White House has settled in

822,904 Views | 4703 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by cbbass1
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Another Bear said:

The marathon of resistance is going to become a lifestyle. Just have to man up, face it, push back and stomp it out.

On a more positive note, net approval rating for Trump from 2017 and 2019. Not looking good at all. After the tax returns come back I imagine the numbers will tank further. When they get that low, impeachment might be in play. West Coast representing...


I think the Dems see that -8 number in Arizona as well.

Another Bear
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Heard about Kelly on the radio. I think he has a very good chance.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Would really love to see the turtle face got booted in 2020.

Schumer recruits famed fighter pilot to challenge McConnell in 2020
Another Bear
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Turtle Boy has a 47% disapproval rating vs. a 38% approval rating in KY, for a -9 net. I think he's in a real fight and it's going to be interesting. McConnell is another GOP 4F draft dodger going against a Marine fighter pilot. That's about as red meat as it gets in Trump country. I would beat that into the ground.

Peanut Gallery Consultant
Another Bear
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President Trump installed a room-sized golf simulator at White House

I guess if you're fccking around for 9 hours per day with executive time you might as well go all in.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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"If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
B.A. Bearacus
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Embarrassing. It's as if Pence's notes say "pause for applause." He might not realize how much our role as leader of the free world has been diminished under him and orange.

B.A. Bearacus
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"Recent Iranian [cyberattacks] on American banks, businesses and government agencies have been more extensive than previously reported," the N.Y. Times' Nicole Perlroth reports:

What's new: "Dozens of corporations and multiple United States agencies have been hit, according to seven people briefed on the episodes."
Security experts believe Iranian and Chinese hackers "have been energized by President Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal last year and his trade conflicts with China."
Why it matters: "Chinese cyberespionage cooled four years ago after President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping of China reached a landmark deal to stop hacks meant to steal trade secrets."

"Federal agencies and private companies are back to where they were five years ago: battling increasingly sophisticated, government-affiliated hackers from China and Iran in addition to fighting constant efforts out of Russia who hope to steal trade and military secrets and sow mayhem."
"And it appears the hackers substantially improved their skills during the lull." Axios

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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Okay. It's Trump's fault that China and Iran cyber attack us because he is hostile to them. But it is also Trump's fault that Russia and North Korea cyber attack us because he is not hostile enough to them. Awesome.
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oski003 said:

Okay. It's Trump's fault that China and Iran cyber attack us because he is hostile to them. But it is also Trump's fault that Russia and North Korea cyber attack us because he is not hostile enough to them. Awesome.

Nice try on one of your customary drive-by comments.

My reading of the what the article says is that the Russian attacks are "constant" and have continued before and after 2016. I doubt Trump has much interest in actually ensuring we effectively defend ourselves against these Russian attacks, but that's a different story and the excerpt does not touch on that.

By contrast, the excerpt views Chinese and Iranian cyber-attack campaigns as ramping up in response to Trump's policies and stance. Seems like a simple overall point which you attempted to deflect.

Maybe the article is right and maybe it's wrong, but in my view, you misrepresented it.
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To clarify my comment, the article only blames Trump for Chinese and Iranian cyber attacks. Others blame him for Russian and North Korean cyber attacks.

The reason why my comments are "drive-by comments" is because I defend or discredit a certain statement against something such as a policy or action and then get called to do a full defense of Trump, etc... Sometimes I'm just rebutting a gross exaggeration of something. I do not wish to fully defend Trump, especially against multiple active posters who are incensed by the state of our executive branch.
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bearister said:

"If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."

Can't we just bury him already.
No, like BURY him?!

Let's get on with it already. This is taking too long.
House investigations?
Soooo overdue!

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BearChemist said:

Would really love to see the turtle face got booted in 2020.

Schumer recruits famed fighter pilot to challenge McConnell in 2020
That is good news to hear. Thank you.

But, I think it put him above trump instead of the dog.
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Another Bear said:

Turtle Boy has a 47% disapproval rating vs. a 38% approval rating in KY, for a -9 net. I think he's in a real fight and it's going to be interesting. McConnell is another GOP 4F draft dodger going against a Marine fighter pilot. That's about as red meat as it gets in Trump country. I would beat that into the ground.

