Cohen Congressional Hearing Tomorrow

12,683 Views | 150 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by calbearinamaze
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I just commented that Michael Cohen may end up dead.
Things like that happen.
This slamming of Don Jr. is the highest betrayal.

What struck me as I looked back and thought about that exchange between Don Jr. and his father was, first, that Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone and certainly not without checking with his father.

I think certain people are thinking, "He's a dead man. I'm gonna get him."
Another Bear
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Wow, even with Cohen's past, seems he dropped some bombs.

re: Elijah Cummings...his line of question sounds weak but it will read differently on the record.

Interesting to hear the GOP go after Cohen.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
B.A. Bearacus
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Just getting in a fuuck Jim Jordan in for the record.
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concordtom said:


The only fun from this is it does actually cause tRump to go berserk....and that is good enough for me.
Nah. Not good enough because he has no compunction. In fact, he views this as a plus for ratings.

So, I'm going for this:


More like this:

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Cohen's testimony is independently corroborated by witnesses and documentary evidence. Yes, the only reason he is cooperating is to reduce his sentence, but that doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. The Mafia was brought down by rats telling the truth as depicted in Goodfellas. Henry Hill's testimony put a lot of mobsters in jail even though they all claimed he was lying.
The questions of the Republican Congressman attacking Cohen's credibility are the same ones used by Mafia defense attorneys to attack mob informants on the witness stand during trial. It rarely saves their clients from conviction.
And ast but not least, John Dean was a rat. How did that work out for Nixon?
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That was funny!

The Republican from Tennessee tried to paint Cohen in a corner:

"You are a liar and a fake. You've been disbarred. How are you going to make money in the future?"

"I don't expect to make any money when I'm in jail."

"Who paid your expenses to be here?"

"I did."

"Uh, aren't you just trying to get a book deal?"

"I have been contacted by many, for books, tv, films. In fact, if you'd like to let me know who you'd like to have play you, I'll be glad to see what I can do for you."

The Tennessee guy laughed, got flustered, and yielded time back to his ranking republican.
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bearister said:

Cohen's testimony is independently corroborated by witnesses and documentary evidence. Yes, the only reason he is cooperating is to reduce his sentence, but that doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. The Mafia was brought down by rats telling the truth as depicted in Goodfellas. Henry Hill's testimony put a lot of mobsters in jail even though they all claimed he was lying.
The questions of the Republican Congressman attacking Cohen's credibility are the same ones used by Mafia defense attorneys to attack mob informants on the witness stand during trial. It rarely saves their clients from conviction.
And ast but not least, John Dean was a rat. How did that work out for Nixon?
Well, clearly, he comes off extremely credible.
He was an idiot, a cad. He just called himself a fool.
But now he appears to be coming clean and open about anything and everything.

The GOP strategy isn't working. There will be a recess, Senator Lindsay Graham will be seen huddling, and when they return, someone will deliver a fire and brimstone tirade. Every single bit of impropriety that Cohen has ever committed will be aired. Trump is talking to Graham right now. "He f'd a hooker. He got a blow job by a teenager. He did this and that. Tell those goddam rookies to step up, goddammit!"

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Cohen is good.

This Meadows guy is a jerk.
"Why would (the southern lady) you had hired into the trump org work for a racist?"

Cohen: "why should I, the son of a Holocaust survivor?"

Another Bear
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Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Machine gun Jim Jordan trying to accuse Cohen's lawyers.

Lanny Davis says he's not going to accept payment for 3 years while Cohen is in jail.
Jordan tries to mock that, saying he's never known a lawyer to wait three years to get paid. Davis is sitting behind Cohen smiling and nodding, and Cohen says, "I guess he thinks it's important."
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Arizona republican Paul gosar is a piece of crap.
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Next up: Jim Cooper, democrat from Tennessee.

