White House has settled in

753,893 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by cbbass1
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Unit2Sucks;842860797 said:

Are you genuinely surprised? He's a mole for the Mercers who is there to keep Trump honest. Well "honest" is obviously not the right word but take my words seriously not literally.

I think we'll ultimately find out that all of the leaks were from the white house at the direction of loyalists to Reince, Bannon or Kushner. Perhaps Pence got a few good leaks in too, but I think it's more likely that he's playing the long game and waiting for everyone else to die from friendly fire.

The whole setup to start the administration kind of made sense initially but always seemed a bit suspicious, Bannon had not been in Washington at all but had credibility obviously as the hardest of the hardcore among the Trump loyalists, and Preibus was there because even though he was a swamp creature he did have many connections throughout DC and the GOP structure at his disposal to dispense with Trump's agenda, and Trump has of course preferred to keep his business empire all in the family, so Kushner and Ivanka are there despite having no defined roles in the White House other than "advisors." The big brouhaha early-on seemed to be Bannon vs. Kushner/Preibus, again not surprising, then Preibus was targeted as the leaker by Roger Stone and other Trump backers, which again was not a huge surprise, but now the war seems to be McMaster vs. Bannon, which is fascinating yet troubling because if McMaster can get the upper hand on Bannon and throw him out, then he will have the White House under total control and maybe steer Trump in a totally different direction. So at this point I am not terribly disappointed by how things have gone, because I did kind of expect a messy period to start with, Gorsuch notwithstanding, but Bannon undermining Trump means that there may be more afoot than just a power play by McMaster. Other theories: Pence is blowing the whole thing up masterfully, Kusher may be rebelling against his father-in-law, plus Ivanka may be involved somehow in wanting to end all this early, just for the sake of everyone involved.

No matter how this all shakes out, this White House is supremely bewildering, entertaining, fascinating and incredible, all at the same time. It will make an awesome historical miniseries one day.
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And Trump is back to condemning both sides equally.


In a remarkable news conference in the lobby of Trump Tower, President Donald Trump blamed the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, Saturday on both sides of the conflict, equating the white supremacists on one side with the "alt-left" on the other side.

"I think there is blame on both sides," he said.

"What about the alt-left that came charging at, as you say, the alt-right, do they have any semblance of guilt?" Trump said. "What about the fact they came charging with clubs in hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem, I think they do."

He added: "You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. nobody wants to say it, but I will say it right now."
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Unit2Sucks;842861300 said:

And Trump is back to condemning both sides equally.

Shudder to think about how Trump would have responded to 9/11 or the OKC bombing.
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BearDevil;842861302 said:

Shudder to think about how Trump would have responded to 9/11 or the OKC bombing.

Come on now, you know that is right up his ally, in a week every country on his "Muslim" ban would have been invaded.
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Had reasonable hopes for Kelly, but clearly he can't control Trump. Teleprompter Trump minimizes damage, but once he goes off script chaos always ensues.

Conway's his campaign manager, so she had to be all in on the Phoenix meltdown, which was sadly predictable. Fear that Kelly, Mattis, McMaster, and Tillerson will check out soon and Kellyanne, Miller, and Team Nepotism will be all that's left.

Haley can't bail since she wants to challenge Trump or Pence in 2020.
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It's almost as if Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president. I wish someone had mentioned that during the election.
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Unit2Sucks;842863945 said:

It's almost as if Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president. I wish someone had mentioned that during the election.

#CrookedHillary > #LyingAssTrump
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Unit2Sucks;842863945 said:

It's almost as if Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president. I wish someone had mentioned that during the election.

Just can't believe though most overall polls show maybe down to 35% ..but yet 67% of the republicans still still support him. Unless he reading from a script he is exposed to what he really is..truly incompetent.
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OBear073akaSMFan;842863980 said:

Just can't believe though most overall polls show maybe down to 35% ..but yet 67% of the republicans still still support him. Unless he reading from a script he is exposed to what he really is..truly incompetent.

67% is pretty low for support within your own party, as a sitting President.
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sycasey;842864031 said:

67% is pretty low for support within your own party, as a sitting President.

GOP support for him is actually closer to 80%.

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Strykur;842864043 said:

GOP support for him is actually closer to 80%.


Also still relatively low for a sitting President at this stage (usually same-party support is above 90).
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Trump couldn't stop yammering on about Mexico paying for the wall, but now he's threatening Ryan and McConnell that he'll shut down the government if they don't pass legislation funding the wall?!?
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Today is a good news bad news day. Good news is Gorka resigned. I particularly enjoyed reading him complain that Trump didn't use the phrase radical islamic terrorist in his Afghanistan speech. I don't think it's good news for Trump necessarily given Gorka's criticism, but it's good for America any time an no-talent ass clown like Gorka is disassociated with our executive branch. Bad news is that Trump showed wanton disrespect for our judicial branch and pardoned Joe Arpaio. Note that I'm not surprised he did so because when given a choice between right and wrong, well, Trump.
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Unit2Sucks;842864807 said:

Today is a good news bad news day. Good news is Gorka resigned. I particularly enjoyed reading him complain that Trump didn't use the phrase radical islamic terrorist in his Afghanistan speech. I don't think it's good news for Trump necessarily given Gorka's criticism, but it's good for America any time an no-talent ass clown like Gorka is disassociated with our executive branch. Bad news is that Trump showed wanton disrespect for our judicial branch and pardoned Joe Arpaio. Note that I'm not surprised he did so because when given a choice between right and wrong, well, Trump.

