The Official Russian Invasion of Ukraine Thread

802,953 Views | 9692 Replies | Last: 2 hrs ago by Cal88
Big C
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movielover said:

"golden shower" - confirmed TDS.

I probably have a mild case of TDS, but was kidding around about that. Sort of.
Big C
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Cal88 said:

Big C said:

bearister said:

It all makes sense now why tRump Redux will occur:

Russia's Popularity With Americans Is Growing - Newsweek

*I never figured out why tRump fought the narrative that he is a Russian asset so hard. It just makes him more beloved by America.

I can certainly see Russia's appeal to a segment of the American population. Maybe they should work over there for a couple of years or so and see how it is! Warning: Make sure, if you go for the golden shower, the cameras aren't running...

The flipside is really the relevant part here, there is a definite prevalent and irrational prejudice against Russians and Russian culture in the West, especially in America. Generations have grown up in the Cold War with the stereotypes of Boris, Natasha and Ivan Drago. That tendency has been exacerbated with the Trump and "Russiagate" phenomenon.

There is as well a similar prejudice towards Muslims/Arabs and towards the Chinese, which is also being exploited in the conduct of aggressive foreign policies towards parts of east and west Asia.

The irony here is that Putin has pro-western tendencies, being from St Petersburg and having been stationed in Berlin, he really did try to get along back in the 2000s, and even later on, up to the Minsk Agreements.

I agree that it was not a foregone conclusion that Putin was always going to turn away from the West. Going back 40+ years, I questioned whether -- not counting capitalist vs.Marxist ideology -- the US and the USSR were really "natural enemies"? The prof for my International Relations class, a real Cold Warrior, scoffed at that and cited Marx.
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Big C said:

Cal88 said:

Big C said:

bearister said:

It all makes sense now why tRump Redux will occur:

Russia's Popularity With Americans Is Growing - Newsweek

*I never figured out why tRump fought the narrative that he is a Russian asset so hard. It just makes him more beloved by America.

I can certainly see Russia's appeal to a segment of the American population. Maybe they should work over there for a couple of years or so and see how it is! Warning: Make sure, if you go for the golden shower, the cameras aren't running...

The flipside is really the relevant part here, there is a definite prevalent and irrational prejudice against Russians and Russian culture in the West, especially in America. Generations have grown up in the Cold War with the stereotypes of Boris, Natasha and Ivan Drago. That tendency has been exacerbated with the Trump and "Russiagate" phenomenon.

There is as well a similar prejudice towards Muslims/Arabs and towards the Chinese, which is also being exploited in the conduct of aggressive foreign policies towards parts of east and west Asia.

The irony here is that Putin has pro-western tendencies, being from St Petersburg and having been stationed in Berlin, he really did try to get along back in the 2000s, and even later on, up to the Minsk Agreements.

I agree that it was not a foregone conclusion that Putin was always going to turn away from the West. Going back 40+ years, I questioned whether -- not counting capitalist vs.Marxist ideology -- the US and the USSR were really "natural enemies"? The prof for my International Relations class, a real Cold Warrior, scoffed at that and cited Marx.

Did he cover Mackinder's Heartland Theory? It predates the Cold War and goes a long way towards explaining the geopolitical rivalry between the global sea power (UK, then US) and the prevailing land power (Germany, Russia, China). The Crimean War circa 1850s does bear a lot of similarities with the current edition.

As well the emerging political, pituitary and economic alliance between Russia, China, Iran and N. Korea is straight out of the Mackinder Land Island framework.
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Who was Alexei Navalny and what did he say of Russia, Putin and death? | Reuters

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putin's war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety | CNN

Well, Navalny walked the walk. If he is the bad guy here and Putin is the good guy, somebody…..

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bearister said:

Who was Alexei Navalny and what did he say of Russia, Putin and death? | Reuters

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putin's war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety | CNN

Well, Navalny walked the walk. If he is the bad guy here and Putin is the good guy, somebody…..

