You said there was a guarantee of tax evasion committed by Crow and the Thomases, and what I get is Colin Powell like guaranty there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Tell me what gifts resulted in tax evasion and how? When you say the disclosures were pretty thin, what exact disclosure rule regarding his wife's income was not complied with? What other Justices provided the amounts of income their spouses made? I don't expect answers since when you're asked to back something you say up, your response is either innuendo or saying something happened that you have no evidence actually happened, but you suggest could have happened. You know, Cal could have gone undefeated in football last year.Unit2Sucks said:Have you invited your tax "partitioner" friends to review your posting history on BI? You are one of the sloppiest posters here and your posting history is riddled with errors beyond the obvious typos.wifeisafurd said:
I have talked to three other tax partitioners and every one of them wonders how a former securities lawyer be so reckless with his language.
As for my prior statements, I stand by them. Obviously you will continue to grandstand on the fact that I made those comments in the context of Crow paying tuition but that didn't happen in a vacuum. He purchased real estate from Thomas' family as well as the lavish trips. Who knows what else hasn't dropped yet? And the fact that tuition payments aren't taxable as gifts doesn't mean that the person paying the tuition can't mischaracterize them as charitable. I'm not saying Crow did that of course, I don't have that information and the amount was small for him and largely irrelevant, but the point is that there is a lot of potential for funny business here and you and your friends know it.
Leonard Leo directed Kellianne Conway to bill his nonprofit to send money to Ginni Thomas with no paperwork mentioning Ginni. Of course we know that Thomas's disclosures were pretty slim on Ginni's sources of income.
You're a smart guy, when you hear about all of these shenanigans, do you really believe that these people are doing everything by the book? We know that Thomas's financial disclosures were deficient and don't exactly lead one to believe he was well advised by the likes of you and your "partitioner" friends.
As for the rest of your screed, this is pretty typical. At each point in this journey people like you have been defending Thomas as if there were no other shoes to drop and each time we've seen more and more things drop.
You've chosen to intentionally misinterpret my posts to claim that gift recipients are owed taxes for things, which I haven't said, or other such garbage. My point has been and continues to be that there is a lot of garbage here and when I see facts like this I know that there is likely something fishy going on. I'm sure your tax "partitioner" friends wouldn't disagree with me.
Let's play your game. Hillary Clinton committed tax evasion. I don't have any evidence she did. But we know she doesn't report things. We know she accepts a lot of gifts. Let's just wait for another Hillary scandal to leak and then I will be able to prove tax evasion because she is one of those people. Do you know how pathetic that sounds?
So far, you have provided absolutely no evidence of tax evasion (and it sounds like you don't know the elements of task evasion), but your damn certain there is tax evasion and you stand by your comments there is tax evasion. Dude,I literally posted exactly what you said. If that is misrepresentation, then you need a new dictionary. Just show me what gift caused Crow and the Thomases to commit tax evasion, and the evidence you have they did.