Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

519,557 Views | 5341 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
Apathetic Bear
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movielover said:

Zippergate said:

bearister said:

People aren't taking this seriously': experts say US Covid surge is big risk

Boosters, especially the updated bivalent boosters, are highly effective at reducing the risk of severe disease and death. Yet only 15.4% of Americans over the age of five have received the new boosters.

Really? Based on what? (Spoiler alert: the answer is mouse antibody data, and the mice got sick anyway.) So where's the data showing disease reduction (not antibodies) in humans? So tired of these moronic axiomatic claims that the vaxxines reduce risk because..well...they're vaccines so they must reduce risk. Those of us who live in the real world know that jab doses and Covid are positively correlated. And explain to me why one should get a vaccine for a variant, Ba.1, that has been completely supplanted by XBB among others. Would you get last year's edition of the flu vaccine?

15.4% says the edifice is crumbling. People don't buy this garbage anymore. They know they've been lied to both with respect to safety and efficacy.
You know this board better than myself. Have any of the pro-vaccine people:

- modified their opinion?
- even said, "I believe in the vaccine, but just for those over 50, or who are high risk"?
- we should definitely not vaccinate young boys and men as the risks of myocarditis outweigh the gains.

None of these statements are a full retreat; just common-sense adjustments to new data that has been observed and repeated worldwide.

P.S. The kicker is we have no idea of the long-term effects of the clot shot. Myocarditis is easily observed. There are claims that cancer rates have spiked, and that there are problems with fertility / childbirth.
I can't speak for other people, but my stance towards the fake vaccine has evolved over time. When I thought it was going to be an actual vaccine, I held a lot of positions that I now regret having realized that I was flat out lied to about what the fake vaccine was actually capable of. When hospitals were overcrowded and people were allowing their politics to dictate how much risk they were willing to take, I was very angry with those people. But two things have flipped my stance over time.

The first is that the people dying from COVID are, generally speaking, the same people who would have died if they caught the standard flu. There have been some isolated cases here and there of seemingly healthy adults with no apparent comorbidities who died, but they are mostly outliers. The overwhelming amount of people who have caught COVID have recovered, developed immunity as a result, and were in no danger of dying.

The second is that the fake vaccine was sold as something that would keep you from catching COVID and slow the spread, which is flat out does not do. All it does is reduce the severity of the symptoms if you do catch it.

I vaccinated at my earliest possible opportunity and got the first booster partly because I had to, but honestly I doubt I'm going to bother in the future. There been so much lying by the government and by the vaccine manufacturers that I just don't have any trust in either of them.

Now, were a lot of people opposed to vaccine mandates and this vaccine especially opposed to any vaccine? No question in my mind. But there are also a lot of people who would happily take a vaccine that is proven and gives a far greater benefit (the shingles vaccine for example), but are just done with these fake vaccines and those people on the whole have proven to be far more right than the people who have been and to this day probably still are mask and vaxx shaming people.
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Apathetic Bear said:

(why we call a flu shot a flu shot but pretend that the COVID shot is a vaccine is a complete mystery to me)

I imagine there are lots of complete mysteries in your world.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
Apathetic Bear
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AunBear89 said:

Apathetic Bear said:

(why we call a flu shot a flu shot but pretend that the COVID shot is a vaccine is a complete mystery to me)

I imagine there are lots of complete mysteries in your world.

Wow, what a coincidence. The change in the definition came after the fake vaccine was released, creating its fake immunity, and now they are calling flu shots vaccines as well even though they don't provide immunity either.

You sure showed me.
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Aren't most vaccines rigorously studied, including at least 7 years of human clinical trials?
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The Pfizer lobby.

"The articles do not contain misinformation themselves but are *using the news* to further prove the CDC is untrustworthy.

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A new, scary variant.....Boo!

Now this IS scary. Who is telling these journalist to write these articles???

Certified Covidian, Dr. Leana Wen, breaks rank with the narrative machine admitting Covid deaths were over-reported. Nasty backlash naturally ensues.
Apathetic Bear
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Zuck's Facebook, at the behest of Biden and Pfizer, censored true content that was deemed anti-vax. At the same time, he was warning employees about the unknown long-term safety of the vaxxines, a heretical, anti-vaxx statement if there ever was one.

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Zippergate said:

Zuck's Facebook, at the behest of Biden and Pfizer, censored true content that was deemed anti-vax. At the same time, he was warning employees about the unknown long-term safety of the vaxxines, a heretical, anti-vaxx statement if there ever was one.