Honestly, these are bad people we are talking about.
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sycasey said:

He's running as a Dem. this is the twin who is married to Gabby Giffords.
He is currently, polling, in a dead heat with Republican who lost to Sinema McSally - I guess the GOP is gonna push her again. Another possible dem candidate doesn't poll as well as Kelly.
It's a good add, and I'm hoping the GOP loses every single seat!
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Look at this!
A FoxNews person I agree with for once:

Dear Trump Fans
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is eager to force a vote on the Green New Deal to embarrass Democrats. But you might want to warn him of the dangers of embarrassing himself.
Have him take a look at the state of his fellow citizens' finances.

Last week, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that a record 7 million Americans are three months or more behind on their car loan payments.
Last year, the Federal Reserve reported that 40 percent of Americans can't cover an unexpected expense of $400.
Then there's the pressure on families from student loans and credit card accounts.
In 2018, total student loan debt was $1.5 trillion and growing. And the credit card debt collectively owed by Americans in 2018 surpassed $1 trillion. An alarming number of accounts are delinquent. Maybe that's why retail sales had a big drop in December.
Trump backers, also open your eyes to a new study from a University of California at Berkeley economist, Gabriel Zucman. It shows that the 400 richest Americans (.00025 percent of our population) now own more wealth than the 150 million poorest Americans (60 percent of the population).
So while President Idiot is pledging "America will never be a socialist country," a lot of Americans are looking for any policy that will help them pay the bills in a time of stagnant wages and high income inequality.
Trump and McConnell have no ideas for dealing with income inequality. Their tax cut put more money in the pockets of the rich and corporations. That is not working for the middle-class.
Polls prove the point.
A recent poll by The Hill/HarrisX found 59 percent of Americans favor raising the top tax rate to 70 percent. A Fox News poll had similar results in January, with 70 percent of registered voters saying they agree with raising income taxes on people who make over $10 million.
The same concern is behind the 70 percent of Americans, in a Reuters poll from last August, who said they support "Medicare for All" one of the proposals being labeled by the GOP as socialist.
Polls consistently show 'socialist' programs or policies Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Administration and agriculture subsidies enjoy strong support.
Trump Republicans are quick to point to Venezuela's economic problems as damning proof of the failings of attempts at socialism.
But the truth is that nearly every first-world democratic country has programs that provide an economic safety net for their people free health care and education, paid sick leave and vacation. These are the very same kinds of measures the GOP derides as socialist.
The Green New Deal proposal, recently introduced as a resolution not actual legislation is a starting point for Americans to begin honest dialogue about income inequality.
Somehow, such conversations did not take place for the last two years with Trump in the White House and Republican majorities in the House and Senate.
The Green New Deal resolution proposed by Democrats Sen. Ed Markey (Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasin-Cortez (N.Y.) includes more than goals for clean air and water. It aims for a federal policy that would provide jobs with "a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States."
This calls to mind ideas from the original New Deal.
In his 1944 State of the Union address President Franklin Roosevelt said it was the government's job to guarantee:
"The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation; The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation; The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad; The right of every family to a decent home; The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;"
Those ideas remain central to the American dream.
But 21st century income inequality has the average American living in economic fear and worried about political domination by plutocrats.
My Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson recently told his audience that America's economic ruling class fails to see that "families are being crushed by market forces."
I covered President Reagan for The Washington Post when the top tax rate was 50 percent. Under President Nixon, the uber-rich were taxed at a rate of 70 percent. And under President Eisenhower, the top rate was 91 percent.
All three presidents were Republicans, of course.