Don't forget the official ban on transgenders in the military.
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Unit2Sucks;842864807 said:

Today is a good news bad news day. Good news is Gorka resigned. I particularly enjoyed reading him complain that Trump didn't use the phrase radical islamic terrorist in his Afghanistan speech. I don't think it's good news for Trump necessarily given Gorka's criticism, but it's good for America any time an no-talent ass clown like Gorka is disassociated with our executive branch. Bad news is that Trump showed wanton disrespect for our judicial branch and pardoned Joe Arpaio. Note that I'm not surprised he did so because when given a choice between right and wrong, well, Trump.

Timing on Arpaio is weird. Loves the crowds, so could have easily announced the pardon during the rally in AZ. Antagonizes way too many GOP Senators, alienates Latinos and Mormons in the Southwest needlessly limiting GOP growth there, and has zero loyalty to anyone outside of his family.

Pardoning Arpaio while tossing Gorka is a reasonable trade. Probably shuts down the government over wall funding, but his base loves Arpaio. Mexico paying for the wall was his signature campaign promise and he had to throw his base a bone since he can't deliver. Hates Merkel & Germany, but Nazi sympathizers are indefensible. Remains to be seen how much crap Trump will take from Bannon and Gorka back at Breitbart and how long Miller remains in the WH.
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Gorka has now been freed up to pursue acting roles in Bond films and adult films.

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Kelly's WH allies went out of their way to squash Gorka's spin that he resigned, they fired his ass.
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If only it would be so easy to fire the biggest problem in the White House. That's right I'm talking about the deep state.

No but seriously it's Trump. Kelly will probably be gone by the end of the year because Trump is incorrigible. Would be surprised if Cohn sticks around long term but maybe he cares more about keeping the economy from imploding than the fact that he has to serve with a stain on our republic.
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Jared & Ivanka are lost causes, but really don't get Cohn and Mnuchin (awesome wife!). Only time I've ever seen real-life neo-Nazis up close was in Dresden during the last season of the East German Bundesliga. Weren't chanting, "Jews will not replace us" or "Blood and soil". Didn't appear to be rap fans or Armenian, but based on their chants they were very familiar with NWA's lyrics and not fond of Turks. Cops let them chant and throw bottles for a few minutes before cranking up the water cannons and charging in full riot gear. Guessing Cohn and Mnuchin won't be attending too many NYC Bar Mitzvahs anytime soon.

Kellyanne Conway is straight up mercenary, but her husband is an Ivy Leaguer. Lots of interesting questions for mommy in a decade after getting badgered by roommates and classmates.

Sarah Huckabee's three kids under six won't be heading to any Ivies, but unless they're home schooled, mama's going to have to tell them why she went to work for a guy who was cheating on his pregnant third wife as youthful 60 year old newlyweds.
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To be fair to the Donald, I'm not sure if sexual assault(s) and intent but failure to hookup with a woman counts as cheating. There were no willing takers as far as we know.
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National Enquirer (big fans of Cruz's dad) paid a Playboy Playmate $150K for the rights to a story about her alleged affair with Trump in 2006. $150K seems low, but she got duped. May be BS, but at the very least all of Trump's adult kids know their dad cheated on their moms. If Trump is truly worried about leaks and fake news, he needs to bring back John Barron and John Miller. Those two guys sure knew a lot about the boss' sex life with Marla Maples and others.
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BearDevil;842865270 said:

National Enquirer (big fans of Cruz's dad) paid a Playboy Playmate $150K for the rights to a story about her alleged affair with Trump in 2006. $150K seems low, but she got duped. May be BS, but at the very least all of Trump's adult kids know their dad cheated on their moms. If Trump is truly worried about leaks and fake news, he needs to bring back John Barron and John Miller. Those two guys sure knew a lot about the boss' sex life with Marla Maples and others.

That was a "catch and kill" transaction in keeping with the Enquirer's function as an arm of the Trump Propaganda Machine.

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Unit2Sucks;842865252 said:

Kelly will probably be gone by the end of the year because Trump is incorrigible. Would be surprised if Cohn sticks around long term but maybe he cares more about keeping the economy from imploding than the fact that he has to serve with a stain on our republic.

Tillerson's leaped ahead of Cohn, Kelly, and Miller in the resignation/fired pool. Refused to acknowledge if Trump's views on Charlottesville were consistent with American values, "he speaks for himself".

