The impeachment sham boomerang

4,767 Views | 56 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by BearChemist
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Read it and weep. And no, this ain't your favorite whipping boy, Rasmussen. It's Gallup.
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Read it and weep. This is all the polls.
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Let's also take a moment to note how sad your situation is if you have to trumpet a poll that still shows you below 50%.
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sycasey said:

Let's also take a moment to note how sad your situation is if you have to trumpet a poll that still shows you below 50%.
Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
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Further evidence that nobody cares about deficits - certainly not Republicans who yammered on endlessly about deficits when Obama was President. It was all Republican lies.

The economy is basically the same as it was in Obama's 2nd term. The one thing that has really changed is media coverage. Fox News of course continued the constant drumbeat of a negative economy while Obama was President. The mainstream media did the same out of fear of being accused of being out of touch by Fox News and conservatives. The moment Trump became President the media coverage all changed on a dime.

The trends the rates, all of them were in place in Obama's 2nd term except for the deficit which Trump has exploded.

Thank you Obama.
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Utter nonsense. The stock market's way higher, unemployment's way lower (especially for blacks and hispanics), manufacturing numbers are way better, GDP growth is bigger and more consistent, trade deficits have been significantly narrowed. I could go on and on.

The one thing I agree with is the continuing deficit problem. It's going to bite us in the ass in a big way in years to come.
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bearlyamazing said:

sycasey said:

Let's also take a moment to note how sad your situation is if you have to trumpet a poll that still shows you below 50%.
Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
So in other words, even with a good economy he's still underwater.
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bearlyamazing said:

Utter nonsense. The stock market's way higher, unemployment's way lower (especially for blacks and hispanics), manufacturing numbers are way better, GDP growth is bigger and more consistent, trade deficits have been significantly narrowed. I could go on and on.

The one thing I agree with is the continuing deficit problem. It's going to bite us in the ass in a big way in years to come.
The stock market? Sorry, I thought we were talking about the economy. Please help me out by letting me know where in the charts below the Obama economy ended and the Trump economy began. Thanks in advance.

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bearlyamazing said:

sycasey said:

Let's also take a moment to note how sad your situation is if you have to trumpet a poll that still shows you below 50%.
Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
That's a good comparison. Bush's popularity was based on lies and, by the end of his presidency, his party was in shambles. In fact his party is still in shambles, and that is what allowed a guy like Trump to emerge. There just wasn't anybody else with any life to provide America.

Well now we have a similar situation. Trump's popularity is based on lies. And, once that is exposed, and it will be because he opens his mouth and admits most of it, the party will descend back down to the level from whence it came.

There really is no future for a party that is 100% self servicing and 100% about money. There are other things, like reality, that will inevitably seep into the political arena. Global climate change is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the warning signs that the Republic party is not prepared to deal with the future. You can stick your head in the sand about reality, but eventually someone is going to come along and kick your A while you do it.
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heartofthebear said:

Well now we have a similar situation. Trump's popularity is based on lies. And, once that is exposed
I think it's safe to say it's been exposed.
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Mike Zillion said:

heartofthebear said:

Well now we have a similar situation. Trump's popularity is based on lies. And, once that is exposed
I think it's safe to say it's been exposed.
Just the tip of the iceberg my friend. Just the very beginning.
It takes a while to get all the ducks in a row when you are going after a guy like Trump.
There a lot of things going on behind the scenes to build into more disclosure.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
But what you have seen is a good idea of how much corruption goes on.
This isn't just about Trump.
It's also about the whole network of corruption that existed even before he came into power but now uses him as the conduit.
We have some pretty capable folks in power right now that are capable of bringing these things out and bringing him down.
Lots of people have this fantasy about Trump because of his personality. His personality portrays a man that is invulnerable. McConnell is similar. I think those that believe that are going to be really disappointed that their super-heros are really pretty weak.
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What rock have you been living under as the biggest political scandal in our country's history has been slowly unraveling over the past three years? An outgoing administration and the highest levels of the FBI, CIA and state department illegally spying on a presidential candidate and then president makes Watergate look like absolutely nothing. Bad actor after bad actor have been exposed, fired or resigned in shame with no defense for their actions. There will be many indictments following in 2020.

Oh, it's going to get worse as information continues to come out, just as you said. But it's going to get a lot worse for the left, not for Trump and the right.