Navalny has been built up as some kind of a heroic, organic liberal opposition figure along the lines of a Lech Walesa or a Cory Aquino, when in fact he was an opportunist who started out in politics as a far right nationalist, before doing a 180.

I've covered Navalny here:

Also, this:
Big C
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Cal88 said:

Big C said:

Cal88 said:

Big C said:

bearister said:

It all makes sense now why tRump Redux will occur:

Russia's Popularity With Americans Is Growing - Newsweek

*I never figured out why tRump fought the narrative that he is a Russian asset so hard. It just makes him more beloved by America.

I can certainly see Russia's appeal to a segment of the American population. Maybe they should work over there for a couple of years or so and see how it is! Warning: Make sure, if you go for the golden shower, the cameras aren't running...

The flipside is really the relevant part here, there is a definite prevalent and irrational prejudice against Russians and Russian culture in the West, especially in America. Generations have grown up in the Cold War with the stereotypes of Boris, Natasha and Ivan Drago. That tendency has been exacerbated with the Trump and "Russiagate" phenomenon.

There is as well a similar prejudice towards Muslims/Arabs and towards the Chinese, which is also being exploited in the conduct of aggressive foreign policies towards parts of east and west Asia.

The irony here is that Putin has pro-western tendencies, being from St Petersburg and having been stationed in Berlin, he really did try to get along back in the 2000s, and even later on, up to the Minsk Agreements.

I agree that it was not a foregone conclusion that Putin was always going to turn away from the West. Going back 40+ years, I questioned whether -- not counting capitalist vs.Marxist ideology -- the US and the USSR were really "natural enemies"? The prof for my International Relations class, a real Cold Warrior, scoffed at that and cited Marx.

Did he cover Mackinder's Heartland Theory? It predates the Cold War and goes a long way towards explaining the geopolitical rivalry between the global sea power (UK, then US) and the prevailing land power (Germany, Russia, China). The Crimean War circa 1850s does bear a lot of similarities with the current edition.

As well the emerging political, pituitary and economic alliance between Russia, China, Iran and N. Korea is straight out of the Mackinder Land Island framework.

Gonna have to go back and check my notes on that! Let's see, was it Poly Sci... 162? 1980?

This guy was from, IIRC, the Naval War College. His "best" reason for the US and USSR being "natural enemies" was that Marx had said that communism was going to be the end result for everybody and that it was incompatible with capitalism. Seeing that the late USSR was "communist" basically in name only, something seemed a little off. ZERO chance he was ever going to question his own assumptions (which prepped me well for this forum).
Eastern Oregon Bear
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Cal88 said:

bearister said:

Who was Alexei Navalny and what did he say of Russia, Putin and death? | Reuters

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putin's war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety | CNN

Well, Navalny walked the walk. If he is the bad guy here and Putin is the good guy, somebody…..

Navalny has been built up as some kind of a heroic, organic liberal opposition figure along the lines of a Lech Walesa or a Cory Aquino, when in fact he was an opportunist who started out in politics as a far right nationalist, before doing a 180.

I've covered Navalny here:

Also, this:

Beatings can cause blood clots. That seems like a strong possibility in a Russian prison.
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Victor Davis Hanson: Ukraine and the 1940 Winter War (Finland)
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Things are getting worse every week in Ukraine:

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Are Russia's hypersonic missiles superior to ours?

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The Oakland Institute: Amidst Chaos of War, A New Report Exposes the Stealth Take-over of Ukrainian Agricultural Land

February 21, 2023
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oski003 said:

Ukraine puts down a coup

Those governments that live by the coup, die by the coup.
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Cal88 said:

Things are getting worse every week in Ukraine:



Throwing more bodies into the meat grinder, just to satisfy the NeoCon's quest for global hegemony.

Clearly, this is all about "freedom" and "democracy."

