" This is a special place, Trump's America. It's the kind of country where senators can openly surrender their principles and power out of fear for their own reelection. It's the kind of country where half of Congress can cheer race-baiting radio stars and a president who demonizes immigrants.
And it's the kind of country where a president's speechwriters can just give up on the whole speechwriting thing to list a bunch of randomly famous American names to wind up one final Trumpian state of the union.
"This is the home of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, the Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong, and so many more," Trump said as his speechwriting staff threw in the towel. "This is the country where children learn names like Wyatt Earp, Davy Crockett, and Annie Oakley."
One day they will learn the name of Donald Trump too. He's the guy who put kids in cages, watched TV all day, and made a Space Force. He got caught lying and cheating but there were no referees, so he never stopped."
Richard Wolffe is a Guardian US columnist
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