I bet that is fake. I don't believe the process of teaching cells to create antibodies is inherently dangerous. What I specifically don't like is the fact that the RNA doesn't transfect at the point of injection. It gets carried to other organs, such as the heart and liver, which is why Moderna moved from repeat treatments to vaccines in the first place. Moreover, because the spike protein is toxic in itself, vaccinating mRNA spike protein vaccines is much more dangerous than other approved vaccines.
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oski003 said:

Zippergate said:

Zuck's Facebook, at the behest of Biden and Pfizer, censored true content that was deemed anti-vax. At the same time, he was warning employees about the unknown long-term safety of the vaxxines, a heretical, anti-vaxx statement if there ever was one.

I bet that is fake. I don't believe the process of teaching cells to create antibodies is inherently dangerous. What I specifically don't like is the fact that the RNA doesn't transfect at the point of injection. It gets carried to other organs, such as the heart and liver, which is why Moderna moved from repeat treatments to vaccines in the first place. Moreover, because the spike protein is toxic in itself, vaccinating mRNA spike protein vaccines is much more dangerous than other approved vaccines.
Fake? A misplaced concern perhaps, but given all we know now, I don't think we can take anything for granted. Consider how they said the vaxxine would stay at the injection site. That was a lie; a bio-distribution study out of Japan very early on showed that it spread quickly to all organs of the body. They said the mRNA would be used to create antibodies and then quickly destroyed. That too was a lie; we now know that the mRNA can survive for months in the body. And consider that as little as 50% of the mRNA in the vaxxines is actually intact at the time of injection. The body may be coding for protein fragments that no one knows anything about. Lots of unknowns. I'd say Zuck may have been off with his particular concern but spot on with his general concern about unknown long-term effects. There's a reason mRNA vaccines repeatedly failed in prior testing.
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Some important caveats to this study clearly explained by Berenson in the article quoted below, but this is very concerning for the endless booster paradigm.
Here's a snip...

"Mice who received more than four Covid vaccine jabs had a collapse in their ability to fight the coronavirus, Chinese researchers have found.
The damage extended past antibodies, the immune system's front line of defense against viruses and bacteria, to the T-cells that form the crucial backup.
The researchers reported the finding in a peer-reviewed paper published December 22 in the journal iScience. In surprisingly clear language, they warned:
Our findings demonstrate potential risks with the continuous use of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosters, providing immediate implications [emphasis added] for the global COVID-19 vaccination enhancement strategies.
Later in the paper, the researchers were even more direct:
We found that the protective effects from the humoral immunity and cellular immunity established by the conventional immunization were both profoundly impaired during the extended vaccination course.
The finding has not been confirmed in humans.
But the mice the researchers used are genetically altered to model accurately the human response to the coronavirus and have "been shown to share profound similarities [emphasis added] with humans in response to SARS-CoV-2 infections," as the paper explains.
The scientists used a vaccine that has a different mechanism of basic action than the mRNA jabs from Pfizer and Moderna, which turn our own cells into spike protein factories. But like them, the Chinese-tested vaccine causes the immune system to focus on a specific part of the coronavirus spike protein to the near-exclusion of other responses.
The finding may help to explain why large epidemiological studies keep finding that people who have received multiple boosters are at higher risk for Omicron infection than unvaccinated people.

The Chinese report comes as Covid deaths are rising again in several highly mRNA vaccinated countries, including Australia, Denmark, and Japan - where they have now reached an all-time high, the population-adjusted equivalent of about 9,000 weekly deaths in the United States.
Meanwhile, large epidemiological studies - which measure real-world vaccine results - keep showing that mRNA jabs have "negative efficacy" against the coronavirus. In other words, people who received them are more likely to become infected than those who were never vaccinated.
Last month, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic reported that they had found "the higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19."
And last week a very large French study reported that a second mRNA booster was less effective than the first at every comparable time interval - and that after four months it actually raised the risk for infection compared to people who had not received it. Even worse,
In the chart below, lower dots represent a higher risk of infection. The horizontal axis is time, roughly one dot per month. The blue dots are people who have received a second mRNA booster, or fourth shot. After six months, they have a 30 percent higher risk of infection than they did before they got it. Worse, the negative efficacy appears to accelerate over time.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci was part of a group of scientists who, according to at least one of them, were working to "disprove" the lab-leak theory in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, emails show.
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Yet another conspiracy theory turns out to be true afterall (and we only know this because of litigation which forced the CDC to release the data)

the CDC has a system called V-safe that is used to follow up on post vaccination side effects. it was smart phone based and ~10 million people signed up.
in theory, this should have created a sound system to measure adverse outcomes.
in practice it was yet another game of "hide the ball."
and this time, there are serious receipts.
the CDC full on knew about issues like myocarditis, strokes, and death.
they included them as "outcomes of special interest" in the draft protocols for V-safe.
then, before it went live, they took them all out.
zachary reports: (bold mine)

