38,771 Views | 419 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by BearForce2
Another Bear
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I have no idea but the Clinton email investigation didn't indict or convict anyone.

Mueller has indicted 34, convicted 6...and is going to send away a few folks to prison.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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kelly09 said:

..How many millions on Clinton email probe? I dunno. Maybe one.

Benghazi and email probes: North of $30,000,000.
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Another Bear said:

I have no idea but the Clinton email investigation didn't indict or convict anyone.

Nor did the Benghazi stuff. That's why I'm always skeptical of what conservatives claim is a super-important scandal now.
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tRump Lite doing some woofing:
Genocide Joe 58
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bearister said:

kelly09 said:

..How many millions on Clinton email probe? I dunno. Maybe one.

Benghazi and email probes: North of $30,000,000.

And zero finding of wrongdoing or any indictments.
Another Bear
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bearister said:

kelly09 said:

..How many millions on Clinton email probe? I dunno. Maybe one.

Benghazi and email probes: North of $30,000,000.
Yup, fiscal conservatism...until it's not. What utter bull. How many years have we heard about fiscal conservatism and no deficits as canon, life and death..and here were under Donnie L'Orange du'nobbin, biggest deficit ever, might be real trouble....but the conservatives and wing nuts sit on their hands, take their principles on fiscal stuff and shoves it up their collective asses...because.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
B.A. Bearacus
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Everyone, please call off the dogs. Conservatives have the right to get a good night's sleep and not have to apologize anymore for the sinister president currently in office that has some good policies despite being the closest thing to Satan or a mob boss we've ever seen since the birth of our country.
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Matt Taibbi: "Russiagate is this generation's WMD"
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"Business of the country." Lol. Let's have more executive time! How about we study Benghazi some more?

No kidding.
Odonto watches way too much foxnews, listens to way too much bs radio. He has been brainwashed and repeats their talking points. How did such a small, malleable mind get accepted into Cal?
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kelly09 said:

Another Bear said:

bearister said:

OdontoBear66 said:

So the Mueller report is in and after 22 months & millions, plus innuendo, Congress now wants to investigate. What a joke. How about investigating McCabe, FISA, Loretta Lynch, etc. where are the true bad guys. Dems have had all the cards in their hand but no players. Please compare to Obama transparency. Haha

Investigating Clinton: How Many Millions Were Spent on Email, Benghazi Probes
The Mueller investigation paid for itself by the fines to Manafort and others. The argument that it cost money is wing nut driven.
How many millions on Clinton email probe? I dunno. Maybe one.

You're another small brained one.
I feel sad for you people.
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OdontoBear66 said:

Yogi Bear said:

OdontoBear66 said:

So the Mueller report is in and after 22 months & millions, plus innuendo, Congress now wants to investigate.
Why is this a surprise to you? Congress has been talking about performing further investigations based on the findings of the report for some time now. Were you just not paying attention to any of that?
When is the new Dem House going to start doing the business of Congress. So now they do not believe their own "aka Mueller, McCabe,, Rosenstein, et al" so they want to pursue further. Understand that this report has a prosecutorial bias so if you don't like it, watch out. The rest is political. The further you extend it the worse you look.

Hey, I truly understand they hate Trump, and I don't even like the guy but when are you going to give it up.

If ever this was done with Madame Clinton or Obama, transparency was shut down from the get go, and you know it.

Living in SoCal I know Obama was asked to leave Occidental in his soph year, and his records were sealed. Never to this day exposed. Quite frankly, I don't know what they can put in the Obama Library as most of his life was "sealed".

Lies are on both sides. Politics is ugly. Just because one does not like the actions of one side, does not compute that they approve of those of the other. So it is not a tit for tat....

Get the f'ing Dems on to doing some good for the country. Sorry about the disappointment of the Mueller report.

You call Hillary "madame".
So weak and stupid.

You claim to "know" that Obama sucked at occidental. So what if true. He blows away anything any other president (or you) did at Harvard Law, so suck on it, weakling. He's one of the best thinkers, speakers, and minds around.

