cal's monster offensive line

1,841,409 Views | 11194 Replies | Last: 30 min ago by Shocky1
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DiabloWags said:

calfanz said:

sycasey said:

socaliganbear said:

Bowlesman80 said:

socaliganbear said:

DiabloWags said:

socaliganbear said:

Why create this straw man? You can easily find and cut 5 sports teams that do not include women and/or aquatics which are well funded. You can easily do this because we have soooo many sports.

Name them.

Easy, cut men's soccer, men's gym, men's XC, baseball, and demote Rugby to club.
Boo, especially cutting rugby. Men's soccer? I'm in.

You don't need to fit them. Just make it a club sport like many of the schools they rack up meaningless wins against.
Right, if there is already enough outside support (and there is) they should be able to survive just fine.
Besides pride. what is the advantage to Rugby being a Varsity sport?

I mentioned it in my previous post.
As a Varsity sport you get to "tag" recruits at the admission's office.
This is obviously very important if you're trying to compete.

As for "racking up meaningless wins" that's a statement by someone that clearly knows nothing about Varsity Rugby and most likely has never been to a match, let alone a Championship match against a handful of schools that have beaten CAL.

Is being a "Varsity" sport the only way Rugby can get admission for preferential recruits? Is there no possible work around? How about Cal Administrators changing their rules to allow it-lets think out of the box here.

Anyone know how many preferred admissions/recruits they get each year?
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NVBear78 said:

DiabloWags said:

calfanz said:

sycasey said:

socaliganbear said:

Bowlesman80 said:

socaliganbear said:

DiabloWags said:

socaliganbear said:

Why create this straw man? You can easily find and cut 5 sports teams that do not include women and/or aquatics which are well funded. You can easily do this because we have soooo many sports.

Name them.

Easy, cut men's soccer, men's gym, men's XC, baseball, and demote Rugby to club.
Boo, especially cutting rugby. Men's soccer? I'm in.

You don't need to fit them. Just make it a club sport like many of the schools they rack up meaningless wins against.
Right, if there is already enough outside support (and there is) they should be able to survive just fine.
Besides pride. what is the advantage to Rugby being a Varsity sport?

I mentioned it in my previous post.
As a Varsity sport you get to "tag" recruits at the admission's office.
This is obviously very important if you're trying to compete.

As for "racking up meaningless wins" that's a statement by someone that clearly knows nothing about Varsity Rugby and most likely has never been to a match, let alone a Championship match against a handful of schools that have beaten CAL.

Is being a "Varsity" sport the only way Rugby can get admission for preferential recruits? Is there no possible work around? How about Cal Administrators changing their rules to allow it-lets think out of the box here.

Anyone know how many preferred admissions/recruits they get each year?

Rugby, both men and women, is fully funded. What does it matter if rugby is varsity or club?
Big C
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Spring Practice starts pretty soon. Any word on how the O-linemen have been progressing in S&C?
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diablo, alison just married rickie & had a baby or something with him in a pathetic attempt to make me jealous
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oregon ducks (coached by criminal dana altman with zero academic intent) 84
california golden bears (brought to u by the con artist) 51
arctic monkeys (including shocky) 0

cal's monster class wuz walked to the car (how did that turn out???)#
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Cal_79 said:

Rugby, both men and women, is fully funded. What does it matter if rugby is varsity or club?
79, the quickly evolving college athletic landscape (less chancellor discretionary subsidies in the future, significantly less pac 12 media rights distributions/conference instability, a sharp decline of donations by an aging donor base that hasn't cultivated/developed new streams of money, future lawsuits, etc.) is gonna necessitate in an existential manner for the cal athletic department to be financially sustainable in the very near future

this is gonna require the rightsizing of the department away from 30+ teams or basically 310 less student athletes of which approximately 155 will be men's counters to ensure compliance with title ix...mens rugby accounts for 58 counters (women's rugby is not a ncca sport, it got zero counters), it therefore needs to be reclassified as a club sport & not a rugby sport, got it?

rugby can still knock off life university for championships, nothing is gonna change on that front

fun fact: jack clark wuz the reporting agent for the yanni hufnagel fiasco after lindsay brauner contacted the rugby coach to tell her story of harassment during an excessive drinking session with yanni & josh gershon...clark tole me he "had no choice" per university regulations but to help dismantle the cal basketball program

fun fact II: the con artist is intimidated by jack clark & afraid to bring up the absolutely necessary reclassifying of rugby
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Shocky1 said:

6956, the 78 year old chancellor christ's only sin wuz believing (she doesn't anymore) the con artist's lies re: the northwestern athletic director recruiting process & making a poor decision to extend him at an average salary of $1,300,000+ thru 2029

trust me, carol knows now that she got played by the con artist

knowlton's time in berkeley is ticking down

thx to 4.0 gpa future whale donor eastcoastcal for sending this game changing article to my previously stated after my email conversation with him this week which is reprinted in this thread, dan mogoluf is gonna be the facilitator to the chancellor's termination of the con artist

THE FALL OF THE EVIL AS **** EMPIRE (in real time)#
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Shocky1 said:

Shocky1 said:

6956, the 78 year old chancellor christ's only sin wuz believing (she doesn't anymore) the con artist's lies re: the northwestern athletic director recruiting process & making a poor decision to extend him at an average salary of $1,300,000+ thru 2029

trust me, carol knows now that she got played by the con artist

knowlton's time in berkeley is ticking down

thx to 4.0 gpa future whale donor eastcoastcal for sending this game changing article to my previously stated after my email conversation with him this week which is reprinted in this thread, dan mogoluf is gonna be the facilitator to the chancellor's termination of the con artist

THE FALL OF THE EVIL AS **** EMPIRE (in real time)#

This is an article by Scott Reid. It seems to throw O'Neil under the bus, and infer that Knowlton didn't know anything until very late (he didn't start doing exit interviews until things blew-up). It also suggests the swimmers didn't indicate there were problems to administrators because O'Neil and McKeever were close. I don't find it to be a game changer at all. Quite the opposite when it comes to Knowlton.

My suggestion would be to wait for analysis of whatever is in the redacted portion of the Munger Report, and if necessary depositions of O'Neil and Knowlton by McKeever's lawyer (remember McKeever's lawyers claim these administrators knew about and validated her conduct).

Again, I could be wrong (waiting for employment lawyers to chime in), but I don't see why a formal investigation is required by the University if they find that the administrators in fact knew about and validated McKeever's action. I also think any new Chancellor is going to want to select their own AD, so with all that happened, Cal may are able to "persuade" Knowlton to take a reduced buy out to get his money up front and to go away. One side issue is that Cal needs Knowlton's cooperation to defend the McKeever case, which likely is not going away any time soon. I'm wondering if Reid gets that, and is backing off Knowlton to help Cal's defense against McKeever (yes I know, journalists have perfect ethics, and would never shade the truth to get a result they want). Call me cynical.
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I think one important part of the article that a lot of people might skim over is this:

The weeks following the firing and release of the report have seen prominent financial donors to the university and its athletic program joining current and former Golden Bears swimmers and their parents in calling for the immediate dismissal of Knowlton and Simon-O'Neill, who critics allege ignored or failed to effectively address repeated credible allegations of bullying and harassment against McKeever
This is big- the donors are ultimately key and between the gross mismanagement of the department, plus the horrible handling of the McKeever situation, it may result in parting ways (whether by dismissal or reduced buyout, as WIAF said). If donors are truly turning on the AD (and it would seem that way), this is huge

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KenBurnski said:

Reminds me of the cover of Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" album.
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wifeisafurd said:

My suggestion would be to wait for analysis of whatever is in the redacted portion of the Munger Report, and if necessary depositions of O'Neil and Knowlton by McKeever's lawyer (remember McKeever's lawyers claim these administrators knew about and validated her conduct).

Again, I could be wrong (waiting for employment lawyers to chime in), but I don't see why a formal investigation is required by the University if they find that the administrators in fact knew about and validated McKeever's action.

Quite frankly, I never understood why the University had to undergo an 8-month long investigation by a private law firm at tremendous 7-figure expense to get to a "place" where they felt that they could fire McKeever, given that she could be fired without cause and she waived her right to a Skelly hearing in her employment contract.

Besides, we all knew that she would most likely sue the University anyway. So for me, the Munger investigation was a waste of time and money that wound up putting a big Dark Cloud over the swim program as it sent kids into the transfer portal given so much uncertainty. - - - Perhaps the big swim donors have a problem with how Knowleton handled this as well.

So it strikes me as kind of odd that someone would argue that there would need to be an investigation into McKeever's actions, but there wouldnt need to be an investigation into the actions of Simon-O'Neill and Knowlton.