The irony is that Trump now has the GOP steeped in nostalgia, yearning for bygone days and hoping to "Make America Great Again."
A big part of the reason why life was better back then was a tax structure that guarded against rampant income inequality.
Ocasio-Cortez dismisses the charge that she is "radical" for addressing this issue.
"Abraham Lincoln made the radical decision to sign the Emancipation Proclamation," Ocasio-Cortez told CBS's "60 Minutes" last month. "Franklin Roosevelt made the radical decision to embark on establishing programs like Social Security. That is radical."
She added: "Yeah, if that's what radical means, call me a radical."
Honestly, Trump fans, given the scope of the American family's economic problems, the Green New Deal doesn't seem radical enough.
Juan Williams is an author, and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.

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golden sloth said:

FYI, if all the states that dislike Trump by 10 points or better vote against him in the 2020 elections the Dem's will have 280 electoral votes. That is not including Virginia which Trump has a -13 net approval rating, but is also undergoing turmoil at the state level that could impact turnout.
Any state that votes trump in 2020 should be automatically enrolled in free medical care following the election. Er, uh, free mental health assessments. Clearly, not thinking straight.
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Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

golden sloth said:

FYI, if all the states that dislike Trump by 10 points or better vote against him in the 2020 elections the Dem's will have 280 electoral votes. That is not including Virginia which Trump has a -13 net approval rating, but is also undergoing turmoil at the state level that could impact turnout.

And most likely the turmoil in VA has subsided by November 2020.

Agree, those numbers look pretty bad for the Electoral College.
If people thought the wizarding world celebrated after Voldemort lost his powers (the first time), that ain't gonna be nothing like the public celebration on November 4, 2020.
Can we expel citizens from our country?
Or just incarcerate them?

How about both?
Napoleon was sent to St. Helena. Let's do that! He always wanted to go down in history. We'll set up a family compound for them all and then leave them there to die.
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Another Bear said:

Most beautiful chart I've seen in 3 years.
Actually, forget my prior health assessments post. Can we just kick those remaining blue states out of the union?
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oski003 said:

To clarify my comment, the article only blames Trump for Chinese and Iranian cyber attacks. Others blame him for Russian and North Korean cyber attacks.

The reason why my comments are "drive-by comments" is because I defend or discredit a certain statement against something such as a policy or action and then get called to do a full defense of Trump, etc... Sometimes I'm just rebutting a gross exaggeration of something. I do not wish to fully defend Trump, especially against multiple active posters who are incensed by the state of our executive branch.

Then I think you misread what others blame Trump for. Others blame Trump for not being incented to defend against Russian cyber-attacks, which were ongoing before and after he became president. In fact, some might say his presidency is partially a *result*, not a cause, of the Russian cyber-attacks.

This article, by contrast ties the rise of cyber-attacks from China and Iran as being *caused* by Trump policy.

Right or wrong, there is nothing incompatible or absurd about these statements taken together.
B.A. Bearacus
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oski003 said:

The reason why my comments are "drive-by comments" is because I defend or discredit a certain statement against something such as a policy or action and then get called to do a full defense of Trump, etc... Sometimes I'm just rebutting a gross exaggeration of something.

You make no similar efforts to attack the exaggerations of the right and Trump. So for every batch of inflammatory or dangerous lies/positions the White House takes, you feel the more important thing is to find a flaw in the outraged reaction of the Left? Got it. Seems like you have the best interest of America at heart when being a highly selective apologist.
The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!
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OK, to assuage bng, Trump lies a lot and I disagree with Utah recently passing a law against aborting babies because of down syndrome.

Anyway, there's not much of a need for me to counter Trump, etc... The Washington Post and other newspapers already do so along with many vocal bi posters.
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blungld said:

oski003 said:

The reason why my comments are "drive-by comments" is because I defend or discredit a certain statement against something such as a policy or action and then get called to do a full defense of Trump, etc... Sometimes I'm just rebutting a gross exaggeration of something.

You make no similar efforts to attack the exaggerations of the right and Trump. So for every batch of inflammatory or dangerous lies/positions the White House takes, you feel the more important thing is to find a flaw in the outraged reaction of the Left? Got it. Seems like you have the best interest of America at heart when being a highly selective apologist.
Yup. Whether you intend to or not, doing this is absolutely going by the alt-right playbook.
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Another Bear said:

The marathon of resistance is going to become a lifestyle. Just have to man up, face it, push back and stomp it out.