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) didn't include serious adverse events like heart inflammation on post-vaccination surveys even though the agency knew the issues could be linked to COVID-19 vaccines, documents show.
Even before the surveys were rolled out in December 2020 after the first vaccines were authorized, the CDC knew that myocarditisa form of heart inflammation since confirmed as being caused by the Pfizer and Moderna shotsand other serious adverse events were of "special interest" when it came to the vaccines, according to a newly disclosed version of the protocol for the survey system.
The Nov. 19, 2020, protocol (pdf) for V-safe, the survey system, lists myocarditis, stroke, death, and a dozen "prespecified medical conditions." The protocol was obtained by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a nonprofit that seeks transparency around health information. All of the conditions can cause severe symptoms.
V-safe is a system of surveys that was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to monitor vaccine safety. It was developed and is managed by the CDC.
Updated versions of the protocol list the same 15 adverse events.
None of the conditions were included in the actual surveys.
Respondents could check boxes if they experienced certain symptoms, but only 10 lower-level problems such as fever and nausea were listed as options.
i mean,

they knew exactly what they needed to be looking for and they removed it from the survey so that they would not find it.
they moved it to an "added free text" section that makes aggregation and database analysis basically impossible.
this is not the first time game like this have been played. something similar occurred where many medical records have "vaccinated" in the free text field instead of something countable/aggregatable. the CDC has used this to attribute bad outcomes from those actually vaxxed to the unvaxxed
they also wound up having to admit, again under FOIA, that they were not even tracking adverse events in the VAERS database (per their own mandate to do so).

someone made a choice to dump a list of 15 known severe adverse events that had been in the early V-safe protocols and avoid gathering easy to use information on the matter.
this was deliberate and presumably purposeful.
the question of "who made this decision and at whose behest?" looms large.
this warrants SERIOUS forensic investigation under oath and penalty of perjury.
public health does not get to play hide the ball with the public.
not now.
not ever.
so let's find out exactly what happened here and why and then let's have good hard think about the future of these organizations and whether we need them at all.

Nuremburg 2.0. It's time.

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Vaxx vs Musk.

- Elon Musk side affects from shot
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Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.
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chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.

At this point, the vast majority of people have either gotten vaxxed or gotten Covid (or both) and moved on from the debate. That leaves the floor to zealots on either side of the issue (though around here it's been taken over mostly by one side).
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sycasey said:

chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.

At this point, the vast majority of people have either gotten vaxxed or gotten Covid (or both) and moved on from the debate. That leaves the floor to zealots on either side of the issue (though around here it's been taken over mostly by one side).

Yes, the side with facts. Even with vast censorship, the ugly facts have emerged.
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sycasey said:

chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.

At this point, the vast majority of people have either gotten vaxxed or gotten Covid (or both) and moved on from the debate. That leaves the floor to zealots on either side of the issue (though around here it's been taken over mostly by one side).

That does make some sense.
Apathetic Bear
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chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.
It's impossible to be anti-vaxx when it comes to COVID, as nobody has developed an actual vaccine for it yet, per the definition of vaccine prior to Sep 2021.

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sycasey said:

chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.

At this point, the vast majority of people have either gotten vaxxed or gotten Covid (or both) and moved on from the debate. That leaves the floor to zealots on either side of the issue (though around here it's been taken over mostly by one side).
If you assume that the gene therapies masquerading as vaccines are just like any other jab, then that would be a good summation. Unfortunately, they are not. Call me crazy if that allows you to live with your narrative, but perhaps hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of disabled due to scientific fraud covered up by the highest levels of government is not something I can move on from, especially when the jabs continue to be foisted on the American public.