Get out of your bubble and weigh information and evidence from a much wider range of sources than you currently listen to and make your own decisions if you want to be fully informed.
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LOL, bearlyamazing wants to pretend like he wasn't the only person who was naive enough to believe Trump was innocent of wrongdoing in Ukraine. All of the fake lines in the sand (like Lindsey Graham saying if Trump withheld aid for investigations it would be bad) have evaporated but the only ones left holding the bag are the true believers like bearlyamazing.

Fortunately they are more than happy to perform their two minutes of hate and conform to big brother's new party line.

In case the Ministry of Truth manages to scrub Fox News of all evidence to the contrary, here's what bastion of integrity Lindsey Graham said a few months back:

"What would've been wrong is if the president had suggested to the Ukrainian government that if you don't do what I want you to do regarding the Bidens, we're not going to give you the aid. That was the accusation; that did not remotely happen."
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bearlyamazing said:

What rock have you been living under as the biggest political scandal in our country's history has been slowly unraveling over the past three years? An outgoing administration and the highest levels of the FBI, CIA and state department illegally spying on a presidential candidate and then president makes Watergate look like absolutely nothing. Bad actor after bad actor have been exposed, fired or resigned in shame with no defense for their actions. There will be many indictments following in 2020.

Oh, it's going to get worse as information continues to come out, just as you said. But it's going to get a lot worse for the left, not for Trump and the right.

Get out of your bubble and weigh information and evidence from a much wider range of sources than you currently listen to and make your own decisions if you want to be fully informed.
Typical reactionary rhetoric. When you think you are pointing your finger at somebody, you really are pointing your nose (AKA pinocchio). Projection, hypocrisy, bate and switch, moving the goal posts, misrepresentation. This is all you have. This is all Trump has. Playing victim is a nice diversion to have while you live in your fantasy world where each and every infraction is someone else's responsibility.

You and your politics live in a world where each and every accusation and charge against your cartoonish leader can never be legitimate and must always be a crime in itself. And somehow this fantasy is believed to have enough power and momentum on it's own to triumph over old fashioned things like evidence, testimony, rule of law, majority rule.

You exist inside a cocoon of polarity, where there is no objective reality, only subjective thought and polarized battles. you live for the end game where civil war or some kind of end game apocalypic battle wipes out all evil. You live for the belief that anybody critical of your Trump is part of the evil. And that is what makes Trump so dangerous. He legitimizes thinkers like you, who are basically delusional.

Under this brave new world, many politically neutral individuals, organizations, societies and media groups immediately become demonized when for years there has been no political agenda with them. Many nationally and internationally acclaimed thinkers are now conspirators against Trump just because they see the reality of Trump's corruption (ie ambassador Yanovich). It is a closed system with no way for objectivity to penetrate.

I am no fan of the Dems. but I think they are way more patriotic and sane than the current incarnation of the Republican party, which has completely sold out any civility in order to win at all costs. The Republicans have decided that this is a zero sum game that makes it all about today and them and nothing about tomorrow and us.

What would it take for you to humbly accept that you are wrong, that you need to change, that you need to work with your enemies instead of vanquish them? What would it take?
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Lol okay boomer
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bearlyamazing said:

Lol okay boomer
Bottom line is that law is something actually encoded and used in court. It is not the kind of stuff that is made up on Fox news. If half the things that are reported on Fox news were true, there would have been legal cases or other real life repercussions. But that is not the purpose.

The purpose is to obfuscate what is true so that the truth is weakened. That is what the game is now. Just try to shovel dirt on the truth so nobody will see it. All the stuff you claim above has nothing to do with what is illegal or what has actually happened.

For instance: The prosecutor in Ukraine was fired because he wasn't investigating BARISMA, not because he was going after Hunter Biden. The charges on Hunter have been reviewed and evaluated multiple times by professionals and no non-Trump cult member places any credence in them.

Also, if you really think that Hunter Biden benefitted from his father's access to the white house, then you would not have wanted Trump to be president. His kids have all benefitted quite a bit from Trump's presidency.

So, you see, this is what I mean by delusional. You make up stuff because it is good obfuscation material. But it has no real valence legally.

But hey, if you think you have the case, go to for it. I'm sure there are plenty of senators that are willing to follow up.
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bearlyamazing said:

What rock have you been living under as the biggest political scandal in our country's history has been slowly unraveling over the past three years? An outgoing administration and the highest levels of the FBI, CIA and state department illegally spying on a presidential candidate and then president makes Watergate look like absolutely nothing. Bad actor after bad actor have been exposed, fired or resigned in shame with no defense for their actions. There will be many indictments following in 2020.

