concordtom said:
movielover said:
concordtom said:
Who are these people who use their kids with guns as props?
How irresponsible.
Posing with a prop is a recoverable event, a blip; changing a 12-year-old child's Plumbing with barbaric surgery isn't.
Your fear of someone else's life choice vs someone else with a gun ending your life.
We need gun control laws, not sex control laws.

Switzerland has high gun ownership rates, highest in W. Europe, but hardly any gun homicides, even compared to Canada.
Brazil has
14 times lower gun ownership rates than the US, yet Brazil has
5 times higher homicide rates than the US. even if you lowered gun ownership rates in the US to Brazil level through an incredibly draconian, pie in the sky gun control law and enforcement, homicide levels are not likely to drop off, for the simple reason that those that are desperate enough to commit the crimes will always have access to these guns, and those who have been conditioned to commit acts of incredible violence will continue to do so.
Thus the correlation between gun ownership rates and homicide rates is not the end-all be all in this debate, your take is far too simplistic largely because it is driven by ideology, not data. The data shows for instance that the countries with the 10 worst homicide rates have very low gun ownership rates:
Country / Homicide Rate / Guns per 100 residents
Honduras 91.6 / 6.2
El Salvador 69.2 / 5.8
Jamaica 52.2 / 8.1
Venezuela 45.1 / 10.7
Belize 41.4 / 10
Guatemala 38.5 / 13.1
Zambia 38.0 8.9Uganda 36.3 / 1.4
Malawi 36.0 / .7
Lesotho 35.2 / 2.7
Trinidad and Tobago 35.2 / 1.6
also:Brazil 21.0 / 8
United States 4.2 / 112.6
Switzerland 0.7 / 45.7
The difference between the US and Switzerland is not the amount of guns available to the average citizen,
it is in the culture, more specifically
the gang culture, which the US shares with a lot of countries that are near the top of the homicide rate list, like Brazil, Honduras, Guatemala etc.
El Salvador slashed its homicide rates by crushing its gangs.