Sadly, all the scientific studies and evidence of malfeasance in the world is no match for the blue pill. Some people will learn the hard way as many already have, others will live in ignorant bliss until our collective mass delusions (and there are many) ultimately prevent society from functioning (and no, I'm not talking about climate change).
Eastern Oregon Bear
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Apathetic Bear said:

chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.
It's impossible to be anti-vaxx when it comes to COVID, as nobody has developed an actual vaccine for it yet, per the definition of vaccine prior to Sep 2021.
So, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? I say 43.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Apathetic Bear said:

chazzed said:

Yikes, this thread has been overrun by crazy anti-vaxxers.
It's impossible to be anti-vaxx when it comes to COVID, as nobody has developed an actual vaccine for it yet, per the definition of vaccine prior to Sep 2021.
So, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? I say 43.

Bye Felicia.
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Humorist Scott Adams (Dilbert) admits he was wrong, Anti Vaxxers correct.

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Big C
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movielover said:

Humorist Scott Adams (Dilbert) admits he was wrong, Anti Vaxxers correct.

I love Dilbert. Scott Adams is a known right-winger. Okay, fine. But what the heck is he talking about? In three minutes, he repeats "The anti-vaxxers are the winners" and "The anti-vaxxers are the happy ones" over a dozen times (i stopped counting). He implies that people who got vaxxed are living in fear now, that they are a ticking time bomb. Well, I don't feel that way. The real "losers" are the people who didn't get vaxxed, then died of COVID.
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Big C said:

movielover said:

Humorist Scott Adams (Dilbert) admits he was wrong, Anti Vaxxers correct.

I love Dilbert. Scott Adams is a known right-winger. Okay, fine. But what the heck is he talking about? In three minutes, he repeats "The anti-vaxxers are the winners" and "The anti-vaxxers are the happy ones" over a dozen times (i stopped counting). He implies that people who got vaxxed are living in fear now, that they are a ticking time bomb. Well, I don't feel that way. The real "losers" are the people who didn't get vaxxed, then died of COVID.
Perhaps he's following this a bit more closely than you. In any case, it's good you're not living in fear and you're probably not a ticking time bomb. But SOMETHING is going on. All-cause mortality was significantly elevated in 2022 in all the major vaxxed countries that I've seen data from, the opposite of what one would expect coming out of a pandemic. The fact that They see the need to normalize things like myocarditis, stroke, and SADS is not encouraging. Seems like the prudent thing to do would be to do would be to get to the bottom of why this is happening instead of vaxxsplaing every death with "anything but the vaxx" fact checking. And if the vaxx is responsible, wouldn't you want the medical authorities to turn their attention to healing the vaxx injured, developing treatments for those at risk for long-term injury or death, etc? Wouldn't you want to know so that you and your loved ones can personally be evaluated for these risks?

As far as I'm concerned, we're all losers in this. Our health care system has been co-opted, corrupted, and politicized. Organizations like the military have been purged for political purposes. On a personal level, I have two family members who had severe reactions to the vaxx and unknown damage, not to mention friends and acquaintances who suffered serious injury and death suspiciously post vaxx. I've missed a family reunion because we weren't able to travel without vaxx papers. I know of many friends who have stopped gathering with their extended families over disagreements about the vaxxes. 2-3 million more Americans are now on disability since the vaxx rollout. Might have something to do with the skyrocketing cost of everything.

They should be publishing all the data broken down by vaxx status. They should be researching every SADS death, If it's not the vaxx, prove it and find out what is actually causing all these problems. That's how we move on from this.

"If you take a new vaccine and then a year goes by and everybody's fine, then you say, OK now let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?"
Anthony Fauci (1999)

For once I agree with Fauci. There's a reason vaccines are tested for many years before being rolled out to the general population. What have you done, indeed, Mr. Fauci.

Big C
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Zippergate said:

Big C said:

movielover said:

Humorist Scott Adams (Dilbert) admits he was wrong, Anti Vaxxers correct.

I love Dilbert. Scott Adams is a known right-winger. Okay, fine. But what the heck is he talking about? In three minutes, he repeats "The anti-vaxxers are the winners" and "The anti-vaxxers are the happy ones" over a dozen times (i stopped counting). He implies that people who got vaxxed are living in fear now, that they are a ticking time bomb. Well, I don't feel that way. The real "losers" are the people who didn't get vaxxed, then died of COVID.
Perhaps he's following this a bit more closely than you. In any case, it's good you're not living in fear and you're probably not a ticking time bomb. But SOMETHING is going on. All-cause mortality was significantly elevated in 2022 in all the major vaxxed countries that I've seen data from, the opposite of what one would expect coming out of a pandemic. The fact that They see the need to normalize things like myocarditis, stroke, and SADS is not encouraging. Seems like the prudent thing to do would be to do would be to get to the bottom of why this is happening instead of vaxxsplaing every death with "anything but the vaxx" fact checking. And if the vaxx is responsible, wouldn't you want the medical authorities to turn their attention to healing the vaxx injured, developing treatments for those at risk for long-term injury or death, etc? Wouldn't you want to know so that you and your loved ones can personally be evaluated for these risks?