No one who cares one whit about the people of Ukraine would allow this outrage to continue.
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Cal88 said:

bearister said:

Who was Alexei Navalny and what did he say of Russia, Putin and death? | Reuters

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putin's war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety | CNN

Well, Navalny walked the walk. If he is the bad guy here and Putin is the good guy, somebody…..

Navalny has been built up as some kind of a heroic, organic liberal opposition figure along the lines of a Lech Walesa or a Cory Aquino, when in fact he was an opportunist who started out in politics as a far right nationalist, before doing a 180.

I've covered Navalny here:

Also, this:

Navalny was a CIA asset, and a traitor to Russia:

In Russia, Navalny was, indeed, the bad guy. He set out to bring Putin down, and had plenty of support from U.S. NGOs to do exactly that.

He wasn't doing this to help the people of Russia live better lives. He was doing this because that's what his U.S. handlers wanted him to do.

Amazing how the people who were the most upset about Russia's alleged interference in U.S. Elections fail to see how the U.S. has been interfering in Russia's affairs 10x worse -- even to the point of greenlighting Ukraine's Crocus City Hall attack in March, just after their elections.

All the things that the NeoCon geniuses told us would bring Russia to its knees -- the Sanctions, the Nordstream sabotage, the proxy war, bombing the Kerch Bridge, etc., etc.... -- they all backfired. Russia is far more powerful now than it was before Feb 2022.

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Another lie to support Biden & MIC ($$$).
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It can either be that Putin never wanted to expand beyond Ukraine or that we are on the verge of World War 3, but it can't be both.
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sycasey said:

It can either be that Putin never wanted to expand beyond Ukraine or that we are on the verge of World War 3, but it can't be both.

Yes, it can be both because NATO is attacking Russia.
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oski003 said:

sycasey said:

It can either be that Putin never wanted to expand beyond Ukraine or that we are on the verge of World War 3, but it can't be both.

Yes, it can be both because NATO is attacking Russia.

Big C
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122 Days Til No Joe said:

In the latest episode of "I was right and the warmongering BI neolibs were wrong", the New York Times is admitting that Putin had no interest in invading Western Europe.

Yeah, you guys are the smart ones.

The people who thought Putin wanted to continue ever westward unless we stood up to him (because they woke up in their high school history class in time to read that one chapter about Hitler/Neville Chamberlain) were suckers and/or simpletons.
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Hungarian Prime Misniter Orban making significant moves towards peace in Ukraine, having visited back to bak Zelensky and Putin:

Excerpts from a recent interview of Orban about his peace trips:

"Critics say that I'm a friend of Putin, but I'm a friend of the Hungarians and a friend of peace. The reason I negotiate with Putin is because I'm looking for the quickest way to stop this war and create peace.

Regarding how the meeting was prepared: it was done in a totally secret way.
First, I went to Kiev to meet Zelensky. Once that was concluded, I started organizing the meeting with Putin. Imagine organizing such a meeting for two days later!

Q- When did you do thaton the highway, on the way back from Kiev to Budapest?
No, I sent a secret message to the foreign minister Pter Szijjrt to organize it because telecommunications are under surveillance by the other 'big guys'. I tried to keep it under the radar until they noticed a Hungarian military plane asking for permission to fly over Poland. That's when it leaked, but until then, it was under control.

I will have some meetings next week that will be equally surprising and under strict control. Anyway, back to the Russianshow to prepare mentally? To make peace is a Christian action; it's a Christian attitude-based action. If you approach peace in a political way, you become more bureaucraticwhat kind of negotiation authority you have, what the council will say, what the high foreign policy representative of the council, Mr. Borrell, will say. It gets more complicated. If you want to act morallypeace is a moral issueyou must prepare yourself spiritually. That's what I have done.

I made a decision, knowing that bad reactions would come from the West and Brussels, but being convinced that this is the only way and this is the duty I have to fulfill now. I remain the only Western leader who can talk to both Kiev and Moscow. All the others have created a situation where they have no chance for direct communication with the two main actors, especially with the Russians.

