetting of all our vaccinations.
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You really miss me, don't you? I'm deep down in there, huh?
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I wonder who will be earning royalties from the next one. But I'm a tin-foil hat lunatic.

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Zippergate said:

Why should we be surprised by this? In Pfizer's phase III trial at the six month point, there were more deaths in the vaccinated arm than the control arm (21 vs 17).

Italian study finds a 37% increase in mortality rates for mRNA vaccinated.

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Well worth a watch.

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When in doubt, follow the money.
I wonder how much Covid skeptics all around the world are receiving. Surely it must be a very large number given their relentless zeal to disparage the safe and effective Covid vaccines.

"The programme also highlighted the growing issue of the conflicts of interest held by the so-called COVID 'experts', who received large amounts of funding or payoffs from pharmaceutical companies without disclosing this fact to the viewers at home.

Following the broadcast attention focused on payments received by mainstream expert Professor Robert Booy, a panelist defending the vaccines. Researcher and former Big Pharma exec Aussie17 shared the results of a search on Disclosure Australia, which revealed Booy had received thousands of dollars in payments from multiple pharmaceutical companies in the years 2021 to 2023. A similar controversy erupted in the UK recently when it was revealed four high profile TV doctors who pushed the jab also received payments from Big Pharma, which were never disclosed to audiences by legacy media outlets during the 'pandemic'. The revelations underscored the importance of transparency in public health discussions and cast doubt on the impartiality of the mainstream expert opinions presented."
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The childhood vaccine schedule is perfectly safe and effective because...well, we say so.

An analysis of sudden infant deaths in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows a direct correlation between SIDS and vaccines.
VAERS data shows that nearly 80% of those deaths reported to the system between 1990 and 2019 happened within seven days of vaccination.
Most recently, during the COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccination rates dropped because routine medical visits were canceled.
During that period, the number of deaths from SIDS dropped significantly.
A recent peer-reviewed study found a positive statistical correlation between infant mortality rates (IMRs) and the number of vaccine doses received by babies confirming findings made by the same researchers a decade ago.
The 2018 Health Affairs study reported the bifurcation of the U.S. mortality rates from that of other wealthy countries began in the 1980s the same time the country saw a major uptick in childhood vaccination.

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Wow. Huge news?
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most recent south bay covid article from sjmn
signed, looking forward to next jab

By Harriet Blain Rowan
PUBLISHED: July 5, 2024 at 4:02 p.m.

If you thought COVID was a thing of the past, this summer's surge should make you think twice. The whole Bay Area seems to be coming down with the virus these days.

Local data indicates the virus is spreading at high levels in San Jose and most communities around the Bay Area and California. But despite near record-high COVID levels in wastewater and spiking positivity rates, other metrics show a lot has changed and confirm the virus is not nearly as deadly as it once was before vaccines and treatments became widely available.

Wastewater data for San Jose shows the virus nearly reached record high levels in the city's sewer shed this week. It was short by less than one tenth of a percent. The previous record high was set during the first Omicron surge in January of 2022. Santa Clara County's three other sewer sheds Palo Alto, Sunnyvale and Gilroy all have high levels of COVID, too, as of the first few days of July..

The now annual re-formulation of the COVID vaccine is expected in August or September, and it will be based on one of the more recent FLiRT variants, after some back and forth between FDA and its vaccine advisory committee.

While those who are at high risk might choose to take precautions during this summer's surge, there are some reassuring metrics that show COVID now is a different beast than COVID during the early days of the pandemic in 2020.

.."If we had seen this amount of COVID wastewater in 2020, our hospitals would be bursting at the seams," said Chin-Hong. "The fact that we're seeing so much in the wastewater and just a modest increase in hospitalizations is due to the fact that the population, in general, is much more immune than in previous years."
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You obviously believe the boosters are safe and effective. What do you base that on? Just curious.
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Dr. Robert Malone recently said myocarditis went from one in 250,000 to one in 40?
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French top 20 tennis star Ugo Humbert experiences adverse mRNA vaccine side effects hampering his performance:

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Things are happening that give me hope. I've tried telling many of my younger (and older) friends from the get-go, that we have to speak up. But people were too afraid.