Oh, it's going to get worse as information continues to come out, just as you said. But it's going to get a lot worse for the left, not for Trump and the right.

Get out of your bubble and weigh information and evidence from a much wider range of sources than you currently listen to and make your own decisions if you want to be fully informed.
Holy crud. I used to think you were odd. You're friggin nuts man.
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Keep living in your lefty bubble, where everyone outside your circle jerk is crazy.

I don't think you're crazy or stupid, just willfully ignorant and gullible.
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Golden One
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heartofthebear said:

bearlyamazing said:

Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
That's a good comparison. Bush's popularity was based on lies and, by the end of his presidency, his party was in shambles. In fact his party is still in shambles, and that is what allowed a guy like Trump to emerge. There just wasn't anybody else with any life to provide America.

LOL if you really think the Republican party is currently in shambles. Ironically, it's the Democrat party that is now in total shambles. They couldn't even count votes in the Iowa caucus. Plus they don't currently have a candidate who even stands a chance of defeating Trump. Instead, they have two socialists and a group of unappealing clowns. Then they have the gazillionaire Bloomberg, who when it's all said and done may well be the Democrat candidate. How ironic would that be to have the Democrat candidate be the wealthiest person to ever run for President! Talk about a party in shmbles!!
Golden One
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dajo9 said:

The economy is basically the same as it was in Obama's 2nd term. The one thing that has really changed is media coverage. Fox News of course continued the constant drumbeat of a negative economy while Obama was President. The mainstream media did the same out of fear of being accused of being out of touch by Fox News and conservatives. The moment Trump became President the media coverage all changed on a dime.

Really? Are you delusional? It's insane to claim that the mainstream media (NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) constantly drumbeat about a negative economy while Obama was President. Quite the contrary, they loved everything Obama did. They treated him like he was a saint; they downright worshiped him.
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dajo9 said:

Further evidence that nobody cares about deficits - certainly not Republicans who yammered on endlessly about deficits when Obama was President. It was all Republican lies.

The economy is basically the same as it was in Obama's 2nd term. The one thing that has really changed is media coverage. Fox News of course continued the constant drumbeat of a negative economy while Obama was President. The mainstream media did the same out of fear of being accused of being out of touch by Fox News and conservatives. The moment Trump became President the media coverage all changed on a dime.

The trends the rates, all of them were in place in Obama's 2nd term except for the deficit which Trump has exploded.

Thank you Obama.
Agree with deficits, we should care more.
The economy is NOT basically the same.
The mainstream media does NOT give a rip about Fox News.
Assumptions are faulty, so your conclusion should be no thank you Obama.
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bearlyamazing said:

Keep living in your lefty bubble, where everyone outside your circle jerk is crazy.

I don't think you're crazy or stupid, just willfully ignorant and gullible.
Truth and sanity is left wing only because the right wing has been willing to go off the deep end.
Notice that it is them that are always involved in some crazy mass shooting etc.

Most right wingers secretly believe and fear some socialist/communist revolution that will allow a government to come in and take their wealth and they've been storing guns and amo. just in case. And then, whenever someone like Bernie comes along, they feel justified in "going to war".

Seriously, you guys have been paranoid about your money being taken away by government for ages. It's just really pathetic that you can't see anything beyond that fear.

It's like you cuddle up with your gun at night just waiting for any little indication that you were right so you can fulfill the holy war destiny that you and your religious mind controlled campers believe is coming. And that is what you talk about and think about. You are just so far out there that there is almost no way to have common ground with you now.

You realize that the right wing and the wealthy in this country are unique in how extreme their beliefs are. Some of the greatest wealth in the world exists in Scandinavia for example and yet many of the policies in those countries would be considered too socialistic in this country. It is really sad just how "out there" you all have been allowed to be without any blowback all these years.
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heartofthebear said:

bearlyamazing said:

Keep living in your lefty bubble, where everyone outside your circle jerk is crazy.

I don't think you're crazy or stupid, just willfully ignorant and gullible.
Truth and sanity is left wing only because the right wing has been willing to go off the deep end.
Notice that it is them that are always involved in some crazy mass shooting etc.

