Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

511,685 Views | 5321 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
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Thanks for dismissing the friends and family members I lost as hysteria. It's been a real mindset changer. I've been so shallow and self centered.

Everyone has lost family and friends to the pandemic and each one of those lives is a tragedy. But it was a hysteria and it was intentional. And they lied to us in countless ways that led to death and injury. And they will do it again because the populace is too cowered and shell-shocked to hold them accountable. Crime pays, especially white collar crime. But nothing pays like political crime. We will continue to get the government we deserve.
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Rules for thee but not for me, NZ Covid edition
Reminder that NZ under Ardern had one of the world's most aggressive vaccine campaigns and nearly everyone was forced to receive the jabs.

'The hypocritical vaccine exemptions for the elite were granted by former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's government before she stood down and accepted a new role as the World Economic Forum's global "disinformation czar."Ardern's decision to allow the elite to refuse the vaccine while forcing the vax on normal people was revealed by an Official Information Act (OIA) request HNZ00023978 dated 2 August 2023 which asked the following question:

"According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for those who were not getting vaccinated against Covid 19. Your website outlines the process of applying for an operating exemption under clause 12a. How many requests were received? How many were approved by the ministry?"
Matt Hannant, Interim Director, Prevention, National Public Health Service, Te Whatu Ora replied:
"From 13 November 2021 to 26 September 2022, a total of 478 applications for Significant Service Disruption exemption (SSD) were received. 103 applications were granted, covering approximately 11,005 workers. Please note that it is not possible to provide the exact number of workers that were covered by SSDs. This is because it was possible for an organisation to submit an application to cover more than one worker."'

Article on the NZ statistician turned whistleblower, Barry Young
Very hard to explain this away, particularly the hot batch problem.
Naturally, Young's house was raided by police and he's being held without bail.

Big C
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TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.


Gosh, I can tell you feel strongly about this issue!

I'm all for individual freedoms, but in certain cases I believe that those freedoms are outweighed by the collective good and that this was one of those times. Some will agree with me on this, while others will disagree, I get that. However, it sounds like you believe my stance on this is way, way out of the mainstream. It is not, though I readily admit that dozens of millions of Americans agree with you and not me (current US population, 330 million).

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where one side isn't thrown into jail for their opinions!

Regarding Newsom's fun evening at the French Laundry (different thread, but you referenced it), that was a huge political gaffe on his part. I mean, witness the recall election that we had! However, when you look at political careers over time, his gaffes don't seem worse than those of others. To me, anyway...

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!
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Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.


Gosh, I can tell you feel strongly about this issue!

I'm all for individual freedoms, but in certain cases I believe that those freedoms are outweighed by the collective good and that this was one of those times. Some will agree with me on this, while others will disagree, I get that. However, it sounds like you believe my stance on this is way, way out of the mainstream. It is not, though I readily admit that dozens of millions of Americans agree with you and not me (current US population, 330 million).

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where one side isn't thrown into jail for their opinions!

But that's not what you were saying when it mattered... I will quote you again "i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized." And thne given time and distance, you STILL feel that comment stands the test of time. So, how far did you want to take that? You were willing to have people's lives destroyed.

As far as my views being out of the mainstream at the time, I agree... except see, there have been far too many times when the views of the mob have ruled... When a majority of people believed in something that was odious... standing up to that is a test of one's character and moral foundation. I can't imagine you think you passed.

I want to say, I'm using BigC as a proxy for those who shared / share similar outlooks. His was just on the first page of this topic. I could go through thousands of comments and find others.
Big C
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TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.


Gosh, I can tell you feel strongly about this issue!

I'm all for individual freedoms, but in certain cases I believe that those freedoms are outweighed by the collective good and that this was one of those times. Some will agree with me on this, while others will disagree, I get that. However, it sounds like you believe my stance on this is way, way out of the mainstream. It is not, though I readily admit that dozens of millions of Americans agree with you and not me (current US population, 330 million).

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where one side isn't thrown into jail for their opinions!

But that's not what you were saying when it mattered... I will quote you again "i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized." And thne given time and distance, you STILL feel that comment stands the test of time. So, how far did you want to take that? You were willing to have people's lives destroyed.

As far as my views being out of the mainstream at the time, I agree... except see, there have been far too many times when the views of the mob have ruled... When a majority of people believed in something that was odious... standing up to that is a test of one's character and moral foundation. I can't imagine you think you passed.

I want to say, I'm using BigC as a proxy for those who shared / share similar outlooks. His was just on the first page of this topic. I could go through thousands of comments and find others.