As far as I'm concerned, we're all losers in this. Our health care system has been co-opted, corrupted, and politicized. Organizations like the military have been purged for political purposes. On a personal level, I have two family members who had severe reactions to the vaxx and unknown damage, not to mention friends and acquaintances who suffered serious injury and death suspiciously post vaxx. I've missed a family reunion because we weren't able to travel without vaxx papers. I know of many friends who have stopped gathering with their extended families over disagreements about the vaxxes. 2-3 million more Americans are now on disability since the vaxx rollout. Might have something to do with the skyrocketing cost of everything.

They should be publishing all the data broken down by vaxx status. They should be researching every SADS death, If it's not the vaxx, prove it and find out what is actually causing all these problems. That's how we move on from this.

"If you take a new vaccine and then a year goes by and everybody's fine, then you say, OK now let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?"
Anthony Fauci (1999)

For once I agree with Fauci. There's a reason vaccines are tested for many years before being rolled out to the general population. What have you done, indeed, Mr. Fauci.

Great wisdom by that 1999 Adolf Hitl... er... Anthony Fauci. It has been proven that our seniors are the most vulnerable-to-COVID population. So they especially were strongly advised to get vaccinated. But what if, in twelve years, a lot of them are dead?!?

Just think about it.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Big C said:

movielover said:

Humorist Scott Adams (Dilbert) admits he was wrong, Anti Vaxxers correct.

I love Dilbert. Scott Adams is a known right-winger. Okay, fine. But what the heck is he talking about? In three minutes, he repeats "The anti-vaxxers are the winners" and "The anti-vaxxers are the happy ones" over a dozen times (i stopped counting). He implies that people who got vaxxed are living in fear now, that they are a ticking time bomb. Well, I don't feel that way. The real "losers" are the people who didn't get vaxxed, then died of COVID.
Perhaps he's following this a bit more closely than you. In any case, it's good you're not living in fear and you're probably not a ticking time bomb. But SOMETHING is going on. All-cause mortality was significantly elevated in 2022 in all the major vaxxed countries that I've seen data from, the opposite of what one would expect coming out of a pandemic. The fact that They see the need to normalize things like myocarditis, stroke, and SADS is not encouraging. Seems like the prudent thing to do would be to do would be to get to the bottom of why this is happening instead of vaxxsplaing every death with "anything but the vaxx" fact checking. And if the vaxx is responsible, wouldn't you want the medical authorities to turn their attention to healing the vaxx injured, developing treatments for those at risk for long-term injury or death, etc? Wouldn't you want to know so that you and your loved ones can personally be evaluated for these risks?

As far as I'm concerned, we're all losers in this. Our health care system has been co-opted, corrupted, and politicized. Organizations like the military have been purged for political purposes. On a personal level, I have two family members who had severe reactions to the vaxx and unknown damage, not to mention friends and acquaintances who suffered serious injury and death suspiciously post vaxx. I've missed a family reunion because we weren't able to travel without vaxx papers. I know of many friends who have stopped gathering with their extended families over disagreements about the vaxxes. 2-3 million more Americans are now on disability since the vaxx rollout. Might have something to do with the skyrocketing cost of everything.

They should be publishing all the data broken down by vaxx status. They should be researching every SADS death, If it's not the vaxx, prove it and find out what is actually causing all these problems. That's how we move on from this.

"If you take a new vaccine and then a year goes by and everybody's fine, then you say, OK now let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?"
Anthony Fauci (1999)

For once I agree with Fauci. There's a reason vaccines are tested for many years before being rolled out to the general population. What have you done, indeed, Mr. Fauci.

Great wisdom by that 1999 Adolf Hitl... er... Anthony Fauci. It has been proven that our seniors are the most vulnerable-to-COVID population. So they especially were strongly advised to get vaccinated. But what if, in twelve years, a lot of them are dead?!?

