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Let's hope it's juicy.
B.A. Bearacus
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Another Bear
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The eagle has landed...and the sh*t is pointed at the fan.

Get your goggles and ponchos with your popcorn! Goggles, ponchos and popcorn here!

The 2 a.m. Sunday twitter tantrum by Donnie L'Orange d'shortknob is going to be EPIC!!!
Peanut Gallery Consultant
B.A. Bearacus
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3-2-1 Let his little orange fingers start the twitter of his demise.

Interesting that Don Jr was never called back to straighten out his testimony which no one who was at his testimony believes was truthful.

The written responses to questions by Mueller are interesting in that there were no follow up questions by Mueller which would allow the President to fix his written responses that he "prepared on his own without help from the lawyers".

The obstruction charges would seem to be a given due to the repeated actions of this President.

The big question yet to be answered is was there a conspiracy involving the Russians, Trump or his campaign to sway the election in favor of Trump?

With the Assange indictment surely coming what does that mean for Trump and the Russians?
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I don't know guys. There seems to be a lot speculation that there's not much in there that we don't already know.

I personally don't have a good feeling about the report

But who the hell knows at this point.
B.A. Bearacus
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Let's hope it's juicy.

Releasing on a Friday evening after hours, during the NCAA tournament, is not a good sign.

There are 168 hours in a week.

But the Friday Evening News dump, constricted to a few of those hours, is very much a real thing.
golden sloth
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So, before we see what the Mueller Report actually has in it. Who here believes the report has integrity and was done in good-faith? I do, which means that even if there is no great Trump - Russia scandal, I will believe the report to be accurate, and accept the results.

That said, I think the conclusions are going to be mixed, and that both sides will be able to find and focus on what they want, meaning the whole Russia - Trump argument will not go away.
Another Bear
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The Friday news drop is so officials don't have to talk to the press. Drop the report, then go home and hide. Generally it provides a break...for everyone. Imagine dropping it on Monday. The press is okay with this because they can look at it and there's still the Sunday morning political shows.

I agree the report could be a mixed bag but if all the circumstantial evidence is true and correct...there's definitely something there. Knowing where the Russian troll farm is located and where each of the hackers sat and indicting them by name says there's something there. So does the meetings and Trump Tower Russia/

Now it become politics, leverage and such if it's a mixed bag. Need a smoking gun...or indictment of a Trump Crime Family member.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Barr says no more indictments coming. Trump says his people will not stand for any charges against him.
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MSNBC just reported no further indictments.

I'm pretty fearful this is going to be a big nothing burger.

Hopefully Paul giamatti over at Sdny has better luck
Another Bear
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Dear Chairman Graham, Chairman Nadler, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Ranking Member Collins:

I write to notify you pursuant to 28 C.F.R. 600.9(a)(3) that Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III has concluded his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and related matters. In addition to this notification, the Special Counsel regulations require that I provide you with a "description and explanation of instances (if any) in which the Attorney General" or acting Attorney General "concluded that a proposed action by a Special Counsel was so in appropriate or unwarranted under established Departmental practices that it should not be pursued." 28 C.F.R. 600.9(a)(3).

There were no such instances during the Special Counsel's investigation.

The Special Counsel has submitted to me today a "confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions" he has reached, as required by 28 C.F.R. 600.8(c). I am reviewing the report and anticipate that I may be in a position to advise you of the Special Counsel's principal conclusions as soon as this weekend.

Separately, I intend to consult with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and Special Counsel Mueller to determine what other information from the report can be released to Congress and the public consistent with the law, including the Special Counsel regulations, and the Department's long-standing practices and policies. I remain committed to as much transparency as possible, and I will keep you informed as to the status of my review.

Finally, the Special Counsel regulations provide that "the Attorney General may determine that public release of" this notification "would be in the public interest." 28 C.F.R. 600.9 (c). I have so determined, and I will disclose this letter to the public after delivering it to you.

William P. Barr
Attorney General

Peanut Gallery Consultant
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In SDNY I trust. Be scared Donnie. Be very scared.
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On the day the meat and potatoes of The Mueller Report is made public, may I be so bold as to suggest that we brothers in arms, us loyal and faithful few, in order to properly gird our loins, strictly adhere, for just that one day, to Sir Winston Churchill's daily hydration regimen:

"The following (from Richard Langworth's Winston Churchill, Myth and Reality) is a fair approximation of his minimum daily consumption of alcohol:

(1) 3-4 weak (no more than an ounce) whisky and sodas at 11am, teatime and bedtime and occasionally one other during the evening (He never drank whisky neat).

(2) An imperial pint (20 oz.) of champagne or wine at a 1pm lunch followed by a brandy, also likely an ounce.

(3) An imperial pint of champagne or wine at dinner followed by a brandy.

This translates into approximately six glasses (1 750 ml. bottles) of champagne or wine daily along with 5 to 6 ounces of whisky or brandy spread over a 12 to 15 hour period."

...for lads, if it was good enough for Winnie, it is good enough for us'in.