Q- Was that a historical week for you, personally, to meet these two war leaders so close in time, within a few daysa historical week for Viktor Orbn?
No. If you take it personally, you make a big mistake. Don't do that. What does not count at all is me. Who cares? The far more important issue is peace and war. Don't forget, during this interview, on the front line, at least a dozen young guys have died. Every minute, there are widows, children without fathers, orphans. What is going on is so dreadful, so emotionally unacceptable, so bad. This is my motivation, whatever political price I have to pay in Brussels.

I try to do something because I am in a special position as the rotating president of the council and a man who has a chance to talk to everybody."

His realistic approach is high-minded and practical, it is the only way to stop this war.
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Cal88 said:

Hungarian Prime Misniter Orban making significant moves towards peace in Ukraine, having visited back to bak Zelensky and Putin:

Excerpts from a recent interview of Orban about his peace trips:

"Critics say that I'm a friend of Putin, but I'm a friend of the Hungarians and a friend of peace. The reason I negotiate with Putin is because I'm looking for the quickest way to stop this war and create peace.

Regarding how the meeting was prepared: it was done in a totally secret way.
First, I went to Kiev to meet Zelensky. Once that was concluded, I started organizing the meeting with Putin. Imagine organizing such a meeting for two days later!

Q- When did you do thaton the highway, on the way back from Kiev to Budapest?
No, I sent a secret message to the foreign minister Pter Szijjrt to organize it because telecommunications are under surveillance by the other 'big guys'. I tried to keep it under the radar until they noticed a Hungarian military plane asking for permission to fly over Poland. That's when it leaked, but until then, it was under control.

I will have some meetings next week that will be equally surprising and under strict control. Anyway, back to the Russianshow to prepare mentally? To make peace is a Christian action; it's a Christian attitude-based action. If you approach peace in a political way, you become more bureaucraticwhat kind of negotiation authority you have, what the council will say, what the high foreign policy representative of the council, Mr. Borrell, will say. It gets more complicated. If you want to act morallypeace is a moral issueyou must prepare yourself spiritually. That's what I have done.

I made a decision, knowing that bad reactions would come from the West and Brussels, but being convinced that this is the only way and this is the duty I have to fulfill now. I remain the only Western leader who can talk to both Kiev and Moscow. All the others have created a situation where they have no chance for direct communication with the two main actors, especially with the Russians.

Q- Was that a historical week for you, personally, to meet these two war leaders so close in time, within a few daysa historical week for Viktor Orbn?
No. If you take it personally, you make a big mistake. Don't do that. What does not count at all is me. Who cares? The far more important issue is peace and war. Don't forget, during this interview, on the front line, at least a dozen young guys have died. Every minute, there are widows, children without fathers, orphans. What is going on is so dreadful, so emotionally unacceptable, so bad. This is my motivation, whatever political price I have to pay in Brussels.

I try to do something because I am in a special positionas the rotating president of the council and a man who has a chance to talk to everybody."

His realistic approach is high-minded and practical, it is the only way to stop this war.

He has to be secretive about conducting peace meetings because he feels the U.S. War-hawks will scuttle it?
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oski003 said:

Cal88 said:

Hungarian Prime Misniter Orban making significant moves towards peace in Ukraine, having visited back to bak Zelensky and Putin:

Excerpts from a recent interview of Orban about his peace trips:

"Critics say that I'm a friend of Putin, but I'm a friend of the Hungarians and a friend of peace. The reason I negotiate with Putin is because I'm looking for the quickest way to stop this war and create peace.

Regarding how the meeting was prepared: it was done in a totally secret way.
First, I went to Kiev to meet Zelensky. Once that was concluded, I started organizing the meeting with Putin. Imagine organizing such a meeting for two days later!

