Informal Poll: Will You Take The Vaccine At The First Opportunity?

25,006 Views | 198 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by sycasey
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Maybe this will replace the college admissions scandal in LaLa Land:

" But to those with power, money and influence, rules can always be bent. California's stern messaging about serving the neediest first hasn't stopped the rich from trying to leap ahead of teachers, farmworkers and firefighters.

Dr. Jeff Toll, who has admitting privileges at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, one of the first hospitals to stock the vaccine, recalled a patient asking: "If I donate $25,000 to Cedars, would that help me get in line?'" Toll said no."

The wealthy scramble for COVID-19 vaccines: 'If I donate $25,000 ... would that help me?'

*I'm sure the Kardashians would never do anything like that.

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About 48 hours after receiving the injection and no problems.
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Went to my local Kaiser office today. Was toldby assistant that 8-10 young workers wont get the vaccine. All doctors will except one.
Go Bears!
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I am in no rush to get the vaccine. Either of them (Pfizer or Moderna). Partly because I don't need to be areas with masses of people. But also because I believe the efficacy of both vaccines will be of limited value quite rapidly.

There are two new mutations of the COVID virus. Both involve changes to the protein spike receptor that the two mRNA vaccines target. As a result both have the possibility of evading the antibodies that the mRNA vaccines cause your body to develop. The first mutation occurred when the virus was passed to mink in Denmark, and was then passed back to humans (it was also passed to mink in Holland, but it is believed to not have been passed back to humans there). Total number of infected humans is believed to be under 20 and that mutation may have been brought under control. The second mutation appears to have occurred solely within human hosts in the UK. This mutation has been labeled the N501Y mutation and the known number of infected humans is over 1,000. Actual number is undoubtedly higher. It has been observed in every county in England and at this point is too far advanced to be contained.

Although no one to date has made the connection, the N501Y mutation may explain some of the mystery associated with the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine. For those not following this issue, that vaccine began Phase 3 testing in the UK and had puzzling results. Due to a processing error in the test, early test volunteers only received one shot of the vaccine. Later this was corrected and volunteers received the intended two shots. However the one shot volunteers showed a higher rate of protection (~90%) from COVID (compared to those receiving a placebo at the same time) than those who got two shots. This should not have occurred since the two shot regimen should have caused more antibody production in the volunteers. However this result CAN be explained due to the later time window of the two shot volunteers - they would have had more of their exposure window occupied by the N501Y mutation, which if it is evading these receptor based vaccines would show up in a lower protection rate.Now the two shot regimen volunteers still showed about a 75% protection efficacy, but most of that would have been generated vs. the existing virus strain. Protection vs. the N501Y mutation would have been quite low indeed given its relative rarity to push the efficacy down by 15%.

Bottom line: N501Y mutation is a serious threat to receptor based vaccines. Once an attenuated virus vaccine is available, I will take that. I am in no rush to take one of these mRNA/DNA receptor targeting vaccines.
Big C
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Question: Let's say I'm able to get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in April or May (and believe me, I will at the earliest possible moment). Any reason I can't get a "regular" one (non-mRNA) the following year if one is developed that is proven effective?
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Big C said:

Question: Let's say I'm able to get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in April or May (and believe me, I will at the earliest possible moment). Any reason I can't get a "regular" one (non-mRNA) the following year if one is developed that is proven effective?
Define reason. Is there a legal reason you can not? No. At least not yet. Would a new attenuated virus vaccine be prioritized to people who have had no vaccine? Quite possibly.

But the bigger question is what are the medical consequences of mixing vaccines. We just don't know. The presumption is that there are no additional side effects or consequences. One thing I would not do - take a different vaccine within three weeks of having had another vaccine injection. Hell they don't recommend that even for the 2nd dose of the same vaccine.
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Took the vaccine and still no issues. Feel good and continuing my normal daily activities. Since I have taken the vaccine I have had a number of COVID positive patients.
B.A. Bearacus
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A school of thought.