What I wrote in 2021, I stand by now as what I believe should have happened at that time: Everybody should've gotten vaxxed (some rare health exceptions). If they refused, tossing them into a COVID Colony detention facility would've been too strong a move, but. as I wrote, they should've been marginalized. What would that have entailed, being marginalized? I don't know exactly, but I probably had more ideas back then.

(The situation now is entirely different. Most everybody has had COVID, been vaxxed, or both. Health crisis over.)

At any rate, they shouldn't have been thrown in jail for their opinions. "Hold your arm out, get vaxxed, then have any opinion you want. USA, baby!"

I wouldn't say your views are out of the mainstream because enough people believe the same thing to where that belief would have to be considered part of the mainstream... a wide-latitude mainstream.

Glad to be a proxy on this. And as a Californian, born and raised, if somebody is going to wave a giant flag of my state, I want it to be you.
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Resistance is futile.

"US Genomics expert Kevin McKernan says he woke up to find that his entire MEGA account, including medical genome sequencing and vaccine sequencing data, with an estimated value of US$200,000, had been suddenly deleted. McKernan is one of the leading scientists involved in researching DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines - all his sequencing data of the Pfizer and Moderna DNA contamination has been LOST "
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Off-site backups.
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Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.
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Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.

What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
Big C
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Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.

I acknowledged that it was a major political gaffe. However, it would be more accurate to say he broke the spirit of the law, than the law itself. Let's review what happened: He dined in an area that was considered outside and was not violating any of the restrictions of that city/county.

Not gonna lie, it was a foolish thing to do and it didn't help that he was dining with his friend who is a major lobbyist... and that's even before taking into account that FL is considered one of the fanciest restaurants around. Oops.

Now let's see... can we think of any other leaders who cynically break laws and then are applauded for it by their own supporters? Hmmm, we'll need some time here...

"Great leaders lead by example." LMFAO.
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movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.

What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
And how is that working out for him? Despite the country's highest tax burden, another massive budget deficit this year thanks to out-of-control spending. Newsom is the consummate opportunist willing to say or do anything for political points. It's been entertaining to see him pivot to the right recently as his political ambitions stretch beyond the state.
Big C
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Zippergate said:

movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.

What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
And how is that working out for him? Despite the country's highest tax burden, another massive budget deficit this year thanks to out-of-control spending. Newsom is the consummate opportunist willing to say or do anything for political points. It's been entertaining to see him pivot to the right recently as his political ambitions stretch beyond the state.

The more you people obsess about Gavin Newsom ("But... but... my wife says his hair looks good!"), the more it shows how sweaty your palms are getting, thinking he might get the Democratic nomination in 2028... or sooner.
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Big C said:

"Great leaders lead by example." LMFAO.
It's sad that you think this is funny. As for Newsom, his children attended a privileged private school in person during the pandemic while he was shutting down schools for millions of poorly educated POC. These kids are a lost generation and many will likely never recover from their learning deficits caused by his policies. What a hero that Newsom.
Big C
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Zippergate said:

Big C said:

"Great leaders lead by example." LMFAO.
It's sad that you think this is funny. As for Newsom, his children attended a privileged private school in person during the pandemic while he was shutting down schools for millions of poorly educated POC. These kids are a lost generation and many will likely never recover from their learning deficits caused by his policies. What a hero that Newsom.

My line that you quoted, when taken in the context of the entire post, clearly refers to you saying that (notice the quotation marks), when your guy Trump has been indicted like 94 times for felonies and is probably the worst moral leader in the history of our nation. "Leadership by example"... please.

And you keep bringing up a guy who went out to a fancy dinner.
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movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.

What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.

Gentlemen, 112 Republicans voted not to expel George Santos. Your thoughts?
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Zippergate said:

Big C said:

"Great leaders lead by example." LMFAO.
It's sad that you think this is funny. As for Newsom, his children attended a privileged private school in person during the pandemic while he was shutting down schools for millions of poorly educated POC. These kids are a lost generation and many will likely never recover from their learning deficits caused by his policies. What a hero that Newsom.

He doesn't strike me as particularly bright or street smart. Not a leader either. A pure politician backed by local billionaires and millionaires, from Plump Jack to Sacramento. No man of the people, immediately moving from The City post mayorship... to Ross? You can't get much Whiter or exclusive than that.

Can you even get a cup of Joe in Ross? Worse than Diablo.
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Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.
While you raise a very good point about leading by example... The big issue that is often overlooked with all of this double standard maleficence, almost all Democrats, isn't that it was flouting of the rules they imposed on others. It's the clear indication THEY KNEW they were not at risk. They knew they had nothing to fear. An 80-year-old Nancy Pelosi knew she didn't need to wear a mask to be safe... Gavin and his - wait for it - medical donor cronies knew they were in no danger of dining together. But they imposed these totalitarian tyrannical measures on normal people. It was all a scam. THAT is the key take away.

