dana altman to cameron oliver (with subtitles)
"hey cameron, glad you could make it up here on your official visit...good to see you" (wtf did you bring your dad along?...i was hoping you would come alone, maybe fire up a few blunts with our football team, chill a bit and maybe commit this weekend)
"great to see you too mr oliver" (why don't you get lost and let me spend some time with your boy alone...i could really use a scotch neat)
"there's no doubt you will start for us next season" (unless i can get another dumb azz 5th year senior to transfer to this crappy town...better call my agent after these guys leave, i gotta go somewhere warmer)
"cameron, there are a lot of benefits of playing for the ducks" (like those shoes, just don't be stoopid about it when you sell them like artis...man, i need a drink about now)
"i make it a point to support my players both on and off the court" (when wake forest's 6'10" 260 lbs tony woods beat the crap out of his live in girlfriend causing her spinal damage, i was the first head coach to tell him i had a spot on my roster)
"we are very selective regarding the type of players we recruit" (hey, i asked tony, are you gonna beatdown any more dumb bitches if they **** you off and he said no...there you go)
"while our 90+% admittance rate and junior college level academics haven't been understandably respected in the past, oregon is making great strides on a go forward basis" (oregon just passed the el paso school of bartending in the national college rankings)
"several of our former players have moved into management at their companies" (our last guy is now the night shift supervisor at a truck stop in medford and dating a lot lizard)
"cameron, to be honest with you, i'm not sure cal is the right fit for you" (i think you are too stoopid to graduate from berkeley)
"eugene is a special place" (if you are a goddamn eskimo, my balls are literally freezing...better call my agent, maybe florida state will open up...i could really use another scotch)
"please feel free to call me directly if you have any other questions" (and leave your dumb azz dad out of this, this is between you and me...all of these academic and school crap questions are really starting to **** me off...you are a basketball player, knock if off...just one quick drink, that's all i ask, is that asking for too much?)
this is oregon basketball#
just do it#
cameron oliver has not reaffirmed his commitment to oregon state and their new coaching staff including gregg gottlieb
i dunno, maybe dana could reopen cameron's recruitment