Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

519,382 Views | 5341 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
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UK data shows massive spikes in excess cardiovascular deaths among 15 to 44-year-olds.

2020: 13%
2021: 30%
2022: 44%

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On July 16, 2020, Zuckerberg privately warned Facebook executives to be cautious about the experimental mRNA vaccines, saying, "We just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA."

Zuckerberg then censored scientists, professors, doctors, nurses, and citizens from criticizing Fauci's recommendations regarding lockdowns, school closures, and COVID mandates and silenced all criticism of experimental mRNA vaccines.

Facebook classified mRNA vaccine injuries as "malinformation," meaning information that is likely true but still should be censored to prevent doubts about the experimental mRNA vaccines.
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About a 2-minute clip from an acclaimed doctor.

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movielover said:

About a 2-minute clip from an acclaimed doctor.

Dr. Peter McCullough's Libertarian Medical Train Makes a Pit Stop in East Palestine | Office for Science and Society - McGill University

Peter McCullough articles analyzed - Health Feedback

Lawsuit: Doc Using Old Baylor Affiliation While Dishing COVID Vax Falsehoods | MedPage Today

*In light of the fact vax and mask mandates are dead, there is reason to peddle misinformation anymore.
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How about we just listen to the people who got it right during the pandemic and not the sellouts who got it wrong?
Big C
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Zippergate said:

How about we just listen to the people who got it right during the pandemic and not the sellouts who got it wrong?

Let me guess: the people who "got it right" happen to be the people who share your narrative? Well, the people who didn't get vaccinated and died of COVID probably won't have much to say, that's for sure.

Why do you suppose that, the more educated one is, the less likely they are to believe this conspiracy theory stuff? Thank about that. Oh wait, let me guess... George Soros?
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Zippergate said:

How about we just listen to the people who got it right during the pandemic and not the sellouts who got it wrong?

The people that got it right are the ones that said the fat and the old needed to adapt to the situation and stay home and keep themselves safe and let the economy stay open. That is the best argument.

The arguments that most of the Covid deaths are fake, the vax is dangerous and doesn't work and masks don't work are just a Right wing talking points.

You can bet your last dollar that your 100 lbs overweight tub of guys leader has more pr@icks in him than a Porsche. If he doesn't, he is going to seize up and drop dead like a 2000 pound beached manatee because he hangs out with a lot of obese Red State anti vaxxers.

A couple of older guys in my hood got Covid recently and they have been coughing horribly for weeks…and they aren't even fat f@ucks like tRump.

tRump is a coward and a lying mother f@ucker. When he was dying he sucked up monoclonal antibodies like candy. Like Kirk Douglas, he wants to delay as long as possible finding out if there is an Afterlife that doals out reward or punishment.
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Zippergate said:

How about we just listen to the people who got it right during the pandemic and not the sellouts who got it wrong?

Tell us who you think that is, and then we can evaluate how often they got it right or wrong.
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bearister said:

Zippergate said:

How about we just listen to the people who got it right during the pandemic and not the sellouts who got it wrong?

The people that got it right are the ones that said the fat and the old needed to adapt to the situation and stay home and keep themselves safe and let the economy stay open. That is the best argument.

The arguments that most of the Covid deaths are fake, the vax is dangerous and doesn't work and masks don't work are just a Right wing talking points.

You can bet your last dollar that your 100 lbs overweight tub of guys leader has more pr@icks in him than a Porsche. If he doesn't, he is going to seize up and drop dead like a 2000 pound beached manatee because he hangs out with a lot of obese Red State anti vaxxers.

A couple of older guys in my hood got Covid recently and they have been coughing horribly for weeks…and they aren't even fat f@ucks like tRump.

tRump is a coward and a lying mother f@ucker. When he was dying he sucked up monoclonal antibodies like candy. Like Kirk Douglas, he wants to delay as long as possible finding out if there is an Afterlife that doals out reward or punishment
This post is unworthy of a reply.
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You're probably not happy with Dr. Robert Malone either?

He is the "original inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccination technologies (1989, with nine issued patents); including DNA and RNA vaccination as well as in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection."

He studied at the Univerdity of California, Northwestern, and Harvard.
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I've made dozens of posts on this board quoting from doctors and scientists who got it right or mostly right. And every time I bring in a name, U2S, Bearister, would dig up some ridiculous factcheck article to debunk them. Funny how they never direct their skepticism at the authoritarian vaxx crowd which was wrong about virtually everything and refuses to reform or apologize. I'm through trying to convince anyone of anything and will only post for the benefit of those who have ears to hear. If you don't get the plandemic by now, if you still think the vaxxine rollout was sensible, you're never gonna get it.