Yet the sheep will just ignore it, and worse, gleefully go along with it. And they'll do it again. Next time we need to be louder and stand our ground more firmly.

Meidas Grifter Bros
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bearister said:

movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.
What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
Gentlemen, 112 Republicans voted not to expel George Santos. Your thoughts?
112 heroes in my book.

Deep down, all of these elected officials know that they're wh0res and hypocrites who would sell out any principles they purportedly possess to do the bidding of the people who financed their campaigns. Not a single one of them has any sense of ethics, morals, or civic duty. George Santos was the logical conclusion of a profession that inordinately rewards liars and cheaters and punishes truth tellers. Why should I give a crap about a guy who went to greater lengths to lie and cheat his way into office when they all do the same thing, but are more clever about it. It's not like he has individual agency to vote his conscience - his party will all vote in lockstep and the Democrats will largely do the same.

I laugh at the inept Democratic Party opposition, who could have easily stopped him from ever attaining office in the first place if they had done any halfway decent opposition research.
Meidas Grifter Bros
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Big C said:

Zippergate said:

movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.
What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
And how is that working out for him? Despite the country's highest tax burden, another massive budget deficit this year thanks to out-of-control spending. Newsom is the consummate opportunist willing to say or do anything for political points. It's been entertaining to see him pivot to the right recently as his political ambitions stretch beyond the state.
The more you people obsess about Gavin Newsom ("But... but... my wife says his hair looks good!"), the more it shows how sweaty your palms are getting, thinking he might get the Democratic nomination in 2028... or sooner.
If there's one thing that doesn't keep me up at night, it's the Presidential prospects of Gavin Newsom, a guy that could only ever get elected in states like California and New York where cheap value signalling is enough to distract voters into thinking a guy is a good politician. Only the corporate media and the delusionals that run the Democratic National Committee think this guy has any sort of future in Presidential politics. He'll go down faster than Kamala Harris did, both in her campaign for President and on Willie Brown.
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Genocide Joe said:

bearister said:

movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.
What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
Gentlemen, 112 Republicans voted not to expel George Santos. Your thoughts?
112 heroes in my book.

Deep down, all of these elected officials know that they're wh0res and hypocrites who would sell out any principles they purportedly possess to do the bidding of the people who financed their campaigns. Not a single one of them has any sense of ethics, morals, or civic duty. George Santos was the logical conclusion of a profession that inordinately rewards liars and cheaters and punishes truth tellers. Why should I give a crap about a guy who went to greater lengths to lie and cheat his way into office when they all do the same thing, but are more clever about it. It's not like he has individual agency to vote his conscience - his party will all vote in lockstep and the Democrats will largely do the same.

I laugh at the inept Democratic Party opposition, who could have easily stopped him from ever attaining office in the first place if they had done any halfway decent opposition research.

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Big C
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Genocide Joe said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

movielover said:

Zippergate said:

Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and Nancy Pelosi got her hair done, while poor Big C stayed home. Darn, I should have become rich and powerful like those two and the hundreds of thousands of other rich and powerful people who get to do things that I don't get to do. But you know, I could have, which makes me think once again, is this a great country, or what!

Great leaders lead by example. The rule of law loses its meaning when the leaders making the laws cynically break them. It's a sad state of affairs when such behavior is not only tolerated but applauded.
What do you expect from Governor Hairgel, one of his first trips as Gov was to Central America to encourage more illegal immigration.
And how is that working out for him? Despite the country's highest tax burden, another massive budget deficit this year thanks to out-of-control spending. Newsom is the consummate opportunist willing to say or do anything for political points. It's been entertaining to see him pivot to the right recently as his political ambitions stretch beyond the state.
The more you people obsess about Gavin Newsom ("But... but... my wife says his hair looks good!"), the more it shows how sweaty your palms are getting, thinking he might get the Democratic nomination in 2028... or sooner.
If there's one thing that doesn't keep me up at night, it's the Presidential prospects of Gavin Newsom, a guy that could only ever get elected in states like California and New York where cheap value signalling is enough to distract voters into thinking a guy is a good politician. Only the corporate media and the delusionals that run the Democratic National Committee think this guy has any sort of future in Presidential politics. He'll go down faster than Kamala Harris did, both in her campaign for President and on Willie Brown.

