28,350 Views | 505 Replies | Last: 21 days ago by bearister
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bear2034 said:

blungld said:

Do you not even for a moment witness your denial of fact? He was found guilty by a jury on EVERY count. Like indisputable. But you for some reason are just going to act like he's innocent. Every time there is actual review of fact and evidence MAGA fails and yet you still just believe insinuation or party line. You keep going with obvious lies. Isn't time to really consider that you have given up on your own morality and reality? Do you really truly honestly believe he is innocent? Come on. You know he did it and did the other three convictions too.

Trump is not you. It's okay to let him go. He is not important. There are better people. You presumably are a better person. Why in the world would you invest so much ego and denial of truth for a person like him?

Like Aunbear said, it's going to be entertaining watching you guys gloat and then later cry.
I send a kind reasonable post to you and your response is I am going to enjoy seeing you suffer. What is wrong with you?
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blungld said:

bear2034 said:

blungld said:

Do you not even for a moment witness your denial of fact? He was found guilty by a jury on EVERY count. Like indisputable. But you for some reason are just going to act like he's innocent. Every time there is actual review of fact and evidence MAGA fails and yet you still just believe insinuation or party line. You keep going with obvious lies. Isn't time to really consider that you have given up on your own morality and reality? Do you really truly honestly believe he is innocent? Come on. You know he did it and did the other three convictions too.

Trump is not you. It's okay to let him go. He is not important. There are better people. You presumably are a better person. Why in the world would you invest so much ego and denial of truth for a person like him?

Like Aunbear said, it's going to be entertaining watching you guys gloat and then later cry.
I send a kind reasonable post to you and your response is I am going to enjoy seeing you suffer. What is wrong with you?
Just use the Ignore or Block button.
The nonsensicality of it isn't worth the aggravation it causes. It's like talking to a bot.
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My gift meme to the Republican Party:

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Jeanine Pirro, after 5 weeks of following this trial intensely (or not, you be the judge), says, "I'm not sure what he did wrong here."

What an idiot.
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blungld said:

bear2034 said:

blungld said:

Do you not even for a moment witness your denial of fact? He was found guilty by a jury on EVERY count. Like indisputable. But you for some reason are just going to act like he's innocent. Every time there is actual review of fact and evidence MAGA fails and yet you still just believe insinuation or party line. You keep going with obvious lies. Isn't time to really consider that you have given up on your own morality and reality? Do you really truly honestly believe he is innocent? Come on. You know he did it and did the other three convictions too.

Trump is not you. It's okay to let him go. He is not important. There are better people. You presumably are a better person. Why in the world would you invest so much ego and denial of truth for a person like him?

Like Aunbear said, it's going to be entertaining watching you guys gloat and then later cry.
I send a kind reasonable post to you and your response is I am going to enjoy seeing you suffer. What is wrong with you?

I've never accused you of being kind and reasonable before.
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bear2034 said:

blungld said:

I send a kind reasonable post to you and your response is I am going to enjoy seeing you suffer. What is wrong with you?

I've never accused you of being kind and reasonable before.
Just keep going, right? What I wrote to you gave you no pause? Have no ability to push the pause button on your shtick and just be human?
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blungld said:

bear2034 said:

blungld said:

I send a kind reasonable post to you and your response is I am going to enjoy seeing you suffer. What is wrong with you?

I've never accused you of being kind and reasonable before.
Just keep going, right? What I wrote to you gave you no pause? Have no ability to push the pause button on your shtick and just be human?

You need to revisit what is a kind reasonable post.
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AunBear89 said:

oski003 said:

Talking points copy and paste, with no real understanding of anything in the post at all.

From the linked piece (I am assuming this is Monitor you reference. It's hard to tell because you never cite sources unless they are a part of your MAGA bubble. And a more careful reading and analysis of the information deflates your weak ass position):
"Some Republicans claim that Mr. Biden has let in as many as 8 million or 9 million migrants. However, it's not accurate to simply add up encounters and gotaways as a proxy for illegal immigration. "

Fail #1.

Also from the piece:

Note the increases started under Trump, as a result of the pandemic as well as ridiculous overemphasis on "build that wall" as a simpleminded solution to a complex issue.

Please also note that expulsions and returns are up under Biden.

I would also like to read your detailed hand waving explanation of the spike in encounters/apprehensions in 2019. When . . . (Checks notes) your orange crush was president.

It looks like the Easter Bunny might actually do something. He rolled back Trump's executive orders and let immigration run amok in hopes Congress would pass a weak bill codifying much of the status quo. That didn't work, so he is actually taking action --

"part of a strategy to try to give President Joe Biden the upper hand on one of his Republican rival's key campaign issues. The action is designed to potentially blunt Republican attacks on border security and preempt former President Donald Trump ahead of the first presidential debate, which will be held on June 27 on CNN."
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If you are in a position to be vulnerable to a politically motivated, selective prosecution, it is an excellent first move to not actually commit the crime charged.

If you are going to get in the game, get in fast and out fast with your loot like Jared Kushner.

Had he not gone into politics, tRump could have lived out the rest of his life cheating, stealing, and defrauding and gotten away with it like all super rich White men have since the beginning of time. He flew too close to the sun.
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oski003 said:

blungld said:

Just keep going, right? What I wrote to you gave you no pause? Have no ability to push the pause button on your shtick and just be human?

You need to revisit what is a kind reasonable post.
I thought this was pretty kind and reasonable: "Trump is not you. It's okay to let him go. He is not important. There are better people. You presumably are a better person. Why in the world would you invest so much ego and denial of truth for a person like him?"
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The stock market is also celebrating tRump the Felon x 34!