Today's Chronicle had yet another article on Covid cases. I decided to reach out to the reporter about part of the article. I'm posting the exchange I had with him because I think it shows how we can affect change if we 1) speak up and 2) do it respectfully. On that second point, I certainly fail at that more than I'd like, but I try.

The end result though is they thoughtfully edited the article based on my feedback.

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Australians have been left in a state of shock after more leaked audio emerged from the censored 7News segment "After COVID," which I wrote about here and here. This time, we have the full, alarming statements by former President of the Australian Medical Association, the largest professional body for doctors in Australia, Professor Kerryn Phelps, in response to host Michael Usher when he asked, "Is there anything to learn from people who've had side effects that both of you are describing in detail?"
In the recording, Phelps exposes the disturbing rise in mRNA vaccine side effects and the gross negligence by both the government and pharmaceutical companies in addressing these issues.
"I mean I've never seen so many young people having cardiac MRIs in my entire career. There are people who've had heart damage, myocarditis, they've had heart problems, gastrointestinal problems, dysautonomia."
Professor Kerryn Phelps

Furthermore, Phelps critiques the TGA's management of adverse reactions. "The TGA never gets back to anybody. They compile this data but they don't actually follow up. They don't know how long these vaccine injuries have gone on for. They don't go back to people and say, you know, 'Are you still suffering? What's happening with you now?'" she reveals.

For many Australians, this isn't just a "conspiracy theory" anymore. Hearing these concerns from the former Australian Medical Association President, Professor Kerryn Phelps, makes it clear that this issue is real.
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covid increase continues according to yesterday's sjmn grab..
By Harriet Blair Rowan

> Statewide, the COVID positivity rate continues to skyrocket, with Friday's update showing the percent of all COVID tests that come back positive is just one tenth of a percent shy of the high from the last 12 months. There have been only a handful of weeks in the past three years that have had a positivity rate over 13%.

> After reaching record lows in March, and growing slowly in May, the portion of COVID tests coming back positive started to shoot up sharply in June.

> On June 1, the positivity rate was 4.1%, up from just under 2% in May. The rate has now tripled to 13.0% as of July 8, the most recent date for which data was available. The state now has a higher positivity rate than during this winter's COVID spike, when it reached just over 11%, and is poised to surpass the recent high of 13.1% in September of 2023.

> Since COVID tests became readily available, the highest the positivity rate has ever been was in December of 2021 and January 2022, when it reached over 20% for nearly three weeks..
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Zippergate said:

You obviously believe the boosters are safe and effective. What do you base that on? Just curious.
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Whatever protective effect the gene-therapies known as Covid vaccines had has long since disappeared. Even the data from the vaccine promoters shows that vaccine effectiveness drops rapidly, is near zero with a few months and then turns negative. Think about that for a moment. Negative. And again, this is a well-understood, established fact. Why are the vaccines so poor? For one, the vaccines were never very effective on the variants and by the time the latest booster is out is circulation the variant it is engineered for has been supplanted by another. Two, repeated doses of the spike protein causes the immune system to produce IgG4 antibodies which trains the immune system to ignore rather than attack the virus (think allergy shots). Three, the vaccines are generally immunosuppressive which means that recipients are more susceptible to all kinds of infections.

"Based on new data I just got from a FOIA request, it appears that the public health epidemiologists in Santa Clara County knew in January 2022 that the vaccines made people more likely to get COVID, but they remained silent.

98% of the people with COVID were vaccinated, but the vaccination rate in the County at the time the data was collected was 86%. In short, the vaccine made it more likely you got COVID."

Controlled study at renowned Cleveland Clinic showed the same thing: more vaccines, higher likelihood to get COVID. It's in the peer-reviewed literature.

Here's the latest paper which confirms the earlier paper. It's been thoroughly investigated and confirmed with 2 papers now in the peer-reviewed literature!
More shots > more COVID infections.

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smh said:

covid increase continues according to yesterday's sjmn grab..
By Harriet Blair Rowan

> Statewide, the COVID positivity rate continues to skyrocket, with Friday's update showing the percent of all COVID tests that come back positive is just one tenth of a percent shy of the high from the last 12 months. There have been only a handful of weeks in the past three years that have had a positivity rate over 13%.

