82gradDLSdad said:
HearstMining said:
SFCityBear said:
smh said:
worst of co2's dirty tricks is leverage, screwing the pooch with low sounding numbers.
as of May 2022 > The current global average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is (0.04%) 421ppm

"The worst of CO2's dirty tricks" ??? What are the others? Never mind. CO2 is a fertilizer, vital to your and my survival. It is essential for plants to live and grow, so they can produce food for you and I, and oxygen for you and I to breathe.
I have been regularly walking in the park for years, using the same particular paths bordered by grasses, shrubs, and trees. Beginning in the spring, the plants on either side of these paths began to grow. Soon the shrubs and grasses and weeds all began to grow. Over the last 3 months the growth in plant life has narrowed the paths, to where two people can not pass each other on the trail, without one of us having to step into the bushes to let the other person pass by. The foliage on the trees has grown so much that it has become too heavy for the branches to bear without bending. The canopy is so low now, that I have to bend way down to get under it and continue on my way. This is by far the most growth I have ever seen in a single season, and the growth season is not even half over. In 2 more months, there will be no path at all. I expect crop yields to be way up this year. I'd guess much of it is due to the increase in CO2 in the air.
And to top off your post, you actually cite Wikipedia as your source!!! Wikipedia is a source where anyone, anyone at all can post an article. You or I could post an article.
Wikipedia is a source all right, a source of propaganda. Wikipedia has been controlled by the Left for many years. Take any hot-button political topic or issue, and Wikipedia will take the view of the Left. In fact they have people they pay to originate, or revise articles on Anthropogenic Global Warming to express the view they believe to be correct, the view that best states their agenda. Here is one such editor, the greenie, William Connelley.
Hmmm - a single season growth spurt. And you propose that the cause is the increased CO2. Don't you think it might it just possibly be due to NORTHERN CALIFORNIA'S WETTEST RAINY SEASON IN 38 YEARS?
I know that my few weeds I have on our barren front and backyard dirt grow when I get some water on the dirt while watering plants. I never thought it was CO2.
Actually CO2 does have a strong direct effect on the rate of photosynthesis, and does contribute to the rate of growth of your shrubbery. It's just that you cannot observe the effect from the increase in CO2 from year to year as the growth in ambient CO2 concentration is extremely low year to year.
If you were however to compare your rate of plant growth to that from several decades ago, you would see, as NASA did above, that the growth in CO2 concentration over that period will have resulted in increased plant growth of the order of 25%-35% between the current season and one from the 80s or 90s
that has had a similar rainfall profile.Furthermore,
CO2 fertilization is even more dramatic in arid areas,
because as the rate of CO2 increases, plants require less water to grow. This is because the more CO2 there is, the fewer stomata openings the plant will need to capture its CO2, so less water loss and evaporation will occur through these openings.