dfresh;842783482 said:
The Golden Bears are 2 point favorites against Arizona tomorrow. No pressure
Bear Down,
dfresh, what's your take on this situation?
Dear Parents,
It's with a very heavy heart that we write this email to you but as fellow parents we hope you will understand why at this point, some information and communication is necessary.
In the early morning hours of December 6, 2015 Elliott Pitts sexually assaulted our daughter, Mia. An investigation by the University of Arizona Title IX Office was conducted including evidence from interviews of 25 witnesses, City of Tucson and University of Arizona police reports, and a State of Arizona Assault Examination medical report. On January 29, 2016 the University released it's ruling and Elliott was found in violation of four counts of the student code of conduct:
"1) Endangering, threatening, or causing physical harm to any member of the university community or to oneself, causing reasonable apprehension of such harm or engaging in conduct or communications that a reasonable person would interpret as a serious expression of intent to harm.
2) Engaging (in) repeated or significant behavior toward another individual, whether in person, in writing, or through electronic means, after having been asked to stop, or doing so to such a degree that a reasonable person, subject to such contact, would regard the contact as unwanted.
3) Off-campus Conduct that a reasonable person would believe may present a risk or danger to the health, safety or security of the Board or University community or to the safety or security of the Board or university property.
4) Sexual misconduct.
Mr. Pitts has been suspended from the University of Arizona, and all other ABOR institutions, for the period of one academic year, and was also advised that the previously issued No Contact Order, prohibiting him from having any contact with you,
As parents of two student athletes, former letter winners, alumni and active members of leadership boards at the U of A, we had trusted the school to handle this issue with the respect and integrity we had always known the school to uphold. We as a family chose not to discuss details of this situation except with our immediate family because we did not want to taint the investigation in any way and because we knew the evidence would speak for itself. In addition, we wanted to protect our daughter's privacy. We commend the Title IX Office for the speed and discretion with which they handled their investigation. Our family found peace and justice in their decision to suspend and remove Elliott Pitts. Unfortunately in the aftermath of their investigation and ruling we have been shocked and disheartened by the way this issue has been handled by athletic director Greg Byrne and Sean Miller.
With incredible self-restraint, Trey made a conscious decision to not speak out in order to protect the investigation, to minimize the distraction to the team, and to avoid any further altercation with Elliott. The actions by Trey in the early morning hours of December 6th and throughout this entire ordeal would be what any parent would expect of their son and we are incredibly proud of the way he handled himself during an incredibly difficult and emotional situation. He has done nothing wrong. But because Elliott was allowed to stay with the team from December 6 through February 17 the players and members of the basketball staff became privy to only his version of events, which as proven by the investigation and ultimate ruling, is not accurate. This has since had a profoundly negative effect on both Mia and Trey and both have become vilified by members of the basketball team, the player's families and certain members of the coaching staff. This was only exacerbated by the fact that Coach Miller publicly supported Elliott in his statements to the players and to the press on multiple occasions.
Fortunately Mia received incredible support from her volleyball coaching staff and teammates. As a family we have no choice at this point but to publicly address what happened to our daughter because we feel Greg Byrne and Sean Miller have failed to protect not only her reputation but Trey's as well by choosing to not acknowledge the true reason for Elliott's departure and by making a conscious decision to publicly "support" Elliott. We feel strongly that the complete wrong message was sent to the young men on the basketball team and the leadership of the program missed a very important "learning moment". It's beyond upsetting that our family, through this trying time, showed a deep respect for the program only to have it completely and callously disrespect our children and our family.
Please know it was never our intention for things to get to this point, but we must now appeal to your common sense and your parental instincts. We can no longer sit idly by and not speak out about this.
You are invited to contact us personally and we would be willing to give you further details regarding the evidence in this case. The actions and inactions of Elliott Pitts, Greg Byrne and Sean Miller do not hold up to the character and integrity standards that Lute Olson proudly built this program on.
Thank you,
Harvey, Jeannine, Trey & Mia Mason

sean miller's failed leadership is a disgrace to the memory & legacy of the once respected basketball program built by bobbi jo & lute olson
it's one thing to be relentlessly competitive but it's another thing to be morally bankrupt like miller in the pursuit of winning a few more college basketball games
a player's program (bear down)#