Leftists don't reason, they attack, it's all about their emotions, mostly negative. So by nature, they live in a bubble. Trump condemns mass shooters but the left equates mass shooters with the country's entire right wing political group. To the left, Trump is Hitler, but ho one is being exterminated in concentration camps in this country. t's the left that has gone off the deep end.
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Golden One said:

dajo9 said:

The economy is basically the same as it was in Obama's 2nd term. The one thing that has really changed is media coverage. Fox News of course continued the constant drumbeat of a negative economy while Obama was President. The mainstream media did the same out of fear of being accused of being out of touch by Fox News and conservatives. The moment Trump became President the media coverage all changed on a dime.

Really? Are you delusional? It's insane to claim that the mainstream media (NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) constantly drumbeat about a negative economy while Obama was President. Quite the contrary, they loved everything Obama did. They treated him like he was a saint; they downright worshiped him.
The only thing you got right was that faux news is not the mainstream media. Faux news is facist propaganda for trump.
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Golden One said:

heartofthebear said:

bearlyamazing said:

Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
That's a good comparison. Bush's popularity was based on lies and, by the end of his presidency, his party was in shambles. In fact his party is still in shambles, and that is what allowed a guy like Trump to emerge. There just wasn't anybody else with any life to provide America.

LOL if you really think the Republican party is currently in shambles. Ironically, it's the Democrat party that is now in total shambles. They couldn't even count votes in the Iowa caucus. Plus they don't currently have a candidate who even stands a chance of defeating Trump. Instead, they have two socialists and a group of unappealing clowns. Then they have the gazillionaire Bloomberg, who when it's all said and done may well be the Democrat candidate. How ironic would that be to have the Democrat candidate be the wealthiest person to ever run for President! Talk about a party in shmbles!!
Says the one that worships the corrupt grifting family of trump.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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The amount of projection going on here is amazing.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

The amount of projection going on here is amazing.
I agree and I apologize for some of my earlier comments.
They were out of line.
However it did feel good to get some of that off my chest.
When you think of the type of Trump supporter that was not part of the Republican voice before but became emboldened. I'm talking the Charlottsville lunatic fringe, much of that was for you.

I realize that most Republicans are not like that and don't agree with that. So I'm sorry.
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calpoly said:

Golden One said:

dajo9 said:

The economy is basically the same as it was in Obama's 2nd term. The one thing that has really changed is media coverage. Fox News of course continued the constant drumbeat of a negative economy while Obama was President. The mainstream media did the same out of fear of being accused of being out of touch by Fox News and conservatives. The moment Trump became President the media coverage all changed on a dime.

Really? Are you delusional? It's insane to claim that the mainstream media (NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) constantly drumbeat about a negative economy while Obama was President. Quite the contrary, they loved everything Obama did. They treated him like he was a saint; they downright worshiped him.
The only thing you got right was that faux news is not the mainstream media. Faux news is facist propaganda for trump.

The problem with Democrat partisan hacks is that they can't process the fact that MSNBC propaganda is just as bad as Fox's.
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heartofthebear said:

bearlyamazing said:

sycasey said:

Let's also take a moment to note how sad your situation is if you have to trumpet a poll that still shows you below 50%.
Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
That's a good comparison. Bush's popularity was based on lies and, by the end of his presidency, his party was in shambles. In fact his party is still in shambles, and that is what allowed a guy like Trump to emerge. There just wasn't anybody else with any life to provide America.

Well now we have a similar situation. Trump's popularity is based on lies. And, once that is exposed, and it will be because he opens his mouth and admits most of it, the party will descend back down to the level from whence it came.

There really is no future for a party that is 100% self servicing and 100% about money. There are other things, like reality, that will inevitably seep into the political arena. Global climate change is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the warning signs that the Republic party is not prepared to deal with the future. You can stick your head in the sand about reality, but eventually someone is going to come along and kick your A while you do it.

Bold part is true, but really, the same applies to the Democrats today, who have become the political establishment and the billionaires' party. There is very little difference in the foreign policy of Bush and that pursued by Obama and his SoS Hilary.

