White House has settled in

822,112 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by cbbass1
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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1. Devin Nunes's family has relocated their dairy farm from California to Iowa (Steve King's district) secretly.
2. Like any other dairy farm in Iowa, undocumented labors were norm.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Because we all have a respect for academia and most of us for truth.

The GOP insists on saying MANY things that aren't true, but they repeat them louder and louder and fool the population into thinking it's true.
Trump is the Liar In Chief.

How about how Lindsay et al kept insisting that Feinstein leaked the letter.
They don't know how, and that is a fair accusation, but they continued to state it as fact, such that the Fox followers believe it to be absolutely true.
It's irresponsible to the dialog.

I hate the lying GOP.
Another Bear
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BearChemist said:


1. Devin Nunes's family has relocated their dairy farm from California to Iowa (Steve King's district) secretly.
2. Like any other dairy farm in Iowa, undocumented labors were norm.
I think he's done now. His oppontent (Janz) might not win this election round but after this gets broken open, his base in California will turn on him. The hypocrisy of undocumented labor probably won't flip any hardline voters but having his family business out of his district could. You know, he's no longer a California farmer and businessman.
B.A. Bearacus
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Mushroom Dick being a fuucking dick:

B.A. Bearacus
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Someone correctly commented on this tweet that this guy was needed today.

Another Bear
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Given the current GOP, you're gonna need 6 or 7 more guys and a couple of dozen shoes.

Trump, McGahn, Kavanaugh, the staff Nazi, 11 GOP senators on the judiciary committee and that's not even counting the swamp.
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Needs to work on his arm mechanics and shorten his release time, he was 0 for 2.
Another Bear
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But he has arm talent.
B.A. Bearacus
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At this point in his presidency, we can't generate more than an eye roll at the blatant dishonesty...

The official White House transcript shows Trump as saying the following to Vega: "That's okay. I know you're not thanking. You never do."

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President Mushroom and taxes:

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B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

President Mushroom and taxes:


Shady, shady family of mushroom dicks.

President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found...

But The Times's investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father's real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show. Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more. He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents' real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found. The president's parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show.
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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To the credit of FoxNews.com, this is their current top story:

This story will, of course, be ignored, buried, or spun like Linda Blair in The Exorcist by the Fox evening talking heads. Remember, the Trump family cheating on their taxes is not an indication of unlawfulness -- it is a sign of intelligence or ingenuity.
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Thomas Friedman: The American Civil Wae, Part II

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

Thomas Friedman: The American Civil Wae, Part II


This also feels worse than the divisions over Vietnam and civil rights because there were three huge forces holding us together back then that are missing today: a growing middle class, the Cold War and a sane Republican Party.

It would be easy to blame both sides equally for this shift, noted Ornstein, but it is just not true. After the end of the Cold War, he said, "tribal politics were introduced by Newt Gingrich when he came to Congress 40 years ago," and then perfected by Mitch McConnell during the Barack Obama presidency, when McConnell declared his intention to use his G.O.P. Senate caucus to make Obama fail as a strategy for getting Republicans back in power.

The shift in the G.O.P. to tribalism culminated with McConnell denying Obama his constitutional right to appoint a Supreme Court justice with almost a year left in Obama's term. As NPR reported: "Supreme Court picks have often been controversial. There have been contentious hearings and floor debates and contested votes. But to ignore the nominee entirely, as if no vacancy existed? There was no precedent for such an action since the period around the Civil War."

In a speech in August 2016, McConnell boasted: "One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

That was a turning point. That was cheating. What McConnell did broke something very big.
Another Bear
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Skip ahead to around 8:30 for the mushroom ID line up.
B.A. Bearacus
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In case you're at work, the following, which aired on Jimmy Kimmel, contains images of ceramic mushrooms. Stormy was asked to pick out the mushroom that most resembled Mushroom D. Well, Trump has one more thing in common with Hitler, allegedly.

Another Bear
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Other guest, Sarah Paulson, called it a 'nubbin.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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"We're seeing at this moment a president of the United States do five things. He is using mass rallies that are fueled by constant lying to incite fervor and devotion in his political base. The second thing we see him do is to affix blame for every problem in the world. Many of them are complex, not so different from the issues faced at the end of Agrarian age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We see him attack minority populations with words like "invade" and "infest." The third thing he does is a create a shared sense of victimization caused by the scapegoated populations. This is the high act of Trumpism: From Trump to Sean Hannity to Laura Ingraham, everyone is a victim. The fourth thing he does is he alleges conspiracy by nefarious and unseen hidden forces the "deep state." And the fifth thing is the assertion that "I am the law, that I am above it." He just said immigrants don't get a hearing; they don't get a court representation." Steve Schmidt

"If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan is to be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated. Destroyed. And all of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards, need to go down. Maybe something can regenerate from that." Steve Schmidt
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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bearister said:

"We're seeing at this moment a president of the United States do five things. He is using mass rallies that are fueled by constant lying to incite fervor and devotion in his political base. The second thing we see him do is to affix blame for every problem in the world. Many of them are complex, not so different from the issues faced at the end of Agrarian age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We see him attack minority populations with words like "invade" and "infest." The third thing he does is a create a shared sense of victimization caused by the scapegoated populations. This is the high act of Trumpism: From Trump to Sean Hannity to Laura Ingraham, everyone is a victim. The fourth thing he does is he alleges conspiracy by nefarious and unseen hidden forces the "deep state." And the fifth thing is the assertion that "I am the law, that I am above it." He just said immigrants don't get a hearing; they don't get a court representation." Steve Schmidt

"If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan is to be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated. Destroyed. And all of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards, need to go down. Maybe something can regenerate from that." Steve Schmidt
But wait, I thought these people decried affirmative action, the social safety net, the Nanny State, government intervention, blacks who can't get over slavery, women who complain about a glass ceiling, and all various forms of the Liberal "victim."