Admit it. You are a racist.
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There is no adequate way to capture my dismay. I look at the national media and then what I see here on BI and the whole pastiche is quite disturbing, the most frustrating thing being that it matters not what I think or write: those who support Trump will dismiss anything I write as partisan (and therefore not worth considering) though they whole heartedly buy into a tribal binary assessment of current events (we won) as given to them by their authorized sources that they do not seem to be able to stop listening to. Please stop listening to propaganda. Please.

In short, they have abdicated their own critical thinking, and refuse to see it. A post like this is either dismissed as Liberal tears ("get over it you lost") or through whataboutism ("you're just as partisan", Hillary/Obama/Liberal media...etc).

So even knowing this is a complete waste of time, I want to waste a few reactions to the last few days:

The Mueller Report has not been released, if you are taking victory laps, you are deferring to partisan sources who have an interest in telling you how to feel without all the information.

The Mueller Report has not been released, so if you are feeling vindicated then you have become so tribal that anything short of an arrest means your team won. Have you really set the bar that low? Do you really only see victory with all the crimes and malfeasance that has been uncovered? Do you really think Liberals lost because they were trying to protect the country and haven't been able to arrest the president? The president and his team were bracing for the report and had their PR ready to go, why would they be braced if they know there is nothing to uncover? It's astounding how the national discourse takes it as given that he is guilty and that the only thing to see is if they can prove it? Do you not see how this has been baked into his actions and the messaging? He admits his guilt daily.

This investigation is not over and it is into KNOWN election interference in our election that our president has stonewalled. Like OJ looking for the murderer, how do you ignore his lack of action and desire to shut everything down? This should be a nonpartisan concern for every American, how have you let a PROVEN national security threat become something to take sides on and celebrate?

It is sad to see posters who all but disappeared throughout the investigation as evidence came out, suddenly reappear to gloat the findings that they do not even know yet and to gloat for what reason? Did all the things that were revealed suddenly disappear? Just scan what we publicly know, in all but the most partisan times this president would already be impeached and every American would be deeply disturbed: What we already know

And yet Conservative media and Trump supporters (again without the report being issued) are acting like not only is president proven innocent, but every crime, unethical behavior, and proven breaches to our security and system of law are now okay and somehow have disappeared POOF.

Even on a thread of educated and invested (and allegedly analytic) members of the Cal community, I see so many falsehoods (100% proven falsehoods) continue to be repeated. To clarify: the Steele Dossier did not start the Mueller investigation; this is NOT a partisan witch hunt it is a counter intelligence operation against KNOWN interference in our election; Liberals are not out to get the president because they are mad they lost the election; Russians had inordinate contact with this administration while the election was interfered with and had the intention of electing Trump; many pieces of evidence do seem to portray a quid pro arrangement with offers of intel going both ways and ongoing negotiation of sanctions, change of GOP platform, and a Trump Tower deal in Moscow.

Those are indisputable facts proven and filed in court or admitted to by members of the administration. And that is just a broad overview, there's much more. You have lost all bearings if you do not find that unAmerican and nothing to celebrate. If this were Obama or any president, I would want him out of office this minute. So why don't you?

If I would have shown you the information that is now proven in November of 2016, I do not believe you would have voted for him, and I am sure you would have said if information like this (just what we now know) is ever proven it should be cause for removal of office. You would have been shocked. It is only the slow release over 2 years and the partisan framing of tribal consideration that has kept you from your outrage and principles. You are moving the goal posts of what you will accept as criminal not Liberals in their ongoing pursuit of crime.

I do not know what the next few months will bring (and neither do you), so instead of accusation of witch hunts and partisan investigation, can we all just look at what is revealed and make real judgements about if these are the activities that a president should be authorizing or conducting? Stop the win/loss mentality and simply apply reason and the desire to keep America a democratic country where all men are held to account so that the rule of law and the Constitution persist? Let's agree that ANY Democrat or Republican who breaks the law gets held to account, okay?