Rudy or Newt are unconfirmable as SOS. Could juggle Haley or Huntsman. Mitt could get confirmed, but doubt that's a match for either side now.
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We are now in month 9 of this administration and Trump is doing about as poorly as his critics predicted on foreign affairs. His speech at the UN embarrassed our nation and manage to enrage both NK and Iran.

The good news is that Jong-Un called Trump a dotard which in addition to being a sick burn is entirely accurate. I hope for the sake of everyone that NK and Iran decide to be the adults in the room because we know one leader who won't.
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Unit2Sucks said:

We are now in month 9 of this administration and Trump is doing about as poorly as his critics predicted on foreign affairs. His speech at the UN embarrassed our nation and manage to enrage both NK and Iran.

The good news is that Jong-Un called Trump a dotard which in addition to being a sick burn is entirely accurate. I hope for the sake of everyone that NK and Iran decide to be the adults in the room because we know one leader who won't.

Watching Burns' series on Vietnam, observing how brave our soldiers were, and seeing the clip of McCain being interviewed in captivity (with broken bones and psyche), really drives home the point for me what a despicable person that trust fund baby, draft dodger donald trump is and how equally heinous the people are who continue to think, in light of everything he has said and done since becoming POTUS, that he is still a man worth supporting.

If the Republicans refuse to impeach trump based on the evidence that will be contained in the Mueller report then I think we will see protests in the street the likes of which have not been seen since the Vietnam War. I'll be out there.

"...and when Trump tells a crowd, as he often does, 'I love you,' what he means is that in Middle America he found something he had long ago run out of in New York, suckers. Trump voters were played for rubes by the ultimate fast talking city slicker who saw vulnerable people nervous about jobs and the Melting Pot getting too 'melty,' and he told them he would build them a Great Wall and get them their jobs back at the mine and they said 'Where do I sign up?' Folks, you didn't Make America Great Again, you enrolled in Trump University." Bill Maher
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If this latest Obamacare Hail Mary goes down in flames. Trump will divide his ire between McConnell and McCain. McCain DGAF since he'll never appear on another ballot again. Graham and Heller will briefly avoid Trump's wrath since they are among the doomed bill's sponsors.

Trump hates McConnell, but he hates losing and being embarrassed even more. Odd that he would support McConnell's pawn Strange in the Alabama primary. Nutty Roy Moore will win and Trump can't nuke allies Bannon, Gorka, and Palin for supporting Moore.

joe amos yaks
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Prez Trump can't govern, but both the GoP and DNC sold our great Country a ticket to Hell. Shame on them.
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joe yaks said:

Prez Trump can't govern, but both the GoP and DNC sold our great Country a ticket to Hell. Shame on them.

False equivalence.

18 U.S. Code 2381 - Treason
US Code

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103322, title XXXIII, 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

Federal executions by lethal injection occur at United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute.
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joe amos yaks
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bearister said:

joe yaks said:

Prez Trump can't govern, but both the GoP and DNC sold our great Country a ticket to Hell. Shame on them.
False equivalence.
Though unique.
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Latest ridiculous Trump move:

Tells fans to not attend NFL as move to force players to stand during the anthem.
Tells owners to fire all players who do not stand.

I can see it now: those who do not bow to trump will be punished.

Plain and simple, the man is a joke. And I'm with you, Bearister: what's up with the fools around us, in our families who still defend and make excuses for him???

That's the part that scares me, and it makes me understand how the Holocaust could happen. Normal, intelligent, good hearted people I know very well cannot consider letting down their Trump/GOP guard for one moment. I swear to god, the personal identity affiliation to that team is greater than Cal vs. Stanford.

He's sickening, yes.
But he's just one person. So, the phenomenon of the masses who support him still is 1000 times more sickening. If we just switched his GOP/DEM affiliation, these people would somehow suddenly be arguing vociferously against him, and not just as a duty to party, but they would believe it!

My grandfather, Cal '39 and Rose Bowl Band Marcher, would sit back in his chair and calmly say, "you can rationalize ANYTHING."

I get it, grandpa!
joe amos yaks
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GoP / DNC prez candidates . . they both tszuched. You get what you get. Now you need to get rid of it.
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36% of Republicans think freedom of the press does more harm than good;

Only 61% of Republicans think freedom of the press is necessary;

Only 30% of Millennials think it is essential to live in a democracy;

17% of Americans think it would be a good idea to have the army run the country;

20% of college undergraduates think it is acceptable to use physical violence to silence a speaker making hurtful or offensive statements;

62% of college undergraduates who identify as Democrats think they should be able to shout down speakers they don't like;

52% of Republicans would support postponing the 2020 Election if Trump proposed it.

-Taken from a variety of polls as reported by Bill Maher on Real Time
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Good morning,
I just need to wash myself clean by getting this icky feeling off my chest.

"God, I can't stand Trump. I hate him and look forward to his demise!"

There, I feel so much better. Thank you.
joe amos yaks
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concordtom said:

Good morning,
I just need to wash myself clean by getting this icky feeling off my chest.

"God, I can't stand Trump. I hate him and look forward to his demise!"

There, I feel so much better. Thank you.
Don't forget to rinse.
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