And while some continue to discount and be dismissive of Scott Reid's reporting, reporting in which I might add Reid has asked direct questions to the University about what Administrators knew in regards to McKeever's behavior and when did they know it . . . I must say that I find the reply by the University quite telling:

"While the university is not going to comment on planning for any investigation into personnel matters, we understand that once underway investigations are likely to be confirmed by the subjects of the investigations or by witnesses who are in contact with the investigators," the university said in its response.

"Here is what we can say at this point in time about matters related to the prior coaching of the swim team: In mid-February, after carefully reviewing and considering the investigative report concerning Coach McKeever, campus leadership directed that appropriate follow-on steps be taken. These steps include addressing matters that were outside of the scope of the investigation of Coach McKeever. These steps are currently being implemented."

UC Berkeley is taking additional steps beyond Teri McKeever firing (
"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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Shocky, thx for clarifying

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Shocky1 said:

Shocky1 said:

6956, the 78 year old chancellor christ's only sin wuz believing (she doesn't anymore) the con artist's lies re: the northwestern athletic director recruiting process & making a poor decision to extend him at an average salary of $1,300,000+ thru 2029

trust me, carol knows now that she got played by the con artist

knowlton's time in berkeley is ticking down

thx to 4.0 gpa future whale donor eastcoastcal for sending this game changing article to my previously stated after my email conversation with him this week which is reprinted in this thread, dan mogoluf is gonna be the facilitator to the chancellor's termination of the con artist

THE FALL OF THE EVIL AS **** EMPIRE (in real time)#

Those two better 100% be thrown out at some point.
If not, Christ needs to go.
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southseasbear said:

KenBurnski said:

Reminds me of the cover of Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" album.

This is foreshadowing the firing of the triumvirate of individuals holding our athletics program back.
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eastcoastcal said:

I think one important part of the article that a lot of people might skim over is this:

The weeks following the firing and release of the report have seen prominent financial donors to the university and its athletic program joining current and former Golden Bears swimmers and their parents in calling for the immediate dismissal of Knowlton and Simon-O'Neill, who critics allege ignored or failed to effectively address repeated credible allegations of bullying and harassment against McKeever
This is big- the donors are ultimately key and between the gross mismanagement of the department, plus the horrible handling of the McKeever situation, it may result in parting ways (whether by dismissal or reduced buyout, as WIAF said). If donors are truly turning on the AD (and it would seem that way), this is huge

Again, I'm impressed by our students taking an interest in these matters, and their willingness to acquire knowledge.

One not so easy way to end this is for some large angel donor to write a check, fire JK w/o cause, give him his full buy-out and be done with him. Typically there is what economists label an opportunity cost to spending that money, as the donor likely would have been inclined to spend the money on something more productive for the teams, such as funding a new basketball coach. Also, you need find someone who is philosophically willing to fund a buy-out JK doesn't deserve in most people's eyes.

JK probably is toast in the long run because most donors (at least all the ones I know) have turned on him, and any new Chancellor will want their own person to run athletics and not someone as controversial and unqualified for a P5 job as JK. You don't need to read an article to know that, and it has do to with far more beyond the women's swimming team - there are more views on McKeever among the donor base that are very different takes than those provided by Reid articles (there is a consensus that the situation was mishandled).

A formal investigation was required for McKeever under Cal's own guidelines. I get that people don't get this, but there is nothing I can do about that). That could have been done in-house, but the Chancellor agreed to do this with an outside law firm based on the advice of in-house counsel, with litigation likely, and because internal investigation at Cal have been a crap show. I'm not really going to get into the technical privledges and advantages of using independent counsel, but they almost are always used by institutional clients once the exposure gets big.

But in Cal's case there is a long history of a complete crap show on internal investigations. For example, after dragging out investigations over long time periods, the investigations tended to show violations of campus rules, but somehow always seemed to come to recommendations that staff should face severe penalties, while for violations of the same rules (and some fairly egregious conduct often) that faculty members should face far less penalties. Cal's investigations were so bad and took so long, that the federal government launched an investigation. "Investigators spent four years looking into the issues and made nine campus visits. They reviewed more than 200 cases, and found in some instances that [Cal] didn't provide students enough information about their rights, took too long to resolve the cases, and provided inappropriate deference to [those with more important jobs at Cal]." [From DOE/DOJ press release in 2018]. Cal was forced to enter into a consent decree in 2019. Indeed, the botching of internal investigations by Cal and alleged misuse of funds was what brought down prior Chancellor Nick Dirks. America's Top Public University Has a Major Sexual ... politics 2016/04 cal... (thought you guys that like Reid would enjoy this "objective" reporting source that is known of presenting issues and events in a neutral and unbiased manner, regardless of the writer's opinion or personal beliefs).