> After reaching record lows in March, and growing slowly in May, the portion of COVID tests coming back positive started to shoot up sharply in June.

> On June 1, the positivity rate was 4.1%, up from just under 2% in May. The rate has now tripled to 13.0% as of July 8, the most recent date for which data was available. The state now has a higher positivity rate than during this winter's COVID spike, when it reached just over 11%, and is poised to surpass the recent high of 13.1% in September of 2023.

> Since COVID tests became readily available, the highest the positivity rate has ever been was in December of 2021 and January 2022, when it reached over 20% for nearly three weeks..

You do realize that this is a measurement of the percentage of covid tests that come out positive. Most people taking the covid test today are sick, that is the main incentive, given that covid tests are no longer required.

So this data basically tells you that 87% of mostly sick people who took the covid test don't even have covid. Seriously, not a cause for alarn, especially since the current strains circulating are no longer highly virrulent.

Plenty of sun/vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C should be enough.
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'Unconscionable Evil: Babies Are Having HEART ATTACKS in the Womb (


Dr. James Thorp, OBGYN with 43 years of experience, explains the devastating consequences of COVID vaccination
"I don't know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what's going on. I've seen death and destruction like I've never seen before.
There is a 1200x increase in menstrual abnormalities.
When we look at pregnancy, there is a substantial and significant increase in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid, and fetal cardiac arrest."
"Are you saying that babies are having heart attacks in the womb?"
"Yes. The vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect."
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Still think we should just move on from the Covid vaccines without a reckoning?

A Texas rancher has come forward to blow the whistle and expose efforts by the federal government to spike the U.S. food supply with mRNA vaccines.
Rancher Trevor Cowley revealed during an interview that the feds have been experimenting on livestock by injecting animals destined for the food supply with mRNA shots.
Cowley told the "Real Business Owners" podcast that Democrat President Joe Biden's Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been running secret trials on animals.
However, a huge percentage of the livestock that received the injections has died.
"The USDA came out with a study on pigs because pigs were the first to be trialed with the mRNA vaccines," Cowley revealed.
"They did a trial with 500 pigs.
"Within the first couple of weeks, they had about 100 of them die."
"They analyzed the pigs after they had died," he added.
"They were still finding traces of the vaccine inside the meat."
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Senator Ron Johnson directly questioned former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Dr. Robert Redfield (2018-2021) about the COVID-19 mRNA injections during a U.S. Senate hearing on Thursday.
Redfield made some astonishing admissions regarding the mandated mRNA injections. He highlighted the dangers of the injections and the significant differences between what the public was told and the actual nature of the shots at the time of their rollout and subsequent mandates.
Dr. Redfield revealed that he does not administer the mRNA shots in his own practice because the spike proteins these shots cause the body to produce are, in his words, "toxic to the body."
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yesterday's nytimes article, w/limited access to non-subscribers (me)..

title: Vaccines Significantly Reduce the Risk of Long Covid, Study Finds
subhead: In the first two years of the pandemic, the rate of long Covid was starkly lower among people who were vaccinated, researchers reported.

By Pam Belluck
July 17, 2024

A large new study provides some of the strongest evidence yet that vaccines reduce the risk of developing long Covid.

Scientists looked at people in the United States infected during the first two years of the pandemic and found that the percentage of vaccinated people who developed long Covid was much lower than the percentage of unvaccinated people who did.

Medical experts have previously said that vaccines can lower the risk of long Covid, largely because they help prevent severe illness during the infection period and people with severe infections are more likely to have long-term symptoms.

But many individuals with mild infections also develop long Covid, and the study, published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that vaccination did not eliminate all risk of developing the condition, which continues to affect millions in the United States.

"There was a residual risk of long Covid among vaccinated persons," Dr. Clifford Rosen, a senior scientist at the MaineHealth Institute for Research, who was not involved in the study, wrote in an accompanying editorial. Because of that, Dr. Rosen added, new cases of long Covid "may continue unabated."

The study evaluated medical records of millions of patients in the Department of Veterans Affairs health system. It involved nearly 450,000 people who had Covid between March 1, 2020, and Jan. 31, 2022, and about 4.7 million people who were not infected during that time. <text fades away>
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