Turns out that their complaints with all of these things really just boil down to, "Yeah, but what about my hardship and problems? Who is taking care of me?"

Their value system is rage fueled patriarchy (Daddy will take care of me) and authoritarianism (God will take care of me and controls everything about me). So their real complaints with all these "others" is simply they were stealing pity, attention, and benefits that they felt that THEY were entitled to.

Turns out they weren't "by your own boot straps," they were just selfish.

How about we all just agree that there is no shame in needing help, in being interconnected, in being a social species, in taking care of one another, and in sharing the things in this world as fairly as possible? This is not "stealing" from others (taking other people's money), it's seeing that we are all part of a big machine, a culture and society with many moving parts each with its role to play, and loving and caring for one another is about the best use of money, resources, and our short time on this planet--and not the myth of material happiness and swinging-dick contests over private jets and second homes.

It's time to part with the rich white male Christian model of success. We are successful as a whole, not as a few insulated hoarders, vestiges of a bygone economy, cornering power to hang onto their vision of life for as long as possible. Time for the next evolution and ideological shift. And these jerks should suffer from the fall because they never had the self-control to say we have enough. They went too far and broke the system.
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I would like some of the Conservatives on the board to point out:

1. Where is Steve Schmidt's reasoning faulty? and

2. What is his hidden agenda that explains his dishonest and unreasonable bias?

I simply want to see the other side of the issue. Perhaps I am in error thinking that Schmidt's criticisms of tRump and of the Republican Party are amongst the most articulate and insightful that I have seen.

I pose the same questions as they relate to Thomas Friedman and this opinion piece:

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bearister said:

"We're seeing at this moment a president of the United States do five things. He is using mass rallies that are fueled by constant lying to incite fervor and devotion in his political base. The second thing we see him do is to affix blame for every problem in the world. Many of them are complex, not so different from the issues faced at the end of Agrarian age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We see him attack minority populations with words like "invade" and "infest." The third thing he does is a create a shared sense of victimization caused by the scapegoated populations. This is the high act of Trumpism: From Trump to Sean Hannity to Laura Ingraham, everyone is a victim. The fourth thing he does is he alleges conspiracy by nefarious and unseen hidden forces the "deep state." And the fifth thing is the assertion that "I am the law, that I am above it." He just said immigrants don't get a hearing; they don't get a court representation." Steve Schmidt

"If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan is to be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated. Destroyed. And all of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards, need to go down. Maybe something can regenerate from that." Steve Schmidt
How, Steve?
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I assume impeachment or removal under the 25th Amendment would be a good start. Republican politicians that supported him would disavow him three times before the rooster crowed.
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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bearister said:

I assume impeachment or removal under the 25th Amendment would be a good start. Republican politicians that supported him would disavow him three times before the rooster crow
A super-majority in the Senate is needed for both forms - higher under the 25th Amendment
B.A. Bearacus
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Mushroom D in Minnesota sounds like he's back on the market for some of that extramarital poontang...

"A man shouts that he loves Trump. Trump responds, "I love you too, but you're not my type."
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Mushroom D in Minnesota sounds like he's back on the market extramarital sex...

"A man shouts that he loves Trump. Trump responds, "I love you too, but you're not my type."

Trump is the epitome of a dirty dbag. Even Tiger Woods has better taste in women.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Mushroom D in Minnesota sounds like he's back on the market for some of that extramarital poontang...

"A man shouts that he loves Trump. Trump responds, "I love you too, but you're not my type."

I'll admit, that's pretty funny.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

bearister said:

Thomas Friedman: The American Civil Wae, Part II


This also feels worse than the divisions over Vietnam and civil rights because there were three huge forces holding us together back then that are missing today: a growing middle class, the Cold War and a sane Republican Party.

It would be easy to blame both sides equally for this shift, noted Ornstein, but it is just not true. After the end of the Cold War, he said, "tribal politics were introduced by Newt Gingrich when he came to Congress 40 years ago," and then perfected by Mitch McConnell during the Barack Obama presidency, when McConnell declared his intention to use his G.O.P. Senate caucus to make Obama fail as a strategy for getting Republicans back in power.

The shift in the G.O.P. to tribalism culminated with McConnell denying Obama his constitutional right to appoint a Supreme Court justice with almost a year left in Obama's term. As NPR reported: "Supreme Court picks have often been controversial. There have been contentious hearings and floor debates and contested votes. But to ignore the nominee entirely, as if no vacancy existed? There was no precedent for such an action since the period around the Civil War."

In a speech in August 2016, McConnell boasted: "One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

That was a turning point. That was cheating. What McConnell did broke something very big.
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Under Trump, Steve Schmidt wrote, the party had become "corrupt, indecent, and immoral." With the exception of a select few, the GOP was "filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party's greatest leaders."
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
Another Bear
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bearister said:

Under Trump, Steve Schmidt wrote, the party had become "corrupt, indecent, and immoral." With the exception of a select few, the GOP was "filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party's greatest leaders."
This sounds like the GOP's last stand before it eats a round of bullets, or a pill in the bunker, in a fit of self-destruction.

As for the party's greatest leaders, in large part Reagan got the wing nut foil hatted people on this track by his quote, " In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

This started the whole LIbertarian BS about no government. This is what's driving conservatives now. They want to destroy government. Well it didn't work. Kansas and Honduras show that a Libertarian government is an oxymoron and not possible.
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Where da Crypt Keeper been at?

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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I strongly recommend this:


When you see it all put together in a 2 hour documentary, it really has you scratching your head how this all happened and is being allowed to be continue.
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