It's a back and forth, attack/support/attack/support. Republican/Democrat/Republican/Democrat

It's sad that politicians must become so polarized. Their allegiance is not to truth, values. It is to some gelatinous blob called Party. We Americans are ruled by a gelatinous blob. Well, two of them, actually.

Anyways, Jim Cooper was decent!
Another Bear
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Listening to some of those Southern Rep do their Foghorn LegHorn impersonation and hearing Cohen's NY wise guy accent...made me think of "My Cousin Vinnie".
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Republican Congressmen are inserting in their speech/questions, "The American people realize this..and the American people realize that.." Unfortunately for the Republicans, what the majority of the American people realize is that most Republican congressmen are stooges for tRump and that is why the Republicans lost the majority in the Congress as a result of the mid terms.
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concordtom said:

This Jim Jordan guy is something else.
Spinning a yarn.
I wish nothing worse to Jordan ( former wrestling coach) than that he slammed to the concrete during a
WWE promotion. Of Vince McMahon is in bed with Trump, so that ain't gonna happening

If you believe in forever
Then life is just a one-night stand
If there's a rock and roll heaven
Well you know they've got a hell of a band
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Wow, that Republican from Michigan didn't attack Cohen but allowed him to present his best self as a human in search of redemption.
So, we are no as divided as I thought?
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Rep clay Higgins of Louisiana is a *****.
He is ripping Cohen apart, telling him he is a lifelong criminal, and then adds "good sir" at the end of each sentence, as if he is some polite genteel public servant.
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There are not going to be any bombshells here today.
Just a pissing war over who is more despicable a person: Trump or Cohen.

B.A. Bearacus
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"Yes Congressman sir, I will swear to not profit off this testimony in the future if you will also swear to not profit off this hearing and your public service: no book, media appearances, or working in private sector."

They are essentially violating First Amendment trying to curb his free speech.

The GOP is just shocked by Cohen, but not one ounce of curiosity or outrage by the behavior of the president or the hard evidence?

You'd think the president and the GOP would be dying for him to similarly be under oath before the committee to clear up all these lies. Where are all the demands to have him there under oath?

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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Hey Mrs. Miller. Screw you.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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blungld said:

"Yes Congressman sir, I will swear to not profit off this testimony in the future if you will also swear to not profit off this hearing and your public service: no book, media appearances, or working in private sector."

They are essentially violating First Amendment trying to curb his free speech.

The GOP is just shocked by Cohen, but not one ounce of curiosity or outrage by the behavior of the president or the hard evidence?

You'd think the president and the GOP would be dying for him to similarly be under oath before the committee to clear up all these lies. Where are all the demands to have him there under oath?
Did you hear the part about the 100 tapes ? Where a congressman asked if they could be turned over to the committee, and Cohen said "if you'd like", then Cohen looks at chairman Cummings and smiles and says, "aren't you supposed to gavel that?"

It seems Cohen definitely wants the committee to hear all the tapes!! :-)
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GOP: it is wasting government time to see if our president is a criminal and involved in obstruction, cover up , and espionage. I mean who cares about that when we could be stopping MS 13?

I mean these congressmen would be out there bringing 'em down themselves if they were not stuck in a hearing.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
Another Bear
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My general question to the GOP and their followers after listening to the hearing: when does a GOP congressman, senator or official stand up and say, "TRUMP IS CRIMINAL AND TRAITOR, time to get to the bottom of this mess".

At some point during Watergate Republicans realized Nixon was a crook, stopped backing him and decided enough was enough. Nixon went down because of obstruction but his actual crime, breaking into Watergate, seem like misdemeanors compared to Trump and possibly being a Russian asset.

Any guesses when the GOP grow a pair and defend American democracy and instituations?
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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The best part of all of this is that Sean Hannity will connect all the dots for the nation with his analysis this evening.

