bearister said:
concordtom said:
I lived in Montclair from 3-7 grades.
We would take AC transit to Berkeley to play video games at the Silver Ball on Durant.
We had this discussion a few years ago. A couple of questions:
1. Was Silver Ball upstairs from Leopold's Records?
2. Was there a mural on the wall going up the stairs of Roger Daltrey as the Pinball Wizard? If so, do you have any photos of it?
I was at Cal from 1972-1976 when that mural was there.
I found this photo on Google Image:

*When I was in law school the space down that staircase was The Come Back Inn pub.
This would have been like 1980 or early 81.
Your photo is correct location. La Val's pizza. Some bar downstairs. Go up the street just a smidge and I guess it would be on top of La Val's (?) there was. A skinny staircase that went up. If there was a Roger salary mural I couldn't say. My memory has it painted dark. Once above, a door and then you entered the room with video games.
The most memorable thing was that game called Ooops. It was like a college student created it. A one-of-a-kind. I explained this before. It was like asteroids but the ship couldn't fly around, and instead of a ship you controlled a syringe that spun in a circle over an ovum, guarding it. Instead of boulders coming at a ship, lots of speed would come toward the egg. The syringe fired a gel that would wipe out the swimming sperm.
Across the street was that little inlet of businesses. I forget what they call that.
I just went on my phone's map street view and where Thai Basil restaurant is there used to be a place called Kings Cards. We'd look through his binders of football cards, mostly.
I spun the camera around to see the La Val's building. I see the stairs going down but no stairway up to where silver ball was. I'm guessing they remodeled and removed it.
Seems like yesterday.