White House has settled in

753,857 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by cbbass1
golden sloth
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okaydo said:

Between this and Melania's jacket, it seems like the administration is doing anything to distract from their policy choices right now.
Another Bear
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They're calling the separation crisis Trump's Katrina...mostly because he flinched as a strongman. The media is hammering him hard on this...and Melania's jacket didn't help. He couldn't out-run the optics. The photo by John Moore was simply too much.

The forced separation of families is Trump's 'Katrina moment'
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golden sloth said:

okaydo said:

Between this and Melania's jacket, it seems like the administration is doing anything to distract from their policy choices right now.

I'm thinking their Xanax doses need tweaking.
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golden sloth said:

okaydo said:

Between this and Melania's jacket, it seems like the administration is doing anything to distract from their policy choices right now.
Is this actually distracting anybody? Seems like it's just keeping attention on the immigration debate.
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Trump doesn't shy from The immigration iissue, he revels in it. He positions it as open borders vs him stopping the barbarians at the gate. It was largely responsible for his win and I think he is using it again it to spur turnout with his base.
Another Bear
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Wow, last week seems like forever ago. Who thought it could get worse?

This week Dotard backed down from his Zero Tolerance policy and it blew up in his freakin' face...seemingly taken down by a 2 y.o. girl crying for her mom...perhaps resulting in his own Katrina moment...and it was bad. Trump took on the chin for the first time really, and he did not like it.

On the side, Michael Cohen looks more and more like he'll do a double back flip, while flipping dotard the bird.

Last week: G7 dust-up heading to a trade war and that crazy photo of the G7 leaders chewing out Trump. Then Dotard meets Rocket Man in Singapore and Manafort is sent to the pen to stew in his own juices...and maybe others.

No one thought it could get weirder...but it did. Still can't make this shyt up.

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Anarchistbear said:

Trump doesn't shy from The immigration iissue, he revels in it. He positions it as open borders vs him stopping the barbarians at the gate. It was largely responsible for his win and I think he is using it again it to spur turnout with his base.
Not sure it's a winner for him anymore after this week's nonsense, though I'm sure he still thinks it is.
Another Bear
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I think the separation debacle isn't just Trump's Katrina, it's also his Prop 187.

He might make some headway and he might rally his base but it will sink him and the GOP in the end. Why? Recent polls show fully 75% of American think immigration is good for the country. Most people believe it's good for the country. That poll result is a YUUGE.

I'd conjecture further about other benefits, like food. Sounds ridiculous but think about the food positive explosion the past decade. Food breaks down barriers like few other things. We're all animals and all need to eat. Show up and make something tasty and you have friends and a following.

On that note, maybe that's Trump's problem. He loves to eat crap. A taco truck would freak him out. Take away taco truck in California and you'd have many people really peeved and hangry.
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Another Bear
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Sarah Sanders tweet about being kicked out of restaurant violates law, former White House ethics chief says

Because...of course.

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She was refused service on religious grounds- that makes it main stream.
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"The country has to awaken every now and then to the fact that the people are responsible for the government they get," Harry Truman wrote. "And when they elect a man to the presidency who doesn't take care of the job, they got nobody to blame but themselves." Jon Meacham, The Soul of America
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B.A. Bearacus
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"His 17 months in office have in fact been an exercise in futility for the art-of-the-deal president. No deal on immigration. No deal on health care. No deal on gun control. No deal on spending cuts. No deal on Nafta. No deal on China trade. No deal on steel and aluminum imports. No deal on Middle East peace. No deal on the Qatar blockade. No deal on Syria. No deal on Russia. No deal on Iran. No deal on climate change. No deal on Pacific trade. ....
Mr. O'Donnell, the former casino president, said Mr. Trump has always oversold his deal-making skills. The casino he managed, Mr. O'Donnell noted, brought in $100 million a year yet still went bankrupt. "The fact is, Trump casinos should have been one of the greatest success stories in the history of casino gambling, but bad deal making caused him to lose all three properties," he said.
Now the consequences are much higher. "Deal making as president," Ms. Sherman said, "is a multidimensional proposition where the stakes are war and peace, prosperity and depression." Peter Baker, NY Times

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Another Bear
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So there's this, which seems to really zero in on why the chaos in the Trump admin, because they need it.

