Shocky1;842244571 said:

"justin's taught all the freshmen that you can't really dwell on plays because the game's coming at you so high school it was like "ah i messed up but I can get it back" but here your memory has to be really short...he's taught us by example that your confidence almost has to be border on cockiness because the guy you're playing is just as confident in his abilities as you are yours...if you drop back even a second, he's coming at we're just learning from the older guys every day...if they have anything to say, we learn"
-jordan mathews
cal family#
the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world (including yosemite)

at halftime of the santa barbara game i went over to the lady that was yelling "let it fly, ricky...let it fly, ricky" every time he passed up open shots & told her i agreed with her sentiment
i introduced myself & asked her if she was mrs kreklow... she laughed & said "no" i asked her who is her favorite bear...she smiled & said "my son justin"
justin's mom julanda brown told me that her son will only have 4 more classes to complete this spring in order to earn a degree from the #1 ranked public university in the say she is proud of her son would be a massive understatement
i spoke with justin at the santa barbara airport on sat morning & told him about his mom's pride in his academic achievements...justin told me he will be speaking to profs about completing his necessary final classes online & by email in order to attend the nba scouting combines after the season (it should be noted that our honest & high character bears bb staff passionately encourages our student athletes to graduate from cal while still pursuing their professional goals, jt & staff failed in this regards as guys dropped out of school in order to work out & prepare for the nfl combines)
i asked justin about an incident during a timeout when he lit up one of his teammates & what he was trying to accomplish...cobbs told me he is trying to better control his emotions & treat all his teammates the same...i told jc that maybe he should do the opposite of that, he can tell his childhood buddy solo to get his head out of his azz but he can't do that to the freshmen (they look up to him so his criticism would just be discouraging)...justin nodded in agreement & we fist bumped adios as we headed to different gates with my parting comment, "hey justin, trust me, when you have kids some day you'll better understand why you gotta treat them differently depending upon their personalities"
justin cobbs=man of steel=true student athlete
cal family#
moms are the rock#
do the right thing#
the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world (including los angeles)