Finally, here are some open considerations that may still greatly shape the course of events:
  • There seem to still be several sealed indictments. While Mueller has said no new indictments, it doesn't mean that more indictments aren't coming elsewhere and it does not address those under seal. Those sealed indictments came from Grand Jury and must be being held for very strategic reasons and may absolutely deal with "collusion" and involve Trump and his family. We don't know but that is a pretty strong indication that there is still a process playing out despite what the mainstream narrative is trying to sell that this is "over." I believe Barr, RR, and Mueller are carefully navigating what they know is historic and perhaps existential considerations. There is no way that this is simple as "All done. Nothing to see here. Everyone go home. President is innocent." If you believe that, I don't know what to say.
  • While Mueller investigation is shutting down, it doesn't mean the investigation is shutting down. And no that doesn't mean it's only continuing out of partisan pettiness or desperate attempts to dig something up. Mueller has most likely farmed out his investigation to other districts and agencies from the beginning so that it couldn't be shut down. I don't buy the narrative that Mueller has found no collusion. That is just my opinion, but there is ample evidence and I find it unbelievable that he would ignore. It makes sense that he may have distributed the case for conspiracy and other crimes to the DOJ, that it doesn't end with his report or just become non-collusion investigation now. Everyone is acting like if Mueller does not issue an indictment for collusion along with the report that no indictment for "collusion" is coming. That is speculation and not necessarily true. My speculation is that Trump's twitter silence may be an indication that negotiations are under way or soon to be underway because there IS evidence of collusion and the counter intelligence and national security investigation is continuing elsewhere. It has to be, we have not solved how the Russians did it and how to stop it in the future. That is not something Mueller and the rest will just be done with.
  • Quit acting like obstruction isn't important. While it is true that obstruction can be prosecuted without the underlying crime being proven, it doesn't mean that the underlying crime didn't happen. It may just make legal sense to pursue the obstruction. And does anyone stop to ask why the president would obstruct if there was no underlying crime. There is not a single rational explanation for why the most powerful man in the world would start breaking crimes and obstructing and discrediting and not assisting at every turn (which he has) if there wasn't something he doesn't want us to know. Ignoring that tacit admission of guilt is mind boggling.
  • There are unnamed Americans in the court filings who conspired with Russians. You really think the investigation is just going to end without naming or charging those Americans?
  • Flynn and Gates have cooperated for months with Mueller. You really think all that plea dealing was for nothing? That they had nothing of real interest to share and Mueller just made deals for no reason? We have yet to see charges stemming from their testimony. It makes no sense that someone up the food chain is not sullied as a result of those interviews and pleas.
  • The investigations into financials/campaign/org/etc by SDNY and Congress are not fishing expeditions or nuisance sour grapes harassment. Those are ALSO investigations into real impeachable crimes--why do we diminish or ignore those because collusion may or may not be proven? When do we ever say that we can't prove murder, so his drug dealing and robbery and kidnapping don't matter, or that we only learned about them because of the murder so who cares? These are not "process crimes," they are part of an overall pattern of mafia-type disregard for law, cover up, and profiteering grift. But most importantly, THEY ARE PART OF THE COLLUSION INVESTIGATION. Trump's finances are not some disconnected piece of Liberal meddling. All the crimes he has committed, especially financial, are the compromising information that may have been his motivation for (debt relief) or the blackmail material for collusion. His finances are CENTRAL to the collusion question and how he may or may not have been compromised.
  • The continued investigation by Congress is not partisan. It is the obligation of Congress to oversee the executive, especially with national security on the line. Are they really supposed to just ignore everything we have seen? That would be criminal negligence. Furthermore, it is entirely possible that this was the plan all along. Perhaps Mueller didn't want to be judge and jury. And didn't want to play into Trump's narrative. He is a high integrity person and may have seen his role from the beginning, and the only way for this to NOT be partisan, to fact gather and then report to Congress for them to decide what to do with the information. Them now acting on the information or receiving the handoff is not partisan or continuing a closed investigation, it is taking the facts to the American public for action. How about seeing where the running back goes, instead of cheering for victory at the handoff?

I just find the willful ignorance of known illegal and unethical behavior so disheartening, and the lack of curiosity and desire to protect the country such a fundamental betrayal that I am astounded that this is the same country I grew up in. Nobody has won anything. Nobody will win. What has already happened was a failure and loss for us all. There is nothing to cheer about, only things to admit to and fix. If we excuse what has happened, it will only happen again and be worse. We all need to take a stand, not against each other, but for the country we all loved before this anomaly made us turn on lawfulness and the other. That said, I don't recognize half of you anymore, and it's not me who has changed. I'd love to welcome you back.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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Here's the real question. Or the final summative question: are these pea brains who allow themselves to be brainwashed by trump and his media *****s going to vote for him again?