Why Trump Keeps Creating Crises. - He needs them to maintain his support.

And there there's this. Warner is on the Senate Intel Committee...he knows the shyt.

Overheard at the DSCC retreat

SEN. MARK WARNER (D-Va.) hosted a dinner Friday night for more than 100 guests at his house on Martha's Vineyard as part of the DSCC'S annual Majority Trust retreat. OVERHEARD: Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joking to the crowd: "If you get me one more glass of wine, I'll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you've seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It's going to be a wild couple of months."

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B.A. Bearacus said:

Defending the nation that went along . . . Of course, there IS an example of a whole nation going along with a totally evil regime based on lies. At what point did their true ability to choose in fact disappear (other than, perhaps, their choice to disappear themselves)?
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Another Bear said:

So there's this, which seems to really zero in on why the chaos in the Trump admin, because they need it.

Why Trump Keeps Creating Crises. - He needs them to maintain his support.

And there there's this. Warner is on the Senate Intel Committee...he knows the shyt.

Overheard at the DSCC retreat

SEN. MARK WARNER (D-Va.) hosted a dinner Friday night for more than 100 guests at his house on Martha's Vineyard as part of the DSCC'S annual Majority Trust retreat. OVERHEARD: Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joking to the crowd: "If you get me one more glass of wine, I'll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you've seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It's going to be a wild couple of months."

With Kim Jong-un polling more favorably with Republicans than Nancy Pelosi, do really think they are going to impeach tRump for colluding with a guy that they think more favorably of than war hero, Captain Mueller?
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Another Bear
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In the current context, NO. The GOP have control of congress will sit on their hands until the end...unless there's too much to ignore.

What I think Warner is suggesting might just be that...the shyt is going to hit the fan and it will be too much for them to ignore, just like with Nixon. Yes it was a more reasonable time then but I think even the "look the other way" GOP will take notice and say, nope.

If they don't, well then yes it's revolution time and they and everyone on the Trump side should be run through and destroyed. You know democracy is at stake here.

Otherwise, vote in the mid-term and hope to hell the House flips.
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Mueller's report will be deemed such an existential threat to the Republic that it will be marked CLASSIFIED. Diane Feinstein will leak the damning evidence in the report to the media. tRump will have her arrested and remitted to GITMO. tRump will give Academi the green light to seize the government, impose Martial Law, conduct mass trials of seditionists in NFL football stadiums, and summarily carry out executions by hangings on the border wall (a la Handmaid's Tale). Yes, lads, it is getting close to:

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bearister said:

Mueller's report will be deemed such an existential threat to the Republic that it will be marked CLASSIFIED. Diane Feinstein will leak the damning evidence in the report to the media. tRump will have her arrested and remitted to GITMO. tRump will give Academi the green light to seize the government, impose Martial Law, conduct mass trials of seditionists in NFL football stadiums, and summarily carry out executions by hangings on the border wall (a la Handmaid's Tale). Yes, lads, it is getting close to:

Even 'tho' it's a lot of fun to skip many if not most of the meaningful steps, I nevertheless am compelled to argue that doing so (to quote Colonel Jessup) "risks lives".
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"An odd paradox in defining this moment in politics: The more President Trump does, says and tweets outrageous things, the more his critics go bananas and the better he does in the polls.

Our parallel universes are spinning farther apart, Axios CEO Jim VandeHei writes.
The coverage (and much of the reality) is a White House in chaos, and an erratic president improvising as his own policy adviser, chief of staff, comms director and tweeter-in-chief.