Who do you think would make a good President? Or who do you think would be a strong candidate to be elected President?
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bearister said:

Gentlemen, 112 Republicans voted not to expel George Santos. Your thoughts?
Geroge makes the libs moist?
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Newsom will fool some. When he was Mayor in the City, he made some symbolic contribution to a pension plan - I think SFUSD - of $75,000 or so. 100% politician.

A real leader would ask what the debt is, obligation, and make a real yearly contribution, which would hurt fiscally (doing without the current funds), but meeting the long-term obligation. He didn't do that, he went for the symbolic gesture.

A German friend claimed that Margaret Thatcher bit the bullet in the 80s and reformed the UKs retirement system, and that she took flak. But that she helped lead the reforms that Germany ducked.
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Well done Mr. Surgeon General. I doubt there will be a response though.

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Florida surgeon general altered key findings in study on Covid-19 vaccine safety - POLITICO

A look at Florida Surgeon Gen. Joseph Ladapo's controversies | Miami Herald

Florida surgeon general Ladapo used 'flawed' vaccine science, panel says - The Washington Post

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Pfizer sues EU members for not doing enough vaccinations.
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One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response. Wrong protein created and body attacked it with auto-immune response. I guess I am not surprised that this is mostly kept under wraps and msm doesn't care.

Was it worth it to put healthy people at risk for a vaccine that didn't prevent transmission???
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Yes, for all I know, anyone that took the vax could grow a schlong from the back of their head in 5 years (or worse). But I'm not sure you intended to link that article* that also stated:

"No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid "spike", which mimics infection and leads to antibody production.

….. In the case of the Covid jabs, the end result is a nonsensical and harmless protein, the team found, which the body attacks and leads to an immune system flare-up. The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people.

….. The code relating to the Covid vaccines was harmless and no issues were created. However the team say that subsequent mRNA vaccines used for other diseases or infections could, in theory, lead to viable proteins being created that are active in the body.

In this scenario not only is the vaccine not making the right protein, it could lead to a rogue protein being produced.

There is no evidence of this occurring in the Covid jabs, the authors stress, and they say any trials on other mRNA therapeutics would detect any such problems in early stages.

Dr James Thaventhiran, senior author of the report, said: "Research has shown beyond doubt that mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 is safe. Billions of doses of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have been safely delivered, saving lives worldwide."

*I don't think this report is based on lies and part of a larger cover up plan. If they are trying to cover up why would they red flag the issue to begin with? Red flagging the problem, and then saying, BTW, it isn't dangerous, is not a very smart cover up plan.

*This is kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Missing from most of the discussion on this thread is the consequences faced by many people that didn't get vaxxed and contracted Covid: Death or a battery of long lasting health problems.

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'Dr James Thaventhiran, senior author of the report, said: "Research has shown beyond doubt that mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 is safe. Billions of doses of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have been safely delivered, saving lives worldwide."'

Here's the problem.
1. Listen to what he's saying. We TESTED IT on billions of people, not that it was proven safe in clinical trials.
2. He's assuming that the authorities are monitoring the effects of the vaccines and publishing the data. Yeah, no one is conflicted. No one is trying to cover up the vax injuries. A regulator-industry coverup has never happened before (VIOXX etc).
3. There is NO LONG TERM TESTING. Remember, placebo controlled, double-blind studies are the gold standard and the only thing Fauci et all will accept. Pfizer vaxxed the control arm after six months to prevent any long-term data from being gathered. How convenient. So how could Dr. Thaventhiran possibly know that there are no long-term safety issues? His statement is a massive overreach.
4. So why are researchers all over the world finding links between the diseases and the vaccines? Why is the death rate especially among younger people elevated in heavily vaxxed countries? Why do most Americans think they know someone who has been injured by the vaxxines? Why do a quarter of Americans--irrespective of party affiliation--think they know someone who died of the vaxxines? Why does almost no one want the boosters anymore?

It's always the same story with you, Bearister. Politically motivated fact-checking articles that are essentially nothing but appeals to authority.
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oski003 said:

One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response. Wrong protein created and body attacked it with auto-immune response. I guess I am not surprised that this is mostly kept under wraps and msm doesn't care.

Was it worth it to put healthy people at risk for a vaccine that didn't prevent transmission???
Of course it wasn't, on multiple fronts. Any rational person knows that. But so many of the people who bought into it just won't let go. They have what I call Melbourne Syndrome. It's a variant of Stockholm Syndrome except these folks sympathize with those in power who lied to them about Covid. At this point it doesn't matter how much evidence you present to them, it doesn't matter how obviously absurd the policies were, how many people were hurt... these folks are damaged, and I just don't know what the answer is. I'm really don't.
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Zippergate said:

'Dr James Thaventhiran, senior author of the report, said: "Research has shown beyond doubt that mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 is safe. Billions of doses of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have been safely delivered, saving lives worldwide."'