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B.A. Bearacus
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David Spade as Jim Jordan in the movie.
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I loved it when Rep. Stacey Plaskett said Rep. Gaetz should be the subject of a criminal referral for his attempt at witness intimidation by suggesting in his tweet that Cohen has women on the side (granted not much of a reach).
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Typical Dem BS games with this process:

As the hearing began Wednesday, North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows interrupted to say Cohen's prepared testimony was not received by the committee 24 hours in advance in violation of committee rules, calling for a postponement of the hearing.

"Committee rules require witnesses to provide their testimony to Congress 24 hours in advance of a hearing. We know that rule was intentionally violated, as an adviser of Mr. Cohen's felt the need to go on CNN last night and explicitly state his suggestion that Mr. Cohen 'hold his statement' as long as possible 'so the other side can't chew it up,'" Meadows said. "Lo and behold, we didn't get Mr. Cohen's statement till 11:00 p.m. last night and didn't receive any of the 'evidence' until this morning."

"It was an intentional effort by this witness and his advisers to once again show his disdain for this body."

Jordan, the ranking member on the committee, added: "CNN had it before we didthey had the exhibits before we did," Jordan said, later adding that "this is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in a hearing."

Cummings admitted the committee received the testimony "late last night." The Democratic-controlled committee voted to reject the GOP call to postpone.

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bearister said:

I loved it when Rep. Stacey Plaskett said Rep. Gaetz should be the subject of a criminal referral for his attempt at witness intimidation by suggesting in his tweet that Cohen has women on the side (granted not much of a reach).
Actually, that just happened. In Florida!
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You mean the way the exact same thing happened at the Kavanaugh hearing?
Oh, right. (Look it up.)
Just so we understand each other.

I agree, though, it's not right. Rules should be followed. We don't live in that universe anymore. You can thank Newt Gingrich.
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bearlyamazing said:

Typical Dem BS games with this process:

As the hearing began Wednesday, North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows interrupted to say Cohen's prepared testimony was not received by the committee 24 hours in advance in violation of committee rules, calling for a postponement of the hearing.

"Committee rules require witnesses to provide their testimony to Congress 24 hours in advance of a hearing. We know that rule was intentionally violated, as an adviser of Mr. Cohen's felt the need to go on CNN last night and explicitly state his suggestion that Mr. Cohen 'hold his statement' as long as possible 'so the other side can't chew it up,'" Meadows said. "Lo and behold, we didn't get Mr. Cohen's statement till 11:00 p.m. last night and didn't receive any of the 'evidence' until this morning."

"It was an intentional effort by this witness and his advisers to once again show his disdain for this body."

Jordan, the ranking member on the committee, added: "CNN had it before we didthey had the exhibits before we did," Jordan said, later adding that "this is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in a hearing."

Cummings admitted the committee received the testimony "late last night." The Democratic-controlled committee voted to reject the GOP call to postpone.

After the cram down the Republicans pulled at the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings, my response:
Cry me a f@cking river.

Guys like Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes will both deny tRump 3 times before the rooster crows once the worm turns. They will both be lucky not be be caught up in an obstruction of justice investigation.
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Another Bear
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Peanut Gallery Consultant
B.A. Bearacus
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concordtom said:

I just commented that Michael Cohen may end up dead.
Things like that happen.
This slamming of Don Jr. is the highest betrayal.

What struck me as I looked back and thought about that exchange between Don Jr. and his father was, first, that Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone and certainly not without checking with his father.

I think certain people are thinking, "He's a dead man. I'm gonna get him."

Gambino mob heir predicts Michael Cohen will get WHACKED in prison

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bearister said:

After the cram down the Republicans pulled at the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings, my response:
Cry me a f@cking river.

Guys like Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes will both deny tRump 3 times before the rooster crows once the worm turns. They will both be lucky not be be caught up in an obstruction of justice investigation.
Oh, you mean the travesty of a hearing where a parade of unsubstantiated garbage sexual assault character assassination testimony and discredited stories in the media were paraded out there and disseminated to the world with the breathless assistance of the mainstream media?

Dream on if you think this clown will be Trump's downfall.
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