Q- When did you do thaton the highway, on the way back from Kiev to Budapest?
No, I sent a secret message to the foreign minister Pter Szijjrt to organize it because telecommunications are under surveillance by the other 'big guys'. I tried to keep it under the radar until they noticed a Hungarian military plane asking for permission to fly over Poland. That's when it leaked, but until then, it was under control.

I will have some meetings next week that will be equally surprising and under strict control. Anyway, back to the Russianshow to prepare mentally? To make peace is a Christian action; it's a Christian attitude-based action. If you approach peace in a political way, you become more bureaucraticwhat kind of negotiation authority you have, what the council will say, what the high foreign policy representative of the council, Mr. Borrell, will say. It gets more complicated. If you want to act morallypeace is a moral issueyou must prepare yourself spiritually. That's what I have done.

I made a decision, knowing that bad reactions would come from the West and Brussels, but being convinced that this is the only way and this is the duty I have to fulfill now. I remain the only Western leader who can talk to both Kiev and Moscow. All the others have created a situation where they have no chance for direct communication with the two main actors, especially with the Russians.

Q- Was that a historical week for you, personally, to meet these two war leaders so close in time, within a few daysa historical week for Viktor Orbn?
No. If you take it personally, you make a big mistake. Don't do that. What does not count at all is me. Who cares? The far more important issue is peace and war. Don't forget, during this interview, on the front line, at least a dozen young guys have died. Every minute, there are widows, children without fathers, orphans. What is going on is so dreadful, so emotionally unacceptable, so bad. This is my motivation, whatever political price I have to pay in Brussels.

I try to do something because I am in a special positions the rotating president of the council and a man who has a chance to talk to everybody."

His realistic approach is high-minded and practical, it is the only way to stop this war.

He has to be secretive about conducting peace meetings because he feels the U.S. War-hawks will scuttle it?

Yes, and it could easily be scuttled, he would have to fly over a NATO country (Poland, Romania etc) to get to Russia.
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Russia making major gains into Toretsk and Nu-York (Donesk area) according to HistoryLegends. Like a previous battle, Russia forces allegedly found another tunnel to traverse several kilometers inside of Ukraine, behind enemy lines, which led to a rapid pullback by UKR forces.

Meanwhile, Stoltenberg setting up a new NATO 'command center' for Ukraine in Germany w 700 personnel, 14x the staff Ukraine has. Talks of deepening ties, more bilateral agreements w Ukraine, and moving Ukraine closer to joining NATO.

The Hill: NATO chief says alliance will set up new command, establish financial pledges to support Ukraine
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Cal88 said:

oski003 said:

Cal88 said:

Hungarian Prime Misniter Orban making significant moves towards peace in Ukraine, having visited back to bak Zelensky and Putin:

Excerpts from a recent interview of Orban about his peace trips:

"Critics say that I'm a friend of Putin, but I'm a friend of the Hungarians and a friend of peace. The reason I negotiate with Putin is because I'm looking for the quickest way to stop this war and create peace.

Regarding how the meeting was prepared: it was done in a totally secret way.
First, I went to Kiev to meet Zelensky. Once that was concluded, I started organizing the meeting with Putin. Imagine organizing such a meeting for two days later!

Q- When did you do thaton the highway, on the way back from Kiev to Budapest?
No, I sent a secret message to the foreign minister Pter Szijjrt to organize it because telecommunications are under surveillance by the other 'big guys'. I tried to keep it under the radar until they noticed a Hungarian military plane asking for permission to fly over Poland. That's when it leaked, but until then, it was under control.

I will have some meetings next week that will be equally surprising and under strict control. Anyway, back to the Russianshow to prepare mentally? To make peace is a Christian action; it's a Christian attitude-based action. If you approach peace in a political way, you become more bureaucraticwhat kind of negotiation authority you have, what the council will say, what the high foreign policy representative of the council, Mr. Borrell, will say. It gets more complicated. If you want to act morallypeace is a moral issueyou must prepare yourself spiritually. That's what I have done.

