Anarchistbear said:
The whole American experiment is an escape from ****holes- dagos, mackerel snappers, greasers, yids, etc. All came here to escape poverty, repression or both, only to be vilified by those who got here first. By pluck and industry they moved up the ladder. Give me a ****hole refugee any time. They have what it takes. And no there is no dominant culture here. It is what we decide it is at any time
The American experiment of rolling the dice and allowing boatloads of indigents are over -- the alternative is open borders, which as an absurd policy that even sh**hole countries reject. Even sh**hole countries don't want the indigents from elsewhere. Nobody with a sense of responsibility and community want to subsidize this experiment and subsidize its failures.
Vetting immigrants should be like a job application. We don't even see you until we decide you look like a good candidate on paper. What are your goals? What have you done thus far in life? What skills do you have? Can you speak English? Does it appear this candidate can and is willing to assimilate? Does this candidate offer the country something we need? Candidate wants to come over to get a public education? Only if they're brilliant and want to get a degree in a field that needs labor. You've got five years to get it done, or you're gone. Can't speak English and won't assimilate? See ya, not going to burden citizens with subsidizing your ESL. These are are all economic and cultural decisions in the name of America's interest and failure. We take the creme de la creme of other countries, not their unskilled and indigent.
Nobody questions that Japan should be dominantly Japanese. If 50 million western Europeans migrated to Japan, you'd think they'd be happy about it. You think Americans wouldn't empathize? Do you go to other countries and go "**** your culture, I'm going to do what I want and you're gonna subsidize it for me, I'm going to adhere to the cultural norms I grew up in and be damned with yours, I ain't assimilating to sh*t and you're gonna like it!"
NOBODY would like you, you'd be an a**hat. Do you go into other people's houses and reject their rules, their traditions? Do you demand entry into other people's homes as basic protocol? Do you maybe wait til you're established in somebody else's home before you decide to throw in your 2 cents about how things ought to be done, or demand they start subsidizing your life? Other countries don't allow it. America is multi-cultural, but a century ago immigrants accepted and valued the basic cultural ties that bind us.