Here's the problem.
1. Listen to what he's saying. We TESTED IT on billions of people, not that it was proven safe in clinical trials.
2. He's assuming that the authorities are monitoring the effects of the vaccines and publishing the data. Yeah, no one is conflicted. No one is trying to cover up the vax injuries. A regulator-industry coverup has never happened before (VIOXX etc).
3. There is NO LONG TERM TESTING. Remember, placebo controlled, double-blind studies are the gold standard and the only thing Fauci et all will accept. Pfizer vaxxed the control arm after six months to prevent any long-term data from being gathered. How convenient. So how could Dr. Thaventhiran possibly know that there are no long-term safety issues? His statement is a massive overreach.
4. So why are researchers all over the world finding links between the diseases and the vaccines? Why is the death rate especially among younger people elevated in heavily vaxxed countries? Why do most Americans think they know someone who has been injured by the vaxxines? Why do a quarter of Americans--irrespective of party affiliation--think they know someone who died of the vaxxines? Why does almost no one want the boosters anymore?

It's always the same story with you, Bearister. Politically motivated fact-checking articles that are essentially nothing but appeals to authority.

I'll say it again, at some point you just need to tune him out. He's a damaged soul and a sports chat forum won't save him.
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Zippergate said:

'Dr James Thaventhiran, senior author of the report, said: "Research has shown beyond doubt that mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 is safe. Billions of doses of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have been safely delivered, saving lives worldwide."'

Here's the problem.
1. Listen to what he's saying. We TESTED IT on billions of people, not that it was proven safe in clinical trials.
2. He's assuming that the authorities are monitoring the effects of the vaccines and publishing the data. Yeah, no one is conflicted. No one is trying to cover up the vax injuries. A regulator-industry coverup has never happened before (VIOXX etc).
3. There is NO LONG TERM TESTING. Remember, placebo controlled, double-blind studies are the gold standard and the only thing Fauci et all will accept. Pfizer vaxxed the control arm after six months to prevent any long-term data from being gathered. How convenient. So how could Dr. Thaventhiran possibly know that there are no long-term safety issues? His statement is a massive overreach.
4. So why are researchers all over the world finding links between the diseases and the vaccines? Why is the death rate especially among younger people elevated in heavily vaxxed countries? Why do most Americans think they know someone who has been injured by the vaxxines? Why do a quarter of Americans--irrespective of party affiliation--think they know someone who died of the vaxxines? Why does almost no one want the boosters anymore?

It's always the same story with you, Bearister. Politically motivated fact-checking articles that are essentially nothing but appeals to authority.

Anyone with any sort of biology background can understand that making random proteins in the body is not a good thing.

I think we've seen enough case reports of what's going on. It's rare but people did get screwed up.
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Have you ever noticed that my MO is to simply post contrary source material, typically without editorializing on it, in response to comments that I disagree with and not to make personal attacks on the commenter that posted it?

There are a few guys with big egos on this board that take it as a personal affront if anyone dares to post source material that runs counter to their opinion. Their replies then contain a personal attack against that person. Sometimes, in true Smartest Guy in the Room fashion, they toss in a free psychoanalysis of the person who dared to not share their learned opinion.

Gary Radnich once made an observation about people like that: "The problem with a lot of celebrities is that they consider their opinion on matters they have no expertise in more important than the next guy's."

This is how it is supposed to work here: I disagree with a large percentage of what Cal88 posts in this forum, and he will say the same about me. I have posted sourced counter arguments to many of his comments. His typical reply is to challenge my source and the argument made, but not once has Cal88 personally insulted me nor I, him. Interestingly enough, we seem to be on the same side of the ledger with regard to music, movies/TV and sports.

Consider it free advice from a damaged person.

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TheFiatLux said:

oski003 said:

One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response. Wrong protein created and body attacked it with auto-immune response. I guess I am not surprised that this is mostly kept under wraps and msm doesn't care.

Was it worth it to put healthy people at risk for a vaccine that didn't prevent transmission???
Of course it wasn't, on multiple fronts. Any rational person knows that. But so many of the people who bought into it just won't let go. They have what I call Melbourne Syndrome. It's a variant of Stockholm Syndrome except these folks sympathize with those in power who lied to them about Covid. At this point it doesn't matter how much evidence you present to them, it doesn't matter how obviously absurd the policies were, how many people were hurt... these folks are damaged, and I just don't know what the answer is. I'm really don't.

The Vaccine Nazis had great help from an obedient population who accepted the propaganda. People still ask how Hitler got away with doing what he did for so long while the Germans did nothing.
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