dimitrig said:
calbear93 said:
dimitrig said:
okaydo said:
Stable genius at work.
Where as Democrats like Biden and Newsom show amazing progress and competence on things like immigration, agency overreach, including Biden's appointed value destroyer at the FTC and SEC, homelessness, crime, foreign affairs, etc.
The last three years have been the best years in American history!
I think the biggest difference is that Republicans, DeSantis in particular, create problems where none existed before as well as not solving existing problems. What was wrong with New College such that it needed to be meddled with?
What was wrong with prior law and order and bail system, vagrancy law that allowed police to move homeless to shelter if beds are available or to rehab centers, what was wrong with not saying borders are open even before the administration started and providing false hope that caused needless death in the move to the border and overloading even "sanctuary cities" in NY? Democrats keep going back to the same old failed policies over and over again as if their virtue signaling at other's expenses causes memory loss on history. Yes there were issues just as there were issues with the woke indoctrination in colleges where liberal arts used to be about inspiring instead of dividing and enlisting sense of victimhood. But the solutions from both have been worse than the problems.
This concept that Republicans as opposed to Democrats are bad at governance and that only Republicans are in to cancelling as if they are forgetting microaggression, trigger warnings, shouting down invited speakers, cancelling on Twitter, etc.
I don't ever see the liberals as good at governance or being open minded.