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golden sloth said:

So, before we see what the Mueller Report actually has in it. Who here believes the report has integrity and was done in good-faith? I do, which means that even if there is no great Trump - Russia scandal, I will believe the report to be accurate, and accept the results.

That said, I think the conclusions are going to be mixed, and that both sides will be able to find and focus on what they want, meaning the whole Russia - Trump argument will not go away.
I think that's about right. And there will still be various state AGs pursuing their own cases. No real closure here.
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bearister said:

On the day the meat and potatoes of The Mueller Report is made public, may I be so bold as to suggest that we brothers in arms, us loyal and faithful few, in order to properly gird our loins, strictly adhere, for just that one day, to Sir Winston Churchill's daily hydration regimen:

"The following (from Richard Langworth's Winston Churchill, Myth and Reality) is a fair approximation of his minimum daily consumption of alcohol:

(1) 3-4 weak (no more than an ounce) whisky and sodas at 11am, teatime and bedtime and occasionally one other during the evening (He never drank whisky neat).

(2) An imperial pint (20 oz.) of champagne or wine at a 1pm lunch followed by a brandy, also likely an ounce.

(3) An imperial pint of champagne or wine at dinner followed by a brandy.

This translates into approximately six glasses (1 750 ml. bottles) of champagne or wine daily along with 5 to 6 ounces of whisky or brandy spread over a 12 to 15 hour period."

...for lads, if it was good enough for Winnie, it is good enough for us'in.

Pro tip. Keep that buzz low and steady.
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I guess I am thinking that the report will not have anything for those among us who hate trump, as said above Ducky.
If there are any extenuating facts that are scoundrel heavy, but short of indictment (as we now know they're are no further indictments), then we will never see them because they will protect such details in favor of privacy.

Public interest be damned. Scoundrels will be protected, redacted.

The fight will go to the House investigations committees, and we see that the WH is going to stonewall them until they are out of office.

Thus, there will be no satisfaction. Essentially, we as a nation need to decide if we want a crew of lying scoundrels or other come next election.

I will never vote Republican again!!!!!!!!!!!
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bearister said:

On the day the meat and potatoes of The Mueller Report is made public, may I be so bold as to suggest that we brothers in arms, us loyal and faithful few, in order to properly gird our loins, strictly adhere, for just that one day, to Sir Winston Churchill's daily hydration regimen:

"The following (from Richard Langworth's Winston Churchill, Myth and Reality) is a fair approximation of his minimum daily consumption of alcohol:

(1) 3-4 weak (no more than an ounce) whisky and sodas at 11am, teatime and bedtime and occasionally one other during the evening (He never drank whisky neat).

(2) An imperial pint (20 oz.) of champagne or wine at a 1pm lunch followed by a brandy, also likely an ounce.

(3) An imperial pint of champagne or wine at dinner followed by a brandy.

This translates into approximately six glasses (1 750 ml. bottles) of champagne or wine daily along with 5 to 6 ounces of whisky or brandy spread over a 12 to 15 hour period."

...for lads, if it was good enough for Winnie, it is good enough for us'in.

Pro tip. Keep that buzz low and steady.

Yes, us older folk nurtured that fine art. My best St. Patrick's Day was 1978 with a commencement at 11:30 am and a last call at 5:30 am. (by 2019 it was reduced to one tall can of Guinness before dinner). Millennials drink 5 or 6 shots in 30 minutes and then repair to their quarters with the vapors.
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Another Bear
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Just listen to Adam Schiff. His point, regardless of what the Mueller report finds and/or concludes happened, the most important thing is the evidence gathered in the report because the House Intel, House Oversight and other committees and use that in their investigation.

The Mueller Report is opener. The House committees and SDNY is when the hammers, pitchforks and torches come out.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Another Bear said:

Just listen to Adam Schiff. His point, regardless of what the Mueller report finds and/or concludes happened, the most important thing is the evidence gathered in the report because the House Intel, House Oversight and other committees and use that in their investigation.

The Mueller Report is opener. The House committees and SDNY is when the hammers, pitchforks and torches come out.
The report to be sent from Barr to House will be so redacted as to be useless.
Barr reports to the president.
The Mueller report is useless.

It will take too long for congress to do anything.
Election, or Mussolini.
Another Bear
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concordtom said:

Another Bear said:

Just listen to Adam Schiff. His point, regardless of what the Mueller report finds and/or concludes happened, the most important thing is the evidence gathered in the report because the House Intel, House Oversight and other committees and use that in their investigation.

The Mueller Report is opener. The House committees and SDNY is when the hammers, pitchforks and torches come out.
The report to be sent from Barr to House will be so redacted as to be useless.
Barr reports to the president.
The Mueller report is useless.

It will take too long for congress to do anything.
Election, or Mussolini.
A) House Intel and Oversight members will likely get a real look
B) Evidence will still stand
C) If Barr doesn't release the full doc, it will be leaked by a true patriot...and hell then breaks loose.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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concordtom said:

Another Bear said:

Just listen to Adam Schiff. His point, regardless of what the Mueller report finds and/or concludes happened, the most important thing is the evidence gathered in the report because the House Intel, House Oversight and other committees and use that in their investigation.

