White House has settled in

753,829 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by cbbass1
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sycasey said:

bearister said:

Gallup has Trump's approval at a new high since the beginning of his presidency: 45%.
Back down to 41% today. Beware a single day's results from one poll. They do get weird outlier results sometimes.

Based on the average of the polls. Trump's approval hasn't moved much in the last two months.

Also: Quinnipiac notoriously leans right, not unusually into outlier territory
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A partial list of bombings in late 60's mostly 70's

State Department
US Capitol
US Department of Health
San Francisco and New York Police Departments
Many Universities
Many Banks

During 1971-72 there were 2500 bombings of US institutions

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"Harley-Davidson, a motorcycle maker that President Trump praised last year for "building things in America," said Monday that it was shifting some production out of the United States to escape European tariffs that had been imposed in retaliation for the president's tariffs on steel and aluminum.

Harley's decision to move its production of motorcycles bound for European customers demonstrated the costs of the president's "America First" trade policies, which he says will return lost manufacturing jobs to the United States."
Washington Post
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B.A. Bearacus
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"Liberals are using their cultural power against the right because it's the only power they have left, and people have a desperate need to say, and to hear others say, that what is happening in this country is intolerable."

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B.A. Bearacus said:

Wow. He is such an evil reckless man.
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Loyalty to tRump requires lack of character:

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Another Bear
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Donald Trump's enforcers have lost the right to civil courtesy

Just to reiterate: going after Trump's stooges is NOT about etiquette but a fight for democracy and pushing back against fascism and authoritarianism. This is about put a face to traitors.

It seems the Trumpies, apologists and the "look the other way" types think this is about manners but they are wrong.

Re: Red Hen and Sarah *****abee Slanders, personally I would have served her party and either not bill them and then read them the riot act and don't be a ******nozzle fascist Nazi...and/or bill them for crimes against humanity. I don't know, a $1 mil surcharges per diner would be around right. Of course put a disclaimer on the menu in teeny-tiny print.

Another Bear
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Sarah Sanders to receive Secret Service protection

Frankly I think she should simply be issued a firearm and an open carry permit.
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Trump is the worst president of my lifetime. In order for there to be some pushback against his bad behavior and policies, we need some mainstream Senators and House members to say enough is enough.

Feinstein needs to talk more than Schumer.

Toomey from PA needs to do more than protect home state Harley Davidson.

Kevin McCarthy from Bakersfield needs to come out strong against Trump.

If the complaints come from Maxine Waters it almost helps Trump.

In the 1980s, if I knew the mouthpiece was either Jesse Helms of NC or Barney Frank of MA, I was on the other side.

Right now I'd sure like to see both Ted Kennedy and Barry Goldwater alive and speaking against Trump nightly. They would do it.
Another Bear
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Goldwater being a Cold War warrior...would have shot Trump in the face given the Russkie involvement.
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No question about that.
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Another Bear said:

Goldwater being a Cold War warrior...would have shot Trump in the face given the Russkie involvement.

Not to mention that his grandson and grandniece are gay and he was a proponent for gay rights. .
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Joseph Crowley D of NY, 4th ranking member in his party and a possible successor to Pelosi lost in a primary tonight to a Latina Bernie Sanders organizer running for office for the first time who ran on universal health care, abolishing ICE and jobs guarantee. Democrats should be less concerned about offending Republicans and more concerned about offending their constituents.
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Anarchistbear said:

Joseph Crowley D of NY, 4th ranking member in his party and a possible successor to Pelosi lost in a primary tonight to a Latina Bernie Sanders organizer running for office for the first time who ran on universal health care, abolishing ICE and jobs guarantee. Democrats should be less concerned about offending Republicans and more concerned about offending their constituents.

