troy, as you travel to eugene for your official visit this weekend, consider the ugly truth re: the oregon basketball program
criminal dana altman does not develop players (there are no true student athletes in eugene) for the nba, during his 5 years in eugene he's won a lot of college basketball games but only put 1 current guy into the league, joseph young who is barely hanging on after averaging 3.8 ppg last season for the indiana pacers...during his 16 seasons at creighton he only put 2 current guys kyle korver & anothony tolliver into the nba
why is there a lack of nba development under altman?
***altman plays an effective high pressure switching/trapping zone defense that does not prepare players for the nba like cal's man on man defense which mirrors the professional game, there's no safety net in the bears defense
***altman's program also does not physically develop guys for the brute strength necessary in the nba, long skinny athletes with length can win college basketball games but they will be abused & exposed in the nba...current 5 chris boucher & 2 tyler dorsey are the latest examples, boucher is 6'10" & 194 lbs & tyler dorsey is 6'4" 171 lbs how come they aren't gaining more weight while in eugene?
***guys don't develop perimeter shooting skills in eugene, altman's offensive scheme favors close range shooting with relentless interior put backs rebounding (which is ira lee's only skillset at this time)...that will win a lot of college basketball games but the evolving nba positionless game favors guys with serious 3 point shooting skills, that's not happening with the ducks program...oregon shot an abysmal 34.3% on 3 pointers last year: dillon brooks 33.8% & tyler dorsey 40.6% do not got nba range, it's just not a point of emphasis in altman's offensive scheme
***the oregon s&c program does not build enough strength to protects its player, dylan ennis missed all of last season with a broken left foot...dillon brooks also has a left foot injury & will miss at least half of this season due to serious complications, if he declares for the nba draft after this season he will not be selected & it's expected he will return to eugene in 2017 with the hopes of proving to scouts that his body can withstand the pounding of the nba & that he's healthy enough to even try...neither ennis or brooks has a realistic future in the league
troy, criminal dana altman will not mentor you in becoming a true student athlete with a wide range of diverse interests including your passion for artistic endeavors & he will not fully develop your nba potential talents either but he will tell you everything that he thinks you wanna hear
this is oregon basketball#
Shocky1;842728911 said:
after further reflection i'm no longer recommending that troy brown jr commit to the university of california, berkeley
with his numerous touring & recording commitments as rza of the wu tang clan, there's not enough hours in the day for troy/rza to also do the necessary classwork at the #1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world, further develop his skills/passion for painting & play basketball

troy/rza should therefore attend a **** for academics school like oregon with a 76.1% acceptance rate that will only ask him to play basketball on a basketball court with a basketball
i dunno maybe troy (3.7 gpa) & ira lee (3.8 gpa) could room together at oregon's honors college which is exclusively reserved for those incoming freshmen with at least a 2.85 gpa, this is a strict requirement that that doesn't have any flexibility, nobody with a ged has ever been accepted by oregon admissions into the honors college yet

and when troy & ira (who will miss almost half his career high school games because of injuries, he's one more major injury away from his basketball days being done forever, the lack of a viable academic/career back up plan in today's fiercely competitive global economy that favors the well educated will be fatal to his future) leave oregon then they can work/will be qualified together as nite shift supervisors at the medford truck stop...eventually they will meet a couple of lot lizards with cfm pumps that are gonna tell them they're dtf & then they will get horribly painful stds & die
their deathbed conversation will probably sound something like this:
troy: ira, i've been doing some thinking, do you think shocky was right and that we should've gone to berkeley back in the day?...maybe we should've been mentally limitless with academic ambition and should've read books and **** like that instead of just being naively stubborn dumb azz basketball players for altman...a mind is a terrible thing to waste and we really didn't use basketball, basketball used us...what do you think, ira, in retrospect should've we been more cognizant of the ephemeral nature of our basketball careers?
ira: wut?