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The brother of my wife's aunt's husband has died of Covid related...
The uncle is about 75, not sure about the brother, in Rhode Island.
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Besides feeling a little tired, I have had no issues with the vaccine.
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Thx for sharing.
How were you informed it was available?
My parents are late 70's and eager to get it. I told them to wait but I see it's getting out there now.
And there is now moderna. Which should they go for. How. Where.
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concordtom said:

Thx for sharing.
How were you informed it was available?
My parents are late 70's and eager to get it. I told them to wait but I see it's getting out there now.
And there is now moderna. Which should they go for. How. Where.
Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you but I've been working a lot. Because I am a First Responder and work in an Emergency Department and have been exposed to COVID positive patients I was in the first group to receive the vaccine. The problem with getting the vaccine now is that there is a choke point. We have enough of the vaccine but states don't have the resources ie money, personnel, needles, and syringes to vaccinate everybody. Without federal help the states cannot do it on their own. I don't think it makes a difference which one they get as long as they get vaccinated but the Moderna may be more available due to the fact that it doesn't have to be stored in such cold temps like the Pfizer vaccine does. I have a mother who is 82 and I check every day with Kaiser to see if they are offering the vaccine yet and at this time they are not.

With regard to my experiences with the vaccine, I have had the first injection and had no issues except being a little tired. Today I had the second injection and will let you know how it goes.
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oski003 said:

concordtom said:

Kaworu said:

concordtom said:

I'll let others be the guinea pig first. Trump has tainted my confidence.
Yeah, but that's not really a factor anymore. Trump won't be President when the vaccine comes out.

I believe in vaccines, sure!
I just heard for many months how trump would rush a vaccine result to come out just before the election. I knew this was said merely to get him elected, and such meddling, even if in his words only, has deteriorated my confidence in THIS vaccine. And sure enough, AstraZeneca news today edits their prior vaccine announcement.

Basically, with any vaccine, one should have confidence in what they are injecting. Trump made a shotshow out of this entire saga and so confidence is eroded. But, we will hear scientists talk about the process, I'm sure, in a big way soon. AND, I'm not first in line by age (52), so by the time I'm due for injection many months from now, it will be a different set of circumstances in my head. I was just saying if I were to show up today.

Another curious question:
Multiple vaccines coming online. Which will be the best?? Again, hoping to have more clarity by the time my number is called.

Finally, F Trump!!!!!

And lol how so many companies waited until just after the election to announce their positive results. You think that was coincidental?? I think not.

Which vaccine will be the best? I believe covid 19 is an easy target re effectiveness as long as it doesnt mutate. However, many vaccine platforms may only last 6-12 months.

Here is who and why...

1) Merck - this one wont be ready for a while and in limited quantities. it may be the only platform that will be safe, extremely effective, and long lasting. it is based on the measles vaccine. i am saying this solely on Merck's track record and the likelihood that this concept works.

2) Sanofi protein based vaccine

Proven vs the flu. known track record. likely needs a boost after a year.

3) Inovio DNA vaccine

No side effects. Held up by lack of inclusion in OWS/politics.

4) Novavax protein vaccine

Same as Sanofi but lacks the proven track record. Some side effects from Matrix M bark adjuvant.

5) Pfizer MRNA vaccine

Great on antibodies but terrible side effects. No side effects have reported to have lasted more than 3 days. Volunteers have reported otherwise but they could be anti-vaxxers.

6) Moderna mRNA vaccine.

Same as Pfizer but more than triple the dose. 100 ug vs 30 ug.

7). Tie - AZN and JnJ ... AZN has data issues, has been thoroughly dishonest, and has had two cases of transvere myelitis in their vaccine volunteer group. they also gave volunteers aspirin to mask side effects. JnJ has been completely secretive and was halted for a grade 4 side effect that has been hidden from the public.

Vaxart and Altimmune also use the adenovirus vector platform but different delivery methods. Both China and Sputnik use adenovirus as well.
What do you think about the Merck news?

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So, I now have a whole bunch of family members who are getting the vaccine shots:

Dad, stepmom got their 1st Pfizer in Concord last week.
Mom is getting her 2nd Moderna in Santa Rosa this week.
Mother-in-law got first Pfizer in Auburn.
Aunt and Uncle in Orinda got #1 last Tuesday and yesterday. (Moderna).

Sadly, friends of my wife's family who were at our wedding in RI 30 years ago - he died , mid 70's.
And a lawyer I met with last week - her husband's aunt died in Tampa (diagnosed on Friday, dead on Tuesday. That's pretty shocking.

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concordtom said:


So, I now have a whole bunch of family members who are getting the vaccine shots:

Dad, stepmom got their 1st Pfizer in Concord last week.
Mom is getting her 2nd Moderna in Santa Rosa this week.
Mother-in-law got first Pfizer in Auburn.
Aunt and Uncle in Orinda got #1 last Tuesday and yesterday. (Moderna).

Sadly, friends of my wife's family who were at our wedding in RI 30 years ago - he died , mid 70's.
And a lawyer I met with last week - her husband's aunt died in Tampa (diagnosed on Friday, dead on Tuesday. That's pretty shocking.