Tune into Twitter, and you'd think the entire civilized world has turned against him. And yet:

Gallup has Trump's approval at a new high since the beginning of his presidency: 45%. That's roughly the same as others at this point: Barack Obama (46%), Bill Clinton (46%), Ronald Reagan (45%) and Jimmy Carter (43%).
Support among Republicans is 90% in Gallup, also a high.
Among independents, he's up to 42% tied for his personal best, and only the fourth week in his presidency that he has been at 40% or above.
Trump's attacks on Mueller are working, too: The special counsel has a 53% unfavorable rating in Morning Consult polling a new high, and a whopping 26-point spike since July of 2017" Axios
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bearister said:

Mueller's report will be deemed such an existential threat to the Republic that it will be marked CLASSIFIED. Diane Feinstein will leak the damning evidence in the report to the media. tRump will have her arrested and remitted to GITMO. tRump will give Academi the green light to seize the government, impose Martial Law, conduct mass trials of seditionists in NFL football stadiums, and summarily carry out executions by hangings on the border wall (a la Handmaid's Tale). Yes, lads, it is getting close to:

When is this all going to happen? Should I be pulling my money out of the stock market to prepare? If so, when?
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Go all in. Soybeans.
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Another Bear
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bearister said:

Mueller's report will be deemed such an existential threat to the Republic that it will be marked CLASSIFIED. Diane Feinstein will leak the damning evidence in the report to the media. tRump will have her arrested and remitted to GITMO. tRump will give Academi the green light to seize the government, impose Martial Law, conduct mass trials of seditionists in NFL football stadiums, and summarily carry out executions by hangings on the border wall (a la Handmaid's Tale). Yes, lads, it is getting close to:

Your analysis might not be far off. Prince says there's nothing but he might be involved in helping create a back channel with the Russkies.

Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince's phones, computer

B.A. Bearacus
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Another Bear said:

bearister said:

Mueller's report will be deemed such an existential threat to the Republic that it will be marked CLASSIFIED. Diane Feinstein will leak the damning evidence in the report to the media. tRump will have her arrested and remitted to GITMO. tRump will give Academi the green light to seize the government, impose Martial Law, conduct mass trials of seditionists in NFL football stadiums, and summarily carry out executions by hangings on the border wall (a la Handmaid's Tale). Yes, lads, it is getting close to:

Your analysis might not be far off. Prince says there's nothing but he might be involved in helping create a back channel with the Russkies.

Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince's phones, computer

When Erik Prince was questioned by Democratic members of Congress his response was:

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bearister said:

Gallup has Trump's approval at a new high since the beginning of his presidency: 45%.
Back down to 41% today. Beware a single day's results from one poll. They do get weird outlier results sometimes.

Based on the average of the polls. Trump's approval hasn't moved much in the last two months.

Another Bear
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The 5% jump was related to Korea. That's over, doesn't look like he really accomplished anything...and it's now a new crisis, family separation for asylum seekers.

This is the problem with photo op diplomacy, incompetence and stupidity. One step forwards is usually followed by two steps backwards.
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Even though I wasn't alive in the '60s, my high school textbook really painted that era as a really wonderful time in our country where everybody got along and held hands.

Another Bear
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David Gergen is the ultimate centrist stooge and he's dead wrong that it was more civil.

MLKJr. was assisnated... and there's this stuff... Like did Gergen just forget?

People were killed during the Civil Rights Movement. I don't see any of that "civility" now except Charlottesville.

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Another Bear said:

David Gergen is the ultimate centrist stooge and he's dead wrong that it was more civil.
Right? Is he serious about this?
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bearister said:

Mueller's report will be deemed such an existential threat to the Republic that it will be marked CLASSIFIED. Diane Feinstein will leak the damning evidence in the report to the media. tRump will have her arrested and remitted to GITMO. tRump will give Academi the green light to seize the government, impose Martial Law, conduct mass trials of seditionists in NFL football stadiums, and summarily carry out executions by hangings on the border wall (a la Handmaid's Tale). Yes, lads, it is getting close to:

And that's about the time that I thank the NRA for promoting the growth of gun stores such that there's a couple just around the corner, I finally go in there, and decide to save the day.
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Actually, I merely came over here to say, I missed the 6 o'clock news and wanted to know, did they report him dead yet???
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CT, wishful thinking. LOL
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