He helped her bust the union by quitting. Most Deputy DA's joined the Teamsters Union when during her unsuccessful run in 2018 she said she would fire "All the Mother F@ucks" if she won. A Deputy DA who she tries to fire is entitled to a jury trial in Federal Court for breach of the collective bargaining agreement. Anyone who quits is helping her bust the union.
Butch Ford is an A+ prosecutor. He convicted that White POS that knifed that lovely Black woman to death on BART. The DA is replacing seasoned prosecutors with political hacks that have never tried a case but know how to process easy plea bargain deals.

The DA is the biggest enemy of the Black community because the word is out among the gangs that they can slaughter each other with impunity and get "restorative justice" aka an ankle bracket and a diversion program.
Cal Bear Emilie Raguso of the Berkeley Scanner is so far up her rear end that she tried to have her forcibly removed from a press conference.
Butch Ford's letter of resignation (he should not have quit but demanded a jury trial and done discovery):
Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.