Democrats are not going to win by tacking to the center. It's plain that the party base and younger voters want hard-left progressives. That's what drives turnout. Bernie Sanders was the bellwether.
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sycasey said:

Anarchistbear said:

Joseph Crowley D of NY, 4th ranking member in his party and a possible successor to Pelosi lost in a primary tonight to a Latina Bernie Sanders organizer running for office for the first time who ran on universal health care, abolishing ICE and jobs guarantee. Democrats should be less concerned about offending Republicans and more concerned about offending their constituents.

Democrats are not going to win by tacking to the center. It's plain that the party base and younger voters want hard-left progressives. That's what drives turnout. Bernie Sanders was the bellwether.

This trend will assure a second term for the tRump Crime Family just like the first term was courtesy of Bernie and his whiny b@tch supporters. You have to wait for the Baby Boomers to die off first before you can get enough mass naivety in place that buys the b@llsh@t which, at the end of the day, is just the other side of the coin of tRump's b@llsh@t.
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Anarchistbear said:

Joseph Crowley D of NY, 4th ranking member in his party and a possible successor to Pelosi lost in a primary tonight to a Latina Bernie Sanders organizer running for office for the first time who ran on universal health care, abolishing ICE and jobs guarantee. Democrats should be less concerned about offending Republicans and more concerned about offending their constituents.
can/should that be done so clearly in other than that solidly blue district?
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Center-left or far-left is less important than winning this year.

Just win, baby.
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Houses are local elections so no to all; but issues such as healthcare, education, support for unions, and fighting inequality and corruption will work everywhere
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There is no part of the electorate more naive and privileged than the Boomers- a majority of whom support Trump. Their die off promises good tidings and the first sparks of real change.
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Anarchistbear said:

There is no part of the electorate more naive and privileged than the Boomers- a majority of whom support Trump. Their die off promises good tidings and the first sparks of real change.

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bearister said:

This trend will assure a second term for the tRump Crime Family just like the first term was courtesy of Bernie and his whiny b@tch supporters. You have to wait for the Baby Boomers to die off first before you can get enough mass naivety in place that buys the b@llsh@t which, at the end of the day, is just the other side of the coin of tRump's b@llsh@t.
I'm not sure if a die-off of Boomers means a drop in naivete, but ultimately I don't think I'll be able to prove that one way or the other.

I'm just looking at results. Democratic candidates who have run to the left of their districts have gotten better-than-expected results. This goes for "blue" and "red" districts. You go where the voters are.
golden sloth
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According to Fareed Zakaria the center-left is dying off throughout the world:

But, I would argue the same could be said for the center-right in America. No longer are there the New England country-club Republicans of H.W. Bush (who I do respect a lot). Those that do exist, Trump and Bannon have targeted and are removing from office, instead trying to replace them with ideological yes men.
golden sloth
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I think there needs to be an acknowledgement of the local audience. A unifying message of corruption, accountability, and healthcare is great. But, if the Democrats are going to make a National push, I believe they need to cater to the local jurisdiction (the audience is different in New York will be different than the audience in Missouri or Ohio), acknowledge that and have the candidate devise a message that works in their local jurisdiction.

Target the state legislatures. Gerrymandering has given structural advantages to conservatives, they were allowed to gerrymander because they owned the state legislatures. The lines will be redrawn after 2020, and it is important for the liberals to place themselves in a position to break these structural advantages, which will make it easier to have a majority for the ensuing decade.
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golden sloth said:

I think there needs to be an acknowledgement of the local audience. A unifying message of corruption, accountability, and healthcare is great. But, if the Democrats are going to make a National push, I believe they need to cater to the local jurisdiction (the audience is different in New York will be different than the audience in Missouri or Ohio), acknowledge that and have the candidate devise a message that works in their local jurisdiction.
I think this has been happening. For example, Conor Lamb won as a Democrat in a pretty red PA district, so he didn't run on the same kind of platform Cortez-Maestro did in Queens, NY. But he did run a more left-leaning campaign than you'd normally see from a Democrat in that area.