Might as well go straight to hell.
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If I'm ever in CT, please allow me to buy you lunch. And if you run for office, let me know so I can vote for you.
You win the prize as best member of the BI community.
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concordtom said:

If I'm ever in CT, please allow me to buy you lunch. And if you run for office, let me know so I can vote for you.
You win the prize as best member of the BI community.
That's hilarious...and thank you.

I will say, I have never ever considered government. I never felt qualified or that I had anything to offer. In some sick twisted ironic way, the past 2 years have made me feel qualified and that I do have something to offer.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
Another Bear
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U.S. media made majors bucks off this Trump Turd fest. It really had some reality TV got REAL to it. The broadcaster rake in it via ad sales and paid pundits make a nice side living for going on camera and feeding the whole specatcle.

So major media fcck up trying to make money (Noah Chomsky can ring in on this) and a potential constitutional crisis with Trump. Maybe it is time to blow up instituations...,but only if you can keep the anti-democxracy types, fascists, nazis, wing nuts and other ftards away from the steering wheel.

All this said...still don't have the details on the Mueller report. My wild guess is Barr started reading the report and promptly crapped his pants and said it would take more time. *IF* there are negative repercussions for the GOP from the report, maybe the media can claim it did its job...but again, the role and job of instituations is to protect those in power.

So here's two wildly different outcomes:
A) Nothingburger issued and we still have Trump
B) Report states and lists all of Trump's crimes...but does not recommend indictment for constitautional reasons.
C) Somewhere in-between A and B
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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concordtom said:

Here's the real question. Or the final summative question: are these pea brains who allow themselves to be brainwashed by trump and his media *****s going to vote for him again?

Might as well go straight to hell.
There seems to be some some supposition of proving they are right in their undaunted loyalty...but I can't think what it is precisely they are proving, and to what specific feature of the man they are loyal.

It does have all markings of a cult, and like a cult there is complete denial of this possibility and anger at the accusation rather than any cogent explanation. The same projection we see over and over by Trump (what he accuses in others is almost always confessional), is also at work in his supporter's whataboutism and the projected assumptions on to what motivates Liberals (revenge, sour grapes, pettiness, blind loyalty, brainwashing, biased media, etc).

It's sadly comical to listen to the accusations of Deep State and Liberal witch hunt coming from the fonts of partisan state-run media.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
Another Bear
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Metaphor alert...but don't know who represents who...yet.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Thanks for this. Somebody still does journalism.
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Another Bear said:

Metaphor alert...but don't know who represents who...yet.
We have no idea who is who, and if anyone ends up on the canvas, but to presuppose that a two year investigation by our most talented and respected investigators that confirms Russian election interference and multiple connections to Russians and acts of cover up by this administration is somehow "exoneration" is (to put in a Cal perspective) tantamount to Amy crowing that sanctions are good for USC recruiting.

Don't be a Trojan standing by their team no matter what because you won a national championship or a Heisman (ends justifies everything), be a Bear who wants to compete, win or lose, with character and integrity.

Nothing that has happened or will happen is "innocence" and the appropriate response is shame, embarrassment, and commitment to protecting the country, not defiance.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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Another Bear said:

Two wildly different outcomes:
A) Nothingburger issued and we still have Trump
B) Report states and lists all of Trump's crimes...but does not recommend indictment for constitautional reasons.
C) Somewhere in-between A and B
Total speculation here, but another outcome occurs to me. There had been much discussion about two different reports being prepared by Mueller: one for AG/Congress, and one for national security community. There has also been much chatter that Mueller and Barr have been meeting for 2 weeks now. Have they agreed on a course of action that is more than just deciding what parts of the report to make public, it is two prong disclosure (public/private)?

Could there be ongoing negotiations with the WH?

Could the investigation as a counter intelligence action have so much information that can never be made public and have indictments and/or coordinated security actions that are happening in the background of a very public narrative? That as FOX and MSNBC parse letters from Barr, tweets from the president, and what parts of the public report are eventually leaked, there are surgical strikes that will come out of the blue on those who have betrayed the country so that they can not run, hide, or spin their way out of swift coordinated justice?