The Mueller Report is opener. The House committees and SDNY is when the hammers, pitchforks and torches come out.
The report to be sent from Barr to House will be so redacted as to be useless.
Barr reports to the president.
The Mueller report is useless.

It will take too long for congress to do anything.
Election, or Mussolini.

Because life is unfair, tRump will be Teflon Don, win in 2020, die on his on his 100th birthday surrounded by call girls at Mar a Lago, and then sit at the Right Hand of God in the Afterlife.

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The fight over what's in the report is collusion 2.0. It keeps this bull**** issue alive in full media frenzy and will benefit Trump.
Another Bear
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This is a very good interview.

NPR: House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff Discusses End Of Russia Investigation
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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The problem is that with all the build up the Mueller Report got from CNN and MSNBC, it became the Gold Standard, and if it doesn't contain enough damning evidence to cause the Cheeto Dusted One major problems, then in the court of public opinion, the Congressional Committees investigating him will be portrayed as jilted lovers that are poor losers, like Hillary.

My guess is that the Key to the Kingdom was Paulie Walnuts flipping, but that he was told by the Russian oligarchs that now operate tRump that if that happened that all generations of his family would end up in the East River wrapped in plastic minus heads, hands and feet.

Yes, unfortunately Comey has won me over. The 2020 Election is all we got. We wouldn't have gotten rid of him any sooner than that anyway.

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If life is fair, he will hang upside down like you know who!
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Let's hope it's juicy.
Notwithstanding Adam Schiff's rants to interrogate Mueller, I said the guy that matters is Geoffrey Berman 6 months ago, and I still believe that. Tax fraud and evasion.
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bearister said:

The problem is that with all the build up the Mueller Report got from CNN and MSNBC, it became the Gold Standard, and if it doesn't contain enough damning evidence to cause the Cheeto Dusted One major problems, then in the court of public opinion, the Congressional Committees investigating him will be portrayed as jilted lovers that are poor losers, like Hillary.

My guess is that the Key to the Kingdom was Paulie Walnuts flipping, but that he was told by the Russian oligarchs that now operate tRump that if that happened that all generations of his family would end up in the East River wrapped in plastic minus heads, hands and feet.

Yes, unfortunately Comey has won me over. The 2020 Election is all we got. We wouldn't have gotten rid of him any sooner than that anyway.

I mean, he wasn't going to get impeached. And if he did, we'd still be stuck with Pence. It would be the same and possibly worse with Pence (because Pence is good at being terrible while looking like he takes the high road).

Trump needs to hang around and do what he's doing, possibly peeling off some people with his John McCain attacks.

As I've said before, it'll be 5 years and 5 months that Trump has dominated the headlines when the next election happens. Voters will be voting on whether they want to continue with this sh*tshow through 2025, marking a full decade of Trump as the No. 1 news story.

Another Bear
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One thing to remember, this was an investigation, fact finding, establishing if/what happened...not a prosecution. A lot of mention that this is Act I, with more to follow. Could be a lot of stuff in the report, including tax violations. That logically seems like the thing that can sink things.

What has me puzzled is a lot of things have been established, like meeting with the Russian and trying to get Trump Tower in Moscow...after being inaugurated, and Trump trying to obstruct. I wonder how this plays out. I also wonder Mueller let Trump off. He's suppose to be a straight shooter but the FBI isn't unbiased given how they handled Hillary's email.

In any case, Barr is suppose to release the top line conclusions today.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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The Mueller cargo cult,having failed to deliver s$it, is now " the report" cargo cult or the SDNY cargo cult. My own view is all of this is TV ratings. MSNBC will parade out the usual crew of insiders- Brennan, Comey McCabe- all of whom are liars, incompetents, near criminals and have been wrong about everything. They will now explain the huge significance of the report like they are deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls and the farce continues to Trump's pleasure and benefit.
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Anarchistbear said:

The Mueller cargo cult,having failed to deliver s$it, is now " the report" cargo cult or the SDNY cargo cult. My own view is all of this is TV ratings. MSNBC will parade out the usual crew of insiders- Brennan, Comey McCabe- all of whom are liars, incompetents, near criminals and have been wrong about everything. They will now explain the huge significance of the report like they are deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls and the farce continues to Trump's pleasure and benefit.
Comey recently came out publicly and said Trump has done nothing to warrant impeachment. Is that why you think he is a liar?

FWIW, for Dems to really prevail in all this, they need to win a Presidential election.

Remember, Mueller is only tasked with the details of Russia influencing the election. He did what prosecutors do, which is turn lower level people in the Trump campaign organization, some Russians and interestingly Trump's attorney, to see if he could get proof of anyone higher-up being involved in collusion, conspiracy, cover-up, or something chargeable related to Russia. People like Donald Jr., Jared, or other aides. Arguably Mueller's view is that the President can NOT be charged until after his term in office (so this zinger could be left, but I doubt it with no DonaLd Jr. or others being indicted). But that doesn't speak to all the crap Cohen alleged and what there seems to be proof of in documents and corporate records. That is not in Mueller's limited jurisdiction, and therefore would be part of the ongoing investigation of the NY AG and SDNY instead.
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