Tailor your message to the district (it helps to be from the district), but don't be afraid to run on liberal values.
Another Bear
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Not only is there a shift left but there's a generational shift going on now. Left leaning Democratic women are making a big time run. I hoPe they succeed because men have run this country...and basically totally FCCKED it up.

Have to face reality, Nancy Pelosi and that generation's time is up. She did a great job "mothering" congress, counting votes and making sure people showed up but there needs to be new blood that isn't tied to corporate money. It's the corporate money that keeps the centrist Dems from being anything but GOP lite. Look at the corporate Dems, like DiFi. First her husband is a first class piker billionaire and her vote aligns with that first and foremost. She only tacted left after pressure. She's now supporing single-payer medical coverage...but only after getting hammered. Up to this she totally backed the existing system despite not serving her constituents.

The average citizen wants some relief from the corporate slogging of America and the corporate Dems can't provide that, so the votes will go elsewhere.
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I'll believe there is a leftist shift going on when the far right stops controlling all the branches of the government
Another Bear
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Hopefully clearing up the Russkie invasion and the GOP will help move the tilt left along faster.
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dajo9 said:

I'll believe there is a leftist shift going on when the far right stops controlling all the branches of the government
Republicans started their rightward shift after 2008, when Democrats controlled everything. The results took a few years to materialize, but make no mistake, they did.

Politics are cyclical (if you're not living in an authoritarian dictatorship, and let's pray that doesn't happen).
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Another Bear said:

The average citizen wants some relief from the corporate slogging of America and the corporate Dems can't provide that, so the votes will go elsewhere.
Or they can be smart like Feinstein and change their message. Up to them.
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Anarchistbear said:

There is no part of the electorate more naive and privileged than the Boomers- a majority of whom support Trump. Their die off promises good tidings and the first sparks of real change.
All I will say (and this is purely anecdotal) is that in my experience no other group reacts as defensively to a criticism of their generation as Boomers do. Millennials laugh it off, Gen-Xers roll their eyes and move on, and Silents take criticism to heart, but Boomers will fight you if you say the Boomers messed something up.

I'm not sure that less of the latter kind of reaction is a bad thing in our politics.
Another Bear
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I'm technically a boomer, but at the very end. Just like the very end of the millennial generation likely lines up more with Gen-Z. I freely admit boomers (mostly early) and the Greatest gen set up the current mess. There's overlap between Geo H.W. Bush and Dubya.

My take, many boomers bought the Reagan trickle down crap that turned into Libertarian crap (still no functioning Libertarian government at the local, state or national level...despite Kansas and Honduras).

Regardless, go ahead and assign blame...but be part of the solution or shut up.
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There may eventually be a leftist shift in the legislative bodies in this country but there is about to be a pronounced rightward shift in the supreme court (to match the rightward shift in the lower federal courts in the last 18 months).

I hope the democrats take a page out of the republican playbook this time and filibuster until after the election to give themselves an added push to win the senate. On the other hand, perhaps that push will motivate more conservatives who tend to be more outcome oriented voters (eg motivated by things like this).
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Unit2Sucks said:

I hope the democrats take a page out of the republican playbook this time and filibuster until after the election to give themselves an added push to win the senate. On the other hand, perhaps that push will motivate more conservatives who tend to be more outcome oriented voters (eg motivated by things like this).
The filibuster is gone. McConnell killed it to get Gorsuch on the court.

We're getting a hyper-conservative court.
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sycasey said:

Unit2Sucks said:

I hope the democrats take a page out of the republican playbook this time and filibuster until after the election to give themselves an added push to win the senate. On the other hand, perhaps that push will motivate more conservatives who tend to be more outcome oriented voters (eg motivated by things like this).
The filibuster is gone. McConnell killed it to get Gorsuch on the court.

We're getting a hyper-conservative court.
Shouldn't have used the term filibuster. They really just need to convince one or two republicans to hold off.
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