My aunt in the Netherlands got vaccinated with AstraZeneca, but she is in advanced stages of dementia so it is hard to communicate with her. Another aunt in the Netherlands is scheduled to get it. An aunt in France says there is no available supply available to her yet.

I have a relative scheduled to get the Pfizer vaccine through the VA on Thursday.

My neighbor had her first dose (Moderna) with no ill effects.

Some of my older co-workers have had both doses. Not sure if they had any side-effects. I know one just got his second dose last Friday.

Econ For Dummies
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concordtom said:


So, I now have a whole bunch of family members who are getting the vaccine shots:

Dad, stepmom got their 1st Pfizer in Concord last week.
Mom is getting her 2nd Moderna in Santa Rosa this week.
Mother-in-law got first Pfizer in Auburn.
Aunt and Uncle in Orinda got #1 last Tuesday and yesterday. (Moderna).

Sadly, friends of my wife's family who were at our wedding in RI 30 years ago - he died , mid 70's.
And a lawyer I met with last week - her husband's aunt died in Tampa (diagnosed on Friday, dead on Tuesday. That's pretty shocking.

My mom got her first shot, second one is scheduled beginning of March.
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BearForce2 got the second Pfizer shot yesterday.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Having got the second shot in early January I can report that I have had no problems. The only thing I can report is pain at the injection site. Even though the CDC says not to pre-medicate I did with Tylenol.
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The 50+ group opened on Monday.
I couldn't get any appointment times with, but someone suggested I go to Sutter Health, setup a MyHealth account (which you don't need to be a Sutter customer to do - I already had one) and low and behold, I had A TON of appointment options in various locations (Sacramento and Roseville - didn't check other sites).

My sister scheduled my brother, who lives in WC, for today in Santa Rosa. That tells me that the central bay area may have been full.

A couple friends have gone to get there's at the Oakland Coliseum mass site.

I get mine tomorrow in Roseville.


Some have said that new availabilities get loaded early AM. Others said 10pm, suddenly new openings hit the websites. So, try that.
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Has anyone had the J&J vaccine? If you had access to it would you choose it over the others?
The truth lies somewhere between CNN and Fox.
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LMK5 said:

Has anyone had the J&J vaccine? If you had access to it would you choose it over the others?
I heard they are going to give JnJ to certain folks who may not return for the 2nd vaccine: homeless and such.

I have recently met a 5th cousin living in Virginia. Online via DNA cousins match. Turns out, she has old photos of our shared ancestor, and she is going to scan and send to me. That's a real pleasure when that happens, and I recommend it to others. My ggg grandfather.

But I digress - she emailed me that she gets the JnJ vaccine this week.
She's not homeless, lives near Lynchburg VA.

I hope to only get the 2-dose. It appears that's what I'm scheduled for.
I can't tell if there's any difference between Pfizer and Moderna. I've had relatives get both - just depends on when you show up.

I'm thinking that this is going to mutate enough that we have to get the annual flu shot and the annual Covid shot.
The globe now touches everyone very quickly. So, one disease pops up in point A, we need to vaccinate the entire planet.
I imagine the native americans are pissed that this technology has arrived 500 years too late.
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Got my first shot (Pfizer) today. No ill effects in the first few hours.
Big C
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Got my first Pfizer on Monday. Kaiser emailed me last week and invited me to schedule (which surprised and delighted me, as I am still under 65). I went to their vaccination center in the Marriott in downtown Oakland. It seemed like there were more people working there than patients: They are probably geared up for when they get more supply. The 15 minutes after the shot were by far my longest wait.

Regarding J & J, all experts say to go with it, if the other option is waiting at all for a "better one". The important thing is to avoid serious COVID... and it is supposedly rock-solid at that. After further trials, its one-dose feature will also be great for kids who HATE shots, like my 12 yr old.

Once everybody here is offered a vaccine (and maybe even before), it's time to do a little "vaccine diplomacy" and help out the rest of the world. I'd start with Mexico and work our way south, like a Monroe Doctrine type of thing.
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Big C said:

Got my first Pfizer on Monday. Kaiser emailed me last week and invited me to schedule (which surprised and delighted me, as I am still under 65). I went to their vaccination center in the Marriott in downtown Oakland. It seemed like there were more people working there than patients: They are probably geared up for when they get more supply. The 15 minutes after the shot were by far my longest wait.
I went through the same process. The longest wait by far was my wait on the phone to get an appointment.

(I didn't think I could qualify for a spot, but we found out that parents of special-needs kids can count as health-care workers under California law. So here we are!)
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