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Zippergate said:

And every time I bring in a name, U2S, Bearister, would dig up some ridiculous factcheck article to debunk them.

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movielover said:

You're probably not happy with Dr. Robert Malone either?

He is the "original inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccination technologies (1989, with nine issued patents); including DNA and RNA vaccination as well as in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection."

He studied at the Univerdity of California, Northwestern, and Harvard.

Robert Malone makes several misleading and unsubstantiated claims about COVID-19 vaccines in Judicial Watch interview - Health Feedback

Fact Check Explorer Results;hl=en
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Conservative liars, hypocrites, and morons don't like fact checks. Facts have a liberal bias. Conservative liars, hypocrites, and morons prefer gut instincts and feelings and alternative facts.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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bearister said:

movielover said:

About a 2-minute clip from an acclaimed doctor.

Dr. Peter McCullough's Libertarian Medical Train Makes a Pit Stop in East Palestine | Office for Science and Society - McGill University

Peter McCullough articles analyzed - Health Feedback

Lawsuit: Doc Using Old Baylor Affiliation While Dishing COVID Vax Falsehoods | MedPage Today

*In light of the fact vax and mask mandates are dead, there is reason to peddle misinformation anymore.

McCullough's medical and scientific credentials dwarf those of the author of that hit job article.
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During the holiday break I visited with an old friend from Senegal, a doctor who held a high position in the ministry of health of that country and in the west African regional CDC. .

He stated that Senegal, a country with a population of 17 million, about the same size of NY state, had fewer than 2,000 total cumulative deaths from covid, and that the main reason for this is that 99% of their population is on ivermectin (antiparasitic treatment).

This is true across most of West Africa, which is the region that has had, by far, the lowest covid death rates in the world, about 30 times lower than in the US. Even if you adjust for other factors such as age and obesity, the size of the gap is still staggering.
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We constantly hear from the vaxxsplainers how this or that authority has given its seal of approval on the vaxxines. Having multiple authorities validating something is generally strong evidence, unless they all suffer from the same group think, industry capture, political motives, need to cover up previous iatrogenic policy, etc. We can't dismiss the possibility that doctors and scientists warning about the vaccines may be cranks and hucksters. But even if some are (as implied by the vaxxsplainers), does that mean that everyone making these claims are automatically tainted and shouldn't be listened to? If you accept the orthodox position on the vaxxines, how do you account for research groups operating all over the world like this one in Japan sounding the alarm on these vaxxines? How do reconcile their testimony with the orthodox claim that vaxxine injury is exceedingly rare? What could possibly motivate these doctors to spend their time and effort and risk their careers for this cause?

- "should be stopped immediately"
- 200 identified vaxx-induced conditions
- 3000+ papers on vaxx injuries
- "Spike protein is toxic"
- "the lipid nanoparticles are also toxic"
- affects every organ in the body
- censorship is happening even in medical journals
- vaxxine-induced IgG4 antibodies are suppressing immunity

They will soon be publishing their results. My 2c. This kind of candor from Japanese is highly, highly unusual.

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I concede the possibility exists that the vaccines are either harmful now, or in the future could be determined to be.

With that said, I would bet $1000 that it won't end well for one of the standard bearers of the anti vax movement, the surgeon general of Florida. There are too many red flags indicating that he is a charlatan sucking money out of the system from several spigots at the same time. I also don't think he is he only huckster on the team.

You can mark my words and mark this post. He is pressing his luck and will continue to do so, but I suppose he will end up under tRump's nuclear umbrella and as POTUS tRump can scrub his troubles away.
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"So, we are working with Dr. ***ushima to create this database, and so far, about 201 types of diseases and 3,071 papers on side effects have been reported. It is unprecedented in human history for a single vaccine to have this much literature out on it."
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What factors have driven belief in anti-vaccine conspiracy theories in Japan? - The Mainichi

How Anti-Vax Propaganda Succeeded in Japan | Psychology Today

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The results showed that "those opposing vaccines tended to distrust politics and the media, and to hold ideas that are against the system.

You don't say. Well that settles it.
Lets Go Brandon
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Zippergate said:

The results showed that "those opposing vaccines tended to distrust politics and the media, and to hold ideas that are against the system.

You don't say. Well that settles it.
I feel sad for the idiots who do trust politics and the media

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….but they trust tRump and Fox News. His crew is all in the same anti vax camp but that fat f@uck has more pr@icks in him that a Porsche. So much for how discerning and smarter than everyone else your allies are.