In the last month or so, I have adopted a wait and see attitude, but I think it is entirely possible that what we see play out in public is all cover for other actions that are coming once the guard is down. Maybe not, but I just don't see everything that has happened and what we know is true just amounting to either a wrist slap nothing burger "he's innocent" or a public proclamation of "yep, your president is a Russian asset". Neither makes any logical sense to me, and so I think that there is a background action yet to play out.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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Anarchistbear said:

Thanks for this. Somebody still does journalism.

This is why I have never forgotten about Matt:

"The now famous Rolling Stone magazine article in 2009 by Matt Taibbi unforgettably referred to Goldman Sachs, the world's most powerful investment bank, as a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

I still believe Matt thinks tRump is evil and horrible for the country, as do I, but Matt also thinks the journalism shoring up Russiagate is shoddy.
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bearister said:

kelly09 said:

..How many millions on Clinton email probe? I dunno. Maybe one.

Benghazi and email probes: North of $30,000,000.
Can the federal government do anything for only $1 million?
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Another Bear said:

I have no idea but the Clinton email investigation didn't indict or convict anyone.

Mueller has indicted 34, convicted 6...and is going to send away a few folks to prison.
There never was a chance they would convict anyone. That's kind of the problem, isn't it.
Another Bear
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blungld said:

Another Bear said:

Metaphor alert...but don't know who represents who...yet.
We have no idea who is who, and if anyone ends up on the canvas, but to presuppose that a two year investigation by our most talented and respected investigators that confirms Russian election interference and multiple connections to Russians and acts of cover up by this administration is somehow "exoneration" is (to put in a Cal perspective) tantamount to Amy crowing that sanctions are good for USC recruiting.

Don't be a Trojan standing by their team no matter what because you won a national championship or a Heisman (ends justifies everything), be a Bear who wants to compete, win or lose, with character and integrity.

Nothing that has happened or will happen is "innocence" and the appropriate response is shame, embarrassment, and commitment to protecting the country, not defiance.
Perhaps this is an omen: AP PHOTOS: Mueller flashes smile as world awaits his report

I think we just have to wait...but if Bob Mueller is smiling in the sunshine...could mean something.

re: the shame, embarrassed...we'll see if the wing nuts and GOP are human like Tricky Dick and folds or is Purtin clone.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
Another Bear
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Peanut Gallery Consultant
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It sees like the only one reporting on the report is Fox (secret source or speculation?). Bearing in mind the the source, they say no collusion conclusion, AG and Mueller won't share "confidential information", and Shiff still thinks there is evidence of collusion and will subpoena entire report, which puts disclosure in the hands of the court.

I'm not sure any of this is dispositive given Mueller out- sourced any potential illegal activity not related to Russia to the federal southern district of NY. But if I was a legislator on either side of the aisle I would be keeping my mouth shut until I saw the report disclosure. Mueller has been held to be saint like by members of both parties and attacking him before the report is released seems dumb - Trump like. If in fact the report concludes no collusion by the Trump family with Russia, the Dems should refocus on how Trump said this was a charade and witch hunt, that the system works, and so will the other investigations (another words, support the other investigation before Trump labels them). As someone else said here, the guy is a crook who surrounds himself with low ethics guys, and he will be caught eventually. Don't ruin it all by continuing to go after things that don't exist and end up with Bengazi Part Deux . Note: this assumes Fox also is correct in reporting, a big assumption.

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Another Bear said:

The public have a right to what is permitted by law.

Like any good prosecutor, Mueller will never reveal confidential sources or information obtained under confidence of privilege, not matter how much Schiff rants. Schiff, a former prosecutor, of all people, should know this. Lot of bravado, but I'm not sure he wants to really go to court to get slammed.

Sorry this is so long:

Attorney General's Special Counsel Regulations via @BrookingsInst
Another Bear
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You really dislike the Furdie, don't you?

As for the law, letter of law and legal's the era of Trump. He screwed that pooch the first day on the job and hasn't stopped since. If you don't see that, you're still looking the other way and sitting on your hands. I know, I hate Trump. Heard that a million times...but still looking the other way.