The DNC is crushing its anti-establishment wing and shafting Bernie right off the starting gate this time around, at least they were more subtle about it in 2016.
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3 parties in America, the Bernie party is the 3rd and the old Democrats hated him. Not so sure right now.
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Cal88 said:

heartofthebear said:

bearlyamazing said:

sycasey said:

Let's also take a moment to note how sad your situation is if you have to trumpet a poll that still shows you below 50%.
Sixty-three percent approving of his handling of the economy, which Gallup said, "is the highest economic approval rating not only for Trump, but for any president since George W. Bush enjoyed stratospheric job approval ratings in the first few months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
That's a good comparison. Bush's popularity was based on lies and, by the end of his presidency, his party was in shambles. In fact his party is still in shambles, and that is what allowed a guy like Trump to emerge. There just wasn't anybody else with any life to provide America.

Well now we have a similar situation. Trump's popularity is based on lies. And, once that is exposed, and it will be because he opens his mouth and admits most of it, the party will descend back down to the level from whence it came.

There really is no future for a party that is 100% self servicing and 100% about money. There are other things, like reality, that will inevitably seep into the political arena. Global climate change is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the warning signs that the Republic party is not prepared to deal with the future. You can stick your head in the sand about reality, but eventually someone is going to come along and kick your A while you do it.

Bold part is true, but really, the same applies to the Democrats today, who have become the political establishment and the billionaires' party. There is very little difference in the foreign policy of Bush and that pursued by Obama and his SoS Hilary.

The DNC is crushing its anti-establishment wing and shafting Bernie right off the starting gate this time around, at least they were more subtle about it in 2016.
I agree
The Democrats have a legitimate dilemma. They, as a party, really aren't popular enough to win. They need the help of non Dems. But, if they go left to get them, they lose the right, if they go right to get them, they lose the left. If they stay in the center, not enough folks will come out to vote because they aren't extreme enough to ignite passion. The democrats say that they want unity and to move forward in this country. But we cannot even get bills passed because of the division. And the division is real and has really existed for over a hundred years going back to the civil war days.

The division is between 2 basic world views.

  • The world is a game of survival of the fittest. It is a zero sum game to be awarded to the strongest. The winners get the spoils and get to keep them. Economic systems should reflect this fundamental truth and capitalism is the best at doing that. No winner should be responsible for the plight of the loser.
  • All are created equal and the role of government is to assure that this basic truth gets enforced and administered through law and economic justice.

There are plenty of folks that fit in the middle between these two basic views. They feel either is too extreme and they struggle to find a consistent way of voting. These "persuadables" are what has been at stake in recent elections. But, because of my above analysis on the dilemma that the democrats have, most of these "persuadables" will vote for Trump because his message is stronger and can penetrate an undecided's vote better.

Sadly, a party that is diverse is a party that is fractured until a strong personality can unify them. Kennedy and Obama are really the only Democrats that have had strong enough personalities to compete. Clinton was elected and re-elected during a rare period where the Republicans did not have a strong leader. Actually that was true with Obama as well, although Obama does have a strong personality.

In any event, right now the Dems do not have anybody with the type of personality strong enough to pull voters. Sanders is probably the closest. But, as mentioned above, he will lose the conservative democrat vote. And they might end up voting for Trump instead.

This explains the Mike Bloomberg phenomenon. From within the void caused by a lack of a candidate with a strong personality comes a candidate with a strong pocketbook. And, in today's world of political advertising, Bloomberg can make himself look like a strong personality. I don't think he really is though.

It will probably come down to Bloomberg vs. Sanders. I don't think that Pete really has the popularity nationwide to beat Sanders. We will see.

Ironically, Klobuchar is probably the most "presidential" even though she is a woman. I can actually see her sitting at the desk in the oval office. I can't really see anybody else sitting there other than Trump, unfortunately.
Blue Moon
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heartofthebear said:

The Democrats have a legitimate dilemma. They, as a party, really aren't popular enough to win. They need the help of non Dems.
Both parties need the help of people not in their party. As of December 2019, Gallup polling found that 28% of Americans identified as Democrat, 28% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent.


But, as mentioned above, he will lose the conservative democrat vote. And they might end up voting for Trump instead.
That is true to a point, but nationally, Sanders polls as beating Trump so it's hardly inconceivable that he can win a national election vs. Trump, especially when the national feeling amongst Democrats is that they'd vote for almost anybody over Trump.


This explains the Mike Bloomberg phenomenon. From within the void caused by a lack of a candidate with a strong personality comes a candidate with a strong pocketbook. And, in today's world of political advertising, Bloomberg can make himself look like a strong personality. I don't think he really is though.
He just splits the moderate vote up more, which benefits Sanders as the only remaining viable progressive.
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just wait for the John Durham report.
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