"Yet, it's worth considering: What happens if the number of people who trust vaccines continues to decrease? Or, what if it remains the same? Can we still one day return to normal?

To answer these questions, we might look at the not-so-distant past2013 to be exactwhen an eerily familiar anti-vaccine disinformation campaign spread like wildfire in Japan, eventually culminating in the government publicly ending recommendations for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
HPV, a sexually transmitted disease, is the leading cause of cervical cancer. Three thousand women in Japan die from cervical cancer annuallydeaths that experts say are highly preventable with the HPV vaccine. Today, the rate of vaccination in Japan stands at less than one percent.

But this wasn't always the case in Japan. In fact, when the HPV vaccine was first introduced in 2009, acceptance rates were higher than 70 percent. The effort was considered a success until sensational reports about the vaccine's side effects and efficacy began to emerge in the national media shortly afterward. Included were a fraudulent study about the vaccine causing brain damage in mice, unconfirmed videos of girls in wheelchairs having seizures after getting the shot, and an influx of anti-vax propaganda that claimed the vaccine caused chronic pain and neurological issues.

Despite a lack of evidence supporting any of the claims, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare still decided to stop recommending the HPV vaccine. The consequences were direin three years, vaccination rates sharply plummeted from 74 percent to 0.7 percent.

Eight years later, the government has since changed its tune, deeming the vaccine both safe and effective. But it still hasn't reinstated a proactive recommendation, advocating instead for more public confidence and awareness about getting vaccinateda puzzling stance which ironically supports anti-vax propaganda."

"Our guy lost. Let's break all our toys and burn it all down so that tRump can takeover again and destroy the system that rejected our hero. We'll show you mother f@uckers!"
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….but they trust tRump and Fox News. His crew is all in the same anti vax camp but that fat f@uck has more pr@icks in him that a Porsche. So much for how discerning and smarter than everyone else your allies are.

ROFL, there it is. One way or another people like you always end up in TDSland. No wonder Trump is so rich; he's living rent-free in the heads of millions like you. And you have no idea what you're talking about. A huge number of the doctors and scientists in the anti-vaxx movement are apolitical if not liberal leaning. If these people are responsible for all Trump supporters, then your ilk are responsible for the all the violent, mentally-ill, pink-haired, Antifa pedophiles.

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I don't trust you or Yogi.
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Lets Go Brandon
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bearister said:

I don't trust you or Yogi.
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Zippergate said:

….but they trust tRump and Fox News. His crew is all in the same anti vax camp but that fat f@uck has more pr@icks in him that a Porsche. So much for how discerning and smarter than everyone else your allies are.

ROFL, there it is. One way or another people like you always end up in TDSland. No wonder Trump is so rich; he's living rent-free in the heads of millions like you. And you have no idea what you're talking about. A huge number of the doctors and scientists in the anti-vaxx movement are apolitical if not liberal leaning. If these people are responsible for all Trump supporters, then your ilk are responsible for the all the violent, mentally-ill, pink-haired, Antifa pedophiles.

Also, Trump has more than one shot in him because he is old and obese. He is at risk. The issue is making rules that either force or make lives hard for those that don't benefit from the shots. There are reasonable folks who were pressured or forced to take a shot that carried far more risk than benefit.
Big C
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movielover said:

I heard a rumor that "The Vigilant Fox" is Cal's previous basketball coach, rebranded. True?
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oski003 said:

Zippergate said:

….but they trust tRump and Fox News. His crew is all in the same anti vax camp but that fat f@uck has more pr@icks in him that a Porsche. So much for how discerning and smarter than everyone else your allies are.

ROFL, there it is. One way or another people like you always end up in TDSland. No wonder Trump is so rich; he's living rent-free in the heads of millions like you. And you have no idea what you're talking about. A huge number of the doctors and scientists in the anti-vaxx movement are apolitical if not liberal leaning. If these people are responsible for all Trump supporters, then your ilk are responsible for the all the violent, mentally-ill, pink-haired, Antifa pedophiles.

Also, Trump has more than one shot in him because he is old and obese. He is at risk. The issue is making rules that either force or make lives hard for those that don't benefit from the shots. There are reasonable folks who were pressured or forced to take a shot that carried far more risk than benefit.
100%. Those people are LITERALLY who this thread was originally targeting by the mob. Young healthy people - GET YOUR VACCINE OR YOU CAN'T GO TO SCHOOL!!!!

The entire thing was and is reprehensible.
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Definitely worth a read

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Who is Funding the Brownstone Institute?
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Brownstone is an untrustworthy vaxxine disinformation spreader because it's funded by vaxxine disinformation spreaders. ROOOOOOOOFL
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