With this background why would anyone leave a formal investigation of any serious matter to the discredited internal investigators at Cal? For the most serious matters, separate independent counsel with little or no previous connection to the company is the preferred choice because of this credibility factor and the signal it sends to key constituents that the University is completely committed to objectively determining the facts and addressing the matter, and in the case of Cal, probably in a more timely manner.

In any event, the donors are more interested in overall team performances, particularly in the revenue sports, the handling of department finances, the lack of insight into the changing collegiate sports environment, etc. Women's swimming does not drive the bus. And what does it say when the Chancellor (not the AD) has to take on thorny issues like conference realignment?

Like I previously suggested, there are a lot of legal issues that threaten to delay things, absent an angel donor. The Chancellor is a quick study, and she obviously seems willing to get advice from outside people and take non major issues, starting with conference realignment, in the interim. It just seems idiotic that it has come to this. The Chancellor already has a lot on her plate, starting with students finding a place to live. My own personal opinion is that JK will be gone before a new Chancellor formally takes office (note not a fact, just personal opinion).
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Shocky1 said:

welcome 6' 175 lbs running back jusyis "jojo" solis from acquinas high school in the northern inland empire, the 1st commit for cal's 2025 thompson es en fuego ahora

jojo is not a dumb azz, he got a 3.14 gpa & knows he can do better/work harder in the classroom

as a freshman jo jo led the nation for freshman backs with an unreal 2088 yards & 37 touchdowns, check out his moves as a 15 year old (my favorite highlite is how he calmly hands the ball to the ref after a td, this is no big ******* deal)

if u got any heart conditions, do NOT watch any of jojo's sophomore season highlites particularly the 1st play on this video, ok?

this **** is getting live

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world

where jojo? (he gone, touchdown bears!)#

jojo got jaydn ott skills, he is an unreal talent that is building meaningful relationships in berkeley while continuing to work on his speed & academics

in aristotle we trust (can u name a better mentor for a developing young man?)#
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"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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beware the san mateo college fightin' benjis (burp)#
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DiabloWags said:

wifeisafurd said:

My suggestion would be to wait for analysis of whatever is in the redacted portion of the Munger Report, and if necessary depositions of O'Neil and Knowlton by McKeever's lawyer (remember McKeever's lawyers claim these administrators knew about and validated her conduct).

Again, I could be wrong (waiting for employment lawyers to chime in), but I don't see why a formal investigation is required by the University if they find that the administrators in fact knew about and validated McKeever's action.

Quite frankly, I never understood why the University had to undergo an 8-month long investigation by a private law firm at tremendous 7-figure expense to get to a "place" where they felt that they could fire McKeever, given that she could be fired without cause and she waived her right to a Skelly hearing in her employment contract.

Besides, we all knew that she would most likely sue the University anyway. So for me, the Munger investigation was a waste of time and money that wound up putting a big Dark Cloud over the swim program as it sent kids into the transfer portal given so much uncertainty. - - - Perhaps the big swim donors have a problem with how Knowleton handled this as well.

So it strikes me as kind of odd that someone would argue that there would need to be an investigation into McKeever's actions, but there wouldnt need to be an investigation into the actions of Simon-O'Neill and Knowlton.

And while some continue to discount and be dismissive of Scott Reid's reporting, reporting in which I might add Reid has asked direct questions to the University about what Administrators knew in regards to McKeever's behavior and when did they know it . . . I must say that I find the reply by the University quite telling:

"While the university is not going to comment on planning for any investigation into personnel matters, we understand that once underway investigations are likely to be confirmed by the subjects of the investigations or by witnesses who are in contact with the investigators," the university said in its response.

"Here is what we can say at this point in time about matters related to the prior coaching of the swim team: In mid-February, after carefully reviewing and considering the investigative report concerning Coach McKeever, campus leadership directed that appropriate follow-on steps be taken. These steps include addressing matters that were outside of the scope of the investigation of Coach McKeever. These steps are currently being implemented."

UC Berkeley is taking additional steps beyond Teri McKeever firing (

Exactly. More $millions flushed down the toilet. A year long delay. Another year of salary collected as Cal athletics burns, including the worst basketball season in school history, all just in time to miss out on conference realignment.
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DiabloWags said:

wifeisafurd said:

My suggestion would be to wait for analysis of whatever is in the redacted portion of the Munger Report, and if necessary depositions of O'Neil and Knowlton by McKeever's lawyer (remember McKeever's lawyers claim these administrators knew about and validated her conduct).