On a more positive note, net approval rating for Trump from 2017 and 2019. Not looking good at all. After the tax returns come back I imagine the numbers will tank further. When they get that low, impeachment might be in play. West Coast representing...


This doesn't look right to me. I don't think there was ever a time where Trump had favorables like the ones in the January 2017 chart. New York was +8? I doubt it.
Another Bear
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dajo9 said:

Another Bear said:

The marathon of resistance is going to become a lifestyle. Just have to man up, face it, push back and stomp it out.

On a more positive note, net approval rating for Trump from 2017 and 2019. Not looking good at all. After the tax returns come back I imagine the numbers will tank further. When they get that low, impeachment might be in play. West Coast representing...


This doesn't look right to me. I don't think there was ever a time where Trump had favorables like the ones in the January 2017 chart. New York was +8? I doubt it.
I'm guessing that +8 were made up of working class upstate NY'ers that tilted things that far, as in anywhere but NYC. Still it flipped (with AUTHORITY 32 pt swing) like the rest of the midwest/great lakes region. After all Buffalo is closer to Cleveland and Detroit than NYC.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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They really need to invert the color schemes on that chart. Why have the bluest color be pro-Trump and the reddest be anti-Trump? Bizarre choice.
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dajo9 said:

Another Bear said:

The marathon of resistance is going to become a lifestyle. Just have to man up, face it, push back and stomp it out.

On a more positive note, net approval rating for Trump from 2017 and 2019. Not looking good at all. After the tax returns come back I imagine the numbers will tank further. When they get that low, impeachment might be in play. West Coast representing...


This doesn't look right to me. I don't think there was ever a time where Trump had favorables like the ones in the January 2017 chart. New York was +8? I doubt it.
It might be true of polling taken immediately after his inauguration. His numbers dropped pretty quickly after that.

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oski003 said:

OK, to assuage bng, Trump lies a lot and I disagree with Utah recently passing a law against aborting babies because of down syndrome.

Anyway, there's not much of a need for me to counter Trump, etc... The Washington Post and other newspapers already do so along with many vocal bi posters.
But you are missing the entire point and political necessity at this historic moment. This is the precise time for you to step forward not with apologies for the White House, or attacks on the Left, but to show unity in confronting the great threat to our Democracy.

This isn't about us Liberals all patting each other on the back, or feeling like we "got you," or that we win. We are sincerely worried and believe that serious corruption is at hand and that the effects are not minor that they are literally destroying the rule of law and what has made America the greatest country thus far in the human experiment of civilization.

The reason "we" make these posts and talk to our neighbors is not to fan the flames of a culture war or get "you" mad. It is to sound the alarms and to get people like you on board to opening your eyes and standing with us. If "you" think we are the enemy or that we are making this up or part of a deep state or a conspiracy or stupid or any of the apologist memes, then "we" as a country have lost.

Hearing your dissent, even on these boards (not your justifications for crimes or digs at Liberals), is exactly what the country requires now. If you continue to be entertained by potshots at the Liberals, and soften the damage of Trump in your mind, then you and the people you influence will not take a stand now or when the time comes for us to do the hard things that may need to be done to save the nation.

That is quite dramatic, but I truly believe these are the types of stakes we are facing right now. I think we may be facing existential threats, in various forms and at varying degrees, but the danger is very real in the destruction of our government, in oversight, in elections, in foreign influence, in norms, in civility, in corruption, in income inequality, in attacks on our principles, in silencing of press and decent, and the looming possibilities of increased authoritarianism and war.
The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Just needed to add the addendum that it appears now that the guy (Smollett) who was allegedly attacked is a major liar and scum.
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Well, at least these poll numbers relating to concern about Climate Change go a long way in explaining how an Orange game show house became POTUS.

"A December poll by the Yale Program on Climate Change and George Mason University found that the "alarmed" segment of the American public is at an all-time high of 29% double the size in a 2013 survey." Axios
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
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tRump's silence is deafening.

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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.
Another Bear
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Does want to offend his buddies in his base.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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