Just think about it.
SSDS (Sudden Senior Death Syndrome) at work. Must Covid vaccine related. What else could possibly make so many of them die in a 12 year period?
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Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Big C said:

movielover said:

Humorist Scott Adams (Dilbert) admits he was wrong, Anti Vaxxers correct.

I love Dilbert. Scott Adams is a known right-winger. Okay, fine. But what the heck is he talking about? In three minutes, he repeats "The anti-vaxxers are the winners" and "The anti-vaxxers are the happy ones" over a dozen times (i stopped counting). He implies that people who got vaxxed are living in fear now, that they are a ticking time bomb. Well, I don't feel that way. The real "losers" are the people who didn't get vaxxed, then died of COVID.
Perhaps he's following this a bit more closely than you. In any case, it's good you're not living in fear and you're probably not a ticking time bomb. But SOMETHING is going on. All-cause mortality was significantly elevated in 2022 in all the major vaxxed countries that I've seen data from, the opposite of what one would expect coming out of a pandemic. The fact that They see the need to normalize things like myocarditis, stroke, and SADS is not encouraging. Seems like the prudent thing to do would be to do would be to get to the bottom of why this is happening instead of vaxxsplaing every death with "anything but the vaxx" fact checking. And if the vaxx is responsible, wouldn't you want the medical authorities to turn their attention to healing the vaxx injured, developing treatments for those at risk for long-term injury or death, etc? Wouldn't you want to know so that you and your loved ones can personally be evaluated for these risks?

As far as I'm concerned, we're all losers in this. Our health care system has been co-opted, corrupted, and politicized. Organizations like the military have been purged for political purposes. On a personal level, I have two family members who had severe reactions to the vaxx and unknown damage, not to mention friends and acquaintances who suffered serious injury and death suspiciously post vaxx. I've missed a family reunion because we weren't able to travel without vaxx papers. I know of many friends who have stopped gathering with their extended families over disagreements about the vaxxes. 2-3 million more Americans are now on disability since the vaxx rollout. Might have something to do with the skyrocketing cost of everything.

They should be publishing all the data broken down by vaxx status. They should be researching every SADS death, If it's not the vaxx, prove it and find out what is actually causing all these problems. That's how we move on from this.

"If you take a new vaccine and then a year goes by and everybody's fine, then you say, OK now let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?"
Anthony Fauci (1999)

For once I agree with Fauci. There's a reason vaccines are tested for many years before being rolled out to the general population. What have you done, indeed, Mr. Fauci.

Great wisdom by that 1999 Adolf Hitl... er... Anthony Fauci. It has been proven that our seniors are the most vulnerable-to-COVID population. So they especially were strongly advised to get vaccinated. But what if, in twelve years, a lot of them are dead?!?

Just think about it.
If we're worrying about unintended consequences 12 years down the line, we must be talking about younger people. So I have a couple questions for you. Were the vaxxines advised for young people and children? Were they mandated for college students and employees of various organizations in their 20s, 30s and 40s? Seems like you might want to think about it again.
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Dr. Campbell from the UK was a strong proponent of the vaxx and boosters. He was a long holdout during his daily podcasts. Finally he flipped a switch and has now reversed his stance.

He just had a guest on, a scientist, and the UK is unable to compare health outcomes for the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Unbelievable. It should be so simple.
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movielover said:

He just had a guest on, a scientist, and the UK is unable to compare health outcomes for the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Unbelievable. It should be so simple.
THIS. If you're going to experiment on the entire population, seems like it would be a good idea to monitor all aspects of health versus the control group very carefully.
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The FDA allowed Pfizer and Moderna to inoculate the control groups almost immediately after EUA, thus eliminating the ability to compare and contrast any non-immediate outcomes. Moreover, Pfizer and Moderna would not let their vaccine be used in a comparative trial with any other vaccine, thus eliminating the ability to compare and contrast outcomes. CREAM $$$$$$$$.
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Zippergate said:

movielover said:

He just had a guest on, a scientist, and the UK is unable to compare health outcomes for the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Unbelievable. It should be so simple.
THIS. If you're going to experiment on the entire population, seems like it would be a good idea to monitor all aspects of health versus the control group very carefully.

Not to mention millions of PCs and smartphones.

More than a year ago Israel queried their national medical database and found that people who took low-dose aspirin (for heart health) had a lower Covid infection rate. We should have had observations like this from ALL of the developed world's healthy systems!

Jerusalem Post
Coronavirus: Aspirin may help prevent infection, Israeli study shows

Those who took low-dose aspirin were 29% less likely to get Covid.

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