Again, I could be wrong (waiting for employment lawyers to chime in), but I don't see why a formal investigation is required by the University if they find that the administrators in fact knew about and validated McKeever's action.

given that she could be fired without cause and she waived her right to a Skelly hearing in her employment contract.

No, no, no. And it has been said to you by other attorneys here before.

Once there were formal claims of discrimination, disability (medical information claim), SVSH policy violations such as alleged body shaming, and bullying, a different set of University rules takes over under DOE rules (not California rules). There is a mandatory investigation, and decision, after which either the employee or complantaint can appeal (apparently McKeever didn't). Skelly and other California law doesn't apply. I don' know why you keep saying there was no reason for an investigation and keep raising Skelly, but while you usually are dead on correct, you are not in this case.

I think Knowlton or O'Neil failing to acting doesn't fall under these rules since they have to be initiated by claims against them of this conduct as opposed to no claims and having not engaged in this conduct themselves. Thus I keep asking the employment lawyers here if they can't be subject to discipline without further investigation, formal or otherwise.

And for having the investigation handled by the discredited Cal folks, read my post above.
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wifeisafurd said:

Once there were formal claims of discrimination, disability (medical information claim), SVSH policy violations such as alleged body shaming, and bullying, a different set of University rules takes over under DOE rules (not California rules). There is a mandatory investigation, and decision, after which either the employee or complantaint can appeal (apparently McKeever didn't). Skelly and other California law doesn't apply. I don' know why you keep saying there was no reason for an investigation and keep raising Skelly, but while you usually are dead on correct, you are not in this case.

I take it that you've never heard of what happened to Greg Metcalf up at University of Washington?

He was forced to resign.
No 8 month long investigation.

Inside The Allegations Against Former UW Track Coach | Only A Game (

Washington track coach accused of weight shaming, verbal abuse - Sports Illustrated

"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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Shocky1 said:

fun monster graphics quiz: which message is boring azz & which one is shockster level fun???

4.81 gpa d-line prospect deserves better#

monster most improved recruiting graphics award (yoga boy knows everything, shut up shocky)#
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DiabloWags said:

wifeisafurd said:

Once there were formal claims of discrimination, disability (medical information claim), SVSH policy violations such as alleged body shaming, and bullying, a different set of University rules takes over under DOE rules (not California rules). There is a mandatory investigation, and decision, after which either the employee or complantaint can appeal (apparently McKeever didn't). Skelly and other California law doesn't apply. I don' know why you keep saying there was no reason for an investigation and keep raising Skelly, but while you usually are dead on correct, you are not in this case.

I take it that you've never heard of what happened to Greg Metcalf up at University of Washington?

He was forced to resign.
No 8 month long investigation.

Inside The Allegations Against Former UW Track Coach | Only A Game (

Washington track coach accused of weight shaming, verbal abuse - Sports Illustrated

Well this was a waste of time.

Metcalf resigned immediately when the allegation came out, taking the money and running before a DOE investigation was even started. Can't investigate a non-employee. So you are wrong both factually, as the situation differs from that of McKeever for reasons you don't know (Shocky, can't say I didn't warn you about where this thread might head) and also wrong legally, for reasons you refuse to accept.

BTW, the allegation didn't seem to have legs as Metcalf resurfaced as the Texas head coach in 2022.

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Shocky1 said:

Big C said:

Tickets sold vs. butts-in-seats, etc. Wouldn't surprise me if, for the number they announce, they count the Straw Hat Band members, spirit groups, players and even paid staff.

flim flam
yeah the con artist is literally counting everybody, street math is fun

follow her on instagram#
basketball attendance during cal's monster class: 10,182 (including 18-0 home record/#4 seed ncca tournament)

then the clumsy transition from shocky & coach martin to wyking jones, eric mcdonough & the con artist

basketball attendance this season: 2,192 (3-25)

the final moments of cal's monster class (gtfo shocky, love is not always reciprocated)#
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Big C said:

Spring Practice starts pretty soon. Any word on how the O-linemen have been progressing in S&C?

big c, the undisputed leader of cal's monster offensive line & rogaine nil endorser matthew cindric is one of the first 3 gold shirts recipients awarded for s&c excellence during the winter conditioning program

in the foto above with cindo (who has mostly recovered from his multiple fall injuries) it's great to see standing behind him (to the right) key interior offensive lineman bastian swinney back in action, his spring ball development is absolutely critical for the 2023 season

also congrats to gold shirters myles jernigan who emerged last season as the team's most fierce apex predator edge defender along with the x-man & a mystery california golden (running with a under armor head cap & a watch on his left wrist) who needs to be identified by a super sleuth like harebear
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Shocky1 said:

Shocky1 said:

Shocky1 said:
2023 california golden bears yucky blucky fruitcake class:

doechii, why don't you introduce the 2023 yucky blucky fruitcake signees to the class?

eastcoastcal, future whale donor (4.0 gpa)
david bird, longsnapper (4.0 gpa)

marquise montgomery, wide receiver (3.0+ gpa)
martin tine, offensive tackle (3.0+ gpa)
stanley mckenzie, nose tackle (3.3 gpa)
david reese, outside linebacker (3.7 gpa)
sam jackson v, quarterback (3.1 gpa)
brian hightower, wide receiver (3.2 gpa)
justin williams-thomas aka j-will, running back (4.0 gpa)
asher alberding, tight end (3.85 gpa)
jt byrne, tight end (3.75 gpa)
lachlan wilson, punter (strong student from australia)
byron caldwell, running back (3.3 gpa)
sergio allen, inside linebacker (3.4 gpa)
matt littlejohn, defensive back (3.0+ gpa)
javian "the jet" thomas, running back (3.4 gpa)
nohl williams, defensive back (3.61 gpa)
kaylin moore, defensive back (3.4 gpa)
frederick williams iii, athlete (3.6 gpa)
zurich ashford, defensive end (3.62 gpa)
ben marshall, tight end (3.4 gpa)
ryan mcculloch, outside linebacker (4.1 gpa)
tiumalu afalava, defensive line (4.1 gpa)
cade uluave, inside linebacker (3.8 gpa)
sailasa vadrawale, defensive back (3.46 gpa)
nyziah hunter, wide receiver (3.0+ gpa)
nick morrow, offensive tackle (3.7 gpa)
michael luckhurst, kicker (4.37 gpa)

all 27 of these 2023 scholly recipients are beating the statistics, **** the opinions and all the logisitics

wow, that was quite the introduction, doechii, we're gonna have to talk after class

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world

don't forget to take the chicken out#

2023 monster recruiting update:

6'3" 220 lbs edge defender taniela latu from the college of san mateo got an actionable offer from coach so'oto, will taniela be the next addition to cal's 2023 yucky, blucky fruitcake class???

taniela is not a dumb azz, he got a 3.4 gpa

the fightin' benjis#
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bear on the prowl (let's ******* go)#
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Shocky1 said:

cal's monster offensive line 2024 junior day update:

6'6" 270 lbs offensive tackle ikinasio iki tupou is gonna make the short car drive from palo alto to berkeley this saturday with the fam for cal's junior day

make no mistake about it, iki got good hair

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world (including all polynesian countries)
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And Yanni was shown the door without wasting any time.
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pitts, back in the day yanni & the monster successfully recruited multiple mcdonalds all americans

the magic of cal basketball (what wuz the big mac's secret sauce?)#
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my man jaylen brown holding the tree pose

yoga enables one to find their inner strength & quiet the monkey voices that are constantly talking in our heads

the magic of cal basketball (whose ur yoga buddy?)#
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Shocky1 said:

cal's monster offensive line recruiting update:

6'4" 275 lbs 6a 1st team all state interior offensive lineman tyler knape from westlake high school (same hs as mason magnum) is gonna be in berkeley this saturday for cal's 2024 junior day

knape got quick feet & quick twitch movements for a guy who is still developing physically, this key targeted prospect for coach bloesch's room got a huge upside

tyler is not a dumb azz, he got a 3.8 gpa

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world (including hill country)
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cal's 2024 junior day, don't be a dumb azz, what's ur gpa?

the university of california berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world (for mutts of mixed descent like shocky)
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oregon state beavers 69
california golden bears 66

mr. spieker not amused (cuz he got worser seats than shocky)#
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one of the standouts at yesterday's cal's 2024 junior day wuz 6'3" 235 lbs apex predator edge defender mardale rowe from phoenix who got a non stop motor & physicality

rowe attends the academically #1 ranked arizona high school in brophy prep, trust me he knows how to read books & **** like that

and make no mistake about it, mardale is a mama's boy (which is a common characteristic of bears like jaylen brown, marshawn lynch, the shockster, etc.)

rowe got offers from hometown asu, arizona, oregon, kansas, colorado & iowa state but at the end of the day he's gonna make a 50 year decision

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public university in the world (including maricopa county)
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