I made a decision, knowing that bad reactions would come from the West and Brussels, but being convinced that this is the only way and this is the duty I have to fulfill now. I remain the only Western leader who can talk to both Kiev and Moscow. All the others have created a situation where they have no chance for direct communication with the two main actors, especially with the Russians.

Q- Was that a historical week for you, personally, to meet these two war leaders so close in time, within a few daysa historical week for Viktor Orbn?
No. If you take it personally, you make a big mistake. Don't do that. What does not count at all is me. Who cares? The far more important issue is peace and war. Don't forget, during this interview, on the front line, at least a dozen young guys have died. Every minute, there are widows, children without fathers, orphans. What is going on is so dreadful, so emotionally unacceptable, so bad. This is my motivation, whatever political price I have to pay in Brussels.

I try to do something because I am in a special positions the rotating president of the council and a man who has a chance to talk to everybody."

His realistic approach is high-minded and practical, it is the only way to stop this war.

He has to be secretive about conducting peace meetings because he feels the U.S. War-hawks will scuttle it?

Yes, and it could easily be scuttled, he would have to fly over a NATO country (Poland, Romania etc) to get to Russia.
That flight could be a risky one, since it would probably fly over Western Ukraine as well.

Speaking of which, July 17th will be the 10-year anniversary of the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which disappeared from radar as it crossed Eastern Ukraine.

In early reports, the U.S. tried to blame the disaster on Russia and/or the Russian separatists in the region. However, it's much more likely that the Buk surface-to-air missile was launched by Ukrainian forces.
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sycasey said:

oski003 said:

sycasey said:

It can either be that Putin never wanted to expand beyond Ukraine or that we are on the verge of World War 3, but it can't be both.

Yes, it can be both because NATO is attacking Russia.


Alastair Crooke : Is NATO preparing for war?

In a word: Yes.

U.S. NeoCons ALWAYS double down -- even if it leads directly to nuclear confrontation.
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Which would be a disaster. Even a 'tactical' nuke is 3-4x stronger than the one dropped on Nagasaki. Which unleashes mutual destruction.
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A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans

Grimacing Putin arrives at event 'promoting Russian family values' just hours after blitzing Kyiv children's hospital | The US Sun
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Big C
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cbbass1 said:

sycasey said:

oski003 said:

sycasey said:

It can either be that Putin never wanted to expand beyond Ukraine or that we are on the verge of World War 3, but it can't be both.

Yes, it can be both because NATO is attacking Russia.


Alastair Crooke : Is NATO preparing for war?

In a word: Yes.

U.S. NeoCons ALWAYS double down -- even if it leads directly to nuclear confrontation.

We always want to be prepared for any military eventuality. That said, nobody sane -- including all EU/NATO countries -- wants war with Russia except to defend ourselves. That is why we have limited our support for Ukraine (no boots on the ground, our "B level" weapons and basically no weapons that Ukraine can use to attack across the Russian border).

Say what you will about the Cold War (and I have, believe me), at least it never became a hot war. The last 75+ years have seen unprecedented peace in Europe (Kosovo and the latest in Ukraine notwithstanding).
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bearister said:

A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans

Grimacing Putin arrives at event 'promoting Russian family values' just hours after blitzing Kyiv children's hospital | The US Sun

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Antagonism and escalation. It is the only thing these people know which is why a hot war is a foregone conclusion.

'NATO has agreed with Zelensky to set up a command, under a three star general, with 700 soldiers in Germany and Eastern Europe. The headlines of press releases reveal a consistent pattern of dangerous escalation, as top NATO enforcers pressure individual countries to pay up and fight, exulting that: "for the first time, we have a NATO document agreed at the heads-of-state government level."'

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Sure, why count a Million dead in the UKR-Russia War and threat of nuclear war.
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Zelensky rejects cease fire proposal.

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It's a good opening gambit nevertheless, Orban started a process of real negotiations that down the road could put an end to this morbid charade:

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Russian court orders arrest of Yulia Navalnaya
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