calbear93 said:
I can honestly say that my support of our efforts in Ukraine is not about Ukrainians.
It is about our own interest, protecting the existing world order, and not allowing one of our biggest detractors to gain more land and power through aggression.
If it were about lives of the innocent, we would not look the other way in all of the conflicts in Africa or Middle East while we gleefully purchase conflict minerals. oil and diamonds. Now, if Xi invaded Africa, with both Russia and China looking to displace us in the world order, we would care (other than those who would rather promote our enemies).
All of this back and forth on this thread about who is worthy and who is not is just theatrical. The only debate we should be having is what protects our short-term and long-term interest the most.
I don't believe there has been much of that type of discussion in this thread. Some people are pretending that any criticism of Putin's invasion amounts to "Russiaphobia." I don't think any one supporting Ukraine (as I do) is pretending tht Ukraine is a Utopia populated by unicorns - just that they shouldn't have to suffer a genocide brought on by Putin's corrupt revanchism.
But your version of realism will be met by stiff propaganda claiming that all we've done is made Russia stronger lol.
Here are some examples of that Russian strength that we've contributed to:
In reality, Russia's true strength lies in its, well, lies. As you can see in this thread if you don't have people on ignore, the amplification of Russia's laughably false propaganda has become a dominant feature in much of the Western discourse.
Meanwhile, for less than 3% of our military budget we have learned more in the last 18 months about modern warfare with "peer" nations than we have in decades. We could probably reduce our military spend by 10% with what we've learned and be far more effective for it. We now know that cheap commodity drones (including waxed paper ones!) can be extremely effective against "state of the art" weapons systems that we and Russia have been developing for decades. We know that Russia's hypersonic missiles are easily defeated.
We now know where our weaknesses would be vs an aggressor like Russia and where our priorities should be. And however this dumb war ends, Russia will take a very long time to recover, if ever, its prior military might.
There are a lot of people pretending to support "realism" but what they really mean is that they support Russia doing whatever Putin decides to do. Your version of realism is from an American perspective which makes sense since you are an American. I would much prefer that Putin never invaded Ukraine and that he withdraw his forces and contribute to the rebuilding of a sovereign Ukraine without interference but we do not control Putin or his decisions.