I mean seriously, a conservative is sighting legal regulations now to protect the rule of law and democracy after 2 years of Trump?

OH PUH-LEAZE...gag me with a redwood tree. Utter BS.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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wifeisafurd said:

It sees like the only one reporting on the report is Fox (secret source or speculation?). Bearing in mind the the source, they say no collusion conclusion, AG and Mueller won't share "confidential information", and Shiff still thinks there is evidence of collusion and will subpoena entire report, which puts disclosure in the hands of the court.

I'm not sure any of this is dispositive given Mueller out- sourced any potential illegal activity not related to Russia to the federal southern district of NY. But if I was a legislator on either side of the aisle I would be keeping my mouth shut until I saw the report disclosure. Mueller has been held to be saint like by members of both parties and attacking him before the report is released seems dumb - Trump like. If in fact the report concludes no collusion by the Trump family with Russia, the Dems should refocus on how Trump said this was a charade and witch hunt, that the system works, and so will the other investigations (another words, support the other investigation before Trump labels them). As someone else said here, the guy is a crook who surrounds himself with low ethics guys, and he will be caught eventually. Don't ruin it all by continuing to go after things that don't exist and end up with Bengazi Part Deux . Note: this assumes Fox also is correct in reporting, a big assumption.

One thing you seem to state and that I keep hearing, is the assertion that Mueller did not or would not outsource illegal activities related to Russia (his initial mandate). While on the face that makes sense, it is not a given that he hasn't turned over ongoing investigation into Russia to other parties. In fact, it would seem a smart move if he discovered "collusion" to get it out of his office before filing the report so that it couldn't be shut down.

I am not an attorney and don't have the fundamental understanding of how NSA/DOJ is structured, but couldn't the collusion case (not just obstruction and other related crimes) have been distributed to other federal prosecutors? Doesn't the evidence seem to suggest this too with Barr seeming to take two weeks in conference with Mueller (creating a window of decision-making before the report is officially filed where they could have distributed cases), RR staying on, sealed indictments still in place, WH silence and right wing PR push of "innocence" narrative, so many loose ends that connect back to guilty parties with Russian ties Flynn/Gates/Manafort/etc, and the existence of unindicted Americans.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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Barr letter to lawmakers conveying key findings:

In view of the findings in Mueller's report, curious that tRump would try to discredit Mueller so much during the investigation. It lends itself to the interpretation that Mueller didn't discover stuff tRump was worried he would find.

Conclusion: tRump will now win in 2020; economy and world security crater under his Administration; Fall of the American Empire.
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bearister said:

Barr letter to lawmakers conveying key findings:

In view of the findings in Mueller's report, curious that tRump would try to discredit Mueller so much during the investigation. It lends itself to the interpretation that Mueller didn't discover stuff tRump was worried he would find.

Conclusion: tRump will now win in 2020; economy and world security crater under his Administration; Fall of the American Empire.

Not surprised at all. If there were any bombshells in there, trump wouldn't have been chilling playing golf this weekend and not tweeting.

As soon as trump said a few days ago that he wanted to see the whole report, you knew he got a heads up and generally knew nothing in the report was going to be devastating.

As for 2020, I agree. This is very good for trump. You have to kind of admire the way he's played this

The only thing that could stop his re-election is sdny. The congressional investigations are toothless.
Another Bear
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bearister said:

Barr letter to lawmakers conveying key findings:

In view of the findings in Mueller's report, curious that tRump would try to discredit Mueller so much during the investigation. It lends itself to the interpretation that Mueller didn't discover stuff tRump was worried he would find.

Conclusion: tRump will now win in 2020; economy and world security crater under his Administration; Fall of the American Empire.
I agree this likely means the end of the American Empire. Not so sure he'll win in 2020. The big take away is Trump has destroyed America's creditbility with allies and economy.

SDNY and NY state still have some leverage.

One thing is for sure, but won't happen under Trump, need to regulate social media and secure the cyber border. Can't run a democracy that way.

Oh well...the reality was a by-the-book guy wasn't going to break Trump. Need a guy like David Pecker who has dirt on him...or Vlad Putin.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
Golden One
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No collusion. No obstruction. Trump is completely vindicated and Democrats have egg all over their faces. Sad day for all the Trump haters.
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