*Does anyone else think that David Pecker "caught and killed" the pee and N word tapes? Why else hasn't tRump gone ballistic on the witness who coffin nailed him more than any other witness.

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Fox News, your gateway to reality .
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Putin and Orban voice support for Trump as allies respect US legal process | Donald Trump | The Guardian

"In Russia, whose president, Vladimir Putin, has long attracted Trump's praise, the Kremlin said on Friday that the Trump verdict demonstrated the Biden administration's efforts to eliminate political opponents.
If we speak about Trump, the fact that there is simply the elimination, in effect, of political rivals by all possible means, legal and illegal, is obvious," the Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters at a news briefing. "That is evident to everyone, to the whole world, with the naked eye."

*This gets tough to follow. tRump has long maintained that Putin favors Biden because Biden is incompetent and even Putin played along with the ruse in a reverse psychology move based on Putin perceiving America as being anti Russia. But then things changed…

As we know from the Ukraine Invasion thread, Putin has become the darling of the MAGAs, who are apologists for every move he makes in the Ukraine. That being the case, Putin can now openly support the candidate that he has always supported, Donald J. tRump…..and why does he support him? Because tRump is incompetent as is everyone that will be willing to work in his administration, and it doesn't get better for Putin than having Koko at the helm.
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Would Putin grant Trump asylum?
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bearister said:

Fox News, your gateway to reality .

Oh, how did those fools allow themselves to get caught on tape making such an asinine spur of the moment prediction.
2%, HA!!!!
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bear2034 said:

Would Putin grant Trump asylum?

Only if Trump lets him have the penthouse at Trump Tower Moscow.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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Trump's hush money appeal plan

"Appeals can be unpredictable, but given the timeline and the high bar to overturn the verdict, Trump will almost certainly still be a convicted felon on election day."
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AunBear89 said:

bear2034 said:

Would Putin grant Trump asylum?

Only if Trump lets him have the penthouse at Trump Tower Moscow.

Trump would suck Putin off, and swallow, if it meant he could be a dictator!
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bearister said:

Now do Biden's week.
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Analysis of Trump posts shows relentless focus on punishing enemies

"The presumptive Republican nominee has threatened to use the federal government to go after Biden during a second Trump administration 25 times since the start of 2023….

He has also threatened or suggested that the FBI and justice department should take action against senators, judges, members of Biden's family and even non-governmental organisations.

… Some posts announced plans for retribution against the specific lawyers, judges and other officials whom Trump blames for his legal troubles. Two months before he was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records, he reposted a call for the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, to be "put in jail".

He has reposted calls for Jack Smith and others to be locked up and to "throw away the key." One reTruth promised to charge the Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, along with Bragg, Smith, Garland and Biden, with conspiracy and racketeering."

*tRump has two insurmountable hurdles with regard to his quest to exact revenge on his enemies:

1. None of his enemies have committed crimes. Only in his paranoid and delusional mind and in the minds of his hateful and ignorant supporters have they committed crimes. As POTUS, he will have no problem having his corrupt Justice Department file baseless criminal charges against his enemies.

If the cases are overseen by honest judges, they will never survive the Preliminary Hearing stage and they will be dismissed.

If the cases are assigned to corrupt judges appointed by tRump they will be held over for trial.

If the cases proceed through trial, the juries will acquit or result in mistrials because of the inability to prove the case;

2. If, by chance, one of tRump's enemies actually did commit a crime, because tRump is so loathed by a majority of Americans, the prosecutor will never be able to impanel a jury where at least one juror won't be willing to engage in jury nullification and refuse to vote for conviction.

The only way tRump can punish his enemies is to suspend the 6th Amendment. He would basically have to be a dictator backed by the military to pull that off.

*This situation is analogous to Gym Jordan chaired congressional investigations that never amount to more than being multi million dollar (taxpayer money) bridges to nowhere that serve only to lather up the moronic tRump base.
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I just saved the link to our comments.. Let's keep track of all the convicted Democrats on the Anti anti tRumper trail of tears after tRump Redux starts.

I hope every Democrat that gets convicted of a felony gets sentenced and serves time if appropriate under the sentencing guidelines.

*Gavin Newsom said tRump should be on ballot.
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bearister said:

I just saved the link to our comments.. Let's keep track of all the convicted Democrats on the Anti anti tRumper trail of tears after tRump Redux starts.

I hope every Democrat that gets convicted of a felony gets sentenced and serves time if appropriate under the sentencing guidelines.

*Gavin Newsom said tRump should be on ballot.

Gavin in a politician first. He'll get some Republican votes with this opinion.
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How (and why?) did Yogi's post I responded to below get zapped from this thread? Only Mods can do that (I think).

*I think the artist formerly known as 155 Days Til No Joe has done been scrubbed.
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Big C
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^ Mods got irked because the days were being counted down to the election, rather than the next inauguration.

Yogi will return.
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bearister said:

How (and why?) did Yogi's post I responded to below get zapped from this thread? Only Mods can do that (I think).

*I think the artist formerly known as 155 Days Til No Joe has done been scrubbed.

I noticed a couple of posts recently had a note in red that said "edited by admin" or "edited by moderator".
One was in the spat Aunbear and one of the idiots.

So, they've been hanging out a bit.
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*Bobby Fuller and Joe Strummer are smiling in Rock n' Roll Heaven today.
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82gradDLSdad said:

bearister said:

Now do Biden's week.
If you really want to know Biden's week (which I don't think you really want to know it, yoou just want to bash Biden again) look here for his public schedule:
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bearister said:

*Bobby Fuller and Joe Strummer are smiling in Rock n' Roll Heaven today.
As they say, punk died the day Joe fixed his teeth.
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