bear2034 said:
Putting the H-1B visa debate aside and focusing on Vivek's tweet alone, he said "our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer)." Some on the right who took offense to that perceived it to be an attack on not just Americans but on white Americans and that Vivek was comparing them to Asian immigrants or Indians in particular. Based on other things Vivek has said or didn't say, I don't think what he tweeted was directed towards white America but I can see how others perceive it that way.
Hey, I think that was actually a thoughtful, cogent argument that addressed the question at hand! I knew you had it in you, bear2034!
Let's look at the message again:
The opening talks about tech companies hiring foreign-born workers, and in practice who do you think that is? It's primarily Asians, and Indians in particular. Not sure who else it would be. I guarantee you those companies are not hiring a disproportionate number of engineers from Africa or Latin America or Europe. On the other end, he is probably broadly talking about "American" culture being deficient and not specifically white people, but given that America is still about 75% white that would seem to be falling mostly on them. Besides Steve Urkel, the American cultural products he named (Boy Meets World, Saved by the Bell, Friends) are mostly about and produced by white Americans. The comparison is indirect, but even a little bit of inference will get you there.
Moreover, I think his analysis is pretty short-sighted and wrong. Part of the reason those immigrants want to come from Asia to America is because of the greater opportunity to grow and prosper, and that opportunity exists in part BECAUSE of the diversity of scientific and cultural output that comes from the USA. That is not happening with a population that carries single-minded focus on getting a high-paying STEM job. America also did plenty of venerating jocks and prom queens well before the 90s, including during the post-WW2 period when it became the economic and scientific powerhouse of the world. Why wasn't this a problem then?
Finally, talking about how all you Americans just need to work harder and give up your leisure activities is a sure political loser and not going to play well with the MAGA base that supported Trump. It's a bizarre argument for Vivek to make if he wants to actually win people over and accomplish policy goals.